Tyreek Hill Is Innocent

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Posted By ChiefsKingdom News Services

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Yesterday evening, we posted that we would release some news on Hill. Before we get into
things, there are some important aspects you all need to realize:

1. This is not about seeing Hill catch touchdowns.

2. This is not a fan-driven cause to see a player get back on the field.
3. A young boy suffered an injury that was not related to child abuse. This young boy,
through significant efforts across multiple parties, is trying to get his parents back.
4. This is about getting the right information out.
5. This is about prevailing innocence versus malicious prosecution of a man based on his
past and his color.
6. This is about giving you fans an inside look at this case versus an NFL or Media
controlled look at the case.
7. This is about two local media outlets getting played to the tilt.
8. This is about manipulation, greed, control and sadly, how one family used a young boy
and a rookie reporter covering her first professional team as pawns in a wicked game.

Why isn’t ESPN, CBS, Yahoo or other outlets posting this? Honestly, they can’t. We don’t have
relationships with the NFL to protect. We will never disclose our sources and our sources know
this for years. In short, it’s the confessional booth. The information we’ve been told is known
by multiple people so it is hard to put it on one person and track. After spending the last 15
years in the world of sports reporting and fantasy football, we have built up great connections,
contacts from teams to Vegas and more. So, we won’t apologize for anything. You can think
we are full of shit, you can think we are off our rocker, but know this: this stuff is real. It’s been
corroborated with multiple people in law enforcement, NFL media and other sources we’ve had
for a very long time.

So why are we doing this? When the news first came out, it didn’t make sense. Then the tape
came out, and the optics were terrible. Something still didn’t feel right. In the days after the
draft, I received a phone call from an old contact in the fantasy sports world that had legit
connections into Vegas. He simply told me, “Stay on the money trail, monitor the lines.” On
1/15/19, Vegas had the Chiefs at 7:1 odds to win Super Bowl 2020. On 2/3/19, Vegas had the
Chiefs at 6:1 odds for the Super Bowl. On May 13, those odds were 6:1. On 6/13/19, Vegas had
the Chiefs at 6:1 odds for the Super Bowl. In short, Vegas never bought the news on Hill. Our
personal rule in life: always follow the money.
Finally, before we begin…..I know this part will be hard for some to digest: but it is OK to
operate under the founding principle of our legal system: innocent until proven guilty. In this
case, too many people made the mistake of judging Hill without proper fact, insight and
knowledge. They used his past legal situation to dictate his future. National media outlets used
this situation as a pulpit to preach from, people with agendas against the NFL and professional
athletes in general ran with this story. The op-ed from the KC Star editorial board, was weak
and improper, all based on information they didn’t have the desire to get but rather a narrative
they wanted to preach. It is sad what McClatchy has done to a once-proud paper, that still has
some good people working there.

So, let’s begin, shall we?

About 1.5 weeks ago, representatives from the NFL flew to KC and met with Tyreek Hill, his
lawyer and met with officials from the Kansas Department of Children and Families. Important
to note who was not there: Roger Goodell. In all high-profile discipline cases, Goodell meets
with the player, his rep, Union Rep and other League personnel are involved. This is very
controlled, very orchestrated because the NFL is a multi-billion enterprise with special
government status so they go out of their way to protect the “NFL Shield” at all costs. To wit,
the League in all high-profile cases from Ray Lewis to others, will always exhaust their resources
and will leverage the one thing every media outlet needs: access. Think about it. Recently, the
Chiefs announced a change in media access, citing “more in line with other teams in the
league.” Locally, the club is reducing access to media and players. This is directly in alignment
to how they have been treated over the last few months.

So, what was the status of the meeting? Full details were kept locked up, but “tone, content,
dialogue was all very positive” is what I was told with permission to state that quote. The
general feeling was that no suspension takes place. Hill’s legal team has been hard at work
over the verbal threat he issued on the phone. Hill, who reportedly admitted he didn’t use his
words wisely, had his team provide documentation on what Hill meant. Meaning, Hill has a lot
of stuff on Crystal Espinal and her family. Hill’s threat, once explained, was more along the lines
of “you will be exposed” versus threating physical harm.


We’ve all seen the latest IG videos of Hill training. Part of our Save our Chiefs network found
Hill’s Hill in Overland Park and have been running it themselves. You can see the wear lines in
the grass.

Hill has been staying ultra-close with players, coaches and Chiefs support staff during this time.
He knows the playbook and private workout personnel has been keeping him in the loop. He
trains like a beast in Overland Park. I was personally told “Hill is in the best shape I’ve ever seen
him. His motivation and focus is off-the-charts.”
This is a key point that I will put in bold: INNOCENT PEOPLE DON’T CUT-AND-RUN….THEY STAY,
THEY ANCHOR DOWN AND FIGHT. Hill, according to many legal sources, could have easily left
and flew back for various meetings with DCF and law enforcement. He stayed. That’s another
important tell.

Over the past 45-60 days, Kansas DCF has been working on ways to integrate the child back into
Hill’s life. This is called a Reunification Model. Crystal Espinal is not out of the woods yet. She
has been ordered to seek Anger Management Counseling and Emotional Management classes
along with a third-party therapist working on behalf of the State of Kansas. In order for
reunification to occur, DCF provides support and education to the parents, addressing the initial
safety and stability concerns that prompted the child to be removed from the home. Note: the
state of Kansas has been on a big reunification kick since 2015. There is a 12-month timeline
here so what happens is this:

• Chiefs re-activate Hill.

• NFL says they can’t do anything until DCF concludes their case.
• DCF won’t conclude the case until 12 months after a reunification plan is confirmed.

What is frustrating here, this is information that Local and National Media has access to and
could have provided more public insight on during this process. A great opportunity to educate
all of us, was missed.

Reading Materials:
• http://www.dcf.ks.gov/Agency/KCWPTP/Documents/Module8/Module%208%20HO%20

• http://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/pps/documents/ppm_forms/section_5000_forms/pps5

As we reported previously, Espinal has a complicated past including an alleged history of cutting
herself going back to high school as well as college. In college, Hill had to call 911 on her
multiple times for failure to leave his premises and basically being a bat-shit-crazy chick.

Reading Materials: http://www.ocolly.com/news/source-tyreek-hill-called-police-in-nov-


According to a personal friend with extreme knowledge of the situation, the evidence did not
find any substantive child abuse evidence against Hill. HE’S CLEARED OF THIS IN THE EYE OF THE
LAW AND THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. Espinal, however, admitted to strong
discipline of the child but Kansas DCF based on interviews with the child and Hill’s family,
determined it didn’t meet the threshold of what would be considered child abuse.

Here is where y’all need to read and pay close attention:

Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or
behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of
2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:
• "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in
death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or

• "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."

This definition of child abuse and neglect refers specifically to parents and other caregivers. A
"child" under this definition generally means a person who is younger than age 18 or who is not
an emancipated minor.

While CAPTA provides definitions for sexual abuse and the special cases of neglect related to
withholding or failing to provide medically indicated treatment, it does not provide specific
definitions for other types of maltreatment such as physical abuse, neglect, or emotional abuse.
While Federal legislation sets minimum standards for States that accept CAPTA funding, each
State provides its own definitions of maltreatment within civil and criminal statutes.
So how does the state of Kansas handle this?

Kansas law defines child abuse as inflicting mental, physical, or emotional injury that harms the
child including negligent treatment, maltreatment, or exploitation to the extent that the child's
health or emotional well-being is endangered. Child abuse includes sexual abuse.

Neglect is acts or omissions by a parent or person responsible for the care of a child that results
in harm to a child or increases the likelihood of harm, that aren’t solely due to financial
inability. Neglect includes, for example, failure to provide the child with food, clothing, or
shelter for the life and health of the child or failure to adequately supervise a child.

Abuse of a Child in Kansas is knowingly doing any of the following to a child under the age of 18
years old:

• Torturing or cruelly beating the child

• Shaking any child that results in great bodily harm to the child
• Inflicting cruel and inhuman corporal punishment upon any child

Endangering a Child is knowingly and unreasonably permitting a child under 18 to be placed in a

situation where his or her life, body, or health can be endangered. Aggravated Endangering a
Child is recklessly causing the child to be placed in a situation where the child is endangered or
permitting the child in an environment where the perpetrator knows a damaging situation is
taking place (think of a Meth House as a good example of this).

Right now, based on the re-integration of the child into Hill’s life, the “rehab” plan for Espinal,
Kansas DCF nor law enforcement could prove that either of them broke the law as compared to
case law. Spanking is not illegal. Poking the child in the chest, not illegal.

Parental discipline of a child is a slippery slope. Views are variant across the board. This is the
struggle the law has and frankly, each state has to deal with.


This all started, again, as we reported, over money. That’s it. Hill was finally at point where he
was tired of Espinal’s shit and wanted out. Hill, through verified written documents that his
attorney has produced to the NFL, explicitly stated he would cover 100% of costs associated
with his son, but refused to pay for Espinal’s “accustomed WAG NFL lifestyle.” Apparently, she
spent money like a drunken sailor, covered vacations for her family with Hill’s paychecks and
REPORTEDLY “misrouted” money Hill thought was for family, to other people.

The FBI has been investigating the family for possible extortion of Hill using the BOY as a lottery
ticket of sorts. Sad really. The Espinal Family is highly toxic. Sad reality, athletes are subjected
to more extortion attempts than anyone else. As of June 21, the FBI still has an inquiry open
but I’ve been told, “it will likely be closed soon at the behest of multiple parties.” As policy, the
FBI will never comment on an investigation.


At first, Brooke Pryor took a lot of heat for her reports, her style, slanted content and tone as
well too much speculative nonsense. Then the KCTV-5 investigative reporter had her 5 minutes
fame. I have confirmed, through back-channel sources, that Pryor was targeted because she
was new to the market and deemed a mark. She had never covered a professional team in full
depth and detail, always focusing on the college. Per my source “The family felt Brooke was the
right target and wanted to help her make her career.” This goes into the toxic mentality the
sources that fed the Star and KCTV 5 had. They manipulated the press, again using the injured
BOY as the pawn.

Personally, I feel bad for Brooke. She meant well, did her job. Took a ton of fire thrown her
way, but she didn’t know she was a mark. And I am sure she will read this today, and won’t
realize she was a mark. We should all feel bad for her because she was nothing more than a
pawn in this whole charade. She should be irked with the Espinal Family and “Meredith.” This
family pulled the wool over the Brooke, the KC Star and KCTV-5. Notice how none of the other
KC media outlets were used in this story? It was a specific plan. I am disgusted they used the
narrative of the boy’s injury to twist the media into believing them. Evil plan….just an evil plan.


There will be no criminal charges filed against Hill. The case is closed. There is no magic “last
minute” evidence that exists that could spin Tyreek into a criminal matter. He’s clear. He’s
innocent of the allegation. Hill is very frustrated with Drew Rosenhaus and could potentially
seek new representation when this matter dusts over. The Chiefs, reportedly, made Hill an
extension offer last year and Rosenhaus, in true form, said no, wanted more money. Chiefs
knew it was Drew asking for the money and not Hill. The two sides were actually pretty close to
a new deal in March. Today, the Chiefs could give Hill a new 3-year deal with smaller “total
money” and then give him a bigger deal in 2020-2021 when this matter really has been deemed
in the past. Personally, I don’t think Hill will be suspended. However, my guy tells me a 1-2
game suspension still might happen because the NFL feels the optics on the matter were bad.
There are some in the NFL that feel the need to do something but they recognize they can’t be
too punitive. And with a potential lockout on the horizon that could result in a significant work
stoppage, the NFL and Union right now are trying to work together to avoid setting precedence
in this matter.

We still feel, after all of this, that Hill will be at training camp, likely no suspension and probably
will receive some type of contract extension (nothing like he was getting ready to sign in


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