Kailash Mansarovar Important Travel Tips

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Is this a pilgrimage trip ?

The area and the trip have huge religious significance. The entire area is supposed to resonate with
deep spiritual vibrations. Four religions share the Mountain Kailash and lake Mansarovar.
Hindus cross the frozen MT. passes of the India and Nepal to circle the peak that is Shiva’ throne
and bath in the lake created from the mind Manas of Brahma. Buddhist journey from Nepal,
Bhutan, Ladakh, Mongolia and every corner of Tibet to this holiest Mountain they call Kang
Rinpoche- the Holiest snow mountain. Jain knows Kailash as Mount Astapad. Atop the summit, its
founder, Rishabanatha gained spiritual librations. And to the Bonpos – the Pre Buddhist religion
Nine story Swastika or Mandala mountain; the Mystic Soul of the entire region.

Bonpo, Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain ; each hold different beliefs, each sees different gods, but the
underlying the reality is the same.

Anyone with the enough determinations can reach Kailash. For the journey to become a pilgrimage
he must be open to the transformative power not just of the goal journey itself, deprivations and
danger and most importantly, the breaking all of patterns of Habit, the constant necessity to be
alert to the present situations. The pilgrimage path purifies the heart, allowing the pilgrims to
experience something far greater than his limited self. This transformative power is visible on the
faces of those who submit themselves wholeheartedly to the process. To most people it is enough
to know the Mountain is holy, they do not ask why, but take the presence as a blessing and go
through tremendous hardships to be touched by its pawer.

Ramayan says : there is no mountain like Himalayas , for in it is Kailash. As the Dew is dried by
Morning sun, so are the sins of humankind by the sight of Himalayas or Himachal.

You are welcome to pursue religious practice in accordance with your beliefs. It will certainly be
respected. This is a very beautiful place with amazing multi-cultural subtexts and the enormity of
spiritual vibrations to be experienced. One has to be there to experience it.

Visa & Documentation:

All foreign nationals including Indians require a GROUP VISA to enter Tibet, one must be in
possession of a valid passport for another six months to obtain Chinese VISA. We will require the
following details from your passport at the time of booking the trip at least 30 days in
advance) –1st scan copy of the passport photo page with Full Name as in passport, Nationality,
Date of issue & expiry of passport, passport No, Date of Birth & occupation.
For Indian, NRI and other nationalities - please carry two passport size photographs along with
original passport. The VISA is not stamped on your passport rather it will be on a separate piece
of paper issued by Chinese Embassy as a Group VISA.
Guide/ Escort:
Nepali Team leader along with Chinese, Tibetan/ English speaking guide will escort the group
throughout the trip including few Nepali crew for catering and the camping services. All the
services are personalized and members have to co-ordinate with the Nepali leader .
The tour leader will be from Nepal who has knowledge of the regions and who has been to high
altitude and has 1st aid knowledge of the mountaineering and high altitude sickness. So all the
members have to follow the guidelines given by the tour escort or travel agent.

How is the tour Unique??

Your trip is organized by our well known supplier in Nepal; who has been long time organizing the
trip for International, Indian pilgrims and adventurous tourists. Who has taken good care of the
pilgrims and providing the best qualities of food, equipments and dedicated Sherpa crew. All
Sherpas are very humble and respectful, mostly been in the adventure trips of Himalayas like Mt,
Everest and the other Himalayan ranges trip

From Kathmandu till China Border, the transportation will be provided by tourist bus or van
depending upon your group sizes. There will be a separate truck to carry the camping equipments
and Sherpa staff members. During the Kailash parikrama, we will provide Yaks to carry & your
personal heavy gears. (one bag per person only), if Yaks are not available then the Truck will
transport the duffel bags. Riding Horses can be hired for you to ride on direct payment basis.

In Kathmandu, you will get 3 star hotel as per your booking. Kailash Manasarovar Yatra falls
probably in the world’s most remote part. Most of the times, we will be away from modern
amenities. We must be well equipped and self contained. The group will be overnight at Guest
houses and best available hotels on the way. Guest house accommodation wherever will be very
simple room (dormitory) with common bathrooms and toilets.

Clothing & Accessories:

Tibet falls in the Tibetan plateau with elevations of 4100 m above the sea level and dry cold
country. Weather may change unexpectedly at any time. Plan your clothing’s in a way that you can
wear layers of clothes. Depending upon the season, during May, June, July, August till September,
day time will be pleasant and quite warm with about 15-20 degree Celsius, during afternoon time
1-4 pm can be windy. The morning and evening will be chilly between minus 2 to 0 degree Celsius.
We recommend: One down jacket, one warm thick pull-over, one thin pull-over, two warm pants,
two light loose cotton pants, one warm windproof cotton jacket, four cotton sleeve T-shirts, two
thermal under pants, two thermal vests, one rain coat, one pair each of light tennis shoes & 2 pairs
of warm woolen socks, one light warm scarf, one pair of warm gloves, soft paper tissues, monkey
cap & sun hat, two towels, Wind - Rain Jacket, sun hat. Water bottle is must as you will have to
refill from the mineral water jar or boiled water from kitchen, as environmental concern plastic
mineral water bottle are not allowed by the Chinese authority. Proper clothing will be required for
both extremes of climate, for hot sun when trekking through the lower foothills to freezing
temperature sat night while camping in the high valleys. Well fitting, comfortable sport shoes are
Soap, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, comb, sanitary protection etc. needs to be carried
along with you.

Sun glass (UV protected), sun cream (30 spf or more), chip-stick, water bottle (1 lt.), empty plastic
bags, camera , Repair kit (needle, thread, tape, cloth pin, safety pins etc.), Flashlight / Torch with
extra batteries, pocket knife, lighter, note book & pen, 4 passport size photographs, a copy of your
insurance policy (if any), reading material, spare batteries, personal medical kit.

What about Food ?

The food will be supplied from our Nepali Sherpa team , including breakfast, lunch & dinner with
occasional tea break. Food will be served in the dining hall. During Kailash parikrama food will be
served in the rooms due to cold and windy weather. Toilet tents will be put up near the campsite.
Pressurized Lamps will lighten Camp area. Bed tea will be served in your tent with a wake-up call.
Once Sherpa team pack-up their equipments, please get one thermos flask filled with hot water for
enrooted journey and then we'll move to our next destination. A light packed lunch will be served
on the way. While staying in lodges/guest houses, the meals will be provided by our Sherpa staff.
The food will be very simple. All meals provided will be vegetarian.
We suggest not eating the dip fried, oily and fatty food; due the high altitude the digestive system
is very poor and intake of the liquid should be increased as per normal.

We suggest you to bring your own first aid kit with adequate medication regarding altitude
sickness, nausea, dehydration and some painkillers. For altitude sickness preventions,
Diamox-250mg is very helpful; but the tablet should be taken each day 125mg after the meals
twice a day but for those who are allergy to Sulphur they should consult with the doctors.
Be careful not to catch a cold. It is better to be over-clothed than under protected. Enroute avoid
taking bath or drinking water from lakes, streams or rivers as your body is not conditioned for this.
Since the dry cold winds tend to make the nose dry keep your nose smooth by applying Vaseline.
Keep your feet dry, never let it get wet. Keep your boots/ kids inside tents to keep them dry.
Wearing cotton and wool socks in combination would be the best. Face, feet and hands must be
well protected. Request your Doctor to prescribe effective medicines to cover the following:
Fever, Body and joint pains, Cold, Cough, Sore throat, Headache, Acidity, Stomach cramps,
Vomiting, Dysentery, Loose motion, Constipation, Diarrhea, Swelling, Muscle Pulls & Sore eyes.
In addition to the medicines for above, your first aid kid must include following:
Vaseline, Band Aid, Cotton, Badge roll, Ditto, Mouth freshener, Nose inhaler, Toilet paper, Rubber
bands, Cough drops, Chapstick, Amritanjan/Vicks/ Shi-chu /Tiger- balm, Elastoplast, Adhesive tape,
4" crepe bandage & Rehydrate powder - useful for adding to your water bottle and for fluid
replacing purposes.
Make a separate pouch for the first aid kit with a list of medicines and their appropriate usage. It is
advised to carry glucose and glucose based items (mints, toffees, mini chocolates bars for
periodical consumption at high altitude for energy. Multi-vitamin and vitamin C tablets are
required for daily consumption as a routine.
As Tibet gets very bright sunlight due to thin air so taking photographs can be quite glare. We
recommend you to take the advise from the photographic shop while purchasing the film rolls for
Tibet. Taking photographs inside monastery will be charged as per Monastery rule.
Please ask your guide before taking photographs inside the monastery. Taking photographs at
Army Camps/Check-points is strictly prohibited.
All the foreign currencies are accepted in Zangmu Bank of China or ABC bank China or you can
exchange with the money lenders .
1 USD = 6.5 Yuan*
1 Yuan = 9.5 Rupees*
*Subject to change as per the rate of exchange

Ski stick or a normal stick (one can also purchase it at Darchen), neck pillow, face mask, games like
Cards, chess etc. for the evening.

Equipment for the Trip:

We will provide Duffel bag and Gore-tex jackets. But the jackets are only on returnable basis. If you
have your own it is much better to bring the jacket.

What to pack?
A complimentary duffle bag will be provided in Kathmandu, Nepal. You are required to repack all
articles needed for travel to Tibet in this bag and leave the rest of your luggage behind at the hotel
in Kathmandu. In addition, a backpack is required to carry a daily essential item which is allowed in
the land cruiser during travelling. Rest of the luggage will follow on a truck.

What equipment will I need?

Here is a basic overview:
 Good footwear is very important. I suggest a pair of trekking shoes.
 If you are buying shoes for the journey it is advisable to wear it before your trip.
 Do not try trekking in brand new shoes; as you will get blisters.
 Thick cotton and woolen socks.
 Good water proof and windproof jacket,
 Trekking trouser.
 Down feather jacket, easier to adjust in temperature changes by simply by adding or
discarding a layer.
 Fleece jacket, due to its tighter knit, it is more useful than wool in windy conditions.
 A good sun hat/ fleece caps is very essential for when it gets cold.
 Sunglasses which offer 100% UV protection are necessary to combat strong daylight.
Checklist for essential personal items:
 Full thick cotton shirts.
 Full sleeve polo neck or regular t-shirts.
 Undergarments.
 Long johns.


What is the high-altitude?

Tibetan flat land is at a height of about 4100m or 13000ft above sea level. Manasarovar lake is at
an altitude of 15,100ft. the highest point we will climb during our trek around the mountain is at
the dolma-la pass, which is at 18,600ft.

What does this mean for me?

Travelling at these altitudes deserves a little more slow pace than the normal holiday. At these
altitudes the air is thinner, meaning that there is less oxygen to breathe. This makes every task
seem more difficult; you will find yourself getting tired faster.

Anything else?
Yes, lack of oxygen at high altitude ( over 3000 m) affects most people to some extent. With an
increase in altitude, the human body needs time to develop physiological mechanisms to cope
with the decreased oxygen levels. This process is called acclimatization. The time taken to
acclimatize varies from person to person – it could take anything from one to five days.

What is altitude sickness?

High altitude sickness is an environment-related condition that can affect anyone who ascends too
rapidly to high elevations with acclimatization property. High elevations are usually considered to
be above 10,000 feet. The most common problem at high altitude is acute mountain sickness
(AMS),headache, nausea, lack of energy, loss of appetite, general uneasiness, poor sleep, irritability,
light loss of balance, disorientation, incoherence, insomnia and shortness of breath, lethargy and
fatigue, a general feeling of malaise are a few. It is to give your body sufficient time to adjust to
your new environment. One should drink non alcoholic liquid in any form, such as water, juice etc.
gradual acclimatization is important because the amount of atmospheric oxygen available for
breathing at high elevations is 30 percent lower than at sea level. The best way to prevent this is to
stay extremely hydrated and conscious of how your body is functioning. The favorite symptoms are
flatulence! The sum of these symptoms is called ‘altitude sicknesses [or acute mountain sickness].

Is this serious?
Acclimatization is normal adaptive process. If you do develop any of these symptoms, they will
typically pass in a few days. However, if you do not help your body to adopt [resting and drinking
plenty of water, is the key to this process, amongst other precautions], your symptoms might get
worse and could develop into a serious condition. People in good health should not be alarmed by
these points.
The two more serious conditions are: pulmonary edema {fluid entering the lungs], andcerecral
edema [fluid entering the brain cavity].
What happens if I fall sick with serious altitude sickness in Tibet?
All of us will feel less-than-optimal for a days. This is expected, and is no big deal. However, if one
tries to be macho and decides not to follow very basic advice normal altitude sickness may
progress to advance stages of pulmonary edema or cerebral edema.

It is utmost importance to understand that medical facilities are more or less non-existent in Tibet.
Hospital is too far for rapid access. We are on our own.

Here is what to do if one gets seriously ill:

 Immediately put on an oxygen cylinder [we carry these cylinders with us.]
 Put one in a helpful piece of equipment called Gamow bag, which we carry with us. It is like a
sleeping bag into which the pilgrim is sealed. The bag is pumped full of air at pressure that
stimulates an environment almost 3000 feet lower than where one is.
 We administer appropriate medication, which we carry [read the section on Diamox], or visit
nearby Government hospital.
 We stop further ascent and if very serious and SPO2 falls below 70, then we drive to Nepal
border, Hilsa and rescue by the Helicopter to Kathmandu.

What if get advanced altitude sickness, and the symptoms don’t subside?
If the symptoms do not subside even after the treatment and caution outline above , there is only
one other way to reverse the altitude sickness, but luckily it’s a sure cure: descent to a lower
altitude. The pilgrim is put into a fast car and driven out as soon as possible. As soon as one starts
descending, the symptoms will alleviate, and will start reversing immediately. Remember
Pulmonary and Cerebral Edema are not fatal themselves. They can be fatal if left unattended. They
are completely reversible if immediate, proper care is taken.

Can I do anything to assist Acclimatization?

The process of acclimatization is very unpredictable and varies from person to person. You can help
yourself by adhering to the basic rules:
Make sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before entering Tibet.
Rest is necessary and keep calm and quite . Do not exert yourself.
Keep yourself hydrated; drink lots of fluids.
Stay away from smoking and alcohol.
Try to avoid catching a cold.

Insurance & Emergency Expenses :

We recommend all clients to be insured against Medical, accidents, repatriations & necessary
emergency evacuation. Please ensure that your insurance covers evacuation at high altitudes. Also
be informed that air evacuation (evacuation by helicopter) is not possible in Tibet as such guest
requiring emergency evacuation will be transferred by surface to nearest evacuation point in Nepal
side to Hilsa border after giving the necessary first aid.
Any Emergency arrangement other than regular straight forward tour itinerary service should be
borne by the clients themselves.
Please note that our Kailash Tour Package does not include any rescue or evacuation expenses in

Physical Fitness:
Before booking for this trip with us, clients should be in sound good health preparation for this trip.
We advise bit of exercise like morning or evening walk or jogging.
Each pilgrim should ensure that he/she is medically fit and is not suffering from high-blood
pressure, diabetes, asthma, heart disease or epilepsy since such conditions might prove fatal at
high altitudes. Medical fitness is of utmost importance.
Pilgrims should complete the medical tests and seek expert medical opinion regarding their fitness
to undertake the pilgrimage at high altitude from their respective doctor.
We would require a medical certificate from every individual stating that the person traveling is
not suffering from any such decease as mentioned above and is fit to travel at high altitudes.

General Considerations when Packing:

Keep the weight and bulk down to a minimum. Most people tend to bring more clothes than they
do actually need. You will only need one change of clothes for Kathmandu. On trek it is important
to dress in layers. When it is hot you will only be wearing a base layer, when it gets colder you can
add to this until you are wearing most of your clothes!
During Kailash Parikarma, one bag per person would be carried on Yak. It is advisable to carry your
stuff in a duffel bag rather than suitcase or other normal bags.

Following points must be kept in mind while preparing for & during the Holy Mt. Kailash
Mansarovar Yatra

Before starting for Yatra:

1. If you are asthmatic or have any kind of breathing problem, you should not travel.
2. Take advise of your doctor before undertaking this high altitude pilgrimage & always keep your
usual/prescribed medicines (if any) along with beside basic medicines for fever, nausea,
dehydration, vomiting body ache and headache
3. Use very strong and rough bags to pack your belongings & don't keep the fragile items in your
bag which has to be carried on the Yak. A duffel bag is advisable.
4. Don't forget to carry some eatables like sweets, chocolates, glucose, candies, mints, khakra,
laddu/pinni etc.
5. If possible, engage yourself in some fitness exercise like walking or aerobics every morning.
6. Don't at all expect luxury on this tour however as far as possible, our Sherpa team will ensure
you the best journey/stay with us in this tough terrain.
7. It is always advisable to insure yourself against personal loss, injury/accident, death and
emergency evacuation. Make sure that your policy covers Emergency Evacuation by Helicopter at
high altitude treks.
8. As there is no Hindu Temple at Holy Lake and Mt. Kailash as such no priest is available. If you
want some spiritual activity to be performed, please make sure that your personal priest
accompany you from your own country or from Nepal. Do carry essential Havan Samagri, Havan
Kunds etc. if you are willing to engage yourself in some spiritual ceremony like Havan (Yagna).
9. If possible, arrange your Chinese Yuan’s (which you might require to buy some souvenir or to
pay for pony etc.) in your own country or in Nepal as on the borders, exchange rate might differ.
Alternately, you can carry US$ with you which can be easily converted but Indian Currency notes
are not acceptable in Tibet.
10. Upon arrival at immigration desk at Tribhuan International Airport, please request the
immigration officer to put an entry stamp in your passport otherwise you'll have to unnecessarily
pay INR 500-1000 at Tibet immigration.
11. Avoid carrying unnecessary clothes.

During Parikarma :
12. Walk gradually, don't compete with any one and never loose your temper as this is going to be
the toughest journey you could have ever made so far. Talk softly and keep quite as you loose the
energy while talking too much.
13. In case you feel any kind of breathlessness during parikarma, immediately inform our tour
guide or Sherpa staff & follow their advise and let them check the your oxgen level with the
Oxymeter. If oxygen is low then do not walk ride the horse and ask for the oxygen supply if very
weak otherwise descends down do not climb at all, it is fatal and people can die of hyperthermia.
14. On the second day of parikarma, you come across the maximum height at Dolmala Pass
-5600m-where Oxygen level is very low as such don't stop/wait there for more than 10 minutes.
15. During parikarma, you'll come across rivers and streams, you must wash your face occasionally
with cold water. Avoid drinking water from streams or rivers en route.
16. As far as possible, try to walk. But, it is best you get a Horse to ride as a backup and very
helpful,if you are riding a pony during parikarma, make sure that you hold it properly.
17. On the second day of parikarma, you will see several clothes lying on the rocks, please don't
touch the same.
18. Guard yourself from slipping or falling to prevent fractures, sprains and muscle pulls.
19. Do not combine walking and sightseeing together. Inspect your track in front and trek slowly.
20. Travel in the group and do not leave any one behind unless escorted.

Prior to Parikarma :
1. Start taking DIAMOX when you start your trip from Kathmandu -once every morning after the
breakfast and 125mg in the evening after dinner. It should be taken for 6 days. This is to minimize
altitude sickness.
2. Drink at least 3 liters of water everyday till you complete the Holy Yatra.
3. Do not bath in the lake for longtime and get cold.
4. Advise your requirements for Pony Hiring (available at an additional cost) to your tour guide at
least a day before the beginning of Parikarma.

While on the Holy Lake:

1. Don't take a Holy dip in Holy Mansarovar Lake while it is windy.
2. Never take a dip in Rakshas Tal (Lake) as it’s not auspicious.
3. If you face altitude sickness, do not proceed for parikarma because once you leave Mansarovar
or Darchen and wish to come back from Parikarma due to any reason, there are no facilities
available like stretcher etc. Even for Helicopter evacuation, it may take minimum 10 hrs. to a
couple of days depending upon weather conditions.
4. Don't forget to collect some stones from The Holy Lake as each stone is treated as "Shivlinga".
1. If you smoke or consume alcohol, avoid it throughout the journey.
2. Eat as much as you could but avoid overeating.
3. Now adays the Indian roaming phones are working and even the our guides has the Chinese cell
phones those work all around the trip.
4. Stay in the guest houses while it is windy
5. Try to be in your jeep if it is too cold.
6. While staying in the guest house, avoid using public toilets as these are very dirty. It is advisable
to use open area or our own toilet tents for toilet purpose.
7. Travel with the TEAM SPIRIT and help your group members in case of any need or emergency.
8. Please do not expect excellent vehicles in Tibet. The terrain being rough, vehicles are bound to
break down but do not panic, the drivers are expert enough to repair it. Repaid may take few
minutes to a couple of hours but please maintain patience as we can not leave group members
9. As equipments move in trucks, it will take about 2 hours for our sherpa team to pitch-in tents
once they reach camp site. Please have patience as truck speed cannot be matched with your land
cruiser's speed.

This is a rough and tough journey that is made difficult by the complexities introduced through
high altitude. [read this section please]. However, anyone with moderate fitness can do this. One
does not have to be a super human! Having said that, obviously the fitter you are the more you will
enjoy the trip.

Our goal is to make each one of you to around the mountain, and have a healthy, memorable, and
fulfilling journey.

How much trekking is involved during our journey to Kailash and manasarovar?
Out of the 11 days, Three days are on foot during Kailash parikrama. These are the days of pilgrim
have to walk around Kailash. The total trekking distance is about 44kms out of 53kms of parikrama.

What fitness level do I need?

This is one of the challenging high altitude road journeys on earth. We strongly recommend that
everyone joining these pilgrimage should start a physical fitness program at least 30 days before
the journey,i.e walking, hiking, jogging, deep breathing(pranayama), stretching, meditation,
aerobic exercise, swimming and running up and of staircase at your office and residential building.
These should get you to required physical fitness level.

Practice yoga breathing exercise also help to promote lung expansion which will allow you to
acclimatize faster. These exercises will be beneficial in improving your fitness. Good physical health
to a certain degree is essential to be able to enjoy the journey to Tibet and pilgrimage to
Kailash-manasarovar region.
Is there any medical precautions I need to take?
Although most of the journey will be done in vehicles, it is important that one should be in
relatively good health. Generally patients with asthma and heart problem have a problem
acclimatizing to high altitudes. If you any chronic health problems please consult your doctor prior
or registration for this pilgrimage and get clearance and bring adequate medication for any such
condition. One is cautioned not to undertake this journey against doctor’s advice.


What is the infrastructure in Tibet like ?
Roads are been developed at a frenetic pace and better, Chinese has made all meta TAR roads in
major parts of Tibet.

Luxury or budget travel , what level does this trip operate at?
A trip of this nature cannot be luxury or high-end. The infrastructures simply does not exist in

We will make the best of what little does exist. Accommodations will be provided in the best
available in guest houses.

In short – in Tibet journeys cannot be better.

One must understand that this is hard journey in a desolate, high-altitude dessert. we will make
the journey as comfortable as possible. If one is looking for a relaxed, luxurious unwind, this
journey is not for him/her.

All the members are requested to pack their puja items and other accessories in the cotton or
recycle bags, as we want to leave the sacred land in better conditions then before. As per the
ancient belief it is the lake where the Nagas reside, Also in the Mansarovar lake there are many
living creatures and swans; so it is prohibited to bath with any soap or detergent.

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