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Task Analysis : Prodigy  

I chose to do my task analysis over the math program, Prodigy. My school 
system utilized this program in the 18-19 school year. I outlined the step-by-step 
process of logging on, adding your class and students, creating assignments, and 
viewing reports.I want the learner to have a general understanding of how to 
step up and use the program from a teacher perspective. 
1.Logging on: 
1.1 Type in ​ 
1.2 Click on Login in the top right hand corner 
1.3 Enter information or login through Google  
1.4 Click Submit  
2. Create a Class and Add Students: 
2.1 Click the +  
2.2 Enter information and Click Create Classroom   
2.2 Or Click Import from Google Classroom 
2.3 Click Add Students  
2.4 Click Remove Students 
2.5 Click Move Students  
3. Getting Started:  
3.1 Left hand column“Dashboard”is homescreen 
3.2 Click Planner to show scheduled assignments and create assignments. 
3.3 Click Reports Student progress, comprehension, student usage, weekly 
activity, placement test, topic coverage and curriculum coverage. 
3.4 Click on Classrooms  
3.5 Click on View Class  
E. Sutton 

Script : Prodigy 
Step  Action on Screen  Narration 

1  Introduction  Hello and welcome to this video tutorial on how 

to use the teacher dashboard for Prodigy.   

2  Title slide during this audio.  I’m going to show you how to show you how to 
login, add your class, look at the different 
functions to help you navigate Prodigy.   

3  As you can see, I am on​. Prodigy is a free 
program for anyone that will help students 
build their math skills.  

4  The first thing I will show you is how to sign 

in. In the upper right hand corner there is a 
Login button. Click on this and it will show you 
a couple different options of how to log in. 
According to how you signed up will determine 
  how you will log in. I signed up through Gmail 
so I will click on the log in with Google button. 

5  I have imported my google classroom 

previosusly but to add a new class click on the 
+ button to add.  

6  The New Class box with pop up and you will 

either enter your information or you can 
import your class through google classroom.  

E. Sutton 

7  My Sutton’s Stingrays class was added 

through google classroom but Sutton’s Sunnys 
was added manually. The difference is Google 
Classroom will pre-populate the students you 
have in that Google class and use the class 
name. I will have to manually add all my 
  students to Suttton’s Sunnys.  

8  Click view class (Sutton’s  View class will send you to that class’s 
Stingrays)  dashboard.  

9  Tabs on the left hand side of  There are 4 tabs on the left side of your 
the home screen    screen; Dashboard (home screen), students, 
planner, and reports. 

10  Click Students   Click the students tab and it will show you all  
of your students in that class.  
Side note: At the top in the blue, there 
is a drop down arrow that will let you easily  
switch between classes, if you have more than  

11  Click Planner  Click on planner to see all the assignments. As 
you can see I have a placement test for my  
Students to take.   
You can also look at your planner by the  
calendar view or a list view. 
E. Sutton 

12  Click Create in Planner  If you click on create in your planner you can  
create and assignment based on 3 different  
alignment; skill set, standard, and standardized 
test. I chose skill set and now I can see all  
the different skills I will be teaching in Georgia 
in 2nd grade. Once you click on the skill, then  
specify it or you can choose the entire skill set, 
  then it will ask you who you want to assign it  
to then lastly you will chose the date you want  
to assign it to. This is a great tool for  
differentiated instruction. 


13  Click Report  Last but not least is the Report tab. If you click 
On this tab it will show you 7 different report 
options. Once your students start playing the  
game you will see great reports from many 
different angles. I currently do not have any 
student data but these different reports let you  
see progress for a whole class,  
  by instructional level, or individual. It also will 
show you student comprehension, how much  
students are using the program at school and  
at home, what their weekly activity is, their 
report from their placement test, what topics  
you need to cover and what curriculum you  
need to cover. 
E. Sutton 

14  Click Classrooms  Click the classroom back arrow and it will show 
you your active classroom. You click on one  
of these to get back to your Dashboard.  

15  End Title Page   Thank you for choosing this video to help you  
navigate Prodigy.  

© SMARTeacher Inc. 2019. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2019, from  
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