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Circular Queue

/* Program to perform basic operations on Circular Queues */

/*  if Queue is EMPTY then empty=1, otherwise empty=0 */
/*  if Queue is FULL then empty=0 and ((rear+1)mod n ) = front */
/* initially rear=n-1 and front =0 */
template<class T>
class CQueue
        int         front, rear;
        int         n,empty;
        T         *Q;
        void         enQueue(T);
        T         deQueue();
        void         operations();
        int         isEmpty();
        int         isFull();
template<class T>
CQueue <T>::CQueue()
         cout<<"\n enter Size of the Queue:";
 Q=new T[n];
template<class T>
void CQueue<T> ::enQueue(T x)
template<class T>
T CQueue<T> ::deQueue()
                  T temp;
                           if((rear+1)%n==front){ empty=1; }
return temp;
template<class T>
int CQueue<T>:: isEmpty()
   return empty==1;
template<class T>
int CQueue<T> :: isFull()
   return (!(empty)&&((rear+1)%n==front));
template<class T>
void CQueue<T> :: operations()
   T x;
                   int ch;
                   cout<<"\n Enter \n 1. for enQueue\n 2. for deQueue\n 3. for EXIT";
            cout<<"\n Enter Choice:";
                           case 1: if(isFull()){ cout<<"\n Queue is Full"; break; }
                                                   cout<<"\n read data: "; cin>>x; enQueue(x); break;
                           case 2: if(isEmpty()){ cout<<"\n Queue is Empty"; break; }
                                                   cout<<"\n front element of Queue : "<<deQueue();
                           default: exit(1);
void main()
     int ch;
     cout<<"\n 1. for Integer Queue \n 2. for Character Queue ";
     cout<<"\n 3. for float Queue \n Enter your choice: ";
                   case 1:  { CQueue <int> ob1; ob1.operations(); } break;
                   case 2:  { CQueue <char> ob2; ob2.operations(); } break;
                   case 3:  { CQueue <float> ob3; ob3.operations(); } break;
                   default: cout<<"\n enter right choice"; exit(1);

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