Dynamics Project Two Report

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Jessy Faulkner
Professor Wolbrecht
ENGR 220
03 May 2019

Kinematics of a Slider-crank Mechanism

ENGR Dynamics Project Two
1.1 Abstract
Throughout dynamics, the problems that have been done on homework and tests happen
at a single instant or a specific angle. This is not how things in the real-world work,
however. The goal of this project is to determine the velocity and acceleration of many
components of a piston assembly at any given angle of the original arm. Using this data, I
will plot it on graphs so that I am able to see the relationship between the position, velocity,
and acceleration versus an angle. This will determine if there is a pattern that each of the
previously mentioned graphs follow.

1.1 Introduction
For this project, I used the equations that were given in Chapter 16 to find the position,
velocity, and acceleration of the slider-crank. I used the information given on the project and
information and variables that I found to solve for the unknowns. To determine the kinematics, I
used Excel, so I would be able to solve the equations within each and solve for the position,
velocity, and acceleration at angles from 0 to 360. To check my answers, I did hand calculations
at a given angle of my choosing and used derivatives of the equations to make sure that the
numbers were being solved for correctly.

1.2 Methods
The equations of the velocity and acceleration of points B and P that I used in my project
can be found in the appendix listed in the order of which they were found. Also, with the velocity
and acceleration equations, there is a list of other useful variables that I used such as position and
known velocities and accelerations, which can also be found in the appendix. The rest of the
numbers can be found on Worksheet One on the Excel attached.
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1.3 Results
 Figure 1: Plot of (Vb)x, (Vb)y, and (Vp)x Vs. Crank Angle Theta

 Figure 2: Plot of (ab)x, (ab)y, and (ap)x Vs. Crank Angle Theta
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 Figure 3: Plot of ωPB Vs. Crank Angle Theta

 Plot of αPB Vs. Crank Angle Theta

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1.4 Conclusions

I believe that the results do make sense, if we think about how the velocity in both X and Y
directions would change for a point on a wheel, you must look at it in a two-dimensional sense.
The point would go to the top, slow down and then go back to the bottom then slow down and go
to the top again. This result matches with what we for the velocity of point B on the end of the
first arm. It also matched the velocity of the piston in the X direct. The reason the velocity of the
piston was just a little off the velocity of point B was due to the way the arm connecting them
moved; angles between 0 to 90 degrees, the X distance between B and the piston decreased
because the angle between the rod and the horizontal got larger. This means that the piston
would have a higher speed to the left than point B between the angle 0 to 90 degrees and would
be slower at other angles because of the way the rod moved. It was surprising to see that the
acceleration of point P (X direction) was basically the same as point B (X direction), but just
shifted downwards.

1.5 Appendix

Below are the equations and variables used in section 1.2 methods that were used to
complete the project. All given in vector form. The positions are in meters, velocities in meters
per second, accelerations in meters per second squared, angular velocity in radians per second,
and angular acceleration in radians per second squared. The rest of the numbers and graphs can
be found in Worksheet One on Excel.
 ωAB = 250k
 rBA = [0.06cos(θ)i + 0.06sin(θ)j]
 rBP = [.18cos(φ)i - .18sin(φ)j]
 αAB = 0k
 (VB)x = -[ω*(0.06sin(θ))]i
 (VB)y = [ω *(0.06cos(θ))]j
 (aB)x = [-(ω^2)*(0.06sin(θ))]i
 (aB)y = [-(ω^2)*(0.06cos(θ))]j
 φ = invsin(((0.06sin(θ))/(0.18))
 (Vp)x = [(Vb)x + ωPB * 0.18sin(φ)]i
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 (aP)x = (aB)x + αPB*0.18sin(φ)-(ωPB)^2*.18cos(φ)

 ωPB = [((VB)y) / (0.18cos(φ))]k
 αPB = [[ (-ωAB)*(0.06sin(θ)*(0.18cos(φ)+(ωPB)*(.18sin(φ))*(ωAB)*(.06cos(θ)) ] /

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