Essay Computer 2

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University of Technology Experimental Research YACHAY

Name : Luis Calderon Salas

Teacher : Nahum Nyincho Welang
Course : Level 5-015
Date : 16/05/16
An invention that has had the most significant impact on human development.
Computers changed radically the way like we live .The computer makes our everyday life easier.
It has many changes to be what it is today, since the first man made a machine to calculate was
the French Blaise Pascal to modern microcomputers. The laptop replaces most electronic
devices and allows multiple functions through of software. The computer produces best ways
of learning. Currently we live in the age information and communications technology. Design of
Software builds new job prospects.
First of all, one of the main uses of computers is education. Everyone get benefits of learning,
from a housewife, students, scientists, engineers to doctors .Before of the creation of the
computers, people went to libraries to obtain relevant information or to complement to their
work, but this type of information was outdated. As a result, thanks to this invention we can
find a lot information with variety that is being constantly updated. This medium allows instant
and easy corrections for faster learning. This method has the important role of self-educating
students through more didactic and practical means such as video, text, graphics, images,
sounds, presentations, computer programs, etc. Also, student group can sharing and
modification documents at the same time. Software designers are creating web pages in which
a student connects with their teacher through webcam and share additional information at the
same time in the place of attending classes daily or when students are sick.
The computer serves for global communication. Initially the use of computers focused on
making processes at the local level, but with the birth of communication networks and later the
Internet these technologies were expanding their horizons. New tools help to communication
between users who use it, and transcends borders your best use like: email, the publication in
websites, discussion forums, the blog, conversations via the Internet, videoconferencing,
among other. Services are offered by new information and communications technology to
consult and share information and even establish communications in real time with anyone on
the planet. The information is transmitted in the form of electronic impulses that are called
packages and start from a source to destination. Currently this business has grown
exponentially and is generating billions of dollars.
Programmers develop new software that help in everyday life. The software is made of a set
computer programs, procedures, associated data and this has different programming
languages. The software creation process can become very complex, depending on its size,
features and criticality of it. Without the complement of computer software could not perform
any function. The software allows to the user perform work of several people, helps make the
job faster, easier and efficient. Systems engineers together with other professionals in other
subjects are responsible for designing new programs for different industries: 3D modeling,
music, mechatronics, architecture, games, construction, banking, hackers, databases, antivirus
and etc. Exist free software allows the user to make changes and redistribute, and the other we
pay and cannot modify or copy.
To sum up, the computer transformed our lifestyle. Students can make more progress with
better quality in their studies. Communication networks allows sharing any type of information
in real time around the world. The design of new programs is essential to the progress of
society. Computers will become increasingly faster, cheaper, and efficient and maybe exceed
the human capacity.

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