LP Classifying Chemical Reactions Demo

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao del Norte
Ising, Carmen, Davao Del Norte

A Lesson Plan on Classifying Chemical Reactions

Quarter: Fourth Quarter

Time Frame: 1 hour
No. of Session/s: 1
School Year: 2015-2016
Date: March 18, 2016

Competency: Write chemical equations and apply the principles of conservation of

mass to chemical reactions.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
1. make a table showing the different types of chemical reactions and its examples;
2. classify chemical reactions according to their type, and;
3. give the importance of classifying chemical reactions.

Learning Content:
Topic: Classifying Chemical Reactions
References: Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material and Teacher’s Guide

Materials: visual aids, activity sheets and illustrations

I. Learning Procedures:
Routinary Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Energizer
3. Greetings
4. Checking of Attendance

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

The teacher will ask some students to give a short (Students will give their short recap.)
review about what they have discussed last
A. Mood Setting

1. Motivation:
The teacher will give a situation to the students: The students will share their ideas.
One day, you were looking for your Superman black
shirt made of 100% cotton. It was your favorite shirt. Yes Ma’am.
However it was placed in a pile of clothes placed at
your bedroom. With the many clothes you have,
what could be the best possible way in which you
can immediately find your shirt?
B. Learning Experiences
Unlocking Difficulties
(The teacher will present these terms first)
Reactants – are the starting materials in a chemical
reaction; are substances that are used up to form
new substances in a chemical reaction.
Products – the resulting substance/s.

Types of Chemical Reactions

The teacher will group the students into four (4).
Each group will be given manila paper and a The students will make a table and will
marker. They will be tasked to make a table classify the chemical reactions
showing the types of chemical reactions and classify according to their types.
the different chemical equations given by the
teacher. They will be given 7 minutes only to finish
the task.
Randomly, students will be chosen to present their
outputs afterwards.
C. Analysis
1. In a combination reaction, how many There are two or more reactants. There
reactants are used? How many products are is a single product formed.

2. In a decomposition reaction, how many There is a single reactant and 2 or

reactant/s is/are used? How many products more products are formed.
are formed?

3. Describe what happens in a single- This is when one element replaces

replacement reaction. another element from a compound. The
more active element takes the place of
the less active element in a compound.

4. What happens in a double-replacement This is when the positive ions (cations)

reaction? and negative ions (anions) of different
compounds switch places, forming two
entirely different compounds.

D. Abstraction
After undergoing all the activities, the teacher will (Students will give their
ask the students what they have learned. The generalizations.)
teacher will choose students randomly to give
E. Application
The students will have to classify the chemical The students will have to classify the
equations that will be posted by the teacher. They chemical equations that will be posted
will write their answers in a ¼ sheet of paper. by the teacher.
F. Summary
The teacher will choose students randomly to (Students will give their summaries
summarize in one sentence the things they have about the lesson.)
learned about the Classifying Chemical Reactions.
G. Valuing
Why do you think it is important to classify chemical Students will answer the teacher orally.

II. Assessment
The assessment is taken care on the application.

III. Assignment
Read in advance how to balance chemical reactions.

Prepared by:


Student Teacher


Teacher III, CNHS

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