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My Goals

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

 Meet my cooperating teacher and students.
 Identify the expectations of my cooperating teacher.
 Observe how the students interact with their teacher(s).
 Extend assistance in the day’s activities.

My Performance (How shall I be rated?)

5 4 3 2 1

Outstanding Exceeds Meets Improvement Unacceptable

Expectations Expectations Needed Performance


Total Score Rating

(Total score ÷5)
To get to know my cooperating school better, I must do the following

Observe well.

Write down notes.

Extend assistance
when needed
My Tasks

Write the cooperating teacher’s expectations that you need to fully understand
during your practicum days to establish better relationships.

 Deliver your lessons well.

 Inspire students to learn.
 Manage the class well.
 Command respect and lead your
 Give your best in every task.
 Be diligent.

Likewise, I also have expectations that I need to convey to my

cooperating teacher in order to meet my goals.

 He/she will correct my flaws.

 He/she will be just in all her
dealings and ratings with me.
 He/she will give me advices for me
to do better in my teaching
My Activities
1. In the observation phase, I need to focus on the following:
 Classroom Management
 The learning styles of the students
 The behavior of the students
 Teaching Strategies and Approaches

2. I fully realized that I need to read more on the

developmental stages of:
In the four stages of Cognitive Development of Piaget,
I found the need to read more on the final stage which is the
formal operational stage (adolescence and into adulthood,
roughly ages 11 to approximately 15-20). In this stage,
intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols
related to abstract concepts. At this point, the person is capable
of hypothetical and deductive reasoning. During this time,
people develop the ability to think about abstract concepts.
Thus, I need to help my students develop their abstract thinking
on concepts.
M y Analysis

On my first encounter with my cooperating teacher, I realized

that, as a newbie in the teaching field, I need an expert to guide
me and teach me on the things that I need to know. It is a nice
thing to have a “second-parent” during my internship. He/she
will honestly correct my flaws which will help be become better.
He/she will also encourage me when I failed at some point during
my internship. I realized that he/she will become my evaluator
and friend in my Carmen NHS journey.
On my first dealing with the learners I observed that
learners truly are diverse. Each has different learning styles and
behavior. The hardest challenge that a teacher will encounter is
to cater all the needs of these diverse students. I am compelled
to design activities which bring out the best in them.

My Reflections/ My Insight

Check (√) only one (1) box and explain your answer:

This day I fully realized that...

I am really meant for the teaching profession because…

Despite the hardships, I still find an unspeakable joy in teaching students. No
matter how much I say that teaching isn’t from me yet God has placed me in this
profession and I can say His plan is the best. My heart really is in teaching and in
molding young minds. I can boldly say that I am meant to be a teacher because
my heart leaps with joy every time I see students learning from me. Whenever I
feel that they are having difficulties, I find the need to vary my strategies. I always
motivate them to learn and tell them that they can do better if they will just show

I still have to overcome my fears in talking to people in front because I have

my stage fright and I am so conscious when someone will observe me. I am
also afraid that I will not meet the expectations of my Cooperating Teachers.

I still have other option because I know that I can practice my abilities in
expressing myself with this extraordinary experience.

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