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Facing Evaluation

MFD 103
Bias Facing

— A narrow bias strip of fabric, commercially or self-

prepared, stitched to the garment and turned to the
inside. It is a substitute for shaped and fitted facings
of garments and is used to save fabric.

— In the following photos, it is used on the neckline of a

Bias Facing
Bias Facing Evaluation

Ø The facing is consistent in size and shape from the beginning

to the end, unless designed otherwise.
Ø Yes
Ø The facing is cut on the indicated grain- determine if it is cut
on a straight grain or on a bias.
Ø Bias
Ø The facing is neat, bulk-free, and smooth without wrinkles,
ridges, or twists, and secured appropriately so that it will not
slip out and show when the garment is worn.
Ø No, not entirely smooth

Ø Rows of topstitching, or edge stitching, or under stitching are

stitched at an even distance from edge.
Ø Yes
Bias Facing Evaluation Continued

Ø All visible stitches are the same length, and thread

tension is balanced.
Ø Yes
Ø All thread ends are trimmed.
Ø Yes

Ø Bias facings appear even in width, and the stitched line is

at an even 1/16” from the folded edge of the facing.
Ø Yes
Ø Bias facings lie flat with no ripples or twists.
Ø Yes

Ø The facing is comfortable to wear and aesthetically

Ø Yes

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