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New Media 10 Final Portfolio Assessment

During your time in the New Media class you will be working on a variety of assignments covering a wide
range of media and audiences: video, podcast, written, and image. As a way to demonstrate your
learning in the various competencies outlined within the course guide you will be compiling all of these
different projects into a single digital portfolio. The goal of this portfolio is to represent your work and to
represent the growth in learning that this work both represents and facilitates.


Ultimately the platform is up to you, however, it must fit a few criteria, please be mindful of the
following when selecting the tool of your choice.

Your portfolio must:

 Be digital
 Function in a non linear manner
 Have the ability to host a variety of media content
 Be accessible to yourself and others
 Be highly customizable
 Function as a means to demonstrate learning and growth in a creative way
 Not require a guest to login


As a representation of yourself and your learning you need to think of your portfolio as a means to “sell”
your learning, your identity, and your work. You can apply any number of skills you developed
throughout your time in New Media 10 including creating Vlogs, Podcasts, Video Essays, or Written
Texts. The design of the portfolio and the means you use to communicate your learning function as
assessments of your developed skills in New Media 10. Be creative but be mindful of the following

 Have a homepage that briefly explains who you are

 Ensure that there is a level of professionalism and an academic nature to your presentation
 Ensure that your portfolio is easily navigated without your assistance
 Link your learning to specific competencies in the curriculum
 Make sure that you provide examples of your learning rather than just talking about them


 Reflect on and gather all of the work related to this class that you have completed to this point
in the semester
 For each artifact (item that you have worked on) provide
o A brief description of the artifact
o Examples of a few competencies from the New Media 10 course you met while working
on this artifact
o Justification and explanation of how the process met these competencies
 Begin to create your portfolio by choosing a platform and creating pages
 Begin adding your description, completed competencies, and justification to your portfolio in
any meaningful way you choose


Category Emerging Developing Proficient Extending

Items are not Items are Items are Items are
individually introduced in clearly
displayed and
displayed in an an easy to introduced
are instead
easily followed understand well organized
grouped format. format. Some and creatively
together. Some issue navigational displayed.
Format with issues that Navigation is
contains navigation detract from seamless and
several errorsthat deter user contains no
in navigation
experience. experience. errors. Eye
or is Format is Format is catching
challenging to
pleasing to the pleasing to the format that
eye with some eye with no does not
items that obvious errors distract from
detract from content
Some learning Most learning Items Items clearly
competencies competencies demonstrate demonstrate
are achieved are achieved that the that the
and connected and connected learning learning
to items. to items. Most competencies competencies
Items are not assignments have been have been
communicated are achieved. Each achieved. Each
as individual individually assignment is assignment is
assignments. credited with described and described and
There is no competencies individually individually
explanation of some of which credited with credited with
how are justified competencies competencies
competencies which are which are well
were met explained and explained and
within mostly justified
activities justified

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