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Family Interviews

Question Quality 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The student prepared The student prepared The student prepared The student prepared No factual or in-depth
several in-depth a couple of in-depth several factual or in- few factual or in- questions were
AND factual questions and several depth questions to depth questions to prepared.
questions to ask. factual questions to ask. ask.
Script Quality 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Point-of-view, Point-of-view, Point-of-view, Point-of-view, No portion of the
arguments, and arguments, and arguments, and arguments, and script put the students
solutions proposed solutions proposed solutions proposed solutions proposed in character
were consistently in were often in were sometimes in were rarely in
character. character. character. character.
Accuracy 5 4 3 2 1 0
All facts are stated Almost all facts are Most facts are stated Some facts are stated No facts were stated
correctly stated correctly correctly correctly correctly
Costumes & Props 3 2 1 0
All students wore Some students wore No students were in
costumes costumes costume.
Videography 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(Quality) Video does not Video does not Video has a little The video Video is unable to be
rock/shake and the rock/shake and the rocking or shaking, rocks/shakes often viewed OR no video
focus is excellent focus is adequate but the focus is OR the focus is not is turned in.
throughout. throughout. excellent throughout. adequate.
Videography (Camera 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
work) Many different Several (3-4) different One or two different Little attempt was No attempt was made
"takes", camera "takes", camera "takes", camera made to provide at variety in the video.
angles, sound effects, angles, sound effects, angles, sound effects, variety in the video.
and/or careful of use and/or careful of use and/or careful of use
of zoom provided of zoom provided of zoom provided
variety in the video. variety in the video. variety in the video.
Sound Quality 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Both the interviewer Both the interviewer The person being The sound quality is No sound is able to be
and the person being and the person being interviewed can be poor making it hard to heard.
interviewed can be interviewed can be heard/understood very hear/understand the
heard/understood very heard/understood very clearly on the tape but person being
clearly on the tape clearly on the tape but the interviewer's voice interviewed.
with no wind or there is some wind or is not easily heard.
background noise. background noise.
Group Work 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The group functioned The group functioned The group functioned Some members of the The group did not
exceptionally well. pretty well. Most fairly well but was group were often off function as a group.
All members listened members listened to, dominated by one or task AND/OR were
to, shared with and shared with and two members. The overtly disrespectful
supported the efforts supported the efforts group (all members) to others in the group
of others. The group of others. The group was almost always on AND/OR were
(all members) was (all members) was task! typically disregarded
almost always on almost always on by other group
task! task! members.

SCORE: _____________________/60

Some criteria taken from


ALTEC at University of Kansas. (n.d.) Rubistar Home. Retrieved from

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