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Essay - Five Paragraphs Outline

Paragraph 1 : Introduction
 Thesis Statement
 Briefly summarise your 3 topic sentences

Paragraph 2 : 1st Topic Sentence

 Elaborate on your topic sentence
 Provide an example / evidence / quotation
 Explain the significance of the examples / evidence / quotation

Paragraph 3 : 2nd Topic Sentence

Paragraph 4 : 3rd Topic Sentence

Paragraph 5 : Conclusion
 Summarise your 3 topic sentences
Discuss how the ideas in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 support your
Factual / Expository Essays
In factual essays, students should include:
1. Definition
 Define the issue in the title given

2. The importance of issue

 Explain the importance of the issue
 The extent of the issue’s gravity

3. Causes
 Identify the causes
 List causes according to degree of seriousness

4. Effects
 Effects on man
 Effects on other things such as plants, animals and environment

5. Solutions
 Steps to be taken to solve the problem
 People involved in the problem
Dos Don’ts
 Ensure that you have a good  Do not guess about the facts
knowledge of the topic before of the topic
writing this question  Do not write a lengthy
 Jot down key points to plan your introduction
essay  Do not end your essay
 Give examples without conclusion
 Organise the points into a logical
order, for example:
- Time order (from past to
present to future)
- Idea sequence (from general
to the specific or vice versa)
 Use linking words / transitional
phrases or words
 Use formal language

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