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Power Supply Design

with Fast Transient

Response Using V2
Control Scheme
Mike Wang
Applications Engineer
Cherry Semiconductor

Abstract also demands lower voltages. With fea- greatly simplified which often means
Today’s power supply design faces new ture sizes dropping below 0.2µm, design- lower cost and less development effort.
challenges to support high-performance ers must reduce the high electrical-field
microprocessors such as Pentium II from stresses that arise due to the thin oxide lay- V2 Control scheme
Intel Corp. These power supplies require ers and shallow junctions used to build the A typical synchronous Buck DC-DC con-
step-down DC-DC voltage conversation high-speed transistors. As a result in a dis- verter is shown in Fig.1(a). A synchro-
with fast transient response and high ef- tributed power system, one or multiple step nous Buck is differentiated from a con-
ficiency at stringent cost restriction. Re- down DC-DC converters are required to ventional Buck converter by replacing the
cently a novel control scheme called V2 derive the IC supply voltage from a higher low side diode with an active switch Q2.
control has been developed and widely bus voltage, which could be 5V, 12V or This eliminates the power loss associated
embraced by the power supply and more recently emerged 48V. with diode forward voltage, which can be
mother board OEMs. One of the unique As the IC designs keep lowering the a significant part of total loss in a low
features of the V2 control is its fast tran- supply voltage, the current rating is ramp- voltage application. In this particular to-
sient speed and simple compensation de- ing up due to the increased complexity pology, the PWM controller modulates
sign. This paper presents an overview of and clock speed. Consequently, the cur- the on/off action of the high side switch
this new technology and associated de- rent slew rate also elevates to a higher Q1 to regulate the output voltage. A
sign techniques. The small signal analy- level when ICs frequently switch among complementary switching action governs
sis provides an insightful tool for fur- various power modes. To ensure the the low side Q2. As illustrated in Fig.1(b),
ther revealing the power of the V2 con- proper functions, the supply voltage is on the beginning of each switching cycle
trol. Finally, an reference design is pro- required to stay within a narrow window t1, the gate signal turns on the Q1 and
vided and test data is presented. The area during load transient and steady-state turns off the Q2. Therefore, a voltage of
measured frequency response resembles operation. For example, the next genera- Vg-Vo is applied across the inductor to
closely to that predicted by the small sig- tion Intel processors adopt a core voltage make its current linearly increase. The
nal model. of 2.0V at 16A maximum current. The ramp signal also rises during this period
dynamic current slew rate can be as high and eventually reaches the error ampli-
Introduction as 20A/µs, while the core voltage devia- fier output voltage on t2. This immedi-
As IC designers push to create more com- tion during load transition can not exceed ately opens the Q1 and closes the Q2.
plex circuit running at escalated speed, over +/- 200mV. Now the voltage across the inductor is
power consumption becomes critical. This high current slew rate requires equal to -Vo and the inductor current lin-
One of the first remedies for limiting the power supply to possess extreme fast early declines. This switching pattern re-
power drain is to lower the supply volt- response time. The conventional voltage- peats itself at the commence of the next
age. That changes provided one of the mode and current-mode control often fail switching cycle. The switching period is
greatest benefits, since power consump- to deliver the desired performance mainly often controlled by a central oscillator
tion is directly proportional to the square due to their relying on the error amplifier signal, although constant off-time control
of the supply voltage. The first major step speed to react to the load transition. The is not uncommon in a current-mode and
in this direction was taken several years recently developed V2 control scheme [1] V2 control. A non-overlapping time is al-
ago when designers started moving to maximizes the transient speed by super- ways inserted between the turn-on signal
3.3V supply levels from the decades old imposing the ramp signal on the output of the Q1 and Q2 to prevent the cross
5V standard. Currently designers are low- voltage. Therefore, the PWM (pulse conduction. To ensure the continuation of
ering the bar again, decreasing the sup- width modulation) control experiences no the inductor current, the body diode of
ply voltage from 3.3V to the next stan- delay during the load variation. It is also the Q2 will temporarily conduct when
dard, 2.5V. Similarly, using smaller fea- revealed in the paper that frequency com- both switches are turned off.
ture sizes to fabricate more complex chips pensation for a V2 controlled circuit is

International IC ‘99 • Conference Proceedings 189

Figure 1. (a) A synchronous Buck converter with PWM control.

The major difference among voltage resistor) associated

mode, current mode and V2 control relies with the output ca-
on the source of the ramp signal. As shown pacitors. The ripple Figure 1. (b) Typical waveforms show the pulse by
in Fig.1(b), in voltage mode control the voltage can be cal- pulse operation and the differences among voltage
ramp is a fixed signal, typically generated culated as the ESR mode, current mode and V control.
by the oscillator. Therefore, The speed for times the AC cur-
the duty cycle to adapt to any transient rent through the capacitors.
conditions, such as load and line variation, Variation on the line voltage
is solely dependent on the speed of the changes the inductor current
error amplifier. This poses great challenge ramp immediately, which in turn
for designing the error amplifier and fre- changes the ripple voltage and
quency compensation. Extra die areas and duty cycle just like in current
engineering efforts will inevitably add cost mode control. Therefore, V2 pro-
to the power solutions. vides the mechanism for fast re-
In current mode control, the ramp sig- action to both line and load varia-
nal is generated from the switching cur- tions. The PWM comparator
rent. This current can be sensed through slew rate and Q1/Q2 switching
a current transformer or a resistor. The time are the only limit to the tran-
current mode control has the advantage sient response time.
of reacting promptly to the line variation,
because the current slope can immedi- V2 small signal model Figure 2. The small signal modeling of a Buck converter with
ately vary the duty cycle even when the Small signal analysis is a power- feedback path
error amplifier fails to response. However, ful tool to assist understanding and optimiz-
The small signal models for various
during the load transient, the DC of the ing a close loop system. For a power sup-
PWM topologies are well established by
error amplifier output has to move accord- ply, the key criterion such as DC accuracy,
Cuk and Middlebrook [2] using state
ingly to allow for current changes. There- transient response and system stability can
space average technique. The state space
fore, the error amplifier again becomes all be well interpreted using frequency do-
average method averages circuit variables
critical to the system performance. To main measurements. While Fig.1 shows a
( such as output voltage and inductor cur-
satisfy the harsh load step required by system using time domain variables, Fig-
rent) within each switch cycle and lin-
today’s microprocessors, optimizing load ure 2 describes the same system using the
earize their relationships in a small sig-
transient response occupies significant small signal variables to reveal their rela-
nal sense. For the buck converter operat-
part of development time. tionships in frequency domain. The total
ing in continuous conduction mode
The V2 control relieves the burden loop gain, as shown in Fig.2, can be de-
(CCM), the duty cycle (d) to output volt-
from the error amplifier by using the out- rived from power stage (duty cycle to out-
put ripple as the ramp signal. Since the put voltage) transfer function and control age transfer function has a form of
output ripple is superimposed on the out- path (feedback voltage to duty cycle) trans-
put DC voltage, any deviation on the out- fer function. The power stage frequency re- 1.
put voltage will immediately change the sponse is solely determined by specific con-
duty cycle and therefore get corrected verter topology, and thus is independent of
through the feedback loop. Having the the various control schemes. Similarly, each
output voltage directly connected to the control scheme manipulates the frequency
PWM comparator provides most effec- domain variables in its unique way, which
tive feedback path. As a result, in V2 con- can be separated from the power stage on
trol the error amplifier is often used only which it applies. The main scope of this
to provide DC accuracy. paper is to reveal the small signal behavior
In a Buck converter, the output ripple of the V2 control which is vastly different
is caused by the ESR (equivalent series from the current and voltage control.

190 International IC ‘99 • Conference Proceedings

where the Rs is the series resistor of the
LC resonant loop, which can be the sum 6. becomes negligible and FFB carries all
of the MOSFET on resistance, inductor the feedback signals.
resistance and ESR. It is also worthy noticing that the
In accordance with Fig.2, the feed- PWM comparator gain Fm in V2 control
The derivative of (6) over vo provides
back path can be described by the fol- is significantly greater than the one in cur-
the expression for Fm1 which takes form of
lowing equations rent and voltage mode controls It is the
7. result of the small ramp signal (in hun-
2. dreds milivolt range) used in V2 control.
where Vg and Vo represent DC operating At low frequency range, Fm along with
point. The approximation is made that the
change of the slope due to vo has rela-
tively minor effect on the duty cycle.
The similar method can be practiced to
When a transconductance error ampli- derive the expression of Fm2. This exer-
fier is used, a typical compensation design cise is not covered in this paper to avoid the
for V2 control only requires a capacitor redundancy. However, it can be proven that
Ccomp between the error amplifier output Fm2 bears the same form as (7) except for
and ground. The gain expression of the the positive polarity. Therefore, variable Fm
error amplifier can then be determined by is defined as following to represent both Figure 4. A zero is generated in the feedback path
3. Fm1 and Fm2. at frequency of fcoa
8. Av provides tremendous gain for DC ac-
Combining (2) and (8) generates the com- curacy. Fm is maintained at high frequency
plete model for the V2 control, range to ensure the strong feedback for
fast transient response.
where G = error amplifier 9. As Fig.4 indicated, the feedback path
transconductance possesses a zero at the frequency of fcoa.
Ro = error amplifier output re- and when The frequency of this zero is critical for
sistance providing adequate phase margin to en-
To obtain the expression for Fm1, sure the loop stability.
vcomp is fixed at a constant value while The total loop gain can be derived from
AC perturbation is applied to the vo, as (1), (7) and (9) as
illustrated in Fig.3. 11.

fcoa is the cross-over frequency

of Av and can be calculated
10. Experimental result
A power supply design using V2 control
is implemented to demonstrate the per-
formance and prove the small signal
V2 control, as its name indi-
cated, has two voltage feedback model. This design uses Cherry
Figure 3. The output voltage vo is perturbed with a small ac paths. The so-called Fast Feed- Semiconductor’s CS51313 V2 controller,
signal to obtain the expression for Fm1.
b a c k
The switch turn on time ton can be Path (FFB) con-
identified as the time interval associated nects the feed-
with the ripple’s rising edge. Therefore, back voltage di-
ton can be derived from rectly to the
PWM comparator
4. and has a gain of
Fm1. The Slow
Feedback Path
where vo is the state space averaged vari- (SFB) passes
able for the output voltage. The variable through the error
sr is the slope of the rising edge which is amplifier and has
in turn determined by the ESR and in- a gain of -Fm2Av.
ductor current ripple, It is shown in (9)
that at frequency
5. below fcoa the SFB
dominates FFB,
Figure 5. A synchronous buck converter using V2 control method.
After substituting the sr in (4) by (5) providing great
and considering d=ton/Ts (assuming fixed gain for DC accu-
frequency operation), the following equa- racy. However at frequency range above which incorporates 5 bit supply voltage
tion is derived fcoa,, the contribution of error amplifier control and Power Good function. As
shown in Fig.5, the synchronous buck

International IC ‘99 • Conference Proceedings 191

regulator converts the 5V input from a 7(b) zooms in on the rising edge of the In Fig.8, the frequency response of the
standard ATX computer power supply to current step and shows that the regulator loop is measured by a Veneable Fre-
+2V/16A. immediately enters into 100% duty cycle quency Analyzer, and compared with the
R8 serves multiple functions in this to allow the current to ramp up in less results derived from the small signal
design. First of all, R8 serves as a “Droop than 25us. model. During the measurement the loop
Resistor” for Adaptive Voltage Position- To calculate the loop gain in the small is broken at the connection between L1
ing to improve AC response [3]. CS- signal model, the component values and and R8. A 100Ωz resistor is inserted be-
51313 also relies on R8 for sensing the circuit parameters are extracted from the tween the node and R7. A floating AC
current so that the circuit will “hiccup” schematic shown in Fig.5, which are then source, coupled through a transformer
during the over-current condition. In CS- listed as from the analyzer, is applied across the
51313, VFB (pin 7) is the input to both resistor. With the frequency of the AC sig-
FFB and SFB. The 5Bit DAC programs V g =5V, V o =2V, T s =5us, L=1.0uH, nal sweeping across the interested range,
the reference voltage which is connected C=4800uF, G=5m, RL=0.25 Ω, Rs=10m the AC voltage on each end of this resis-
to the non-inverting input of the error am- Ω, ESR=7mΩ, Ro=1MΩ. tor is used as the input and output signals
plifier. The output of the error amplifier to generate the bode plot. In Fig.8(b) and
is connected to the COMP pin (pin16) and It is worthy noticing that at 8A load cur- Fig.8(c), the curves at the low frequency
C28 is the compensation capacitor. rent, the inductor is considered to loss range are truncated because the high gain
Figure 6 captures the steady state op- 20% of the inductance due to the nature makes measurement extremely difficult.
eration of the regulation. The output of the power iron core. Also the value of The input signal is simply too small to be
ripple voltage displayed in Ch3 is the Rs has included the ESR. The variables identified among the noises. However, the
ramp signal used in V2 control, which is in (10) are calculated using (1), (3), (7) bode plots are reliably recorded in the
generated by the current ripple measured and (11) vicinity of the cross-over frequency,
in Ch4. Figure 7(a) demonstrates that the where the shape of the curves is most
regulator quickly responses to a harsh Fm=22.9, DC Gain = critical to the system performance. The
20.5A load step and settles down to steady Vg*Fm*G*Ro=475000(113.5dB), phase is not included in the Figure.8 be-
state operation in less than 100us. Figure ωo=2.1KHz, ξ=0.7, and fesr =4.7K, cause the attempt has failed due to the
inconclusive measurement results caused
Three values of Ccomp by the low signal-to-noise-ratio.
are selected to reveal As it is shown in Fig.8, the result from
its effect on the loop’s the small signal model agrees very well
frequency response. with the bench measurements on all three
The frequencies of fea compensation designs. The model has
and fcoa, which are accurately predicted the shape of the bode
the functions of Ccomp, plot by revealing the inherent zero at er-
are calculated, ror amplifier’s cross-over frequency. The
model also provides a way to quantify the
Ccomp = 4.7µF: loop gain in which PWM comparator gain
fea = 0.034Hz and is the key for accurate calculation . The
fcoa =170Hz; model shows a slightly higher gain (about
5dB) across the frequency. This may be
Ccomp = 1.0µF: caused by the approximation made on
fea =0.160Hz and amplifier’s transconductance and output
fcoa =799Hz; impedance. A lower L1 inductance at DC
Figure 6. The DC Operation oof the Buck Regulator current bias can also contribute the dis-
Ch 1 = GATEH Ccomp = 0.1µF: parity.
Ch 2 = GATEL fea =1.600Hz and The frequency domain measurement
Ch 3 = Output Voltage Ripple
fcoa =7.99KHz. provides an insightful tool for design op-
Ch 4 = Inductor Ripple Current (5A/10m V/div)
timization. As it is
shown in Fig.8, a
large compensation
capacitor ensures the
system stability. It is
doing so by lowering
fcoa to gain enough
phase margin, which
on the other side may
tamper the transient
response. It is espe-
cially true when
“Adaptive Voltage
Positioning” is used
in which output DC
voltage varies with
Figure 7. (a) The output voltage reacts to 20.5A load step. (b) The rising edge of the current step the load. This re-
Ch 3 = Output voltage quires error amplifier
Ch 4 = Inductor current (5A/10mV/div) to charge/discharge

192 International IC ‘99 • Conference Proceedings

the compensation cap during the load current mode control. It is revealed in the
transient. A large cap will apparently in- paper that the major difference relies on
the source of the ramp signal. V2 uses the
output voltage and its ripple as the ramp
signal. Therefore, the V2 control can take
advantage of the instant feedback of the
output voltage during the load transient
and delay of the error amplifier is elimi-
nated. A small signal model is developed
to assist the designing and optimizing of
the power supply circuit with V2 control.
An inherent zero is revealed in the feed-
back path at the cross-over frequency of
(a) Ccomp = 4.7µF the error amplifier. The frequency re-
sponse predicted by the small signal
model matches closely with the bench
In V2 control signal, slope compensa-
tion technique is frequently used to im-
prove the signal-to-noise ratio and also
eliminate the subharmonic oscillation as-
sociated with the V2 control during fixed
frequency operation. Slope compensation
generates an artificial ramp when the high
side switch is turned on. This ramp can
be added to the output ripple or subtract
from the error amplifier output. As to the
(b) Ccomp = 1.0µF system frequency response, the slope
compensation will reduce the gain by a
certain amount across the whole fre-
quency range. The higher the artificial
slope, the more reduction on the gain. A
quantitative analysis and measurement
remain for future studies.

Great thanks to George Lakkas and Ja-
son Solecki to let me use their demo cir-
cuit and test results.
(c) Ccomp = 0.1µF
[1] Dimitry Goder and William
crease the charge/discharge time, and con- R.Pelletier, V2 Architecture Provides
sequently increase the load transient time. Ultra Fast Transient Response in
A capacitor smaller than the optimum value Switch Mode Power Supplies,
may jeopardize the system stability, which HFPC, 1996.
is case shown in Fig.8(c ). As rule of thumb, [2] R.D.Middlebrook and Slobodan
the loop shall cross over 0dB line at -20dB/ Cuk, A General Unified Approach
dec slope to safeguard the system stability. To Modeling Switching-Converter
When a small compensation capacitor is Power Stages, Advance in Switch-
used, fcoa is moved to a higher frequency. Mode Power Conversion, Volumes
When it is getting close to or beyond the I&II.
system cross-over frequency, system will [3] Frank DiJoseph, Fault Tolerant
surfer from inadequate phase margin . As Power Supply System Uses the
shown in Fig.8, for this particular design, Droop Method of Current Sharing,
using compensation capacitor of 1.0µF PCIM Online, 6/18/97
achieves the best performance. This opti-
mum capacitor value is all it takes to com- Authors’ contact detail
pensate a power supply with V2 control. Mike Wang
Applications Engineer
Conclusion and discussion Cherry Semiconductor Co.
The paper has introduced a novel control 2000 South County Trail
scheme, V2 control, which is designed to East Greenwich, RI 02818
achieve fast transient response with mini-
mum design effort. The V2 is compared Phone: 401-541-3606
with the conventional voltage mode and Fax: 401-886-3336

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