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Literature Review: Domain A Martinez !

Literature Review: Domain A

Taylor Martinez

TED 690

National University

June 2019
Literature Review: Domain A Martinez !2


The following paper will be a short review on Robert Marzano’s instructional design for

effective teaching. I will explore the ten questions that he poses to educators to help them

become the most effective teachers they can be.

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Robert Marzano wrote a book called The Art and Science of Teaching. This is a book that

has been used for many of my classes throughout National and I believe rightfully so. Marzano

poses ten questions to teachers and believes that these ten questions can help teachers become

more effective and efficient in their instructional design. The questions are the following:

1. What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and

celebrate success?

2. What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge?

3. What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new


4. What will I do to help students generate and test hypotheses about new knowledge?

5. What will I do to engage students?

6. What will I do to establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures?

7. What will I do to recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to

classroom rules and procedures?

8. What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students?

9. What will I do to communicate high expectations for all students?

10. What will I do to develop effective lessons organized into a cohesive unit?

In the text Marzano explains why he feels effectiveness can be improved by answering these ten

questions that he has created. He states that,“in order for classrooms to be effective, we must

examine each part of the teaching process equally”. When creating these questions his goal was

to help teachers improve their instructional delivery and curriculum design. Marzano also felt
Literature Review: Domain A Martinez !4

that if he could help teachers improve those two components that it would indirectly help with

classroom management.

These ten questions are something that I have often referred to as I have been going

through my program and getting experience in the classroom. When teaching physical education

you often have to think about how you are going to group your students. Are you going to group

by gender, ability, or a mix. You want to group students so that they become effective as possible.

The tricky part is that depending on the activity you may want to group students different ways

to keep production levels up. As I have moved through my first year of teaching I am figuring

out the best ways to group my students depending on the unit that we are in.

Expectations are a big component to what Marzano speaks about. He says you must

empower your student to expect more for themselves by you yourself expecting more from them.

I truly believe that, youth can absolutely rise to the occasion. I believe that it is important to be

extremely clear on what the expectations are but to also explain to students that you expect this

of them because they can absolutely achieve it.

The ten questions that Marzano poses have provide a great reference to me and to many

other teachers. Being able to answer the questions makes me know that I am on track and that I

am taking steps to be an effective communicator and teachers. I will continue to use Marzano’s

template as a reference when creating unit and lesson plans. I would encourage new teachers as

well as seasoned teachers to look at the ten questions and see if they can answer them.
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Marzano, R. J. (2010). The art and science of teaching: a comprehensive framework for effective

instruction. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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