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Assignment 1: Developing a PDQP

Taylor Martinez

TED 690

National University

June 2019


The following paper will provide information about the California Teacher Performance

Expectations with a focus on the A domain. This paper will demonstrate my depth of knowledge

in my chosen TPE. I will discuss my knowledge of the identified domain and explain my

strengths and what ideas I can do to continue to grow in the specified domain.

Six Teaching Performance Expectations

The Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs) are a blue print for what teachers need to

know in order to practice their skills to the best of abilities. The following six domains provide

structure to teachers on how they can become better teachers and continue their own learning as

they grow through their own experiences being in the classroom everyday. The following six

domains are act as guidelines and standards for teachers to continue to strive for and meet

through their years of teaching.

Domain A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students

Domain B: Assessing Student Learning

Domain C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning

Domain D. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Expectations

Domain E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Students Learning

Domain F: Developing as a Professional Educator

The domain that I will be focusing on in this paper is Domain A, Making Subject Matter

Comprehensible to Students. Within this domain are two subcategories, Subject Specific

Pedagogical Skills for Multiple Subject Teaching Assignments and Subject Specific Pedagogical

Skills for Single Subjects Teaching Assignments. I am currently working as a PE teacher at Mira

Loma High School, because of that I will be focusing on TPE 1B. All teachers in the state of

California must teach to the California states standards and that is why I think the first domain is

one of the most important ones.



When thinking of ways to represent the Domain A the first thing that came to mind was a

content area lesson plan. I previously just finished teaching a tennis unit to my students and I felt

that the lesson went well with this domain. The lesson is designed for 9th graders who are taking

PE 1. I created a lesson that developed strategies and rational on how students should be creating

a forehand tennis swing. The most important part of creating a lesson plan is making sure that

you are creating a plan that is comprehendible to your students. If the students don’t understand

the rationale behind the activities then they will fail to understand the importance of the lesson.

Teachers need to be able to evaluate their own lesson plans and find ways to improve them,

which is an important part of making content comprehensible to students.

My second artifact is a documented observation by my vice principal who is acting as my

site supervisor. Being a first year teacher I am frequently being observed and I see this as an

opportunity to improve my delivery and efficiency as a teacher. I looked at each time I was

observed as an opportunity to get better and for someone to see something in my classroom that I

maybe wasn’t able to see when speaking to my students. After each observation we would meet

and reflect on how the class went. He gave me a review and we would talk about strategies to

create smoother transitions and how to create disciplinary problem.

My last artifact for the week is a literature review on Roberts Marzano’s framework for

becoming an effective teacher. He frames his design around 10 questions that will help a person

become an effective teacher.


Strengths and Needs Within TPE Domain A

Domain A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students

Teaching Physical Education in a Single Subject Assignment


-Having strong content knowledge on the chosen sport

-Undergrad degree has given me a strong understanding of human movement and improving the

fitness level of individuals

-Have the ability to create activities that sequence together to help build skill and understanding

-I have the ability to use my own experiences to help bridge for the students and create

connections with my students

Area for Growth

-Learning a variety of ways to deliver the content area

-Finding ways to incorporate more technology into everyday lessons

-Finding ways to make sure every student gets involved and can feel like their opinion and

growth in the classroom matters

-Find ways for students to see how they can apply what they are learning to their everyday life.

Potential Competencies to be Used for the Professional Development Quest

Creating a PDQP is going to allow me to explore and evaluate myself as a teacher. As I

move through the domains it will allow me to see areas in which I can improve my teacher but

also show me areas where I really excel. It is important for teachers to always evaluate their

progress and to make sure that they continue to make forward progress as long as they are

teaching. An area that I feel I am competent in is Domain D, Planning Instruction. I feel that

because it has been someone that has been stressed while going through our program that I have

a strong ability to put together a lesson plan that is clear and concise. I work with my teacher

partner closely and she helps me stay on track with my unit plans and makes sure that I am

maximizing my time with my students.

Rationale for Selecting TPE Domain A

Domain A is the first building block to becoming a good teacher, it is essential for

students to understand subject matter, if they can not understand what you the teacher are saying

then adjustments have to be made. Before you can do anything else in your classroom you must

create communication that can be understood on both sides. My goal as a teacher is for students

to be able to understand instruction and be able to demonstrate their knowledge through the

movement used in Physical Education.



Costantino, Patricia M., De Lorenzo Marie N., & Tirrell-Corbin,Christy. (2009).

Developing a Professional Teaching Portfolio: A Guide for Success. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson.

Marzano, R. J. (2010). The art and science of teaching: a comprehensive framework for

effective instruction. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum


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