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1.1 Background

English is an international language used as introduction to communication between

nations. With the stipulation of language English as an international language, people
will tend to choose master English so that they do not lose in competition
international. Many people try to learn and master with the way each of them aims to
master English. In learning English there is a grammar used as the standard for
knowing the language used is correct or not. The standard used is usually called
grammar. In grammar there is several ways or methods for composing a sentence in
making a story or to communicate with others correctly. With study the grammar
properly and correctly will produce a understanding of the structure of English is
good and right too. One of them difficulty learning English in grammar tenses.
Grammar is a collection of rules that arrange parts of the arrangement, while tenses it
self is a change in sentence structure in the form of a verb depending on the time and
nature of a particular event in a sentence arrangement. Technological progress is very
rapid and helps many fields life, one of them in the field of education. Utilizing
technology in the field of education by making a mobile application based android
which can be used for learning English in grammar especially tenses. Applications
that are made can help learn languages English in grammar is especially effective and
can do the process structural error detection in English sentences. There is still rarely
research on mobile learning in particular Get to know the licenses based on Android,
while one of them is the research conducted by Sandy et al (2003) with the title
"Making Tenses Learning Applications English on the Android Smartphone Platform
"discusses how the application it displays tenses to introduce things related to tenses.
The advantages of this research are using a device mobile because of its easy to carry
anywhere and its size relatively smaller than computer devices. However, this

research does not has the feature of extracting sentences to recognize tenses and
pronunciation. So from this research there are several things that can be developed
along with it added include: extraction of English sentences to recognize tenses and
pronunciation for the pronunciation of the accent of the English people we speak
mean. Based on the background above, this research raised a title "Extraction of
English Sentences for Interactive Learning inrecognize Android-based Tenses ". This
application becomes a learning Android-based English to recognize practical tenses,
so that become one of the solutions to help beginners in learning. English language is
structurally especially the use of tenses.

1.2 Formalition Of The Problem

Based on the background description of the problem described, there are several
formulation of the problem as follows:

1. How to design and create a learning system with the English module about

2. How to get to know tenses in English sentences structural?

3. How to facilitate learning, memorizing and the application of arbitration without

having to carry a relatively heavy book?

1.3 . purpose of the paper

1. knowing the design and create a learning system with the English module about
2. knowing the tenses in English sentences structural
3. knowing the facilitate learning, memorizing, and the application of arbitration
without having to carry a relatively heavy book.



2.1Part Of Speech
A. Idefinition Part Of Speech
Part Of Speech or also called kinds of word are the parts used to form a
sentence in English. Have you ever used noun, verb, adjective, and others in
communicating English? Well, noun and the like are called part of speech.1
B. Various Part Of Speech
Part of speech is called the type of word. In English there are 8 types
of words or refferred to as PANCAVIP,that is:2

1. Pronoun, is word used to replace objects. Example are I, you, we,

they, it, he, she, her, him, them, me, us, your, our, my, and many
Example in sentence: I love hear
2. Adjective, is a word used to describe a noun or pronoun which can
be in the form of person, place, animal, and both concrete and
abstract objects. Example are, beautiful, lazy, smart, sleepy, late,
tired, tall, short, white.
Example in sentence : I was so busy last night
3. Noun, nouns are word that are used to name an object both abstract
and concrete: Asbtract is an object that cannot felt by the human
senses. For example, happines, love, gas, water, and so on.
Example in sentence: She is beautiful girl

Kuswahyudi, Biar Pintar Bahasa Inggris,(Jakarta: PETA Indonesia,2002). Hlm 23
Teguh Handoko, Student’s Pocket Grammar ,(Klaten : Real Books, 2017). Hlm 25

4. Conjuction, is a word or group of words that functions to connect
between words,phrases,clauses, or between paragraph. Example are
and, but,or,so,while,when,where,after,before,because.
Example in sentence: Budi play music well, but he can not sing.
5. Adverb, is a word that functions to explain the verb, adjective, or
other adverb. Example are always, often, very, quickly, beautifully,
well, today, now. Example in sentence: I really agree with you
6. Verb, this is a word that states an activity or condition. Based on its
function in the sentence, the verb is divided into two, namely as
auxiliary verbs and main verbs. The verbs are very helpful, some
examples are as follows: be, have, do, will, can, study, speak, love.
Example in sentence They are studying english
7. Interjection word, is a short word that is spoken to express
something like emotions,awe disapointment, and so on. The example
of interjection is wow! Ach! Sorry! Excellent! Good!
Example in sentence: Oh my god! Are you okay? It hurts!
8. Preposition, there are many including prepositions,some of wich are,
from,in spite of, despite, in front of, and many more.
Example in sentence: She comes from America.

A. Idefinition Of Adjective
An adjective clause is a dependent clause (dependent word + subject and
verb) that describes a noun. You can imagine that an adjective clause is taking
two sentences about the same noun and making them into one sentence.
Adjective clause is a group of words which contains a Subject and Predicate of
its owm, and does the work of an adjective. Adjective clause can be reduced to
adjective phrases under certain grammatical conditions. In the examples below,
you will see a noun modified by an adjective clause and then an example of the
same noun modified by the shorter adjective phrase. The red dots indicate that
the main clause is incomplete as you are focusing only on clause-to-phrase
reductin in these examples. For such reductions to occur, the relative pronoun
must be a Subject pronoun in all cases.3

 Characteristic Feature
- Adjectives in English are usually located in front of a modified noun or
- Adjective writing in English after to be (is, am, are, was, etc.)
- and is located after the object.
 Adjective before nouns

Adjective Example Explanation

Red A red jaket Describes the jaket

Big A big city Meaning big city

Smart Smart students Smart explain students

Beautiful Beautiful girl Meaning beautiful girl

Gucker, Essential English Grammar,( New York : Dover Publication, inc,1966), hlm.59.

Adjective Example Explanation
Clever We are cleaver This means we are smart
Expensive Yout back is expensive Exsplains your back
Handsome He looks handsome This mean that he looks
Delicious This pizza tastes delicius This mean that this pzza tastes

 Adjective after linking verb

Examples of sentence using adjective:

- Wa are diligent
- He drinks a glass of hot coffee
- You look so sad
- She bought new car
- The vew is amaizing

2.3Present Continous Tense
A. Definition Of Present Continuous Tense
Present countinuous tense is a form of verb that is used to talk about
the current action or plan in the future. Because it can be used in current
actions or plans in the future, this tense is often accompanied by adverb of
time to clarify it.4
B. Function Of Present Continuous Tense
1. To declare an activity that is ongoing or that is happening in the present or
when speaking.

Example :

a. She is talking to her father now.

b. I am dreaming about you.

c. They are standing there

2. Future Function

To declare an activity in the future that is certain.

Example :

a. I am leaving for USA next month.

b. We are playing football next week.

c. He is fishing in the river tomorrow.

C. Pettern and Example Present Continuous Tense
1. Affirmative
S + To Be ( am, is, are ) + V ing + O + Adverb of time
Wishon, Let’s Write English Revised Edition, (New York : Litton Educational Publishing, inc, 1980),
hlm. 28.

Example :
a. I am working now
b. She is writing a letter
c. You are all peeeping
2. Negative
S + To Be ( am, is, are ) + not + V ing + O + Adverb of time
Example :
a. I am not working now
b. She is not writing a letter
c. You are not all peeping
3. Interogative
To Be ( am, is, are) + S + V Ing + O + Adverb of time
Example :
a. Am I working now ?
b. Is she writing a letter ?
c. Are you all peepi
D. Description Of Picture
( + ) She is coocking a vegetables in the kitchen
( - ) She is not coocking a vegetables in the kitchen
( ? ) Is she coocking a vegetables in the kitchen ?

( + ) They are selling fruits and vegetables in the market

( - ) They are not selling fruits and vegetables in the market
( ? ) Are they selling fruits and vegetables in the market ?

2.4 Simple Present Tense
A. Definition of Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense is a simple phrase used to describe a daily activity or

daily habits. The Present tense also states an act or activity that takes place or
occurs in the present time in a simple form.5
B. Purpose Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense can be used as follows:

1. For repead or regular actions in the present time period.

 I take the rain to the office
 The train to Berlin leaves every hour
 John sleeps eight hours every night during the week
 We catch the bus every morning
 It rains every afternoon in the hot season
 They drive to Monaco every summer
2. For fact or general truth.
 The president of The USA lives in The White House
 A dog has four legs
 We come from Switzerland
 Water freezes at zero gegrees
 The Earth revolves around the Sun
3. For habits
 I get up early day
 Carol brushes her teeth twice a day
 They travel to their country house every weekend
 He drinks tea at breakfast

Anna Shymkiw dan David Larbalestier, Study English IELTS Preparation, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia
Pustaka Utama, 2007), hlm. 10.

 She only eats fish
 They watch television regularly
4. For instructions or directions
 Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water
 You take the No. 6 bus to Watney and then the No. 10 to Bedford
5. for fixed arrangements and timetable, for present or future. Usually, the
timetable is fixed by an organization, not by us:
 School begins at nine tomorrow
 Our train leaves the film start?
 The plane doesn’t arrive at seven, it arrives at seven thirty
 When does the class finish?
 His mother arrives tomorrow
6. To express future time (with future construction) after some conjunctions:
after, when, before,as soon as, until
 Hel’ll give it you come next Saturday
C. Verb Conjuction & Spelling
We from the present tense using the base form of the infinitive
(without the TO) (Verb 1). In general, in the third person we add ‘S’. (She
runs, He runs, It runs)
Subject Verb The Rest of the
I/ you / we / they Speak / learn English at home
He / she / it Speaks / learns English at home

So the Pattern is
S+ Verb 1 (Verb 1 + -s/-es) + O

The spelling for the third person differs depending on the ending of
that verb:
1. For verbs that end in –O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or –Z we add –ES in the
third person.
 Go – goes
 Catch – catchers
 Wash – washes
 Kiss – kisses
 Fix – fixes
 Buzz buzzes
2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add –IES
 Marry – marries
 Study – studies
 Carry – carries
 Worry – worries

NOTE : for verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add –S

 Play – plays
 Enjoy – enjoys
 Say – says
D. Negative sentences in the simple present tense
To make a negative sentence in English we normally use Don’t or
Doesn’t with all verbs EXCEPT To Be and Modal Verbs (can, might, should
 Affirmative : You speak French
Negative : You don’t speak French
You will see that we add don’t between the subject and the verb. We use Don’t
when the subject is I, you, we or they.

 Affirmative : He speaks German
Negative : He doesn’t speak German
When hen the subject is he, she or it, we add doesn’t between the
subject and the verb to make a negative sentence. Notice that the letter S at the
end of the verb in the affirmative sentence (because it is in third person)
disappears in the negative sentence. We will see the reason why below.

Negative Contractions

Don’t = Do not

Doesn’t = Does not

I don’t like meat = I do not like meat

There is no difference in meaning thought we normally use contractions in

spoken English .

E. Word order of negative sentences

The following is the word order to construct a basic negative
sentence in English in the present tense using Don’t or Doesn’t.
Subject Don’t/ Verb* The rest of
doesn’t the sentence
I / you / Don’t Have / Cereal for
we / they buy / eat / like breakfast
He / she Doesn’t
/ it

The pattern is S + Do/Does + Not + Verb + O

 Verb : the verb that goes here is the base form of the infinitive = the
infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead of the infinitive To have
it just the have part.
Remember that the infinitive is the verb before it is
conjugated (changed) and it begins with TO.
For example: to have, to eat, to go, to live, to speak etc.
Example of negative sentences with Don’t and Doesn’t:

 You don’t speak Arabic

 John doesn’t speak Italian
 We don’t have time for a rest
 It doesn’t move
 They don’t want to go the party
 She doesn’t like fish
F. Question in the simple present tense
To make a question in English we normally use Do or Does. It is
normally put at the beginning of the question.
 Affirmative : you speak English
Question : Do you speak English?
You will see that we DO at the beginning of the affirmative sentence to make
it a question. We use Do when the subject is I, you, we or they.

 Affirmative : he speaks French

Question : Does he speak French?
When the subject is he, she or it we add DOES at the beginning to make the
affirmative sentence a question. Notice that the letter S at the end of the verb in

the affirmative sentence (because it is in third person) disappers in the question.
We will see the reason why below.

We DON’T use Do or Does in question that have the verb To Be or Modal

Verbs (can, must, might, should etc.)

G. Word Question with Do and Does

The following is the word order to construct a basic question in
English using Do or Does.
Does Subject Verb* The rest of the
Do I / you / we Have / A new bike?
/ they need want etc.
Does He / she / it

The pattern is Do/Does + S + Verb 1 + O (complement) +


 Verb: the verb that goes here is the base form of the infinitive = the
infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead of the infinitive To have
it is just the have part.

Remember that the infinitive is the verb before it is conjugated (changed)

and it begins with TO.

For example: to have, to eat, to go, to live, to speak etc.

Example of question with Do and Does:

 Do you need a dictionary?

 Does Mary need a dictionary?

 Do we have a meeting now?
 Does it rain a lot in winter?
 Do they want to go to the party?
2.5 Wh Questions
A. Definition Wh Questions
WH Question are so called because with the exception of the question word
how, all the question words begin with the exception of the question word begin
with the letters Wh. 6

Question words are words that are used to ask time, place, person, thing,
thing, reason, etc.

Question words in English in the form of various wh-words, namely words

that begin with wh- ( what, where, when, why, which, who, whom, whose ) or
words that contain letters w and h ( how )

Sentence Pattern:

W-H + to be v/ auxiliary erb + subject + verb

+ object / information ?

B. Types, Functions and examples of times with question words

The following types, functions and examples of sentences for each question

Is used to request information about somebody or something

This question is used to ask things.

Kent Ang-Zie,Master of Grammar, (Jawa Barat : PT Magenta Media,2016), hlm. 55.

Example :

 What is this?
 What have they done?
Is used to obtain information about the location of a person or thing.

this question word is used to ask for a place

Example :

 Where have you been?

 Where Natasha live?
Is used to obtain information about time period in which an action occurs.

this question word is used to ask time

Example :

 When was the race?

 When can I see you again?
d) WHY
Is used to obtain information about the reason something happens, or the
reason somebody does something.

this question word is used to ask for reason

Example :

 Why did Alex leave?

 Why haven’t you called?

Is used to obtain information in order to make a comparison between two or
more similar things or people.

This question word is used to ask people, things or things that are meant
between a number of people, things or things.

Example :

 Which author do you enjoy?

 Which of these pens is the best?
f) WHO
This question word is used to ask people (person)

Example :

 who send me a letter ?

 who is date man ?
This question word is used to ask the person who received the action or in
other words: direct object.

Example : -

 whom are you going to meet ?

Is used to obtain information about who something belongs to.

This question word is used for people who have something.

Example :

 Whose book is on the table?
 Whose udea was that?
i) HOW
Is used to obtain information about the way something happens, or the
manner or way somebody behaves oe does something.

this question word is used to ask how. This question word can also be
combined with various letters to be HOW OFTEN (how often, HOW FAR
(how far), HOW MUCH / MONEY (how many), HOW LONG (how long).

Example :

 How does this work?

 How was your mother?
A statement that requires both yes and no answers, called yes-no question:

Example :

 Do you like vanilla ice cream? (answer : yes or no )

 Have you ever seen a ghost? ( answer : yes or no )
a. Ormation Yes-No Questions
1. With auxiliary verb
We form yes-no question with the auxiliary verb (be, do or have) +
subject + main verb or with modal verb:

Be : Is she working very hard? Were they travelling together?

Do : Does that tante okay? Did you go to the concert?
Have : Have they eaten yet? Had they visited Rome before?S
Modal : Could you help me lift Should I open the window?

If there is no verb help verb be, have or verb capital in the statement,
we use the word help do, does, did:

Bentuk pernyataan Bentuk pertanyaan

( tidak ada kata bantu )
You usually walk to work. Do you usually walk to work?
Bukan : walk you...?
You liked disco music in the 70s. Did you like disco music in the
Bukan : Liked you...?

We don't use auxiliary verbs when using be as the main verb: Is she
your sister?

Not: Does she be your sister ?

a. Without help verbs

When we ask yes-no questions use the main verb be, we don't use auxiliary

Order: be + subject

Is the weather nice in turkey in the winter?

Was she angry when you told her about the accident?

If we ask yes-no questions with the main verb have, we can also use the
sequence: workmanship + subject, but it looks more normal.

We use have got and docarena is more normal or informal choice:

Have you an identity card? ( formal )

Do you have an identity card? (netral )

Have you got an identity card? ( informal )

b. Respon yes-no questions

Another way to say yes and no includes yeah, yep, mm, okay and well, nope.

Ini adalah informal :

A : Would you like to play tennis with me later?

B : Okay. ( berarti iya )

A : Have you seen Greg?

B : Nope, ( berarti tidak )

We can also give more than just yes or no. We can sometimes add more

A : Can I grow potatoes in a pot?

B : Yeah. They grow really well in pots.

A : Will you be going to Ryan’s party?

B : No. I’m actually going to be away on Friday night.

Sometimes we don't use yes or no as an answer, but an answer that means yes
or no:

A : Do you know Tina Gomez?

B : We’ve known each other for years. We went to the same school.
( berarti iya )

A : Do you have theThrills latest album?

B : I’m afraid we’ve just sold the last one! ( berarti tidak )

We sometimes respond using the form of an auxiliary verb besides the yes
and no questions:

A : Hey Tim, did you go fishing today?

B : I did. I went with the boys.

A : Has jason had breakfast?

B : He hasn’t. He’s still in bed

2. Yes-No Questions Negatif

We can use the yes-no negative question to examine or confirm something
we believe, expect or if we consider something that is the best we can do :

Isn’t that pauline’s car? (I'm pretty sure that this is correct. I'm asking
for confirmation)

Sholdn’t we leave? (I think that we should leave now.)

We form the yes-no negative question with notes. We usually use the
contraction. If we use notes in complete form, the question sounds very

Isn’that the oldest building on this street?

2.6 Possesive Noun and Adjective
A. Definition of possessive noun and adjective

1. Possesive noun

A possesive noun is a noun that possesses something. In most cases, a

possessive noun is formed by adding an apostrophe + s to the noun, or if the
noun is plural and already ends in s, only an apostrophe modifying pencil : the
boy’s pencil snapped in half. It is clear that the pencil belongs to the boy; the
‘s signifies ownership.

Example : the cat’s toy was missing.

The cat possesses the toy, and we denote this by use of an apostrophe + s at
the end of cat.

When a noun ends in the letter s or an s sound, the same format applies. This
is a matter of style, however, and some sytle guides suggest leaving off the
extra s.

Example : I have been invited to the boss’s house for dinner.

Plural nouns ending in an s simply take an apostrophe at the end to form a

possessive noun. Of course, there are many plural nouns in english that are
irregular and do not end in s.

Example : the chickens’ eggs were taken by the farmer early in the morning.

Sometimes the idea of possession is more abstract. When you talk about long
you’ve been doing something, it’s possible to use an apostrophe.

Example : Ten years’ experience in marketing has taught me what works and
what doesn’t.

Possessive nouns also modify other nouns to indicate possession.7

 Peter’s motorcycle
 The building’s structure
Form the possessive pronoun by placing an apostrophe (‘) after the noun +

Peter > peter’s motorcycle

Building > building’s structure

When nouns end in “s” it can be difficult to know where to place the “s”. for
nouns ending in “s”, or to use the possessive with regular plurals, place the
apostrophe directly after the ”s”. Do not add another “s”.

Parents > parent’s concern for their children

Computers > computer’s manufacturer

Notice that this construction can change the meaning from singular to plural.

The cat’s favorite food is tuna

2. Possessive adjective
A possessive adjective is a modifier. Possessive adjective modify nouns,
and the way they modify nouns is by showing ownership over them.

Possessive adjective are used to show possession or ownership of

something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the
sense of relationship than ownership.

Ahmad Izzan, Basic English Grammar, (Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc,2014), hlm. 95.

YOU (singular) YOUR
YOU (plural) YOUR
The possessive adjective need to agree with the possessor and not with the thing that
is possessed.

Example :

 My car is very old.

 Her boyfriend is very friendly.
 Our dog is black.
 Their homework is on the table.
Like all adjectives in english, they are always located directly in front of the
noun they refer to. (possessive adjective + noun)

We do not include an S to the adjective when the noun is plural like in many
other languages.

Example :

 Our cars are expensive. (correct)

 Ours cars are expensive. (incorrect)

Possessive adjective are used instead of possessive nouns when the reference
in understood. For example:8

 Tom is a dog lover. He takes his dog spike everywhere!

In this case, it is clear that “his” refers to Tom because of the context.
Possessive adjective are always placed in front of the noun they modify. Here is a list
of possessive adjective with examples:

 That’s my dog in the picture. (I – my dog)

 Does your cat like tuna? (You – your cat)
 He left his book in the car. (He – his cat)
 That’s her car over there. (She – her car)
 Its color is purple! (It – its color)
 Our dog is like a member of the family (We – our dog)
 Your house isn’t far, is it? (You – your house)
 Their farm produces pumpkins. (They – their farm)

B. The Rules of possessive noun and adjective

Grammar rules for possessive nouns.

There are five basic rules for possessive nouns.

1 : Making singular nouns possessive

Add an apostrophe + “s” to most singular nouns and to plural nouns that don’t
end in “s.”

You’ll use this rule the most, so be sure to pay attention to it. English has
some words that are plural but do not add an “s.” Words like children, sheep,

Ahmad Izzan, Basic English Grammar, (Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc,2014), hlm. 94.

women, and men. These irregular plural words are treated as if they were
singular words when making noun possessive.

If a singular noun end in “s,” you can either add an apostrophe + “s” or just an
apostrophe. Both are considered correct, and often which you choose depends
on how awkward the word sounds with an extra “s” on the end: “the Smiths’
house” sounds better than “the Smiths’s house.”

Example :

Singular nouns : Kitten’s toy, Joe’s car, James’/James’s book.

Plurals not ending in s : women’s dresses, sheep’s pasture, children’s toys.

2: Making plural nouns possessive

Add just an apostrophe to plural nouns that already end in “s.”

You don’t need to add an extra “s” to plural nouns that already end in “s.”
Simply tuck the apostrophe on to the end to indicate that the plural noun is
now a plural possessive noun.

Example :

The companies’ workers went on strike together.

You need to clean out the horses’ stalls.

The two countries’ armies amassed on the border.

3 : Making hyphenated nouns and compound nouns plural

Compound words and hyphenated words can be tricky. Add the apostrophe +
“s” to the end of the compound words or to the last word in a hyphenated

Example :

My mother-in-law’s recipe for meatloaf is my husband’s favorite.

The United States Post Office’s stamps are available in rolls or packets.

4 : Indicating possession when two nouns are joined together

You may be writing about two people, places, or things that share possession
of an object. If two nouns share ownership, indicate the possession only once,
and on the apostrophe + “s” to the second noun only.

Example :

Jack and Jill’s pail of water is prominently featured in the nursery rhyme.

Abbot and Costello’s comedy skit “who’s on first” is a classic.

5 : Indicating possession when two nouns are joined, and ownership is


This is the trickiest rule of all, but you probably won’t need to refer to it too
often. When two nouns indicate ownership, but the ownership is separate,
each noun gets the apostrophe + “s.”

Example :

Lucy’s and Ricky’s dressing rooms were painted pink and blue. (Each has his
or her own dressing roo, and they are different rooms).

President Obama’s and Senator Clinton’s educations are outstanding. (Each

owns his or her education, but they attained separate educations).

The Rules of possessive adjective

Things to remember :

1. Possessive adjective are different from possessive pronouns.
Example :

This is your (possessive adjective) book and this is

mine (possessive pronoun).

2. Its, their are possessive adjective.

Example :

Its color is beautiful.

Their car is in their garage.

3. It’s, they’re and there are not possessive adjective – its is a

contraction of it is or it has; they’re is a contraction of they
are; there is an adverb of place.
It’s not my book = it is not my book.

My house is big. it’s got five bedrooms = it has got five


Nancy and Alan are from New York. They’re my friend =

they are my friend.

Please, put the chair there. (adverb)

C. Text Using possessive noun and adjective

Example text possessive nouns :
 Person :
My husband! We are newly weds-just got married in July. He’s the most
important person in my life and my best friend.

 Place :
St. Simons Island! I love the beach, and I can’t think of where I would
rather be.
 Thing :
Children’s books! I just went to the Scholastic Book fair at school, and my
wish list keeps growing!
 Animal :
I love all animals, but I guess I would say a guines pig because that is what
we have right now, and she is our little baby.

Example text possessive adjective :

 My head goes woozy when you climb your ladder.
 Take his spoon and put it by your plate.
 She got her looks from her father. He’s a plastic surgeon.
 It only wants its ball back.

2.7 Corruption

A. Definition of Corruption and Background Occurrence

Understanding corruption according to Fockema Andreae, that is, the word

corruption comes from Latin, namely "corruptio or corruptus". But the word
"corruptio" comes also from the original word "corrumpere", which is an older Latin
word. From this Latin then down to many European languages such as English,
namely corruption, France, namely corruption, the Netherlands is corruptie. It is from
this Dutch that then goes down to Indonesian, which becomes corruption.9

Herry Priyono, corruption, (Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka Indonesia, 2018), hlm. 244.

In Law No. 31 of 1999, the definition of corruption is that anyone who intentionally
violates the law to commit an act with the aim of enriching himself or another person
or a corporation which results in the loss of state finances or the economy of the

Syed Hussein Alatas gave the following characteristics of corruption:

(1) Characteristics of corruption always involve more than one person. This is what
distinguishes between corruption with theft or embezzlement.

(2) Characteristics of corruption in general are confidential, closed especially the

motives behind the development of corruption.

(3) The characteristic of corruption is that it involves elements of obligations and

reciprocal benefits. These obligations and benefits are not always in the form of

(4) The characteristic of corruption is trying to take refuge behind legal justification.

(5) The characteristic of corruption is that those involved in corruption are those who
have the power or authority and influence those decisions.

(6) Characteristics of corruption, namely in every act containing fraud, usually in

public bodies or in the general public.

(7) Characteristics of corruption, namely each form involves a contradictory dual

function of those who carry out these actions.

(8) Characteristics of corruption are based on intentions to put public interests under
personal interests.

According to Arya Maheka, the factors that cause corruption are:

Law enforcement is inconsistent: law enforcement is only a political agenda,
temporary and always changes every change of government.

Abuse of power and authority for fear of being considered stupid if you don't use the

The scarcity of anti-corruption environments: anti-corruption systems and guidelines

are only done as a formality.

Low state administration. Poverty, greed: people are less able to do corruption
because of economic difficulties. Tribute member culture, rewards for services and

The consequences of being arrested are lower than the benefits of

corruptionPermissive / all-permitting culture

The failure of religious and ethical education

B. Types of Corruption

The criminal acts of corruption carried out are quite various forms and types.
However, if there are classified three types or types, namely form, nature, and
purpose. Here's the explanation:

1. Form of corruption
2. Based on its nature
a) Public Corruption

b) Private Corruption

3. Based on the purpose

In general the purpose of corruption is to obtain personal benefits, but specifically

includes the following four objectives:

 Politically
 In the field of law.

C, Impact of Corruption

3. Financial Impact.
4. Economic Impact
5. Environmental Impact.
6. Impact on Human Health and Safety
7. Impact on innovation
8. Cultural Erosion
9. Decreasing Level of Trust in the Government
10. Losses for Honest Companies
11. The Impact of Corruption on Social Life

2.8 Passive Voice

A. Definition of Passive Voice

Passive voice is a senience whose subject is treated by others or by the acting-

object of sentence, and thesentence structure is exactly the same as that of adjective.
See the following examples, in addition, “passive voice” can only be applied in case
of having an “acting subject” for examples, see the following structures of sentence.10

 The Rules of Passive Voice

1. The sentence must have oject (transitive verb). It must have question word
which asks object.
2. Object in active will be subject in passive.
3. Subject in active will be object in passive.

Sulistyo, Passive Voice and Reported Speech, ( Jakarta : PT. Bhuana Ilmu Populer, 2010), hlm. 90.

4. We must use past participle (verb-III).
5. The arrange of sentence depends on tenses.
 Pattern and Example Passive Voice
 General Pattern
Subject + tobe + Verb 3 + by + Object + modifier

Example :

Active : She waters this plant every two days.

Passive : This plant is watered by her every two days.

 Pattern of passive voice in tenses

 Simple Present Tense
Subject + To Be ( am/is/are ) + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He meets them everyday.

Passive : They are met by him everyday.

 Present Continuous Tense

Subject + To Be ( am/is/are ) + being + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He is meeting them now.

Passive : They are being met by him now.

 Present Perfect Tense

Subject + has/have + been + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He has met them.

Passive : They have been met by him.

 Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Subject + has/have + been + being + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He has been meeting them.

Passive : They have been being met by him.

 Simple Past Tense

Subject + was/were + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He met them yesterday.

Passive : They were met by him yesterday.

 Past Continuous Tense

Subject + tobe ( was/were ) + being + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He was meeting them.

Passive : They were being met by him.

 Past Perfect Tense

Subject + had + been + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He had met them before I came.

Passive : They had been met by him before I came.

 Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Subject + had + been + being + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He had been meeting them.

Passive : They had been being met by him.

 Simple Future Tense

Subject + Will/Shall + be + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He will meet them tomorrow.

Passive : They will be met by him tomorrow.

 Future Continuous Tense

Subject + Will/Shall + be + being + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He will be meeting them.

Passive : They will be being met by him.

 Future Perfect Tense

Subject + Will/Shall + have + been+ Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.

Passive : They will have been met by him before I get there

 Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Subject + Will/Shall + have + been + being + Verb 3 + By + Object +

Example :

Active : He will have been meeting them.

Passive : They will have been being met by him.

 Past Future Tense

Subject + Would/Should + be + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He would meet them.

Passive : They would be met by him.

 Past Future Continuous Tense

Subject + Would/Should + be + being + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He would be meeting them.

Passive : They would be being met by him.

 Past Future Perfect Tense

Subject + Would/Should + have + been + Verb 3 + By + Object + Modifier

Example :

Active : He would have met them.

Passive : They would have been met by him.

 Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Subject + Would/Should + have + been + being + Verb 3 + By + Object +

Example :

Active : He would be meeting them.

Passive : They would be being met by him.

Text Using Passive Voice

 Explanation Text :
How Earthquakes Happen

Earthquake is one of natural disaster that destroying a certain area the most. It
recently happens in Tasikmalaya, West Java Province. Earthquakes are caused by
suddenly breaks of underground rock along a fault. This sudden release a huge
amount of seismic waves Energy. The ground will be shaken when it happen. When
two plates or two blocks of rock are rubbing against each other, they will be
sticked together. But, they don’t slide smoothly.

The rocks are not moving but still pushing against each other. After several times, the
rocks will be broken due to all the pressure that’s built up. When those rocks break,
the earthquakes happen. This is horrible and we have to maintain our Environment,
so there will be no earthquakes happen.

2.9 Simple Future Tense
A. Definition of Simple Future Tense
Tense in English means time. Word tenses means a verb or collection of words
that are used to express the relationship of time.

Tenses indicate what action is, activity is now, past or will come in addition to
verb tenses that indicate whether the activity has been going on in the past or each
one continues until now.

A form of tenses used to represent a devotion or even and can also be used to
show or explain something that will happen or the time that will come (future) is
called as simple future tense. It has a formula as follows.11

Affirmative : S + will/shall + VI + O/C

Will : For all subject

Shall : Only for I and We

“Shall” still be determined in formal Englis but unusual in conversation as a

substitute we can use “Will”.

Example :

 I will wait for you

 I shall come to you house
B. Active and Passive Sentence in Simple Future Tense
1. Active Sentence
The use of simple future tense for active sentences is follows as :

Simanjutak Herpinus, Bahasa Inggris Sistem 52M Jilid 3, (Bekasi : Blance, 2008), hlm. 58.

a. If there is no previous plan used when there is no plan or decision
to do something before we speak. We do it spontaneously when
Example :

 Maybe I will stay here

b. If it is a prediction in the future and tries to say what we think will
Example :

 I thing Hidayat will be the winner

c. If you want to express your abality about something
Example :

 Why don`t your uncle ? He will happily help you

d. To make the play clause a hypothetical presupposition
Example :

 If we success, our parents will be very proun of us

e. To make requests and orders more formal or more polite
Example :

 Will you pick me up, please!

2. Passive Sentence
Used to state the activities of events or events that will occur. Time
markers like tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and etc. This
passive sentence

in tense also explains that someone or something will be subject to


Negative : S + will/shall not + V1 + O/C

Example : I won`t come late.

Interrogative : Will/shall + S + V1 + O/C

Example : Shall I work tomorrow morning ?

Negative Interrogative : Won`t/shan`t + S + V1 + O/C

Or : Will/Shall + S + not + V1 + O/C

Example :

 Won`t you come here tomorrow ?

Or : Will you not come here tomorrow ?
 Won`t he get a new job this month ?
Or : Will he get a new job this month ?

Some sentence followed by question words in this tense :

 When will you visit your mother in the village ?

Answer : I will visit her next Saturday.
 What will william do three days to go ?
Answer : He will teach me German.

Abbreviations that mush be considered

 I`II go : I will go
 He`II not go : He won`t go : He will not go
Information of time used in simple future tense

 This morning Next week

 Today I a week
 This week Four month to go
 This summer Later

 Tomorrow Soon
“Be going to” to can also be simplr future tense when the intention of the
speaker really wants to do the action.

Affirmative : S + Be (am, is, are) + going to + V1 + O/C

Example : I`m going to study English tonight.

Negative : S + Be + (am, is, are) not + going to + V1 + O/C

Example : I`m not going to resign from my position.

Interrogative : Be (am, is ,are) S + going to + V1 +O/C

Example : Is he going to cook fish tonight ?

Some sentences followed by question words :

a) : What are you going to plant this year ?

b) : I`m going to plant potatoes.

Several sentence with short answer :

Are you going to return three days to go ?

Yes, I am

No, I`am not

The difference in the use of going to and will in sentences. Usualy

depends on the second sentence whether it will be done or not and in this case
we are familiar with the type 1 (future possibillity) sentence.

Example : my father is going to give me a present next week.

The present continuous tense can also be used in an impending form
on the condition that here must be a clear time statement so that it is not
wrong in its understanding. Example :

Where are you cooking tomorrow morning ?

Answer : I`m cooking noodle.

Or : I am going to cook noodle.

But if the questation is sure to be done, the timeline does not need to
be mentioned. Example :

a. What are you having ? Or : What are you going to have ?

b. I`am having a steak Or : I`am going to have a steak.
I`am taking an exam in October. ( planned )

Tom and Jimmy are meeting this afternoon. ( planned)

C. Use of simple future tense

According to simanjutak (2008) “ Simple Future Tense is used to declare
events / activities that will occur / be done in the future, whether 10 minutes or 1
hour to come, tomorrow, the day after, next week, next month, next year, and so

Is used to declare several actions or events as follows :

1. Used to express actions that will be carried out in the future.

Example : shall go to japan tomorrow.

2. Used to make an appointment in the future.

Example : He will meet you by ten.

3. Used to indicate a condition.

Example : He will give you a good dictionary if you go with him.

4. Used to beg someone to do something.

Example : Will you please help me to get the book.

Simple future tense is also a job or event that has not yet occurred and
will apply in the future .

2. 10 Comparison of degree

A. Definition of Comparison degrees

Degree of comparison is one of the English grammar that is often used in practice
both writing and conversation. The degree of comparison material is included in the
adverbial and adjective category because it uses both elements to make a sentence of
degree of comparison. If you want to really master English, then one of the grammar
that you must master is this material. Well, in this session I will explain what is the
degree of comparison, the types, the rules of the game and the example in sentences.
Comparison degrees are sentences with comparative patterns that are used to express
the meaning of comparison. There are three comparative degrees patterns that are
very easy to understand:12

Degree of comparison in English is divided into 3 types of levels: Positive,

Comparative and Superlative.

a. Positive degree is used to show similarity between two objects or more or

comparing two or more people or something that has the same quality of
work or trait.

1. This book is as good as that book.

2. Susan is as beautiful as jane.

Thompson,son, Pratical English Grammar, (Oxford : University Press,2005), hlm. 40.

3. John is as clever as peter.
4. Tono walks as fast as Toni (adverb).
5. Tini is as tall as Tina (adjective).
b. Comparative degree is used to show more meaning between two objects
that are compared or compare two different objects or compare two or
more people or something that has work quality or characteristics that are
not the same, where one of them is more than the other
1. Marry is a cleverer than Jane.
2. He runs faster than me.
3. I am older than you.
4. He is taller than me ( adjective )
5. Jono plays piano as well as Joni ( adverb )
c. Superlative degree to show the best or prioritize an object between the
number of objects that are compared or compare someone or something
with the group or group.

1. Marry is the cleverest girl in the class.

2. This is the oldest cinema in Bandung.
3. It was the most beautiful house than I had ever seen.
4. I am the most handsome in Gembiraloka zoo ( adjective )
5. Captain America runs the slowest super hero I've seen ( adverb )
There are several things that need to be considered about adjective
changes in the comparative degree.

a. For adjectives consisting of one or two syllables , to say "more ... than ...",
simply add suffix-er.

1. Big: Toni is bigger than Adi.
2. Small: Wendy is smaller than Eli.
3. Friendly: Kiki is friendly than Hanafi.
b. Whereas adjectives consisting of three syllables or more, to say "more ... than
...", need to add a prefix: more.

1. Interesting: Bali is more interesting than Palu.

2. Dangerous: crocodile is more dangerous than duck.
3. I love Yogyakarta, because it is more interesting than Semarang.
The following is an adjective form change on superlative degree:

a. For adjectives consisting of one or more two syllables, simply add the suffix: -

1. Big: mortan is the biggest.

2. Small: wendy is the smallest.
b. As for adjectives consisting of three or more syllables, just add the prefix: the
Example :

1. Interesting: Yogya is the most interesting.

2. Expensive: Nevada is the most expensive.
c. For adjectives ending in -ed, even though they only consist of two syllables,
they are considered the same as adjectives consisting of three syllables or

1. I think the most interesting city in three world is Mexico.

2. I guess, the most crowded park in central Java is Batu Raden park.

Adjective words that have one last consonant before a vocal, then the
consonant is duplicated: Big - bigger –the biggest.

While the two syllables that end in –er, -ble, -ple, -ow, - some, or –y (which in
the case of a dead letter) only add –er and –est. Ne of the verb patterns in English that
we know is a verb structure that is combined with an adjective. If the adjective is then
followed by the work certificate,


1. Solo is a safe place to live.

2. Jakarta is terrible place to live.
3. Jakarta is an expensive city to live.
4. Yogyakarta is a very interesting city to visit.
Certain adjectives do not have a degree of comparison, namely: absolute,
complete, entire, eternal, everlasting, main, pure, preliminary, rectangular.

Meanwhile there are several adjectives whose irregular comparison:

Positive Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst

Many More Most

Old Elder Eldest

Much More Most

Elder and eldest are used to show that there is a kinship relationship between
them: - my eldest son is married ( my oldest child is married ) or she is her elder
daughter ( he is his older daughter ).

Whereas the older an oldest is used publicly: - she is older than I am ( she is
older than me ). Whereas the difference between farther and further. Farther is used to
indicate the distance from one place to another such as: the farthest corner of the earth
(a distant plosok with the earth). Whereas further can be used for distance and time
meaning more broadly. For example, the further ball from here ( that's the ball farther
from here )

Omparison degree besides can be used by showing the meaning "more ...
than ...", it can also be shown the meaning less than ... it can be expressed by using
less ... than ...

1. Lower density ( less crowded )

Yogjakarta is less crowded than Jakarta, so you don't have to be worried if you
are not very good driver

2. The comparative and superlative usage depends on the number of adjective

syllables ( adjective ). e.g: Tall ( 1 syllable ), Famous ( 2 syllables ),
Beautiful ( 3 syllables )
a. syllable: just add the -est / -er behind it.
Example: I am slimer than you. My father is oldest in my family.

b. syllables. There are those who use more there who use -er for
comparative. For superlatives there are those who use the -est there
who use most.
Example: Tukul more famous than Gogon or maybe Tukul cleverer
than Gogon; We are the cleverest / most clever creation of God.

c. or more. Must be obliged bin must use Most and More.

Example: She is the most beautiful girl in my life.

3. Exceptions:
Ø some adjectives in comparative and superlative will experience the last
double letter. like: big> bigger and biggest; sad> sadder and saddest.

Ø If the adjective ends with the letter "y", it is replaced by "i". Like: Happy>
Happiest and Happier

4. Examples in Sentences
a. Superlative
1) Komodo dragon is the biggest lizard in the world (Komodo is
the largest lizard in the world)
2) For me you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met (For me
you are the prettiest girl I've ever met).
3) I will do my best to help you (I will do my best to help you)
4) Our company delivers the fastest of your goods (our company
brings you the fastest).
5) You must try the most spicy condiment in this restaurant (You
have to try the most spicy sauce in this restaurant)
b. Comparative
1) Your car is bigger than mine (your car is bigger than my car)
2) She can dive deeper than me (she can dive deeper than me)
3) I'm smarter than you (I'm smarter than you)
4) She drives better than me (he drives better than me)
5) Cliff's climb can be higher than the others (Jack can climb the
rock higher than others)
c. Positive
1) You cry as loud as my baby (you cry as hard as my baby).

2) I am not as handsome as my father (I am not as handsome as
my father).
3) Your smile is as sweet as mine (your smile is as sweet as my
4) She works as a hard as her manager (she works as hard as her
5) Life is not as difficult as you think (life is not as difficult as you

2.11 . Descriptive Text

A. Definition of Descriptive Text

Before looking What is the definition of descriptive text as a whole, let us

understand what is meant by the word descriptive itself. Descriptive is an adjective
that if we mean in Indonesian means that the description (picture). If you were asked
to describe an object, it means you have to describe the object in question both in the
size, color and so forth. According to Wikipedia, is a Descriptive text is: "one kaedah
data processing effort into something that can be expressed clearly and precisely with
the aim that can be understood by people who do not directly experience it for
yourself." So what is meant by descriptive text is an article or text that describes the
properties inherent in something, be it humans, animals, plants, or inanimate objects
such as houses, cars and so forth.13

B. Purpose of Descriptive Text

Judging from the above understanding, then in fact we are able to understand
what is the purpose of descriptive text. Another goal is to describe everything be it
human, animal, plant or inanimate objects with properties attached to it such as size,

Asep Dadang dan Dian Anggraini. Be Smart English. (Bandung : Grafindo Media Gratama, 2008),
hlm. 48.

type, color, and so forth so that the reader or the reader can figure out what something
is out of the picture we convey even though he has not never seen.

C. Structure Text ( Generic Structure ) of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text has its own rules in writing, including in the structure or
composition of which must be written in order. If you are prompted to create
descriptive text, then make sure the structure is as follows:

a. Identification: This section - in the first paragraph - the goal is to identify

something to be described or depicted. Explanation easy, Identification serves
to introduce the reader about the object or something that we have described
before we tell about its properties. The goal is not to get one of those readers.
We want to describe a car, for example, but the reader assumed motors.
Example: you are asked to describe the new car, then the contents of his
identification is: My dad just bought a new car. This car is long I craved, but
only now my father bought. ( Means to be portrayed is my car, not the car
someone else ).
b. Description: This section - in the second paragraph and so on - contains the
properties inherent in something that you already introduced to the reader in
the first paragraph. Example ( continued on cars above ): This is my new car
is the latest sports car from Toyota. Number bench only two, one for the
driver and one for passengers, as well as the door. This car can be sped up to
speeds of 500 km / h, almost equal to the speed of Fokker plane manifold.

D. Characteristics Descriptive Text

These characteristics are important for you to take into account when writing the
descriptive text is not wrong. So make sure you use the following features when
using the genre will write descriptive text:

a. Using the Simple Present Tense. Why use the simple present tense? this is
because we will describe a fact or truth that is attached to something or
someone. And one of the functions of the simple present is to illustrate a fact
or truth ( eg fact: the sun is hot ). Therefore, you should always use the first
form of the verb ( verb - 1 ). Your example will illustrate the properties of
your new car: The color of my car is black, it can run up to 500 km / hour.
b. Because of its function is to describe something by explaining its properties,
then the text will be found many descriptive adjectives ( adjective ), as
handsome, beautiful, tall, small, big, or if the adjective is derived from the
verb, then you will find additional–ve,-ing,-ntintow.
Example : Create ( create ) creative ( smart people make something ). Interest
( interest ) interesting ( something interesting )

c. In the descriptive text we will often find Relating verb ( copula ) which is (as
in characteristic number 1). In Indonesian is often interpreted as "is". Because
the purpose or function descriptive text is to describe, then definitely we will
often find the word was (is). His name is Andy (his name was Andy), his
height is 160 cm (height is 160 cm).

E. .Sample Descriptive Text and explanation.

The National Monument

The National Monument (or Monument Nasional) is a 132 meters tower in the
center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. It symbolizes the fight for Indonesia’s
independence. The monument consist of a 117,7 m obelisk on a 45 m square platform
at a height of 17 m. The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga
and Yoni. Lingga resembles, rice pestle (alu) and Yoni resembles a mortar rice
(lesung), two important items in Indonesian agricultural tradition. The construction
began in 1961 under the direction of President Soekarno and the monument was

opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The
monument and museum is opened daily from 08.00 – 15.00 every day throughout the
week, except for the last Monday of the month the monument is closed.

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia,

located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta. It is characterised by its tall and
pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47 m high
central building inside a large complex of individual temples. It was built around 850
CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram Dynasty, or Balitung Maha
Sambu, during the Sanjaya Dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple was
abandoned and began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound began in 1918.
The main building was completed in around 1953.



3.1 Conclusion
English language is referred to as a universal language. That is the language
that is often used to communicate in different countries. The reason why English
language is used as an international language it’s because historical factor, order of
the language, and the united kingdom it self has more advanced developing era.
English holds an important role in the life of the global community. Such as industrial
fields, politics, economics, or art and culture.

English so really important to our life. For example for get job. As we know
that foreign companies growing a lot in Indonesia, and certainly they opened
opportunity to work in their company especially to the people who can speak in
English. For get entertainment, we also need skill of English language. For watching
movies, listen the songs, read the magazine, etc.

The ability of English speaking communities in Indonesia is still very

minimal. Many of reason underlying the community by Indonesia in learning the
English language, as it is difficult to learn or too complicated, fell that English is not
too important, or for people who are old it’s too late to learn English.

3.2 Suggestion
We are as the writer want to apology for the shortage of this paper. We know
that this paper is still far from perfect. So that we need the suggest from the reader for
the perfection of this paper. Thank you very much for the reader.


Dadang,Asep dan Dian Anggraini. 2008. Be Smart English. Bandung : Grafindo

Media Gratama. hlm. 48.

Gucker.1966. Essential English Grammar. New York : Dover Publication, inc.


Handoko,Teguh .2017.Student’s Pocket Grammar . Klaten : Real Books, Hlm 25

Herpinus, Simanjutak. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Sistem 52M Jilid 3. Bekasi : Blance,
hlm. 58.

Izzan,Ahmad. 2014. Basic English Grammar. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc. hlm. 94.

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