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Practicing God’s Presence

Developing a Deepening Devotional Life

Meet Brother Lawrence: Born in 1611. Lay- with him and in letters he wrote to people who
brother in Carmelite community in Paris. Became sought his insights.
well known for his remarkable and serene faith as
he focused his life on “practicing the presence of Meet Frank Laubach: Born in 1884. Missionary
God.” Sought-out by church dignitaries and to the Philippines and pioneer in the literacy
royalty for his guidance. Summary of his movement whose methods are still widely
principle: Live as though God is beside you and followed. He began to practice the presence of
with you all the time—as indeed he is. Seek to do God at age forty-five. When he died, forty years
what he wants, as and when he commands it, and later, he was one of the most widely known and
make his command your joy and chief pleasure. best loved men of the twentieth century. Recorded
The man who lives like that will be fully human, his thoughts and experiences in letters to his
completely Christian and genuinely happy. His father, in his journals, and in books.
thoughts were recorded by others who conversed

Gleanings from Brother Lawrence:

When I was eighteen, I was out for a walk in life and then the summer and fall of flower and
the woods, trying to think through some problems fruit. It is simply believing that God has the power
that had been on my mind for months. All my life and the will to do all things well for us, if we will
I had believed in God and wanted to please him. I only submit to his loving, patient rule. And that
had assumed that this was done by deliberate acts nothing we can do—beyond trusting him—will
of worship, by prayer and study, by discipline and speed up his will or make things happen which he
self-control. And I was discouraged because, isn’t ready to do in us.
instead of getting better as I got older, I found At that moment, all the efforts I had put into
myself actually getting worse. The harder I tried, trying to please God were swallowed up in an
the more I failed. enormous sense of love for him. The One who
I was walking along, thinking about these patiently led the trees and the plants through their
things, when I came to a very beautiful chestnut seasons would also lead me, if I would only
tree. I’d been watching it all year—the leaves submit to his loving and powerful hand. I did.
coming fresh and green from the buds, the flowers Conscious and deliberate submission to the
opening up in early summer. . . . And now it was will of God: “I here and now submit myself again
loaded with chestnuts. totally to you, without any reserve, not claiming
I sat under the tree, and suddenly, like a ray of your presence as a right but resigning myself
light bursting in my mind, I got the answer: In the completely to your good and perfect will.”
winter, this old tree was bare, stripped of leaves, A frequent prayer: “O my God, Here I am. All
apparently dead. With the spring the new life that I am is yours. Make of me whatever you
flow-ed up from the soil through its trunk and want.” Then it seems to me as if God, contented
branches, reaching each twig and pushing out the with these few words, settles down again in the
fresh leaves and the new growth. Then, later, the depth and center of my being.
flowers and finally the fruit appeared, until on this We are like millionaires living on welfare.
still, sunny September day I could sit in its shade God has so much to give and yet we are content to
and see the wonderful crop of chestnuts on its pick up spiritual trifles. Our blindness and
branches. disobedience hinder him from working in our
I was like the tree in winter. Myself, I was lives. They are like a dam built across a flowing
nothing—dead, barren, without fruit. And, like the stream, stopping its course and cutting off the life-
tree, I couldn’t change by struggling or sheer giving supplies of water to the thirsty ground
effort. I, too, must wait for the hand of my Maker below. But when God finds a heart that is ready,
to touch me with life, and change my winter of open and trusting, the obstacle is swept aside and
barren unfruitfulness into first the spring of new the pent-up waters flow as never before, surging

into every corner and hidden place, bringing light flowing. The river flows wherever there is low
and joy. We stop the current mainly by the way land cleared and ready before it. The thirsty land
we undervalue God’s gifts. Simply to want him, does nothing but drink up the goodness.
above everything else, is the way to set the waters

Gleanings from Frank Laubach:

January 3, 1930. This has been the finest year of do not think one thing. We always think of the
my life—and that is glorious! And this is what I relationship of at least two things, and more often
do witness. I have done nothing but open of three or more things simultaneously. So my
windows—God has done the rest. There has been problem is this: Can I bring the Lord back in my
a succession of marvelous experiences of the mind-flow every few seconds so that God shall
presence of God. I feel, as I look back over the always be in my mind?
year, that it would have been impossible to have April 19, 1930. At the moment I feel
held much more without breaking with sheer joy. something “let go” inside, lo, God is here! It is a
It was the lonesomest year, in some ways the heart-melting “here-ness,” a lovely whispering of
hardest year, of my life, but the most glorious. I father to child, and the reason I did not have it
resolved that I would succeed better this year with before, was because I had failed to let go.
my experiment of filling every minute full of the May 24, 1930. This concentration upon God is
thought of God than I succeeded last year. strenuous, but everything else has ceased to be so.
I have started to live all my waking moments I think more clearly, I forget less frequently.
in conscious listening to the inner voice, asking Things which I did with a strain before, I now do
with-out ceasing, “What, Father, do you desire easily and with no effort whatsoever. I worry
said? What, Father, do you desire this minute.” It about nothing, and lose no sleep. I walk on air a
is clear that this is exactly what Jesus was doing good part of the time. Even the mirror reveals a
all day every day. I am feeling God in each new light in my eyes and face. I no longer feel in a
movement, by an act of will—willing that He hurry about anything. Everything goes right. Each
shall direct these fingers that now strike this minute I meet calmly as though it were not
typewriter—willing that He shall pour through my important. Nothing can go wrong except one
steps as I walk— willing that He shall direct my thing. That is that God my slip from my mind if I
words as I speak, and my very jaws as I eat! I am do not keep on my guard. If He is there, the
striving to be utter-ly free from everybody, free universe is with me. My task is simple and clear.
from my own self, but completely enslaved to the June. 1, 1930. Do you suppose that through all
will of God every moment of this day. eternity the price we will need to pay for keeping
January 29, 1930. I feel simply carried along God will be that we must endlessly be giving Him
each hour, doing my part in a plan which is far away? Last Monday was the most completely
beyond myself. This sense of cooperation with successful day of my life to date. . . .I remember
God in little things is what so astonishes my. I how as I looked at people with a love God gave,
need something, and turn round to find it waiting they looked back and acted as though they wanted
for me. I must work, to be sure, but there is God to go with me. I felt then that for a day I saw a
working along with me. My part is to live this little of that marvelous pull that Jesus had as He
hour in continuous inner conversation with God walked along the road day after day “God-
and in perfect responsiveness to His will. God intoxicated” and radiant with the endless
takes care of all the rest. communion of His soul with God.
March 1, 1930. I do not need to strain at all to October 12, 1930. If our destiny is to grow on
find opportunity. It piles in upon me as the waves and on and on, into some far more beautiful
roll over the beach, and yet there is time to do creatures than we are now, that means we need to
something about each opportunity. have the shells broken quite frequently so that we
March 23, 1930. Can we have that contact can grow.
with God all the time? All the time awake, fall September 18, 1931. I choose to look at
asleep in His arms, and awaken in His presence? people through God, using God as my glasses,
Our mind is a flowing something. It oscillates. We colored with His love for them. . . . I must learn a

continuous silent conversation of heart to heart saints. Indeed, the spiritual giants of all ages have
speaking with God while looking into other eyes known it. “Pray without ceasing,” said Paul, “in
and listening to other voices. . . . This simple everything make your wants known unto God.”
practice requires only a gentle pressure of the will. “As many as are led by the spirit of God, these are
It grows easier as the habit becomes fixed. the sons of God.” It is a practice as old as Enoch,
How is [friendship with God] to be achieved? who “walked with God.” It is a way of living
Precisely as any friendship is achieved. By doing which nearly everybody knows and nearly
things together. The depth and intensity of the everybody has ignored.
friendship will depend upon the variety and extent The notion that religion is dull, stupid and
of the things we do and enjoy together. . . . sleepy is abhorrent to God, for He has created
Friends must walk together; they cannot long infinite variety and He loves to surprise us. If you
stand still together, for that means death to are weary of some sleepy form of devotion,
friendship and to life. . . . So we may grow into probably God is as weary of it as you are. Shake
closer love with God by widening into His out of it, and approach Him in one of the
interests, and thinking His thoughts and sharing countless fresh directions.
His enterprises. . . . We shall not become like
Christ until we give Him more time. . . . Christ
“chose them [the disciples],” the Bible says, “that Closer than a Brother, Brother Lawrence edited
they might be with Him,” 168 hours a week! by David Winter, Harold Shaw Publishers,
This practicing the presence of Christ takes all Wheaton, IL, 1971. Practicing His Presence,
our time, yet does not take from our work. It takes Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach edited by
Christ into our enterprises and makes them more Gene Edwards, The Seed Sowers, Beaumont, TX,
successful. Practicing the presence of God is not 1978.
on trial. It has already been proven by countless

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