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Table of Content

Table of Content ........................................................................................................................................... 1

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ 2
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 4
MENDELEY INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................ 5
MICROSOFT WORD ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Margin arrangement ................................................................................................................................. 7
Multilevel list............................................................................................................................................. 8
Style modification ................................................................................................................................... 10
Style implementation.............................................................................................................................. 14
Section Break .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Page Break .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Page number ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Cross-Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 18
References .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Create Table of Content .......................................................................................................................... 24

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List of Figures
Figure 1 Mendeley web page ........................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 2 Mendeley account registration ....................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3 Download Mendeley desktop ......................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4 Mendeley desktop installation process .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 5 Mendeley MS Word Plugin ............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 6 Mendeley plugin successfully installed ........................................................................................... 6
Figure 7 Mendeley plugin in Microsoft Word ............................................................................................... 6
Figure 8 Create New Document using Microsoft Word................................................................................ 7
Figure 9 Margin Setting and Page Setup window ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 10 Multilevel List ................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 11 Define new Multilevel list ............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 12 Format number ............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 13 Style modification ....................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 14 Heading Modification.................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 15 Modify Style window .................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 16 Format Selection ......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 17 Font setting for heading BAB ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 18 Paragraph setting for heading BAB ............................................................................................. 12
Figure 19 Numbering and Bullets ............................................................................................................... 13
Figure 20 Define New Number Format ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 21 Font editing window ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 22 Normal text for BAB .................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 23 After using style heading BAB ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 24 Automatic heading TAJUK ........................................................................................................... 14
Figure 25 Example of using heading 4 for sub-topic ................................................................................... 15
Figure 26 Sub-sub-topic using Heading 5.................................................................................................... 15
Figure 27 Section break for the next page .................................................................................................. 16
Figure 28 Show and hide button ................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 29 Page break and section break display ......................................................................................... 16
Figure 30 Page number ............................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 31 Page number format ................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 32 Insert new table .......................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 33 Insert caption for Table ............................................................................................................... 19
Figure 34 Caption window .......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 35 Caption Numbering ..................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 36 Insert title for the table ............................................................................................................... 20
Figure 37 Example of table caption ............................................................................................................ 20
Figure 38 Sample document of cross-reference ......................................................................................... 20
Figure 39 Cross-reference menu................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 40 Cross-reference menu selection ................................................................................................. 21

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Figure 41 Example of completed cross-reference ...................................................................................... 21
Figure 42 Update field menu ...................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 43 Reference topic ........................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 44 Automatic references or bibliography ........................................................................................ 22
Figure 45 Automatic bibliography and reference part inserted ................................................................. 22
Figure 46 Insert citation .............................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 47 Mendeley desktop for citation.................................................................................................... 23
Figure 48 Automatic document citation ..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 49 Automatic update references ..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 50 Citation style ............................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 51 Process of inserting table of content .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 52 Table of content editing window ................................................................................................ 25
Figure 53 TOC Options ................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 54 Appropriate style for TOC ........................................................................................................... 26
Figure 55 Insert table of figures .................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 56 Table of figures............................................................................................................................ 26

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List of Tables

Table 1 Multilevel setting parameter ........................................................................................................... 9

Table 2 Level formatting setting for each level ............................................................................................ 9
Table 3 Styles modification parameters ..................................................................................................... 13
Table 4 Page number setting ...................................................................................................................... 17

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1. Go to www.mendeley.com and click Sign up & Download (first time user) as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Mendeley web page

2. Fill up all particular need and click Create a free account (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 Mendeley account registration

3. Then download Mendeley and install to the computer (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 Download Mendeley desktop

4. Follow all steps provided to install the software as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Mendeley desktop installation process

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5. After the installation finished, open Mendeley Desktop and go to Tools>Install MS Word Plugin
(see Figure 5). The web importer is used for Mendeley using web browser. Note that all
Microsoft software such as MS Outlook, MS Word etcetera needs to be closed before installing

Figure 5 Mendeley MS Word Plugin

6. A pop-up window that indicates the plugin was installed as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Mendeley plugin successfully installed

7. Finally open Microsoft word and check the plugin inside Reference tab (see Figure 7).

Figure 7 Mendeley plugin in Microsoft Word

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This module will explain and guide the process of creating and developing a thesis template from scratch
to full template. This process is step by step guidelines.

1. Open new document in Microsoft Word as shown in Figure 8. Shortcut key CTRL+N

Figure 8 Create New Document using Microsoft Word

2. New blank document will open.

Margin arrangement

1. Go to Page Layout tab then click Custom Margins and Page setup window will appear as shown
in Figure 9. Set following parameters for Top: 2.5cm, Bottom: 2.5cm, Left: 4cm and Right:
2.5cm. Click OK button.

Figure 9 Margin Setting and Page Setup window

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Multilevel list

This topic will explain the method to create custom level of numbering format.

1. Click on Multilevel List (Home tab) and select Define New Multilevel List as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Multilevel List

2. A new window of Define new Multilevel list will pop up as shown in Figure 11. Click More
button to expand the modification process.

Figure 11 Define new Multilevel list

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3. Set all parameters required as shown in Table 1:

Table 1 Multilevel setting parameter

Level 1 2 3 4 5
Heading Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 Heading 7
Number style for this level 1, 2, 3, … 1, 2, 3, … 1, 2, 3, … 1, 2, 3, … 1, 2, 3, …
Number of alignment Left Left Left Left Left
Aligned at 0” 0” 0” 0” 0”
Text indent at 0.25” 0.25” 0.25” 0.25” 0.25”

Then modify the Enter formatting for number by using for Include level number from menu as shown in
Figure 12 Format number and Table 2. Use ‘.’ to separate each level.

Level 3

Original value

Level 1 Level 4
Level 2
Figure 12 Format number

Table 2 Level formatting setting for each level

Level Include level number from

2 Level 1
3 Level 1, Level 2
4 Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
5 Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4

Overall results setting will be illustrate in next topic.

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Style modification

Overall style modification can be illustrated in Figure 13.

Figure 13 Style modification

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1. Right click on Heading 1 in Home Tab as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14 Heading Modification

2. Figure 15 shows a window to modify the style of heading selected such as Heading 1. Rename
the Heading onto BAB, and Style for following paragraph as HEADING 2 then click OK.

Figure 15 Modify Style window

3. Choose FORMAT to change the font as shown in Figure 16 (for example Font and Paragraph).

Figure 16 Format Selection

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4. Select font to Times New Roman, font style to Bold, size to 12, select Automatic for font color
and effects to All Caps as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17 Font setting for heading BAB

5. Then the paragraph setting can be set as shown in Figure 18. Select General part and set
alignment to Centered. Then select the spacing part for Before: 36pt (3 line spacing) and After:
48pt (4 line spacing). Click OK

Figure 18 Paragraph setting for heading BAB

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6. Continue the style modification for other styles according to parameter in Table 3:

Table 3 Styles modification parameters

STYLE Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 - 7 Caption Normal

Style for following Heading 3 Normal

Heading Name TAJUK Heading 3 Heading 4 - 7 Caption* Normal
Font Times New Roman
Font style Bold Regular
Font size 12
Font color Automatic Red Automatic
Effect All Caps -
Alignment Centered Left Centered Justified
Spacing Before 0 pt 0 pt 24 pt 0 pt 0 pt
Spacing After 48 pt 0 pt 12 pt 0 pt 12 pt
Indentation - First line
Line spacing - 1.5
*Note that the modification for Caption Style is only available when the auto caption is inserted.

7. Modify Heading 3 in order to hide the numbering format. A new window of Numbering and
Bullets as shown in Figure 19. Click Define New Number Format… then click Font to edit the
numbering format as shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21.

Figure 19 Numbering and Bullets

Figure 20 Define New Number Format

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8. Change Font color type to No Color. Then click ok.

Figure 21 Font editing window

Style implementation

1. Type CHAPTER I in your Microsoft word document as shown in Figure 22. Then click heading
BAB. The text will change as shown in Figure 23. Click ENTER button to proceed with heading
TAJUK automatically.

Figure 22 Normal text for BAB

Figure 23 After using style heading BAB

2. Type INTRODUCTION and click heading TAJUK. The document will display as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24 Automatic heading TAJUK

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3. Please ENTER button twice. This process is to bypass heading 3 in order to get the numbering
format for every chapter. Note that the numbering format was set as no color.
4. Type a brief introduction for every chapter if needed. The style should be automatically in
Normal style.
5. Type Project Overview in the document file then click heading 4 for the first sub-topic. Then
type Problem Statement and click heading 4 for second sub-topic as shown Figure 25.

Figure 25 Example of using heading 4 for sub-topic

6. In order to add sub-sub-topic for the problem statement, just type Power Effect and click
heading 5 as seen in Figure 26. This process can be continue by using heading 6 and heading 7 if

Figure 26 Sub-sub-topic using Heading 5

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Section Break

Section break is used to split the document with different section in new page. This process is very
useful to combine several type of documents in single document file.

1. Go to Page Layout menu tab and choose Next page in section break part as shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27 Section break for the next page

2. For better documentation process, it is better to use implement section break for different
chapters. For example Chapter II is different section from Chapter I, Chapter II is different
section from Chapter II and so on.

Page Break

Page break is use to mark the point at which one page ends and the next page begins. This page break is
very useful to make the documentation at the right location. For example if the document have 50
pages, then the user need to modify page 30. Without using page break, page 31 onwards will be
affected when every line inserted. The format can be view by clicking the symbol ¶ on home menu as
shown in Figure 28 and Figure 29.

Figure 28 Show and hide button

Figure 29 Page break and section break display

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Page number

Page number is important to reference page purpose.

1. Click page number on insert menu tab, then choose suitable numbering format as shown in
Figure 30.

Figure 30 Page number

2. The numbering format can be modified by clicking Format Page Numbers as seen on Figure 31.
For example in roman part, the user can choose i, ii, iii , ... for roman section and 1, 2, 3, … for
chapter section as shown in Table 4. However the user need to differentiate page numbering
format either continues from previous section (use this for chapter II link with chapter I) or start
at: to start new number (use this for the first page of chapter I and first page of roman section).
Note that the process of using different type of page number must be edited in significant
header/footer of the page number inserted.

Table 4 Page number setting

Topic Page Number (Before) Page Number (After)


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Figure 31 Page number format


This topic is use to update relevant caption such as table, figure and equation automatically.

1. Click on Insert menu tab to insert new table. For example 5x6 tables as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32 Insert new table

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2. New blank table will be inserted. Fill up all data for that table then caption the table as shown in
Figure 33. The click Insert Caption to label the table.

Figure 33 Insert caption for Table

3. A window of caption will displayed as shown in Figure 34. Select label type as Table then click
Numbering… to set the format as shown in Figure 35 including chapter number using heading 3
and separator of “.(period)”, click ok.

Figure 34 Caption window

Figure 35 Caption Numbering

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4. Then insert the appropriate title for the table (see Figure 36). For example the title is Working

Figure 36 Insert title for the table

5. The output for the table caption is shown in Figure 37.

Figure 37 Example of table caption

6. Repeat the process for inserting figure with automatic numbering format.
7. Let say that user wants to refer to previous table for working schedule as shown in Figure 38.
Example Every staff need to follow the schedule as shown in Table 1.1.

Figure 38 Sample document of cross-reference

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8. Click cross-reference button from reference menu tab as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39 Cross-reference menu

9. User need to select Reference type: Table, Insert reference to: Only label and number and
choose relevant type. Then click Insert.

Figure 40 Cross-reference menu selection

10. The document will display the cross-reference word as well. Try to highlight the sentence in
order to see either the label such as table, figure and equation either linked or manually
inserted as shown in Figure 41. The cross reference part will be highlighted in grey color. Note
that if any changes made before the sentences with cross-reference, user need to right-click and
choose update-field to match the link with specific table or figure (see Figure 42).

Figure 41 Example of completed cross-reference

Figure 42 Update field menu

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1. Create new page by using page break. Normally this page is at the end of the document before
appendixes. Use heading BAB for REFERENCE title (see Figure 43). Note that after user press
ENTER button, press DELETE button to skip heading 2 (TAJUK). The writing process must be at
Normal style.

Figure 43 Reference topic

2. Then click Insert Bibliography button in References tab menu (see Figure 44).

Figure 44 Automatic references or bibliography

3. A sentence of using “Insert Citation” button will appear as shown in Figure 45.

Figure 45 Automatic bibliography and reference part inserted

4. Go back to normal document such as Chapter II: Literature review. Let say that the user want to
cite from a journal paper, click Insert Citation button (see Figure 46) and choose Go To

Figure 46 Insert citation

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5. Mendeley desktop window will appear automatically. Choose the selected paper, then click Cite
button as shown in Figure 47. The page will automatically back to Microsoft Word with updated
version of reference as shown in Figure 48.

Figure 47 Mendeley desktop for citation

Figure 48 Automatic document citation

6. The reference part is updated as shown in Figure 49.

Figure 49 Automatic update references

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7. User can choose the style of reference as needed (see Figure 50). Note that method of citation
cannot be combine because it will affect the reference part.

Figure 50 Citation style

Create Table of Content

The table of content is inserts in early document after cover page, acknowledgment, dedication and

1. Go to REFERENCES, click TABLE OF CONTENT followed by Insert Table of Contents as shown in

Figure 51

Figure 51 Process of inserting table of content

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2. A new window of table of content is shown in Figure 52. Tab leader is used to set the gap
between heading and page number. Click button Options… to modify TOC level.

Figure 52 Table of content editing window

4. User can set the TOC level to display in the table of content. For example Heading 1, BAB at level
1 and Heading 2, TAJUK at level 2 (see Figure 53). So the table of content display two headings
style only.

Figure 53 TOC Options

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5. The style for every TOC level can be modified using Modify… button to set all parameters such
as numbering format, font, font color, font size and so on (see Figure 54). The style setting is
same as Style Modification part in page 10.

Figure 54 Appropriate style for TOC

6. User can insert the list of figures and list of tables by using reference menu (see Figure 55).

Figure 55 Insert table of figures

7. Figure 56 shows a setting for table of figures or tables. User can select Caption label: such as
figure, tables, appendix and equation.

Figure 56 Table of figures

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About author

Anuar Jaafar received his B.Eng. degree from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka in the year 2009,
and he is pursuing his Masters in Electronic System Design Engineering from Universiti Sains
Malaysia. He is currently a Lecturer of Computer Department in FKEKK, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia
Melaka. The author can be contacted through email anuarjaafar@utem.edu.my

Anas Abdul Latiff received the B.Eng in Electrical from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, and the
M.Eng degree in telecommunication from Universiti of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is
currently a Lecturer with Department of Telecommunication Engineering Universiti Teknikal
Malaysia Melaka. His current research interests include electronics, photonics and fiber optic
devices. The author can be contacted through email anasabdullatiff@utem.edu.my

This module is FREE for all. Please feel free to donate to MAYBANK account number 102028066512 using
author’s name. Thank you for using this module.

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