Vargas & Velasco - The Language Teaching Process

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The study of second language has improved parallel to the evolution of human history. The

Second Language Acquisition field (SLA) emerged due to the progress and constrain the

study of the first language because the study of the first language was limited. Indeed, Commented [YTV1]: clear

Theories denoted that SLA is the study of a second language based on what is learned from

a foreign language or from a L1. There are differences between SLA and foreign language

because of the sociocultural context. Likewise, since the 17th century the theories of Commented [YTV2]: not necessary
Commented [YTV3]: SLA history
language improved the approaches and methods until the current time allowing to know the
Commented [YTV4]: Promote the development of

interaction of learning and teaching in a L2.

In the late 16th century different approaches appeared due to the Politics, Economic,
geographic, religious and educational situations. By this time language was used and
analyzed but in 17th century Comenius mention an inductive approach to learning a
foreign language, the goal was to teach use rather than analysis of the target language.
However, that approach was left behind because of the huge amount of production of Latin
and Greek classic texts that were taken and implemented by linguistics in the Analytical
grammar – translation approach. In 19th century the linguist Karl Ploetz once more
stressed the ability to use rather than to analyze a language. This contribution was part of
the Direct method created by Gouin. This method led the Modern Language Association
of America to endorse the Reading Approach to language teaching which wanted to make
sure that students would come away from the study of a foreign language with an ability to
read othe target language. But, in 1945 the U.S implemented the audiolingual approach to
make easier the learning of a new language based on materials that had to be focused on the
speaking production. Likewise, In Britain the Situational Approach was established for
Britain's language educators to experience with oral approaches to foreign language

In the 20th century emerged other approaches. They are: the Cognitive approach, it talks
about an individualized learning where reading and writing are as important as listening
and speaking and teacher analyze the target language, the Affective – humanist approach
says that learning a foreign language is viewed as a self-realization experience and peer
support and interaction is needed for learning, in the Communicative approach it is
assumed that the goal of language teaching is learner ability to communicate in the target
language and the skills (reading, speaking, listening) are integrated from the beginning and
perhaps also writing. Finally, the Comprehension based approach is based on listening is the one that allow the other skills to come up spontaneously. Due to
this, some language methodologists assume that foreign language learning is very similar to
first language acquisition. Commented [YTV5]: How do you connect this idea with
the paragraph?
In the field of language learning, some authors mention the difference between foreign
language learning and SLA. Second language acquisition tackles the essential questions of
how learners internalize the linguistic system of another language and how they use it
during comprehension and speech production. Taking this into account, S. Pit Corder
highlight the difference between input and intake, defining input as the language available
from the environment, but intake as that language that actually makes its way into the
learner’s developing competence. In the 20th century was seen the emergence of research
on acquisition orders. Lastly, linguists affirm that language is completely human, is
compressed in its own module in the brain, and is equipped from birth with a set of
language constraints called Universal Grammar. In the 21th century people who take a
strong social context approach to acquisition would have to admit that language is a
property of the mind and although learning may happen through interaction.

In short, language has demonstrated to be a fundamental construct that works as a start line

to understand the human history and the interaction with the language. It has been

examined from different points of view due to the difficulty of its nature. With respect to Commented [YTV6]: Complexity

language field including L1 and L2 have supplied vast thoughts of language acquisition and Commented [YTV7]: subject

its usefulness in human beings. In SLA there is a broad set of ponders which have analyzed

the forms and factors credited to the procurement of a L2. , this document showed how

some important approaches and methods contributed to the teaching field; picking out

methods and approaches and apply them in the learning process. As a result

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