Goal 3/target: XXXX Will Answer: Questions With 2-3 Word Utterances

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Rachael McBeth

Strategies: Journal 12
Reflective Questions: What impact has your intervention had on your case
study child? What changes appear to be happening? What changes are
attributed to the collaborated effort of the family, school, and your strategies
I feel like our child has had so much growth in all his target areas. He is
answering more questions about what he is doing and how he is feeling and
making more eye contact. I feel like his level of interest in us and his initiation of
speech and interaction has grown. I feel like directly working on those targets
and growing our relationship with him, have all attributed to his growth.
Specifically the interventions we have learned in class such as engaging first,
following the child’s lead, providing choices, expanding language, modeling,
etc. have all been things that have affected him.

Goal 3/Target: XXXX will answer

questions with 2-3 word utterances
Prompts used

• Verbal, gestures, direct prompt, modeling


• Superheroes, blocks, science experiment, light sabers, trains

and stations, cars, chalk, jungle, moon-sand and animals, lazer-
tag, music toys, whiteboard, figurines, star wars ships


• In the first session he responded 8 times compared to 22 times

in the last session. He is also spontaneously explaining what he
is doing more without prompts. He is using more words as well.

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