Character Building Society (CBS) : Vision

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Character Building Society(CBS)


The Character building society of the Department of Computer Science Aims to

inculate amongst students responsibility of being a active citizen.


The society will conduct awareness campaigns to inculcate DoCS core values
amongst students and to develop a student body that understands its responsibility to society and
have a community approach.


Firstly, short speech in every class to rasie awareness about (Respect & Status
of teacher, Relations, Enviourment,Lawlessness).

Seminar to raise awareness about human rights, ethical behaviour and DoCS core values,
writting competition, speech competition of different topics about charatcer building

Traits of CBS:-
1. Respect 2. Honesty

3. Self confidence 4. Caring

5. Fairness 6. Studentship

7. Citizenship 8. Justice

9. Courage 10. Preservance

11. Hope 12.Responsibility

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