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5: 77-92 (1996)


‘ Department of Economics, Rutgers University, USA;
‘I Health Care Financing Administration, Ojice of
Research & Demonstrations. USA; Institute of Socio-Economic Planning, University of Tsukuba,Japan.

In this study we use data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) to estimate the relationship
between high school graduation, and alcohol and marijuana use among high school students. We also estimate the
demand determinants for each of these substances.
Our results show that there are significmt adverse effects of alcohol and marijuana use on high school
graduation. In particular, increases in the incidence of frequent drinking, liquor and wine consumption, and
frequent marijuana use, significantly reduce the probability of high school graduation. Our results also show that
beer taxes, liquor prices and marijuana decriminalization have a significant impact on the demand for these
These findings have important policy implications. A ten percent increase in beer taxes, reduces alcohol
consumption among high school students, which in turn raises the probability of high school graduation by about
three percent. A 1 percent increase in liquor prices raises the probability of high school graduation by over 1
percent. Raising the minimum drinking age for liquor also reduces liquor and wine consumption, and thus,
improves the probability of high school graduation. Although the relationship between marijuana decriminalization
and marijuana use is not significant, decriminalization is found to reduce the probability of becoming a frequent
drinker. This result suggests that marijuana use and frequent drinking are substitute activities.
Illicit substance abuse reduces the rate of high school completion, reduces expected future earnings and creates
potential health problems. Thus, high-school-based preventive programs which discourage alcohol consumption and
marijuana use are highly recommended, in order to alleviate these problems.

KEY WORDS-alcohol; marijuana; education

During the 198Os, the Federal Government placed by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (Public Law
a high priority on helping young people who were 100-690). A program entitled Healthy People
at risk of alcohol and drug abuse. In 1984, 2000, has been co-sponsored by the Department
Congress passed the Federal Uniform Drinking of Labor and the Public Health Service. This
Age Act (Public Law 98-363), which had a program focuses on the objectives set for the year
significant effect on young persons’ consumption 2000. It is aimed at young people at risk of subs-
of alcoholic beverages. The Anti-Drug Abuse tance abuse and is designed to reduce their alcohol
Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570), allowed a and drug use. In addition to these efforts, other
number of Federal agencies to address alcohol and programs have been directed toward the general
drug abuse problems. The role of government at population; for example, in recent years there has
the Federal, State and Local level was broadened been a significant increase in the frequency of

Address for correspondence: Tetsuji Yamada, Department of Economics, Rutgers University, The State University of NJ,
Camden, New Jersey 08102, U.S.A

CCC 1057 -9230/%/010077- 16 Received 8 August 1994

Q 19% by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 7 November 1995
television warning messages against drunk driving beer are highly effective in reducing beer con-
and drug abuse.' sumption among persons aged 16 to 21, since beer
W e the aforementioned programs and legisla- is generally their drink of The estimated
tive measures have been partially successful in own price elasticities of alcohol use for youths are
reducing youth drug and alcohol abuse, these elastic, i.e., between - 1.53 and - 1.54 for beer and
problems persist and remain a major social issue. between -3.29 and -4.08 for liquor." This sug-
According to the General Report on Youth and gests that there are substantial negative price
Alcohol, published by the U.S. Department of effects on youth alcohol use. Youths who are
Health and Human Services in 1992, 89.5 percent frequent beer drinkers are more price sensitive
of high school seniors in the class of 1990 had than those who drink less." Further, among col-
consumed alcohol at least once during the two lege students, those who consume alcohol less
weeks before the survey date. Further, 32.2 percent frequently, have a higher probability of a success-
experienced a binge of five or more drinks in a ful college career."
row. Junior and senior high school students con- enn nett'^ investigates the impact of prevention
sume an average of 1.1 billion bottles and cans of policies on drug abuse among youths, and finds
beer each year.2 these programs to be highly effective. In an analy-
The General Report also discusses issues related sis of the demand for psychoactive drugs,
to drug use. According to the Report, the perceived Garrison, et 01.'~ report that suicidal behaviour is
availability of illicit drugs among 8th graders (13 associated with illicit substance use among high
to 14 years old) is 11.4% for heroin, 12.4% for school students.
LSD,14.3% for crack cocaine, 14.5% for cocaine The primary objective of our research is to
powder and 25.9% for marijuana. These numbers investigate the sensitivity of high school gradua-
increase for 10th grade students to 17.4% for tion to alcohol and marijuana consumption, using
heroin, 23.6% for LSD,25.9% for crack cocaine, a behavioural structural model, and to estimate the
26.7% cocaine powder and 53.9% for marijuana. demand determinants of alcohol and marijuana
The numbers are even higher for seniors; for use by high school students, using a reduced form
example, 30.6 % for heroin and 83.3% for mari- model. We hypothesize that high school students'
juana. Policies to combat illicit drug use have accomplishments are sensitive to substance abuse,
varied.'*3 For example, some states and localities and this behaviour is in turn determined by the
have decriminalized marijuana use, while others pecuniary and other related costs of alcohol and
have substantial penalties for even its causal use. drug use. In particular, early alcohol abuse has a
In total, according to the Report, about three large influence on human capital formation,
million persons aged between 10 and 17 experi- directly impacting health status and lifetime earn-
ence various problems resulting from alcohol and ings. Youth alcohol abuse has been analyzed using
drug abuse. a life-cycle framework, explicitly modelling the
There is a large literature on the efficacy of impact on educational attainment, occupational
decriminalization of drug use and its relationship choice and earning^.'^"^ Indeed, unless one
to alcohol and illicit drug use. Goldstein and considers indirect effects, such as educational
Kalant4 report that policies which simultaneously accomplishment, marriage and divorce (or separa-
reduce demand and supply are the key to alleviat- tion), the full economic costs of alcoholism will
ing the drug problem. Some studies have suggested not be taken into account, leading to an underesti-
that young ople regard alcohol and marijuana as mation of the potential gains of early interven-
substitutes.' In addition, there is an apparent tion." Applying an instrumental variable approach
relationship between the age of initial drug use, to data from the 1988 Alcohol Survey of the
and the likelihood of moving from soft to hard National Health Interview Survey, Mullahy and
drug use, among senior high school students. Sindelar" find a large negative impact of problem
Kandel and Yamaguchi' report that the progression drinking on employment. Adolescents who
to various drug classes runs from the use of progress to using cocaine, begin by smoking
alcohol or cigarettes, to the use of marijuana, and cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or smoking mari-
finally to hard drugs. They find that, on average, juana.' The progression to more serious forms of
each step takes about two years. drug use leads to a deterioration in health, which
Studies of the demand for alcoholic beverages can be viewed as a deterioration of human capi-
have reported various findings. Excise taxes on tal.'3.'9.20Although the results are not always
conclusive, many studies show that both marijuana than the demand for non-addictive goods. The
and cocaine use have negative effects on wages rational addiction model is applied to alcohol con-
among men, and long-term use or on-the-job use sumption by Chaloupka er a1.,2’ using pooled time
of marijuana negatively affects wages in the youth series and cross section m ual data at the U.S.state
population.21vt2 level, and Grossman, Qlaloupka and Sirtalan,=
Despite repeated reports relating high school using panel data from the High School Senior
dropout rates to drug and alcohol use and the Swvey, conducted between 1976 and 1985. They
implication for social and health policies, rela- fmd that the model of rational addictive behaviour
tively few studies have documented the effects of explains frequent and heavy alcohol consumption.
alcohol consumption and marijuana use on high ChaloupkaBapplies the model of rational addiction
school completion. Specifically, our paper to cigarette consumption. He linds that more heavily
addresses the impact of high school students’ addicted (myopic) individuals are more responsive
alcohol consumption and marijuana use on high to changes in price than less heavily addicted (less
school graduation, and the policy implications myopic) individuals. Becker, Grossman and
from our estimates of these effects. Murphyx estimate elasticities, which show that
The organization of the paper is as follows. The long-run responses to price changes exceed short
next section describes our empirical framework run responses.
and the data. The empirical results are then pre- Some of the aforementioned studies are set in a
sented and are followed by the policy implications long run or life cycle context, where a loss of
and conclusions. human capital arises from heavy illicit substance
use, addictive or otherwise. Our analysis is
simplified in that we examine the contem-
EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK AND DATA poraneous effects of substance abuse on
adolescents who are in an early stage of their
The analysis of substance abuse in the traditional development. Nevertheless, our analysis has the
human capital framework specifies health status as a usual implications for the development of human
determinant of human capital.16-18-23 Human capital, capital and its impact on lifetime experience.
through health status, generally declines with A typical high school student is assumed to be a
ageing, illness, accidents and substance abuse rational individual (i), who maximizes his or her
(alcohol and illegal drug use). 19.20 Substance abuse, utility. An individual’s utility is assumed to be a
especially early abuse, is viewed as reducing pro- function of high school graduation (G) and a
ductive human capital, which reduces educational composite of other consumption goods (Z):
achievement and lowers tential lifetime income.
Mullahy and Sindelarls*Rodiscussthe effects of U i = U(Gi,Zi) U’ > O and U”<O. (1)
drinking on earnings and educational achievement,
in a life cycle context. Cook and Moore” use a High school graduation, G,is a function of illicit
simple recursive, two period model, where past substance use (S), for example, alcohol consump
drinking determines whether the student stays in tion or marijuana use:
school. Early onset of alcohol and drug abuse can
establish addictive behaviour, which may lead to the G ;= Gi(S;,Xi), S E X, (2)
use of harder drugs; for example, heroin and
cocaine. In sum, viewed from a life cycle perspec- where the vector X i contains the observable
tive, the decline in human capital may lead to characteristics of the individual; for example, his
reduced eamings, higher absenteeism, reduced or her family structure, ethnic background, poten-
employment and higher unemployment. Another tial academic performance, and other factors that
perspective on substance abuse is the so-called may influence the graduation outcome. The student
‘RationalAddiction’ model, which has been devel- chooses the levels of S;and Zi to maximize utility,
oped and tested by Becker and Murphy,24Becker, subject to a budget constraint. We assume that
Grossman and Murphy,2sand Grossman.%Among utility increases when high school graduation
other things, this paradigm predicts that individuals becomes more likely. When Si is positive, there
with higher inter-temporal discount rates are more are two effects on utility. First, utility increases
likely to become addicted, and that in the long-run due to the direct impact of Si. Secondly, there is
demand for addictive goods tend to be more elastic an indirect effect. If Si exceeds some threshold

level, which may vary across individuals, the least squares to estimate liquor and wine con-
probability of high school graduation is lower, and sumption (a continuous dependent variable). An
utility declines. In essence, we assume that a alternative approach would have been to use a
rational student trades off a higher probability of reduced form model, replacing the alcohol and
high school graduation, for alcohol and marijuana marijuana use variables in the probability of high
use. Thus, the model contains no explicit inter- school graduation equation with other determi-
temporal effects. Implicitly, however, these enter nants. We leave this approach for future study, and
through Gi, since the utility gained from high confine our analysis to a structural behavioural
school graduation is partially derived from the model.
expected future benefit of increased human capi- The data for our study is from a panel survey;
tal. Ideally, the price of a composite good should the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
be included directly in the model. In our structural (NLSY). The NLSY began collecting data on
behavioural model, however, our treatment of the 12,686 persons between the ages of 14 and 21 in
price of composite good follows that of Cook and 1979 and has continued each year. We use a
Moore,’’ and Chaloupka and Laixuthai.’ That is, sample of high school students who were in the
we use variables that measure the implicit relative twelfth grade (mostly 17 and 18 year olds) during
costs of consuming alcohol or marijuana; for the 1981-82 academic year; 1035 students in the
example, alcohol taxes, the minimum drinking age NLSY sample were attending the twelfth grade
and marijuana decriminalization. in 1982. The NLSY deliberately over-samples
The empirical specification for high school minorities, enabling more precise estimates of the
graduation (G) and substance use (S) can be impact of race variables. The set of 1035
expressed as follows: individuals is reduced to a sample of 672 persons
in our analysis, since not all the variables were
Gj=Sja+ 0;s+ S€,y+ Qjd + e;, (3) available for all respondents, in particular, some
of the key variables such as frequent marijuana
and use, frequent drinking, poverty indicator, aca-
demic test scores and high school class rank. In
Sj = P;K+ Lip-+ D j q + SEiC + Q;E + E; (4) order to maintain as large a sample size as poss-
ible, we used a dummy variable to indicate when
where eiand E ; represent the unobservable deter- the class rank is missing. The summary statistics
minants of high school graduation and illicit of variables used are reported in Table 1. Calcula-
substance use, respectively. D, is a vector of tions of summary statistics for some of the main
regressors capturing demographic factors such as variables, using the full 1035 person sample are
sex, race and family structure. SEi is a vector of provided for comparison in Table 2. There is no
socioeconomic factors, which includes poverty, significant difference between the summary statis-
parents’ educational attainment and religion. Qi is tics calculated for the 1035 and 672 person
a vector of exogenous measures of student samples. There is a possibility that our results
quality, namely, the ASVAB score and class rank. could change, if all the variables for all the stud-
In the equation modelling substance use (4), we ents were available, however, there is no a priori
include additional variables. Pi is a vector of reason to expect such a change based on the above
regressors containing the beer tax rate and liquor comparison.
price. L j is a vector of exogenous factors measur- We focus on students in the twelfth grade during
ing legal factors, such as marijuana decriminaliz- the 1981-82 academic year because this was the
ation and the minimum drinking age for beer and first year in which questions were asked about
liquor. We use two different approaches to concurrent drinking activity. Most of the cited
measure the impact of illicit substance use literature that is relevant to our analysis is from a
(alcohol and drug use in general) on high school more recent period than our data. Consequently,
graduation. First, we use a probit model to there is a small but finite possibility of a funda-
estimate the direct effect of substance use on mental change in behaviour between the early
graduation. Secondly, we model alcohol and 1980s and more recent times. Unfortunately, there
marijuana demand. In the demand estimations we are insufficient observations beyond the early
use a probit to model frequent drinking and mari- 1980’s in the NLSY for the purpose of this study.
juana use (dichotomous dependent variables) and Other recent studies have used older data; for
Table 1. Variable definitions and statistics
~~ ~~~

High school graduation

Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student graduated at the end of the 1982 academic year, and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.939,S.D. = 0.240)
Frequent drinker
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student reported at least 2 days drank during the past week, when alcohol was
consumed. (Same as in Cook and Moore, 1993),and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.142,S.D. = 0.349)
Liquor and wine consumption
Number of liquor and wine drinks the student reported consuming during the past week.
(Mean = 0.625,S.D. = 2.094)
Frequent marijuana user
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student reported using marijuana during every calendar month of the school year
between September 1981 and June 1982,and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.111, S.D. = 0.314)
Dummy variable equal to 1 for males and 0 for females.
(Mean = 0.510,S.D. = 0.500)
Dummy variable equal to 1 for blacks and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.235,S.D. = 0.424)
Dummy variable equal to 1 for hispanics and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.134,S.D.= 0.341)
Intact Family
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student lived with own parents at the age of 14:either biological, adoptive or
step-parents, and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.817,S.D. = 0.387)
More than 4 siblings
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student has more than 4 siblings and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.194,S.D. = 0.395)
Parents’ high school education
Dummy variable equal to 1 if both parents completed 12 years of education (high school education), and 0
(Mean = 0.542,S.D. = 0.499)
Poverty line
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student’s family is below the poverty line in 1982,and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.225,S.D. = 0.418)
Class rank percentile
Percentile ranking of student in their class in 1981:the numerical value equals 1 if the student is ranked in the top 1
(Mean = 30.695,S.D.= 32.533)
Missing class rank
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the class rank of the student is missing, and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.352,S.D. = 0.478)
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Tests administered in 1980. Score is the sum of the average of the three
scores on the Mathematics tests and the average of two scores on the English tests.
(Mean = 94.755,S.D. = 16.932)
Table 1. Continued

Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student reported attending religious services at least once a week, and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.366,S.D. = 0.482)
Alcoholic parent
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the student reported that either parent had a drinking problem, and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.202,S.D. = 0.401)
Beer tax
Tax on per case of beer in the student’s state of residence.
(Mean = 0.436,S.D. = 0.421)
Liquor price
Liquor price in the student’s state: average price of I1 different brands of liquor, reported in the Annual Statistical
Review 1982,published by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States.
(Mean = 8.169,S.D. = 0.601)
Marijuana decriminalization
Dummy variable equal to 1 if using marijuana was decriminalized in the student’s state of residence in 1982,and 0
(Mean = 0.279,S.D.= 0.449)
Age 18 for beer
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the minimum age for drinking beer was 18 in the student’s state of residence in 1982,
and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.273,S.D. = 0.446)
Age 18 for liquor
Dummy variable equal to 1 if the minimum age for drinking liquor was 18 in the student’s state of residence in
1982,and 0 otherwise.
(Mean = 0.148,S.D. = 0.355)
Note: Mean and S.D.are the sample mean and standard deviation, respectively. 672 observations.

Table 2. Statistics of some basic variables by 1035 on time, were able to graduate later. In a sense,
observations therefore, we are concentrating on the academic
progress of twelfth graders, rather than graduation
High school graduation [Mean = 0.930,S.D. = 0.255J per se.
Male Wean = 0.515,S.D. = 0.5001 During the course of our investigation, we
Black Wean = 0.284,S.D.= 0.451 J experimented with a number of different variables
Hispanic Wean = 0.157,S.D. = 0.3641
Intact Family [Mean = 0.745,S.D.= 0.4361 to measure alcohol consumption and marijuana use
More than 4 siblings Wean = 0.231, S.D. = 0.4221 among high school students. In their study of
college students’ alcohol consumption, Cook and
Moore’’ define a ‘frequent drinker’ as a respon-
dent who drinks alcohol two or more days in the
example the study by Grossman, Chaloupka and past week. They also use a ‘frequent drunk’ vari-
Sirtalan” cited above, and Cook and Moore’’ who able, defined as a respondent who reports at least
use the NLSY data. four occasions of consuming six or more drinks
Data on illicit substance use other than alcohol, during the past month. In our study, we use two
uses retrospective responses to survey questions. definitions of alcohol use; first, Cook and Moore’s
Thus, the data on marijuana use is retrospective ‘frequent drinker’ and second, the number of
and was not obtained until the 1984 interview. liquor and wine drinks the student reported con-
Finally, it should be emphasized that we do not suming in the past week It should be noted that a
consider the educational outcome or experience of 12 ounce can of beer, a shot of liquor and a 4
our sample of students beyond 1982. It is entirely ounce glass of wine (the standard definition of
possible that some students who did not graduate one drink in the data) contain the same amount
of alcohol (see the relevant studies by Grossman on other drug use are not as detailed as for mari-
et 0 1 . ~ ~ ’ Coate and Grossman,” Grossman,* juana use. For example, students are asked only
Chaloupka et aL2’).However, despite the fact that whether they have ever used a certain drug and
the alcohol content of one drink (wine, beer or their age at first use, and there is no data on use
liquor) is the same, we found more significant during this cohort’s high school year. Finally, we
results for students using more concentrated forms note that some students may have dropped out
of alcoholic drinks, namely, wine and liquor. prior to their senior year due to substance abuse,
Among the respondents in our data set, 25 percent thereby lowering the observed incidence of subs-
of students admitted consuming at least one beer tance abuse.
in the past week, compared with only 17 percent The work of Heien and Pompelli” and Manski
reporting at least one drink of either liquor or et aZ.32has shown the importance of demographic
wine. and family structure. We, therefore, include a
As mentioned above, questions about illicit drug number of demographic and family-related vari-
use were not asked in the NLSY before 1984. The ables in our model of high school graduation.
respondents were asked to list the months in which These include gender, race, family structure (an
they used marijuana from 1979 onward. We use intact family measure and the number of siblings
the responses to this set of questions regarding use in the family), parents’ education, the degree of
during the 1981-82 academic year (September religious activity and a poverty indicator. Table 1
1981 to June 1982). If the student responded ‘yes’ contains the variables’ definitions. ‘Intact family’
to using marijuana in each of the ten months is a dummy variable equal to one for those respon-
during the academic year, they were classified as a dents who lived with both parents at age 14. This
‘frequent marijuana user.’ In this way, we focus accounts for the impact of family support and
on chronic and sustained use of marijuana, and its stability of home life, which may effect graduation
impact on high school students’ graduation. We probabilities. Since a typical student spends only
recognize that alternative measures of marijuana six or seven hours at school, for 180 days per year,
use could be derived from the data. For example, a significant part of the ‘education process’ takes
we could have used those students who admitted place at home. One would, therefore, expect that
use in at least half the months during the academic parents with more education will provide a super-
year, or the number of months during the aca- ior home learning environment. Furthermore,
demic year when marijuana was used. Given the previous studies of family structure and high
method of data collection for this question, how- school graduation have shown that the probability
ever, we thought it best to concentrate on high of high school graduation increases with both
levels of use. For example, since the questions parents’ educational attainn~ent.’~.~~ We use a
were not asked until 1984, it is unlikely that an dummy variable, indicating whether both parents
occasional user would remember the exact months have completed high school, to estimate the effect
in which he used marijuana. A regular user, how- of parents’ educational attainment on the student’s
ever, would be able to answer the questions completion of high school. Based on previous
accurately, since they would simply respond ‘yes’ studies by Register and William~,~’ and Laixuthai
to all the months. We recognize the unreliable and Chaloupka,’ we hypothesize a negative causal
nature of data reported retrospectively, however, relationship between practicing religion and subs-
this is the only data available on marijuana use for tance abuse rates. We, therefore, include a
this cohort of high school seniors. Aside from ‘Religion’ variable to account for this effect in our
errors in the variables due to genuine inability to reduced form demand equation of substance use.
recall past events, there is the potential for respon- A study of the effect of youthful drinking on
dents to lie about their illicit drinking and the likelihood of college graduation by Cook and
marijuana use. The designers of the NLSY are Moore” uses income as an exogenous variable. A
well aware of these difficulties and take extensive study by DiNardo and Lemieux‘ uses unemploy-
measures to ensure anonymity. Nevertheless, there ment and income to explain young persons’
may be systematic under-reporting of these activi- alcohol and marijuana use. A study of the relation-
ties, as discussed by Cook and Moore.’* In ship between the earliest symptoms of alcoholism
addition, we recognize that using other drugs, such and years of schooling by Mullahy and Sindelar”,
as cocaine or LSD,may have more serious effects includes the head of family’s job type; for
on academic achievement. Unfortunately, the data example, blue or white collar. Our analysis uses a

poverty level dummy variable, since a family [exp(a‘wi)I2, where ej is the error term for the
living below the poverty line has fewer resources i-th student, a’ is a vector of parameters and wi is
to devote to their child’s education, which lowers a vector of observations on variables for the i-th
the probability of high school graduation. We also student. In order to test for this particular form of
estimated our probit model, replacing the poverty heteroskedasticity, we collected data on the unem-
indicator with family income. The overall empiri- ployment rate of the area in which the student
cal results were not significantly affected. These lives, a dummy variable indicating whether the
additional results are not reported here but are student has ever been charged with a crime, a
available from the authors on request. The vari- dummy variable equal to one for students residing
ables indicating whether the adolescent’s family in an urban area, and a dummy variable equal to
was intact and whether they had more than four one for students who attend a state run school as
siblings, are used to measure the quality of avail- compared to a private school. We ran four separate
able parental support other than that due to regressions for each of our probit models, letting
income. Weak parental and peer support may have w , equal each of the four variables in turn
a negative impact on educational attainment and described above. The coefficient, a , was not
may increase the likelihood of alcohol and illegal significant at the 5 percent level in any of these
drug use.13 Furthermore, given the theoretical regressions. We also included the four variables
and empirically observed negative associations described above as regressors in each of the probit
between the number of children and income, large equations. Using a likelihood ratio test, these
family size may be proxying for lower socioecon- variables were never jointly significant at the 5
omic status. percent level in any of the probit models. We
We include two variables to represent the recognize the limitations of these tests, neverthe-
student’s academic potential. First, the combined less, these results support the null hypothesis of
English and Mathematics scores from the homoskedastic errors and the absence of
ASVAB tests; and second, the respondent’s misspecification in general (see Davidson and
percentile class ranking. We hypothesize that Ma~Kinnon,~’ Kmenta,34 Kennedy,35).
higher ASVAB scores and higher class ranking
are associated with a higher probability of
graduation. It is possible that the ASVAB test EMPIRICAL RESULTS
score and class ranking variables may be
influenced by substance abuse, and it may be The summary statistics and definitions of the
inappropriate to use them as control variables. variables used in this study are reported in Table
However, not controlling for student quality in a 1. Table 3 reports the probit estimates of high
model of graduation would cause the estimated school graduation from the behavioural structural
coefficients on the substance abuse variable to be model. The High School Graduation (HSG)-
overestimated. A number of observations on the Frequent drinker model estimates the effects of a
student’s class ranking are missing, therefore, we student being a ‘frequent drinker’ defined as a
use a dummy variable labelled ‘missing class student who drinks alcohol twice or more days in
rank’ to account for observations where the the past week, on high school graduation. The
individual class ranking is unavailable. HSG-Liquor and wine model estimates the effect
In addition to our probit estimates of high of ‘liquor and wine consumption’ on high school
school graduation, we also estimate reduced form graduation. The HSG-Marijuana user model
demand equations for alcohol consumption and estimates the effect of being a ‘frequent mari-
marijuana use. This allows us to evaluate the juana user’ on high school graduation. Table 4
impact of policy variables on students’ illicit reports the illicit substance demand equation
substance use. Our reduced form demand equa- estimates, using a reduced form model. Our
tions include the following policy variables; the calculations of the marginal effects and elastici-
student’s home state’s beer tax, the price of liquor ties associated with changes in alcohol and
beverages in the state, marijuana decriminalization marijuana use are reported in Table 5. These
and minimum drinking age indicators. calculations are based on the estimated
We tested for heteroskedasticity and general coefficients reported in Tables 3 and 4.
misspecification in the probit estimations by In this section we begin by discussing the results
considering an error structure where Var( e ;) = for the high school graduation probit estimations,
Table 3. Estimated probit coefficients of high school graduation


HSG -Frequent HSG-Liquor HSG -Marijuana

Independent variable drinker and wine user

Constant -0.2688 -0.3384 -0.245 8

(0.26) (0.32) (0.23)
Frequent drinker -0.4144'
Liquor and wine consumption -0.0608b
Frequent marijuana user -0.5013b
Male 0.1132 0.0977 0.1280
(0.56) (0.49) (0.63)
Black 1.0623a 1.0626" 1.1051'
(3.57) (3.60) (3.75)
Hispanic 0.0415 0.024 0.03 18
(0.16) (0.10) (0.13)
Intact family 0.5387b 0.5 1Ub 0.5241
(2.3 1) (2.21) (2.22)
More than 4 siblings -0.3684' -0.3460 -0.3899'
(1.67) (1.56) (1.77)
Both parents graduated 0.2519 0.2093 0.2507
high school (1.09) (0.92) (1.09)
Poverty -0.0799 -0.0920 -0.6507
(0.36) (0.41) (0.29)
ASVAB Score 0.0262' 0.026ga 0.0265'
(3.67) (3.73) (3.69)
Class rank percentile -0.0065 -0.0067 -0.0068
(0.73) (0.74) (0.74)
Dummy missing class rank - 1.5628' - 1S562 -1.5633b
(2.35) (2.31) (2.29)
Religion 0.3494 0.3920' 0.2704
(1.51) (1.68) (1.14)
Log likelihood - 106.5 - 105.9 -105.9
Restricted log likelihood - 154.4 - 154.4 - 154.4
Likelihood ratio test 95.8 97.0 97.0
McFadden's R-squared 0.3 1 0.32 0.3 1
Note: Absolute value of t-statistics are in parentheses.
', and are statistically significant at the I%, 5% and 10%level, respectively.

reported in Table 3. We then describe how these High school graduation

results are used to calculate the marginal and
elasticity effects reported in Table 5. Secondly, we The results reported in Table 3 show that high
discuss the results from our demand estimations, school graduation is sensitive to, and is negatively
reported in Table 4. We then discuss how this set associated with, alcohol consumption and mari-
of results is used to calculate the values reported juana use. The alcohol use and marijuana use
in Table 5 . variables are collinear and their effects are,
Finally, we provide a brief review of the social therefore, modelled separately in different
and demographic factors' impact on our equation structural behavioural equations. 'Frequent drink-
estimates. er' is significant at the 10 percent level in the

HSG-Frequent drinker model. ‘Liquor and wine All the marginal values in Table 5 are expressed
consumption’ and ‘Frequent marijuana user’ are in percentage points, except those from the ‘liquor
statistically significant at the 5 percent level in the and wine’ equation estimation, in which case the
HSG-Liquor and wine and HSG-Marijuana user changes in liquor and wine drinks are in quantity
models, respectively. units. A detailed description of the method of

Table 4. Estimated coefficients of high school student’s demand for alcohol and marijuana
Frequent Liquor Marijuana
Independent variable drinker and wine user

Constant - 1.8817 -1.1824 -0.0248

(1.64) (0.92) (0.02)
Beer tax -0.5079b -0.1778 -0.2446
(2.32) (1.51) (1.15)
Liquor price 0.031 1 0.0893 -0.2285
(0.28) (0.73) (1.83)
Marijuana decriminalization -0.3788b 0.0205 -0.0430
(2.25) (0.11) (0.24)
Age 18 for beer 0.0938 0.2047
(0.59) (0.89)
Age 18 for liquor 0.7678b -0.1676
(2.27) (0.59)
Alcoholic parent 0.1550 0.3547 0.2084
(0.98) (1.38) (1 -26)
Male 0.1355 -0.0957 0.3425b
(1.01) (0.56) (2.31)
Black -0.8401” -0.4460b 0.0024
(3.w (2.43) (0.01)
Hispanic -0.2952 -0.2495 -0.3666
(1.38) (1.06) (1.46)
Intact family -0.2038 -0.2282 -0.0612
(1.13) (1.07) (0.34)
More than 4 siblings 0.2034 0.4238 0.1263
(1.17) (1.31) (0.71)
Poverty -0.3777b -0.3847b -0.2180
(2.02) (2.02) (1.15)
ASVAB Score 0.0072 0.0092‘ 0.0020
(1.36) ( 1.95) (0.37)
Class rank 0.0097a 0.0094’ 0.0089”
(2.96) (2.67) (2.46)
Dummy missing class rank 0.4287‘ 0.4971 0.6687’
(1.89) (1.99) (2.62)
Religion -0.3129b 0.0312 -0.8070”
(2.12) (0.16) (4.25)
Log likelihood -238.02 -202.65
Restricted log likelihood -273.50 -232.79
Likelihood ratio test 70.96 60.28
McFadden’s R-squared or R ’ 0.13 0.06 0.13
Note: Absolute values of t-statistics are in parentheses. White t-statistics are reported for the ‘Liquor &
*. band are statistically significant at the 1%, 5% and 10%level, respectively.
Table 5. Marginal effects and elasticities
Impact of alcohol consumption and marijuana use on high school graduation and high
school student’s demand for alcohol and marijuana

Dependent variable

(Demand for alcohol and marijuana)

Independent High school Frequent (Liquor (Marijuana
variable graduation drinker) and wine) user)
Frequent drinker -4.3
Liquor and wine -0.3
consumption (-0.201)
Frequent marijuana -5.6
user (-0.662)
Beer tax (0.300*) -9.2 -0.18 -3.5
(-0.282) (-0.124) (-0.138)
Liquor price (1.152*) 0.6 0.09 -3.3
(0.324) (1.167) (-2.429)
Marijuana (0.104) -7.2 0.02 -0.7
decriminalization (-0.141) (0.Oool) (-0.018)
Age 18 for beer 1.9 3.5
Age 18 for liquor 0.77 -2.9
Note: The marginal effects are expressed in percentage points except for those in the liquor and wine
equation, where the changes in liquor and wine drinks are in quantity units. m e method of calculation
of the marginal effect is described in the appendix.
The values in parentheses are calculated elasticities. In the case of the high school graduation
equations, the ‘Frequent drinker’ and ‘Frequent marijuana user’ variables are not continuous,
Feerefore, readers should interpret these calculations with caution.
denotes the implied reduced form calculation of the elasticity of high school graduation. For
example, the total effect of beer taxes (B) on high school graduation (G) is a In g/a In b = a,
(a In frequent drinker/a In b) + a2 (a In liquor and wine/a In b) + a, (a In marijuana user/a In b),
where the a’s represent the estimated elasticities from the high school graduation equations.

calculation is provided in the appendix. It should marijuana user’, are -0.65, -0.201 and -0.662,
be noted that in the probit model of high school respectively. As discussed above, the alcohol data
graduation, the ‘frequent drinker’and ‘frequent are constructed such that one reported beer drink
marijuana user’ regressors are not continuous, has the same pure alcohol content as either one
therefore, readers should exercise caution when drink of wine or a drink of liquor. Our finding that
interpreting the elasticity calculations for these liquor and wine consumption has a significant
variables. negative impact on high school graduation is
In Table 5, the column entitled ‘high school somewhat surprising, since we could not find a
graduation’, reports that students who have con- significant relationship between total alcoholic
sumed alcohol at least two days during the past drinks consumed and graduation. We can only
week, that is, ‘frequent drinkers’, have a 4.3 speculate as to the underlying reason for this
percent lower probability of graduation. Second, finding. One possibility is that wine and liquor
ten drinks of liquor and wine per week reduces the produce intoxication more quickly and, therefore,
probability of high school graduation by 0.3 their consumption is indicative of more serious
percent. Third, frequent marijuana use lowers the substance abuse problems.
probability of high school graduation by 5.6 In Table 5 , applying our beer tax elasticity to a
percent. The estimated elasticities of high school calculation of the implied total effect of beer
graduation with respect to ‘frequent drinker’, taxes on high school graduation, we find that a 10
‘liquor and wine consumption’ and ‘frequent percent increase in beer taxes raises the probability
of high school graduation by about 3 percent.‘marijuana user’, are reported in Table 4. The least
The effect of the beer tax, liquor prices andsquares estimates of ‘liquor and wine consump-
marijuana decriminalization are calculated using
tion’ use White t-statistics. The White t-statistics
are of similar order to the OLS t-statistics. We
the weighted sum of the estimated elasticities
with respect to ‘frequent drinker’, ‘liquor and
conclude, therefore, that our ‘liquor and wine’
wine’ and ‘marijuana user’ in the demand demand equation does not have serious problems
equations and high school graduation equations.
arising from heteroskedastic errors or general
For example, the total implied effect (elasticity)
misspe~ification.”*~~ Liquor prices and beer taxes
are included in all the specifications, in order to
of a beer tax on high school graduation from the
reduced form is a(ln g/a In b ) = a1(a In Frequent
examine whether alcohol and marijuana are substi-
drinker/a In b ) + a,@ In Liquor and wine/a In b )+
tutes. The state beer excise tax is used as a proxy
a,@ In Marijuana user/d In b), where the a’s are
for beer prices and, of course, is also an important
the estimated elasticities from the high school
policy variable.
graduation equations. The estimated coefficient for the beer tax
Using the NLSY data, Cook and Moore” find variable is statistically significant in the frequent
that an increase in the state beer tax from $.lo to
drinker model (see Table 4). The marginal and
$1.00 per case, raises the probability of college
elasticity calculations for beer tax with respect to
graduation by 6.3 percent. Our results are, there-
the demand for alcohol and marijuana are
fore, consistent with other investigators who have
reported in Table 5. The elasticity of the beer
shown that increases in the price of alcoholic
tax with respect to the probability of being a
beverages are an effective means of improvingfrequent drinker is -0.282 (=a In frequent
drinker/d In tax), which is much smaller than for
educational attainment. Dinardo and Lemieux6find
that alcoholic beverages are normal goods. Given
the youth population as a whole. For example, the
normality and the relatively elastic demand for
beer price elasticity for youths aged between 16
and 21 ranges from - 1.53 to -1.54 (‘beer partici-
alcoholic beverages among high school students,
pation’) as reported by Grossman, et d.,”and
there is a potentially significant role for alcoholic
-1.18 (frequent drinking) and -0.59 (fairly
beverage taxes in affecting youths’ educational
frequent drinking) as reported by Coate and
attainment and general welfare. There may also be
other benefits from higher alcohol taxes, including
Grossman.” There are a number of possible
larger tax revenues and improved educational reasons for the discrepancy between our results
achievement, the latter of which not only benefits
and those cited above. First, there is a difference
students, but has positive external societal benefits.
in the age of the respective cohorts; our study
Alcohol abuse imposes external costs, such as loss
only uses data on high school seniors, mostly
of life, injury and property damage caused byaged between 17 and 18. Secondly, our definition
drunken driving, crime, an increase in health care
of a ‘frequent drinker’ is different from Gross-
costs, productivity loss and lower educational
man, er al.’s ‘beer participation’ variable. Their
achievement. If taxes on alcohol are lower than
data sources are also different. They use data from
appropriate in the United States, the external costs
the National Health and Nutrition Examination
associated with alcohol abuse may exceed the Survey (NHANES) I, and Coate and Grossman”
use data from NHANES 11. Thirdly, the price of
deadwei ht welfare losses associated with taxes in
general.’*37 Our calculation of the total implied
beer is not fully captured by the beer tax. Due
effect of liquor prices on high school graduation in
to the elastic demand for beer among high
Table 5 , shows that a 1 percent increase in liquor
school students, the beer-price elasticity with
prices is associated with a 1.152 percent increase
respect to beer tax (=aIn Price/a In tax) is about
in the probability of graduation. These calcula-
0.18. In other words, a 1 percent increase beer
tions suggest that higher liquor prices have ataxes raises the price of beer by only 0.18
substantial positive impact on high school comple-
tion; at least as effective as increases in beer taxes.
Our estimates of the effects of the price of
liquor are not statistically significant in the
Demand for alcohol and marijuana ‘frequent drinker’ or the ‘liquor and wine’ con-
sumption equations (see Table 4); although the
The ‘demand’ equations estimating ‘frequent liquor price is significant in the marijuana user
drinker’, ‘liquor and wine’ consumption, and equation. Previous analyses of the relationship
between alcohol and marijuana use have shown age requirement varied across States. Our findings
different results. Some studies of US youth, suggest that an 18 years minimum drinking age for
examining the relationship between marijuana liquor (‘age 18 for liquor’), raises liquor and wine
decriminalization and alcohol use, suggest that consumption among high school students. Hence,
alcohol and marijuana are substitute^.^ Other the policy of imposing higher minimum drinking
investigators examining the relationship between ages may have reduced the consumption of liquor
alcohol prices and marijuana use, suggest they are and wine, and indirectly improved the educational
complements.6 Our estimate of the impact of attainment of high school students.
liquor prices in the marijuana user equation (see
Table 4) is negative and statistically significant at
the 10 percent level, implying that they are com- Socioeconomic and demographicfactors
plements. The elasticities reported in Table 5 show The results for all the high school graduation
that a 1 percent increase in liquor prices, reduces models (HSG-Frequent drinker, HSG-Wine and
the probability of frequent marijuana use by 2.4 liquor, and HSG-Marijuana user, see Table 3),
percent. show a significant and positive coefficient estimate
In contrast to the complementary relationship for blacks. These results are consistent with other
described above, marijuana decriminalization has studies by Cook and MooreI2 and Manski, et a1.32
a significant, negative impact on the probability The impact of an intact family structure is positive
of being a ‘frequent drinker’. The presence of and significant at the 5 percent level in all three
marijuana decriminalization in a state, reduces the equations. Students living with both parents have a
probability of a student being a frequent drinker higher probability of graduating from high school.
by 7.2 percent (see Table 5). This result implies Students living with more than four siblings have a
a substitute relationship between marijuana use lower probability of graduation. The ASVAB test
and frequent drinking, which is consistent with score variable, used to proxy a student’s academic
the work of Chaloupka and Laixuthai.’ In sum- potential, is statistically significant at the 1 percent
mary, our study finds only ambiguous evidence level; higher scores are associated with an
regarding the substitutecomplement relationship increased probability of high school graduation.
between alcohol and marijuana. Finally, our We find only modest evidence that students attend-
estimates of the relationship between marijuana ing religious services more than once a week, are
decriminalization and marijuana use are not more likely to graduate from high school (see the
significant, a similar result to that of DNardo and results for HSG-Liquor and wine model in Table
hmieux.6 3). We do find, however, that the religion variable
Aside from their policy relevance, the ‘age 18 is negative and statistically significant in the
for beer’ and ‘age 18 for liquor’ variables are used demand analysis; namely, in the frequent drinker
as alcohol availability indicators for high school and frequent marijuana user equations (see Table
students. Whereas Coate and Grossman” use a 4). This implies an indirect effect, whereby stud-
continuous measure for the minimum drinking ents engaged in religious activities are less likely
age, we use simple dummy variables. We experi- to be substance abusers and hence more likely to
mented with various minimum age specifications graduate high school.
and the most significant were the ones reported.
We can only speculate as to this finding, but one
possibility is that a minimum drinking age of 18 CONCLUSION
(the lowest in any jurisdiction) indicates that the
locality has a relaxed attitude towards youth In this study we have used data from the NLSY on
alcohol use. Hence, this variable may be measur- 672 individuals who were in the twelfth grade in
ing unobservable social attitudes to alcohol 1982, in order to analyze the impact of alcohol
consumption, in addition to the minimum drinking and marijuana use on high school graduation, and
age. While the ‘age 18 for beer’indicator is never the demand for alcohol and marijuana.
significant, the analogous variable for liquor is Our analysis shows that there are substantial
statistically significant at the 1 percent level, in negative effects on high school graduation prob-
the ‘liquor and wine’ equation (see Table 4). abilities associated with alcohol and marijuana
Currently, the minimum drinking age in all juris- use, using our measures of use; frequent drinker,
dictions is twenty-one years, however, in 1982 the liquor and wine consumption, and frequent
marijuana user. Our elasticity calculations show policy, for example tax policy, and preventive
that a 10 percent increase in these activities lowers programs should be expanded in order to improve
the probability of high school graduation by 6.5 educational performance for high school students.
percent (frequent drinker), 2.01 percent (liquor This is especially true for young adolescents, for
and wine consumption) and 6.62 percent (frequent whom early intervention is likely to have the best
marijuana user). These results indicate that high payoff in terms of affecting lifetime alcohol and
school students who use alcohol and marijuana drug use. Early onset of alcohol and drug use is a
are exposing themselves to significant risk of crucial risk factor for progressing to more serious
academic failure. forms of substance abuse, and may in turn be
Our findings have a number of important policy linked to severe alcohol and drug addiction in later
implications. A 1 percent increase in liquor prices life. High school-based preventive programs,
raises the probability of high school graduation by which discourage alcohol and marijuana use, are
1.152 percent. The estimated elasticity of the highly recommended as a means of reducing both
probability of being a frequent beer drinker with the direct and indirect societal costs of substance
respect to the beer tax is approximately -0.28, abuse.
thus a 10 percent increase in the beer tax reduces
frequent drinking among high school students, and
in turn raises the probability of high school AF’PENDIX
graduation by about 3.0 percent. Raising the
minimum drinking age for liquor has a significant
impact on reducing the consumption of liquor and Calculating the marginal effect of substance use
on the probability of graduation
wine, and, consequently, improves the probability
of high school graduation. There are two methods used to calculate the margi-
Our results show no significant relationship nal effects, depending upon whether the variable is
between marijuana decriminalization and mari- a continuous variable, e.g. liquor and wine con-
juana use among high school students, however, sumption; or a qualitative dummy variable (i.e., a
marijuana decriminalization is found to reduce the discrete variable), e.g. frequent drinker and fre-
probability of becoming a frequent drinker. This quent marijuana user.
result indicates a substitute relationship between
marijuana use and frequent drinking. If raising rhe Case 1-Continuous variable (liquor and wine
cost of using marijuana, reduces marijuana con- consumption). We calculate the model’s mean
sumption, a number of policy implications follow. predicted probability of graduation for the whole
Since raising taxes on illegal drugs, e.g. marijuana, sample:
is not a viable policy option, imposing harsher
penalties for using and selling marijuana might
reduce the demand and supply of marijuana.
These types of policies have been used extensively
during the past ten years, but there is no consensus
as to their effectiveness. On the other hand, if where Xi is the vector of observations for the i-th
alcohol and marijuana are substitutes, policy student, B is a vector of estimated coefficients, @
makers need to consider the full ramifications for is the normal cumulative density function and N is
youth alcohol use of increasing the non-pecuniary the sample size. Next we calculate
costs of marijuana consumption.
The educational success of students is import-
ant, being directly connected to occupational
choice, employment opportunity and earnings.
Loss of societal human capital due to academic
failure through alcohol and marijuana use, may be where Xli is the same as X i except that one is added
considerable. Lower earnings due to lack of to the value of X,, where Xij (thej-th element inxi)
education, lower personal esteem, lack of decision is the variable of merest; for example, the amount
making skills and weak social skills, leads to anti- of wine and liquor consumed. The marginal effect
social activities, which further raise the social of increasing all students consumption by one unit,
costs of substance abuse. Appropriate alcohol on the probability of graduation is A, minus A,,.
Case II-Qualitative dummy variable (frequent were to become a non-frequent drinker or a non-
drinker, frequent marijuana user). Again, let X, frequent marijuana user.
represent observations on the variable of interest; The overall marginal impact of being a frequent
for example, frequent marijuana user. First, con- dsinker or a frequent marijuana user is calculated
sider the sub-sample of (size No) of students with as the average of G,minus Goand Hominus HI.
X, = 0 and calculate the model’s mean predicted
probability of high school graduation for these No
We are indebted to Professors Michael Grossman and
Bernard Okun. We gratefully acknowledge financial
support from the Rutgers University Research Council
(grant #2-02158) and the Kikawada Foundation in
Next, using this same No person sub-sample, Japan. The views presented here are those of the
calculate the mean predicted probability of high authors and do not necessarily represent those of their
school graduation if the dummy variable of inter- affiliated organizations.
est for these students were switched to equal 1:

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