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49. Listen to Andrea talking about people she knows. Circle the correct answers.

1. Valerie is Andrea’s _____.

a) aunt b) cousin c) friend

2. Julia’s hair is _____.

a) light b) red c) dark

3. Mr. Adams is not very _____ and he has dark hair.

a) tall b) old c) short

4. Zack is Andrea’s _____.

a) dad b) brother c) uncle

5. Andrea is _____ than Joe.

a) older b) taller c) funnier

50. Listen to Andrea talking about people she knows. What does she say about each person?
Circle the correct answers.

1. Andrea’s aunt Valerie is _____.

a) tall
b) pretty
c) old

2. Julia is Andrea’s _____.

a) teammate
b) best friend
c) classmate

3. What does Andrea say about Mr. Adams?

a) He’s nice.
b) He has short hair.
c) He’s young.

4. Who is Zack?

a) Andrea’s dad.
b) Andrea’s uncle.
c) Andrea’s brother.

5. Andrea’s cousin Joe is _____ than she is.

a) younger
b) taller
c) older

51. Listen to Linda and Carlos talking about what they do on school days. Who does these things?
Write Linda or Carlos.

1. _____ doesn’t like to do homework at night.

2. _____ is usually at school at 8:00.

3. _____ gets to school right at 8:30.

4. _____ has drama classes.

5. _____ plays chess.

52. Listen to Linda and Carlos talking about what they do on school days. Complete the

1. Linda usually does her homework _____.

2. Carlos does his homework _____.

3. Most days, Carlos gets to school at _____.

4. Linda has drama classes on _____.

5. Carlos plays chess with his _____.

53. Listen to people talking about their school. Circle the correct answers.

1. Which subject does Simon love?

a) geography
b) ICT
c) PE
2. Marta doesn’t like _____.

a) history
b) English
c) ICT

3. Leo says his geography class isn’t _____.

a) boring
b) slow
c) interesting

4. What doesn’t Angeline like about her math class?

a) the classroom
b) her classmates
c) the subject

5. Carl has his PE class _____.

a) after lunch
b) in the main office
c) with a new teacher

54. Listen to five people talking about their school. Match the people with what they say.

1. __ Simon a. I like studying on the school computers!

2. __ Marta b. I love math, but not our classroom.

3. __ Leo c. We do lots of great things – it isn’t boring!

4. __ Angeline d. Our teacher’s really nice.

e. Our new PE teacher goes with us to the

5. __ Carl

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