Department of Child & Adolescent Health Respiratory Care Using A Peak Flow Meter

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Department of Child & Adolescent Health

Respiratory Care
Using a Peak Flow Meter

A peak flow meter is a simple monitoring device that may be used in paediatric asthmatic
patients to give an idea of changing level of control by measuring the amount of air which can be
forcefully expelled after full inspiration. It may be used in a child as young as 6 years of age.

1. Zero your peak flow meter by ensuring indicator is at the “zero” position.

2. Allow child to stand or sit upright and take deep breaths.

3. Allow child to hold the peak flow meter but ensure that fingers do not block the indicator.

4. Place meter in mouth with lips sealing the mouth piece

5. Ask child to take a deep breath (within one second)

6. Forcefully expel the full breath as fast as possible

7. Note reading and repeat a total of three attempts recording the best reading.

 Useful tips
o Use the same peak flow meter always
o Try not to vary the time of use
o Obtain “personal bests” values on well days
o AM & PM results should be documented
o Where no personal best exist use accepted norms,

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