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Inorganic Chemistry

Acid and base

Type equation here.CHEMICAL BONDING

1.Cation of stable electronic configuration

no of electron in outer most configuration
a) 2
b) 8 ex ; Na+ ,Mg2+
C) 18 ex ;Cu+
d) 18+2 Ti+ ;Bi3+
Note -- stable anion has always noble gas configuration.
2)For Lewis dot structure
a)Total no of pi -bonds =6n+2-valence electron
n=total no of atom or
=6x+2-valence electron
x=total atoms -no of H atoms
3)Lattice energy, U=NMZ+Z- e2[1-1/n]


Effective nuclear charge –in a multi electronic atom electron of the inner shells
put a screen of negative charge on the nucleus . therefore outer electron
experiences lesser atteractive effect of nucleus. The actual nuclear charge an
outer electron experiences is called ENC.
Electon All Same Group Group with (n-2)&
Group higher Group with inner
group (n-1)
1s 0 0.30 0 0
ns,np 0 0.35 0.85 1
Nd,nf 0 0.35 1 1
Inorganic Chemistry
Acid and base
Inorganic Chemistry
Acid and base

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