How To Start and Finish Any Project

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How To Start and Finish Any Project

5 Steps to Get It Done

By J. Miami Phillips

Projects (broader concepts) = Plans and Goals in life

Do you have a project you have been meaning to complete? Either you have started, and are
having difficulty finishing it up, or it is so overwhelming you might not have started it.

Here are some steps to get you going.

1. Begin immediately. Even right smack in the middle of reading this article! You can
make some notes. What is it? What do I need to complete this or get started? Schedule
a start and finish day. Call someone up, and ask for help. Do something right now!

2. Do something every day on your project. It really does not matter how much you do
unless you are under a deadline. What is important is consistency. If your project were
to walk across America, as long as you walked a little each day, sooner or later
(probably later in this case), you would reach your goal. Small steps are just as good
as big steps.

3. Hold yourself accountable. You can ask someone to be your team partner. This
person's part is to keep you on track. Knowing someone is going to call you and ask
how you did today is a huge motivator! No one likes to mumble a lame excuse for
procrastinating! Keep track of your project in your journal. This is a great self-
motivation tool. When you are finished, you will take pride in being able to read back
at a later date and saying, "Yes I remember that project!"

4. Find a partner to help you! This can be emotional support as above or it might be
actual physical help as in a paid helper. Say you wanted to paint your house, but
wanted to do it yourself for financial reasons, or that you simply want to do it
yourself! However, it might be a little intimidating! Find a friend, or a handyman, or a
temporary worker and pay him to help you. This takes a lot of the load off your
shoulders and provides accountability as well. And last...

5.  Schedule your time. I cannot impress upon you how utilizing a simple calendar
can make such a difference in how much you get done. We tend to spend our time on
minor things in life and let the major ones go. Big mistake! Using a calendar allows
you to follow a set schedule that arranges your day so you can find the time to
complete all (or most anyway) of the projects you want to do.

6.  And last - I know I said 5 steps, but this is an extra one for you! Think about
this. If your project is one that you truly do not want to do, look at it carefully and
make sure it is something you HAVE to do. You might find it would take too much
energy from you to complete, and you then must let it go! Either have someone else
complete it, or decide intentionally not to do it, nor worry about it. That is your

Required Tools:
 Willingness
 Good attitude
 Self Development

 Procrastination
 Worry
 Fear

Quick Tips:
 Don't worry about the future.
 Don't worry - be happy!
 Fear = false evidence appearing real!

Useful Links:
More coaching and personal development

Good points! I especially agree that even baby steps are better than no steps...and i use
that alot to get me started when I am having a hard time with a mountain...

TAKING ACTION is one of the most important Keys to Success. If we are not always
striving to move forward, we are stagnating.

Here are two quotes that I personally refer back to constantly…these always manage to
give me a little boost to move forward when I find myself procrastinating or making

In order to be successful you must try and apply!

Remember… No more excuses - just do it - NOW!

Thanks for the tips!

Veronica Routtu

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