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Rahul Sonkamble1, Suyash Patil2, Tejas Dasare3, Saurabh Patil4, Indraneel Pawar5, Aniket Phadtare6
Assisstant Professor, Department of CSE, Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions, Atigre, India
B.E Student, Department of CSE, Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions, Atigre, India


Abstract: In the modern world, sports help to make predictions be more accurate
produce enough considerable statistical and precise than the earlier systems.
information about each player, team, Prediction is the heart of remarkable
games, and seasons. Earlier sports science disciplines in science and that is the reason
was believed to be owned by experts, why philosophy of prediction is employed
coaches, team managers, and analyzers. in many companies. Machine learning
Sports organizations have recently which an area of intelligent systems is will
realized that the availability of science in be used in this report to provide solutions
their data and want to take advantage of to the problems in aspects of predicting
that science through the use of different the results of various sports.
data mining techniques. Sports data
mining assists coaches and managers in
different ways like prediction of the Keywords: Random Forest algorithm
results, performance of the player, performing regression and Database.
identifying the talent, and evaluation of
game strategy. Prediction helps the
managers and the clubs in making the
right decision to win the leagues and the I. Introduction
tournaments. The present study shows
that earlier research on data mining Nowadays, the team managers and
systems to predict the results and evaluate analysts give a prediction about who is
the advantages and the disadvantages of going to win the match. In the present,
each system. Prediction has been different statistics are used for the prediction
successfully applied in all sports. Although of football match result. The prediction of
in many aspects, this application has been any football match is done by using some of
of very small limits. It is very important to the previous data. The prediction of the
look into the applications of the machine
match depends on different variables like
learning in these instances and see if its
player stats, team stats; past data etc. which
application can give better results in the
analysis. By making use of datasets that is is used by club directors and managers to
more precise and machine learning, this decide which team is going to win the match
research aims to offer a solution that will and what will be required to win the match.
In the recent years, football result prediction II. Literature Survey
has gained lots of popularity. Earlier, by
gathering the features that affect the In the whole world football is the most
outcome of football matches, a predictive famous and popular sport. Among all the
model Knowledge discovery in databases sport, football prediction is the most widely
(KDD) was developed. Data mining researched. The main use of our project is to
techniques have also been used in the past. create an application with which we can
In existing systems, statistical and machine predict the upcoming match results based on
learning approaches were used in football many factors. We will give the teams name
match result prediction. For team as the input and it will show which team will
management, the details of the team and the win the match. Previously In the previous
opponent team should be known by the systems they used very less parameters
manager and the other coaching staff which resulted in less accuracy of the
members. The managers and the coaches prediction. We will be using many extra
should be able to identify strengths and factors like player details, half-time score,
weaknesses of different teams and full-time score and many more will be
accordingly prepare for the matches. The considered and the accuracy of the
management should also be able take prediction increases. In the paper Game ON!
decisions during a match and to monitor a Predicting English Premier League Match
match in real time. For all these Outcomes by A. S. Timmaraju [1] they used
requirements, the prediction application a data of just one season and used RBF-
should be able to provide ideas based upon SVM and got accuracy of 60%. The
the current situations. We proposed a model disadvantage of this system is that they used
of football match prediction by using the really less data to predict the outcomes of
few years’ data of every match in English the match. There was an another attempt by
Premier League and trained the algorithm A. Joseph at predicting the match results.
based on that data. The algorithm learns They used Bayesian Nets to predict the
from training data so that it forms different match results but they just got an accuracy
rules and pattern and based on that the ranging 38% and 59%. Finally we were
algorithm makes a decision on some new influenced by Ben Ulmer where they used
data. The algorithm keeps on learning by Random Forest Algorithm and a data of 10
using the feedback with every input. The years to increase the accuracy up to 52% [3].
application predicts the match result. The
results of this application can be used by the
management staff while team selection or by
III. Proposed Methodology
the fans playing while fantasy leagues in
order to create an efficient team or for the
As a quick summary, what we are
purpose of betting.
going to do is take historical results to
calculate the number of goals teams score
and concede. These averages are compared
to the league average and used to create 2. Activity Diagram
values for attacking strength and defensive
strength for every team, which are then At first the user selects the teams and
turned into goal expectation figures. This the match, which is used as input. Then
metric is put into a Poisson Distribution the datasets are checked for the team
formula which works out the probability of details and the data is sent forward for
every result when two teams face each other. Poisson Distribution. After that we get the
We then take these probabilities to create predicted results of the match.
our own odds, compare these against the
bookies’ odds, then identify where there is
value in the market because the bookies are
offering more generous odds that we’d
expect. Simple!

1. Poisson Distribution

Poisson distribution is the

probability of the number of events that
occur in a given interval when the expected
number of events is known and the events
occur independently of one another. It
basically means that means is that when we
know the average number of times that an
event will happen, we can use Poisson to
calculate how likely other numbers deviate
from this average.

The Poisson Distribution formula

Poisson = (x, mean, cumulative)

(x = Number of goals.
Mean = the probability of that team IV. Implementations and Result
scoring a goal i.e. goal expectancy.
Cumulative = is set to FALSE, so that 1. PhoneGap
the formula returns a value exactly equal
to x. ) [7] PhoneGap is a mobile application
development framework originally
created by Nitobi. PhoneGap enables
software programmers to build
applications for mobile devices using
CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript instead of everyone is working on the most up-
relying on platform-specific APIs like to-date version.
those in Android, iOS, or Windows
Benefits of using PhoneGap: 2. Python

 Managed Compilation and

Signing (No SDKs) Python is an interpreted, high-
level, general purpose programming
Local development involves language. Python features a dynamic type
installing and maintaining multiple system and automatic memory
native SDKs as well as the management. It supports multiple
Cordova/PhoneGap SDK. PhoneGap programming paradigms, including
Build takes this headache away! Get object-oriented, imperative, functional
app-store ready apps without the and procedural. It also has a
headache of maintaining native SDKs. comprehensive standard library. Python
PhoneGap Build will always build uses dynamic typing, and a combination
against the required SDK for the of reference counting and a cycle-
platform you are targeting. detecting garbage collector for memory
management. It also features
 Multiple Supported Platforms dynamic name resolution(late binding),
which binds method and variable names
Target iOS, Android, during program execution. Python was
Windows (Phone) all with a single designed to be highly extensible. This
codebase. As a web-service, compact modularity has made it
PhoneGap Build may be used from particularly popular as a means of adding
any OS. programmable interfaces to existing
applications. An important goal of
 Work With Your Team Python's developers is keeping it fun to
use. This is reflected in the language's
Work collaboratively by name—a tribute to the British comedy
adding team members and create roles group Monty Python and in occasionally
within your PhoneGap Build projects. playful approaches to tutorials and
reference materials, such as examples that
 Quicker Development Cycle
refer to spam and eggs (from a famous
Monty Python sketch) instead of the
Use Hydration to get faster
standard foo and bar.
debug and build cycles. With
Hydration, updates to your application
be pushed directly to your testers'
previously installed apps, ensuring
3. PHP7  Several unmaintained or
deprecated server application
programming interfaces (SAPIs) and
PHP7 is the latest version of PHP extensions were removed from the
with lots of new features. The foundation PHP core, most notably the
of PHP is a PHP branch that was legacy mysql extension.
originally dubbed PHP next
generation (phpng). Because of major
internal changes in phpng it must receive
a new major version number of PHP, 4. Screenshots
rather than a minor PHP 5 release,
according to PHP's release process. Major
versions of PHP are allowed to break
backward-compatibility of code and
therefore PHP 7 presented an opportunity
for other improvements beyond phpng
that require backward-compatibility
breaks. In particular, it involved the
following changes:

 Many fatal- or recoverable-level

legacy PHP error mechanisms were
replaced with modern object-
oriented exceptions.
 The syntax for variable dereferencing
was reworked to be internally more
consistent and complete, allowing the
use of the operators -> , [] , () , {} ,
and :: , with arbitrary meaningful left-
side expressions.
 Support for legacy PHP 4-style
constructor methods was deprecated.
 The behavior of the for
each statement was changed to be
more predictable.
 Constructors for the few classes built-
in to PHP which returned null upon
failure were changed to throw an
exception instead, for consistency.
The above graph represents one of the
testing’s where we got an accuracy of 82%
with dataset of matches of three years.

The above graph represents one of the

testing’s where we got an accuracy of 78%
with dataset of ten years.
V. Conclusion
[4] Data mining,
Considering the popularity of Online:
sports in the current world, many _minig
organizations disburse large funds to gain
better results in sports matches. [5] Machine Learning, Online:
Therefore, predicting game results has
turned into a subject of interest for arning.
different sports organizations. Thus we
have created an android application [6] Lu WL, Ting JA, Little JJ, Murphy
through which the users can get the KP. “Learning to track and identify
predicted results of the soccer matches in players from broadcast sports videos.”
English Premier League. Not only the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
results will be provided, the latest news and Machine Intelligence 2013.
regarding the sport will also be provided.
The user can register and use those [7] Poisson Distribution formula:
credentials to login in the android
application. With the application that we prediction-model-poisson-distribution
developed we are getting accuracy greater
than 76% using Poisson Distribution.


[1] A. S. Timmaraju, A. Palnitkar, & V.

Khanna, Game ON! Predicting
English Premier League Match
Outcomes, 2013.

[2] A. Joseph, A. E. Fenton, & M. Neil,

Predicting football results using
Bayesian nets and other machine learning
techniques. Knowledge-Based
Systems 19.7 (2006).

[3] Ben Ulmer & Matthew Fernandez,

Predicting Soccer Match Results in
English Premier League.

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