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By Emilia Saba
Instructions for use
The poem describes the
emotions surrounding the .
migrants experience of 1950s.
The emotions of the migrants
as they stayed at migrant
hostel are explored through
the physical journey as they
lose a sense of belonging and
identity migrating to a new

Peter Skrzynecki’s poem

‘Migrant Hostel’ shows the
migrant perspective of
First stanza
There is an immediate sense of negativity as the poem begins with “no one. This is
followed with the words ‘kept count’ which emphasises how they were not treated as
individuals. This poem highlights that people were grouped within nationalities and
segregated from the rest of the “australians”.
Second stanza
The migrants journeyed away from home like a homing pigeon
searching for its bearing. The idea that those who share the same
nationality will have an ingrained connection.

“Sought each other out instinctively”

“Nationalities sought each other out
instinctively- like a homing pigeon
circling to get its bearings;”
“Partitioned off at night by
memories of hunger and hate.”
third stanza

Metaphor communicating the

uncertainty and wanting to leave the
hostel and start a new life but being
unable to.

“Sensing a change in the weather

Fourth/last Stanza

Describing a barrier metaphorically to communicate an idea of

confinement for the migrants. This both literal and metaphorical
description of the hostel shows their isolation and alienation from
the outside world.

‘Migrant Hostel’ by Peter Skrzynecki reflects the experiences of living in

a lodge as a migrant for 2 years and how the journey impacted them so
much, belonging and retaining an identity in that society is explored in
this poem.
Feelings of disconnection to mainstream Australia through their lack of
english and cultural differences impacted their migrant experience

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