Manila Standard, June 24, 2019, House Economic Managers Must Be in Sync-Romualdez PDF

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Ho use, economtc managers

rnust be in s!flc-Romualdez

WORKING PARTNERS. speakership cdndidate and Leyte Representative:

elect Mariin Rordualdez cohgratulates Finance chief Carlos'Sonny'Dominguez.lll
for establishing thE iound etonomic policies of President Rodrigo'Rody"'Duterte.
Romubldez is ldoking forward to working with tlominguez and oiher members ofthe
economic team in the l Sth Congress to achieve further success. He said the surging
economy earned the Philippines an upgrade to BBB+, the country's highest credil rating
in historyfrom Standard & Poor's Global Ratings.

By Rio N. Araja gressmen elected in the l8th Congress

are supponive of Presiderrt Rodrigo
REP-ELECT Martir Romualdez on Duterte and his legislative agenda, Ro-
SLrnday called for a "cohesive working mualdez said.
relationship" between the House ofRep- 'Number one on the list of priority
resentatives and the counrry's economic bills, ofcourse, is the GeneralAppropria-
managers toward the early approval of tions Bill for the year 2020."
the 2020 national budget. Romualdez is president of the Philip-
He said as an initial step, he recently pine Constitution Association and of the
sought a meeting with Finance Secre- Lakas Christian Muslim Democrats, and
tary Carlos Dominguez iII to find ways is among the leadiig bet: lor the speaker-
to tighten the coordination between the ship race in the House.
lawmakers and tbe economic managers. "In consultation with my colleagues
"An overwhelming number of con- Next page

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