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FY 2015
Region: III
Province: Nueva Ecija
Municipality: Talavera
Program / Activity/ Project Gender Issue/Concern GAD Objective Identified GAD Activity Target GAD Performance Indicator GAD Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


Orientation Training to Parents >Incidence of domestic violence and >To dessiminate information on laws >Conduct training and symposium >3 Women groups >No. of women group, youth 47,079.80
- VAWC youth/children deliquency promoting the welfare of women >6 Youth groups group attended symposium
- CICL and children >1 group from
victims of domes-
tic violence and
>mothers of CICL

Financial Assistance for victims >Incidence of domestic violence >To provide assistance >Financial Assistance >3 women victim of >No. of women/children 35,000.00
of VAWC for medical/legal needs domestic violence victims of domestic
>3 children victims violence provided with
of physical/sexual financial assistance

Page 101

Pre-Marriage Counseling >Early marriage/marital conflict resulting >To conduct pre-marriage >Pre-marriage counseling >200 would be >No. of would be couple 9,416.16
to separation counseling to would be couples couples attended pre-marriage
Marriage Counseling >Incidence of domes tic violence; marital >To conduct marriage counseling >Marriage Counseling Session >Married couples >No. of married couples 9,416.16
conflict; child custody to married couples having problem with marital with marital problem
on relationship problem privded with couseling

Construction of Day Care Center >Increasing incidence of potentially >To construct a day care center >Day care service >50 day care children >No. of potentially 100,000.00
(La Torre, Talavera) neglected children catering 50 day care children neglected children provided (Municipal Development
with day care service Fund)
Repair of Day Care Centers >Increasing incidence of potentially >To repair 2 day care centers >Day care service >100 day care children >No. of potentially neglected 100,000.00
neglected children catering 100 DC children children (MDF)

Parent Education >Incidence of malnutrition, child abused >To educate parents on proper >Parent effectiveness Service >600 Parents of >No. of parents attended 185,854.40
Service child and youth rearing of children; rights of children, Day Care Children PES
deliquency laws promoting welfare of children
and youth
Productivity Skills >Limited access of women to training >To provide skills training for >Skills Training for Women >3 groups of women >No. of skills training 100,000.00
Training for Women and employment opportunities possible employment with 50 members conducted (Municipal Development
with special needs/ Fund)
with disability
Skills Training for Out of School >limited access of OSY to training and >To provide skills training for >Skills Training for OSY >3 groups of OSY with >No. of skills training 100,000.00
Youth employment opportunities possible employment >50 members conducted (Municipal Development
Program / Activity/ Project Gender Issue/Concern GAD Objective Identified GAD Activity Target GAD Performance Indicator GAD Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Micro-enterprise development >Unemployed women, OSY >To improve economic condition of >Provision of capital assistance >5 groups of Women >No. of women provided 100,000.00
(SEA-Kaunlaran) and other needy families who belong to low with 50 members with capital assistance (Municipal Development
adult income group Fund)
>5 groups of OSY with >No. of OSY provided with 100,000.00
50 members capital assistance (Municipal Development
Training on community >Limited participation of women on >To provide opportunities for women >Training on Community >200 women/mothers >No. of women/mothers of 20,000.00
volunteerism for community/volunteer work to become participating member Volunteerism of day care children day care children become
women/mothers of day of the community active volunteers
care children
Construction of evacuation center >Access to comfort and safety during >To provide temporary shelter >Couseling, comfort giving, >300 disaster victims >No. of disaster victims 400,000.00
the occurrence of disaster to victims of disaster provision of food, tempo- mostly women and served in evacuation center (MDRRMF)
rary shelter children, older person,

Trainings/Seminar for >Knowledge and skills of Focal Persons/ >To become effective efficient >Trainings and Seminars >GAD workers and >Number of trainings
Focal Persons/GAD GAD workers for effective/efficient focal person/GAD workers focal persons attended by GAD focal 20,000.00
Workers person/workers
SUBTOTAL 1,326,766.52

Page 102


A. Farm Youth Development


Virginia C. Ferrer (PS) 87,385.28

Florencia L. Caling (PS) 69,705.75

1. Promotion / establishment / > members become > to activate & > conduct organization 10 > No. of clubs
maintenance of 4-H Club inactive strengthens the & re-organization of
existing 4-H Clubs 4-H Clubs

> lack of time to manage > conduct regular consultative 20 > no. of meetings
their club meetings & seminars 4 > no. of seminars

> members migrated to > to provide additional > provision of Livelihood 4 > no. of Projects
other place to seek employment,got income for 4-H Club members Projects
married, cause of insufficient funds. > consistent monitoring & 15 > no. of visits
Program/Activity/ Gender GAD Objective Identified GAD Target GAD Performance GAD
Project Issue/Concern Activity Indicator Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Monitoring and Evaluation Regular monitoring and Conducted monitoring &
project evaluation of project for evaluation project
proper implementation

2. Extension Education Training > lack of skills training & > to develop skills > conduct skills training 3 > no. of trainings
capability building & self-confidence 20 > no. of 4-H members
per training
3. Consulatative/ regular meetings >Attendance to Consulative 3,000.00
Municipal/Prov'l/Reg'l/Nat'l meeting
Achievement Day
>Conducted regular 4-H
monthly meeting

>Attendance to monthly
FYDP meeting

>Conduct of Achievement 2
Day/Lakbay Aral
4. Provision of Loan Packages for >To provide additional >provision of Loans 2 > no. of barangays
Livelihood Projects income for 4-H members

Page 103
-Organic fertilizer production >To provide livelihood project >Provision of
to OSY Livelihood project
B. Farm Home & Resource Mgt.
(Editha L. Sarmiento (PS) 69,705.75
1. Establishment and maintenance of> re-organize & maintain RIC > to activate & > conduct organization 53 > no. of barangays
Rural Improvement Club (RIC) strengthens the & re-organization of RIC clubs
existing RIC Clubs
2. Extension Education Trainings > conduct RIC members and > to provide additional > provision of livelihood 500 > no. of members
& seminars and hands-on demo on train for hands-on demo on income for members (meat) food processing
IGP IGP updates handicraft making, juice making, etc.

> regular monitoring and >to assess the results of the > conduct monitor and evaluation 53 > no. of barangays
evaluation of projects project project

> meetings > to strangthen clubs > conduct of regular RIC 53 > no. of barangays
3. Provision of Loan Package for > to provide additional > provision of loans 53 > no. of barangays
Livelihood Projects income for RIC Club members
4.Strengthening of farmers, vegetable >Conduct of training/seminars >to strengthen group
growers, seed grower and associations for farmer organization
as core group for multiplier effect.
5. Gender and Development Program >To encourage women activities >To active & strengthens > Participate in Trade Fairs
the existing RIC club.
>Buwan ng Kababaihan
(Livelihood project)
>Seminars/Skills training
>RIC Achievement Day
6. Consulative meeting/Lakbay Aral >Attend Consultive 2 >no. of meetings 5,000.00
Regional meeting

SUB-TOTAL 234,796.78

Program/Activity/ Gender GAD Identified GAD Target GAD Performance Gad Budget
Project Issue/Concern Objective Activity Indicator
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. Recruitment
1. Interview conducted >discrimination on >be fair on hiring >equal rights of >identified needs >number of approved/ 256,645.19
applying/choosing/ of employees applicants of every dept selected applicants
selection of employees
2. Orientation conducted >employee benefits >to orient employees >equal rights on >newly hired and >number of orientation
on employee welfare and benefits old employees conducted 128,322.59
welfare and benefits of employees as well

B. Retention

Page 104
1. application for loans >who are qualified for >be sensible in >fair selection for >identified >number of approved 54,329.03
different kinds of applying/granting approving any qualified loaners loans
loans loans employees' loans
2. leave benefits >approval of leave >to enjoy employees' >equal rights of >all employees >number of approved 128,322.59
benefits leave benefits employees' (male and leave
enjoyment on female)
leave benefits

3. Personnel Relation >Complaints attended >make a necessary >be a fair arbiter >male and female >number of complaint 76,993.55
and discipline thru : action in lower level complainants party
written and oral if possible

4. Customer assistance >customers >satisfaction of >attended customers >male and female >number of customers 132,658.07
with queries and need customers attended with queries and customers with attended
assistance need assistance queries and
needs assistance

5. Career Development >employees send to >career growth and >equal rights of >employees needs >number of employees 185,987.11
training and seminars development choosing employees improvement and sent to training and 227,000.00
send to training or career seminars
seminars development
6. Attended different >employees send to >skills enhancement >equal rights of >employees needs >number of employees 138,322.59
activities different activities and personality choosing employees personality send to different
development send to different development activities

SUB TOTAL 1,328,580.72

Program/Activity/ Gender GAD Identified GAD Target GAD Performance Gad Budget
Project Issue/Concern Objective Activity Indicator
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Talavera K -3 Project >Poverty of women >To increase the income >Conduct of Training and >1,200 women from 53 1. Trainings 5,500,000.00
(Kaunlaran sa Kabuhayan ng residence of Talavera of women Seminars to enhance Barangays of Talavera 2. Seminars from DBP - Credit line
Kababaihan) capability building on: with monthly income 3. Loans granted of LGU-Talavera
ranging from 4. Loans repaid 140,000.00
1. 0-Php7,000 5. Marketing of Products from Municipal Dev't
1. Handicraft making (Priority 1) Fund
2. Food Processing 2. Php7,000-15,000
3. Vegetable gardening (Priority 2)
4. Other livelihood activity
5. Packaging & Labelling
6. Marketing
7. Quality Control
8. Other human resource

Page 105
development activities

SUB TOTAL 5,640,000.00

1. Safe Motherhood and Womens
Health Program
Health program
a.Pre natal and Post Natal Care >Lack of Vitamin A >To provide vitamin A >Provision of vitamin A >Iron and Vitamin A >Vitamin A 303,600.00
and iron to pregnant and to pregnant and and iron to pregnant and supplementation to >Ferrous sulfate 284,485.30
lactating mother lactating mother lactating mother pregnant and lactating w/ folic acid
>Lack of comprehensive >To conduct compre- >Comprehensive training >Series of trainings be >seminar 6,000.00
training for all pregnant hensive training for for all pregnant and conducted to pregnant >2 doctors 1,848,854.50
and lactating mother all pregnant and lactating mother and lactating mother >5 nurses 2,211,696.30
lactating mother >13 midwives 4,808,054.54

>Inadequate medecines for >To provide medicines >Provision of medecines >Medecines be given >D5LR w/ venoset &abbocath 1,897.50
all pregnant and lactating for all pregnant and for all pregnant and to all pregnant and >cord clamps 56,925.00
mother lactating mother lactating mother lactating mother >surgical gloves 18,595.50
Program/Activity/ Gender GAD Identified GAD Target GAD Performance Gad Budget
Project Issue/Concern Objective Activity Indicator
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
b. Family Planning >Lack of advocacy in >Proper dissemination >Advocacy in reproductive >Info on reproductive >pills 425,040.00
reproductive health of reproductive health health health be disseminated
properly and pills were
given to them
3.Nutrition program >Prevention of all children suffering >To decrease no. of children >Provision of Vitamin A >Vitamin A be given to >Medicine 96,800.00
poor eyesight suffering from poor eyesight children
>Medicine 152,560.00
>Lack of iron supplementation >To provide iron supplemantation >Provision of iron supplementation >Ferrous sulfate be given

a.Supplemental Feeding/Mothers >Lack of mother's class on >To conduct mother's >Comprehensive training >Trainings will be >No. of mothers trained 415,183.98
Class/Mothers Craft the importance of nutrition class on the importance for all mothers conducted to allmothers
of nutrition
>Need supplemental >To conduct supplemen- >Feeding program >Feeding program be >no. of severely 300,000.00
feeding for BNL and tal feeding for BNL and conducted underweight children
BNVLPS children BNVLPS children
to children
b. Barangay Nutrition Scholar >Lack of BNS & BHW allowance >To provide BNS & BHW >Provision of BNS allowance >Allowance be given to >Allowance 846,000.00

Page 106
allowance BNS
4. CHT Mobilization >Lack of trainings of CHT members >Conduct trainings of CHT >trainings/Seminars >BNS,BHW, Brgy. Officials >No. of trainings/ 296,640.00
and NHTS-PR families members and NHTS-PR Volunteers. seminars conducted

5.Disease Control Program (Rabies

>Lack of PEP (CAT II and CAT III Bites) >To conduct PEP (CAT II and >Trainings on Management of >Doctor >Trainings conducted 175,540.00
Control Program)
CAT III Bites) information Animal Bite victims;orienta- >Nurse
tion of staff >Midwife
6. Health Facilities enhancement >Lack of medical equipment >To purchase medical >Provision of medical >Medical equipment be >Medical equipment 219,873.80
Program equipment equipment provided
for 3 in 1 unit for 3 in 1 unit for 3 in 1 unit
7. Special Program >Prevention of poor eyesight to >To prevent poor eyesight of >Provision of eyeglasses >Senior Citizens >No. of beneficiaries 1,000,000.00

adults adults and medicines 60 yrs. Old and above

SUBTOTAL 13,467,746.42
Program/Activity/ Gender GAD Identified GAD Target GAD Performance Gad Budget
Project Issue/Concern Objective Activity Indicator
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
equal employment To provde trainings and Conduct trainings and variable (minimum of number of trainings 369,369.26
1. Referral & Placement opportunities to all types employment orientation employment orientation to 12 trainings a year conducted
of jobseekers (as to all to the jobseekers. the jobseekers
gender, PWD and senior
citizen) by provision of
appropriate trainings and
employment orientation
II. Labor Market Information equal access to labor to provide ample conduct of trainings and variable (minimum of number of trainings
market information (open information about the workshops to all jobseekers 12 trainings a year conducted 242,412.84
to all genders) prevailing labor market
to know the current
supply & demand of
III. Career Guidance & Employment
* Career Orientation equal opportunities for provide orientation and conduct career coaching 5 sessions of career number of sessions 369,369.26
career pathing, career trainings to High School to HS graduating students, coaching conducted per year
guidance and career graduating and College Labor education to college 2 sessions of LEGS
coaching graduating students and technical/vocational and minimum of 12
graduating students and sessions of PEOS
PEOS to jobseekers.

Page 107
* JOBS' Fair/SRA equal opportunities to provide a venue for the conduct job's fair and 1 job's fair number of sessions
jobseekers regardless of jobseekers and agencies special recruitment activity
gender age and physical for them to meet in one
status place for employment
* Kabataan Program equal opportunity for the to provide trainings and conduct of trainings for the 3 practical skills number of trainings
youth specially the Out of employment opportunities youth (skills and other training and values conducted
School Youth (OSY), to to the working youth trainings) orientation workshop.
Counselling (all genders)

* Tulong Alalay sa May Kapansanan equal opportunities to PWDs to provide PWDs access conduct of special trainings 2 sessions of skills number of trainings
in the provision of access to to training and and PEOS to PWDs training and PEOS
training and employment employment opportunities
both in the formal and both in the formal and
informal sector informal sector
* KASH - Kasanayan at Kabuhayan equal opportunity specially provide skills trainings conduct skills training and 12 sessions of skills No. of sessions
the women sector in the and employment/ livelihood orientation training
provision of trainings and livelihood orientation
IV. Other Programs Anti-illegal Recruitment 5 orientation on No. of sessions 230,912.84
Campaign Project employment
Implementation Development opportunities
and Enhancement
Hostings and Media Guestings
SUB-TOTAL 1,212,064.20
Program/Activity/Project Gender Issue/Concern GAD Objective Identified GAD Activity Target GAD Performance Indicator Gad Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1. Transcription and Registration Services 65,000.00
* Registration of Civil Registry Documents Vital Events To registered all doc. To registered all doc.
- Transcribe and enter immediately upon receip all registrable accepted accepted
documents and judicial/decress affecting the Civil Status of
persons in the appropriate civil registry books
- Birth 3158 No. of birth registered
- Marriage 553 No. of marriage registered
- Death 654 No. of death registered
- Foundling No. of foundling registered
- Legal Instrument No. of legal instrument reg.
- AUSF (RA 9255) 10 No. of AUSF (RA 9255) reg.
- Affidavit of Admission 22 No. of affidavit of admission
of Paternity of paternity registered
- Affidavit of Legitimation 10 No. of aff. of legit. Registered
- Legal Capacity to Marry(foreigners) 10 No. of legal capacity to marry
foreign embassies used
by foreign national
Court Decrees/Orders:
- Adoption To registered all doc. To registered all doc. adoption, annulment of marriage
- Annulment of Marriage accepted accepted cancellation of CRD. Correction

Page 108
- Cancellation of CRD of entries and others registered
- Correction of Entries 100
- Others
- Accept Applications for Marriage License 523 No. Of Application for

1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 25% Marriage License 226,025.39

2. Priscilla P. Corpuz 50% 108,841.08
3. Ana V. Botones 25% 52,640.56
4. Susan O. Galapon 30% 66,550.27
5. Concepcion V. Santin 25% 48,280.14
6. Lorena B. Mendoza 10% 23,135.19
7. Amalia V. Valdez 35% 58,294.61
8. Leilani E. Macapagal 10%
9. Rose Marie T. San Pedro 30% 52,089.63

2. Verification/Issuance of Certified Transcriptions: To registered all doc. To registered all doc. No. of issued true copy 42,269.00
- Certified True Copies of CRD accepted accepted No of issued certification
- Certifications No of Authenticated CRD
- Authentication of CRD
(machine copies) Amended COLB
- Amended Certificate of Live Births Annotated CRD
- Certified True Copies and Certifications with annotations Number of Marriage License
- Issuance of Marriage License Maintenance of Typewriter/
- Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipments Computer 20,000.00
- Repair and Maintenance Furniture & Fixtures
Program/Activity/Project Gender Issue/Concern GAD Objective Identified GAD Activity Target GAD Performance Indicator Gad Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 10% 90,410.16
2. Priscilla P. Corpuz 10% 21,768.22
3. Ana V. Botones 30% 63,168.67
4. Susan O. Galapon 30% 66,550.27
5. Concepcion V. Santin 30% 57,936.17
6. Lorena B. Mendoza 10% 23,135.19
7. Amalia V. Valdez 35% 58,294.61
8. Leilani E. Macapagal 10%
9. Rose Marie T. San Pedro 35% 60,771.24
To registered all doc. To registered all doc.
3. Accept/Prepare Petitions filed by applicants/Petitioners accepted accepted 18,000.00
(RA 9048) Petitions granted
- Petition for Correction of Clerical Error/errors
- Petition For Change of First Name
* Prepare Finality Certificate of Finality and
- Certificate of Finality
- Record Sheet
- Endorsement Petitions granted
- Accept Migrant Petitions
1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 10% 90,410.16

Page 109
2. Lorena B. Mendoza 15% 34,702.78
3. Leilani E. Macapagal 15%

4. Accept Out-of-Town Delayed Registration of CRD To registered all doc. To registered all doc. CRD registered
( Rule 20 Admin. Order #1 ) accepted accepted Coded CRD
Review coded CRD Signed Affidavits
* Administer Oath for civil registration purposes only
1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 5% 45,205.08
2. Lorena B. Mendoza 15% 34,702.78
3. Ana V. Botones 10% 21,056.22
4. Concepcion V. Santin 10% 19,312.06
5. Leilani E. Macapagal 15%

5. Maintenance of Records To registered all doc. To registered all doc. Documents compliled and 65,885.00
* Establish and maintain a systematic method of filing and accepted accepted classified in foldes cabinets
preserving CRD
- Compile and classify records New registry books
- Reconstruct/re-write destroyed/old records and registry books Hardbounded CRD
- Hardbound CRD
1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 5% 45,205.08
2. Ana V. Botones 10% 21,056.22
3. Concepcion V. Santin 10% 19,312.06
4. Rose Marie T. San Pedro 10% 17,363.21
Program/Activity/Project Gender Issue/Concern GAD Objective Identified GAD Activity Target GAD Performance Indicator Gad Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
CRD Coded
* Coding of Civil Registry Documents Birth, Death, Marriage Alphabetized reg. names
* CRD Indexing Birth, Death, Marriage CRD encoded
* Encoding of civil registry information to CRIS
(Civil Registry Information System)
1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 10% 90,410.16
2. Priscilla P. Corpuz 10% 21,768.22
3. Susan O. Galapon 15% 33,275.14
4. Lorena B. Mendoza 15% 34,702.78
5. Leilani E. Macapagal 15%

*Submission of CRD/Status Report to NSO To registered all doc. To registered all doc. Report submitted during the 10,000.00
- Monthly Report of Civil Registry Documents accepted accepted 1st 10 days of each month
- Monthly Report of other Activities (Documentation) Submit report to PSO & NSO
- Annual Report of Activities Submit report to PSO & NSO
- Status Report of CRD Number of status report
- Supplemental Reports Supplemental report Submitted

1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 10% 90,410.16

2. Lorena B. Mendoza 20% 46,270.37

Page 110
3. Leilani E. Macapagal 20%

6. Implement Plans/Programs on Civil Registration To registered all doc. To registered all doc. Accomplished/registered CRD 110,846.00
- Mobile registration (Civil Registration Month) accepted accepted Number of registered Doc.
- Barangay Civil Registration Free mass weddings
- Mass Weddings

* Conduct of seminar/information Dissemination/ Seminars conducted

Training/Workshop Education campaigns
- Conduct educational campaigns on Civil Registration Number of seminars, etc.
- Attend to seminars/meetings/training/convention

1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 10% 90,410.16

7. Prepare other reports Prepared report 18,000.00

- Accomplishment report AIP(Budget) Annual Procurement
Functional Statement, Objectives and Expected results/Program
Appropriation and Obligation by Object?inventory of Office
Equipment Proper coordination with
* Coordinate w/other agencies/offices regarding civil registration concerned agencies
plans and programs
* Monthly Report
Program/Activity/Project Gender Issue/Concern GAD Objective Identified GAD Activity Target GAD Performance Indicator Gad Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 10% 90,410.16
2. Lorena B. Mendoza 15% 34,702.78
3. Leilani E. Macapagal 15%
4. Priscilla P. Corpuz 15% 32,652.32
5. Susan O. Galapon 15% 33,275.14
6. Ana V. Botones 15% 31,584.33
7. Concepcion V. Santin 15% 28,968.08
8. Amalia V. Villante 15% 24,983.40
9. Rose Marie T. San Pedro 15% 26,044.82

To registered all doc. To registered all doc. Endorsed CRD to NSO

* Emmidiate endorsement of CRD to NSO accepted accepted
*Exercise such other powers and perform such
other duties and functions as may be required Number of Letters
- Letter Transmittal Letter
- Transmittal Letter Acknowledgement Letter
- Acknowledgement Letter Number of CA'S issued
- Certificate of Appearance

1. Filomena G. Dela Cruz 5% 45,205.08

Page 111
* Checking and enter in the civil registry book Number of Birth
- Birth
- Marriage Number of Marriage
- Death Number of Death
- Legal Instrument
1. Priscilla P. Corpuz 15% 32,652.32
2. Ana V. Botones 10% 21,056.22
3. Concepcion V. Santin 10% 19,312.06
4. Amalia V. Villante 15% 24,983.40
5. Susan O. Galapon 10% 22,183.42
6. Rose Marie T. San Pedro 10% 17,363.21
8. Other Communication
Telephone Internet Expenses
9. Renovation of Comport Room & Window
10. Purchase of new office equipments 2 pcs. Typewriter 21"
2 pcs. Typewriter Table 3,000.00
Expanding of Book Shelves 25,000.00
1 pc. - Computer Core 17 SPECS
(Window XP 32 bit Color)
3 pcs. UPS 4,500.00
1 pc. Epson Printer :LX-300+
1 pcs. Epson Cont. Ink System 3in1
Program/Activity/Project Gender Issue/Concern GAD Objective Identified GAD Activity Target GAD Performance Indicator Gad Budget
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
7 pcs. Executive Chair
3 pcs.Visitor's Chair
3pcs. Computer Swivel Chair w/Arm
1 pc. Xerox Machine 50,000.00
Renovation of Comport Room
Renovation of Window

SUBTOTAL 2,751,340.78

Educational Assistance (50*250*10) 150,000.00
Honararium: SPED Trainees (7*500*10) 55,000.00
Summer camp (National/Local) 20,000.00
Lakbay Aral 15,000.00

SUB-TOTAL 240,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 26,201,295.42

Page 112
Prepared by: MAXIMA A. DE OCAMPO, RSW Approved by: Hon. NERIVI S. MARTINEZ Date:
23.209,954,64 23,409,954.64 26,201,295.42

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