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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Stephen D. Bunda 2nd year

AB – Philosophy PHPC - 101

Prof.: Fr. Ariel D. Destora


“The Question ‘What is Philosophy?” if I hear philosophy sometimes I awe, because

philosophy were have so high standard of intellect. It has something that can’t rich by anything

and can’t define by simple understanding, it have something that the philosophy has only to

know what it is because our mind has limitation. Our thinking has limitation if where it be to

stop and until where it will be. Philosophy itself sometimes it’s hard to understand because it has

wide knowledge of knowing, it has large of thinking to know everything and what is the

beginning of everything and how the beginning had begun. The Philosophy is hard to describe

because it’s not like Science have the scientific explanation, nor a Mathematics have a problem

solving and also not a History that have the root of the beginning. The study of Philosophy is

brain breaking because we need to give our wide understanding and high intellectual to

understand the meaning of the something.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

For me I describe the Philosophy like an “Air”, sometimes its unstable, we didn’t sure if

where it to go. Sometimes it strong, sometimes just moderate, but sometimes it also stable but it

come the time it will go but we don’t know where it will go again and what it will do, because it

has a nature to do something that being what it create. But the air was so important because it

hold our life and the life of the living things. The air is flexible with anything, just like

Philosophy, we can’t rich it capacity to know something, because it has deep explanation or

meaning that can cause of breaking of mind, sometimes it has a simple definition that can know

by our simple mind but

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