Spiritual Gezer

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Spiritual Gezer


When God created man, he created

spirit, soul and body. All are joined as
one, but when man began to sin body
began to lose strength and entered into
death. The devil has come and
deceived men and conquered areas
inside the body and brought sicknesses
and disease. John 3:3 says that we are
born again in the spirit. When God
speaks his word, it comes into your
heart and as you meditate on it, it
enters your soul which is the decision
making area and from there into your
body and brings in healing. The one
who will not allow that particular word
to be seated inside you is the devil. The
bible says that he steals the Word. We
cannot see him because he is a spirit,
he enters into your spirit and pulls
down everything in your heart, by
showing your desires and pain. He
knows that you are a slave of them.
There are many such things which
influence you every day. These
influences are there in your spirit. You
will not listen to anyone, even though
you want to, you cannot because your
spirit has become a slave to the enemy.
The Word of God which is sent to your
spirit, soul and body is stolen by the
enemy and what is left with you is that
you came to church. As long as the
influence stays upon you, Satan
destroys your life. If you want to be
delivered from these influences no man
or woman can, but the truth which
comes from the Word of God.
Once you are born again, the Holy
Spirit comes to stay with your spirit.
The Word of God is a double edged
sword, when you allow it into your
spirit, the Holy Spirit takes it and makes
war with those influences in your spirit.
Proverbs 20:27 “The Spirit of a man is
the lamp of the LORD, searching all the
inner depths of his heart.”
The spirit of man is the lamp of God
and Jesus Christ is the light in the lamp.
When you hold on to His Word, the
Word enters your spirit and stands as
light and you can see through your
spirit. Your mind tells you what you are,
but your spirit shows you where the
light is falling. If you have doubt and
suspicion, you need to look through the
light otherwise you will conclude with
your mind. What you have to see
through your spirit and get solutions,
you get it through your mind and
through your friends which cannot
make you victorious in any ground.
Proverbs 19:2 “Also it is not good for a
soul to be without knowledge, And he
sins who hastens with his feet.”
Soul is the decision making area. The
information of God i.e the Word of God
enters from your spirit into your soul.
Once it enters, no matter what the
mind tries to spew in, the Spirit of God
breaks it. This soul of man needs
information which is knowledge in
different areas. When your soul is filled
with this knowledge you will not
quicken to sin.
Proverbs 14:18 “The simple inherit
folly, but the prudent are crowned with
Knowledge is important for a soul but if
Satan steals it away how can it reach
your soul? When you hear properly and
meditate on it, only then knowledge
reaches its destiny- your soul. In this
spiritual knowledge lie power, freedom
and deliverance.
Proverbs 15:14 “The heart of him who
has understanding seeks knowledge,
But the mouth of fools feeds on
Proverbs 15:2 “The tongue of the wise
uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth
of fools pours forth foolishness.”
When the knowledge sits in your soul,
your tongue has to practice it. When
you speak that particular knowledge,
you will find victory in your business,
family and peace in your life.
Ecclesiastes 7:12 “For wisdom is a
defence as money is a defence, But the
excellence of knowledge is that wisdom
gives life to those who have it.”
Money is a defence and wisdom is a
defence, but Jesus had wisdom with
which he fed 5000 people not with
money. The excellence of knowledge
which is in your soul gives life.
Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in
the power of the tongue, And those
who love it will eat its fruit.”
When God is giving the word of
knowledge into your soul, the doubts
which are harbouring your soul will go
down, for that you need to speak it out.
Proverbs 24:13,14 “My son, eat honey
because it is good, and the honeycomb
which is sweet to your taste; so shall
the knowledge of wisdom be to your
soul; if you have found it, there is a
prospect and your hope will not be cut
Prospect is the present indicator for
future blessing which is the upper line.
Hope is the last thing which a person
holds on to when nothing is happening,
this is the bottom line. If you have
knowledge in your soul both the upper
line and bottom line will be intact with
Gezer:There is a place called Gezer in
Israel which is besides Jerusalem.
During the time of Abraham and David
this Gezer was a fortified place and an
important trade route. It connected
from Egypt and after Gezer comes
Ashkelon which then connects to
Damascus down to China. This road is
called the Via Maris or king’s highway
which is an ancient road. This route is
very rich and anybody who holds over
this particular region will have a hold
on best of the business and trades.
Gezer is a place fortified and very
powerful. David did not go to Gezer but
wiped out all the philistines and
Canaanites in that land. Then when
Solomon came, he got married to the
Pharaoh’s daughter and Pharaoh who
battled and took over Gezer(I Kings
9:16,17), gave it into the hands of
Solomon. Once he took it blessing
began to come over his life. From then
on his victories began to spread out.
Because Gezer came into the hands of
Solomon, he was able to construct the
first temple very beautifully. A beautiful
cedar wood which is light in weight,
strong in strength, in which no termite
can penetrate, which can stay for 1000
yrs came from Lebanon through Gezer.
Many believers think how to grow, how
to be blessed, they think that if they
get a promotion, they will be blessed.
Blessing comes only when God gives
the fortified city into your life. If you
want everything to happen as you
want, you need to get the spiritual
Gezer, once it comes victory spreads.
That spiritual Gezer is ‘knowledge’ in
your soul. Spiritual Gezer is right in
front of you, if you will not rise up in
the word of God, it will go away from
you once and for all.
The Children of God had victories just
because God spoke to them. They
reached their high places with the
knowledge of God. You too can find
your victories in God when you
surrender your life to Him. Victory in
your family, job, every ground will
come only when you have knowledge
in your soul. God has already sent His
knowledge -spiritual Gezer to you , you
need to rise up, make war and take it.

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