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JULY 2017




Still No Way But Up................................................................4

Executive Summary................................................................ 6

Asia Pacific Economy: Strong and Steady..................... 8

Innovating and Connecting the Way Forward............. 9

BFSI is Back in the Game.................................................... 10

The Tech Battle: It’s Only Just Begun..............................11

“Hip and Healthy” Workplace,

the New Occupier Priorities................................................12

Record-Breaking Demand and Supply,

but More Vacancies on the Way...................................... 14

Hong Kong and Singapore:

A Vote of Confidence............................................................15

Mild Rent Growth,

Australia Outperforms..........................................................16

Hyderabad: Move Over Bengaluru...................................18

Opportunities Have No Boundaries.................................19

2018 Occupier Conditions................................................. 20

Shanghai Central Business District

2 3

Still No
Opportunities Have No Boundaries
Cross border investments poised for
a banner year, Built-to-core strategies
Strong emerges as a major driver

Way But Up
and Steady
Mild Rent
All eyes are on
for a better than Growth Across
expected 2017 the Region,
Expected to
Rent growth
moderates this
year, Sydney
“Hip and Healthy”
rents slowing but
Workplace, the New remain above av-
Occupier Priorities erage, Hyderabad
Workplace Strategies are taking on leads emerging
a more holistic undertone markets

Record Breaking Demand and Supply,

but More Vacancies on the Way
Steady demand gains on track; supply build up
brings more options for occupiers

The Tech Battle:

It’s Only Just Begun
New economy companies are
disrupting office markets

Innovating and Connecting

the Way Forward
BFSI is Back in the Game
The region is laying the ground-
Selective hiring by banks hints of a work to future proof its economies
reversal in fortunes
4 5



Positive economic mo-
mentum and steady job
creation across Asia Pacific
will remain a strong catalyst for
office property demand and as-
set performance in most of the
25 major cities.

The Bund, Shanghai Construction completions
are expected to peak in
2017, which in turn, will
push up vacancies and ease rent
increases in most parts of the
2017 will be a region. For emerging markets,
The Asia Pacific region’s economy is performing record year for
office supply,
tracked the growth of the economy.
Demand gains this year have been
this deceleration in rent growth
will continue through 2019 with
relatively well in 2017, with the region’s largest nearly 150 msf of noted across the region, but a size-
able improvement in the banking, fi-
more than half expecting vacan-
new projects are cies in excess of 14%.
economies—China and Japan—and emerging countries slated for com- nancial services and insurance (BFSI)
pletion across sector’s share of leasing activity has
reporting robust first-half economic performance.
the 25 major been witnessed as they pivot once Even so, high rents will
cities again to Asia. Expansionary activi- persist and even remain
ties from companies in high-growth at record levels in 15 mar-
Meanwhile, political stability has re- seen China take on a bigger role on areas, including India and Southeast
turned to South Korea. At the same the global stage, as apparent in the kets through 2018, partly due to
Asia, were equally significant across availabilities being concentrated
time, regional trade is moving in the recent launch of the massive Silk a variety of industries—from technol-
right direction despite concerns about Road trade plan that has re-cast Chi- in high-end spaces.
ogy, media and telecommunications
rising trade protectionism. na’s role as a guardian of globaliza- (TMT) to manufacturing. However,

tion. Yet, recent political shock in the with a robust development pipeline,
Signs of hope on the trade front have BFSI and technology sec-
United Kingdom (UK) is a reminder more than half of the markets saw
emerged since America’s retreat from tors will continue to spur
that outside the Asia Pacific region, it vacancies creep up and rent growth
the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) growth in markets large
is a different story. ease as new supply hit their markets.
trade agreement, as the 11 remain- and small
ing countries1 backed a proposal to The property markets across the The investment market has also been
continue with the pact. We have also 25 major cities that we cover have on an upswing, as property prices in

many parts of the region continue to Sydney is expected to post
OFFICE SPACE rise due to ample liquidity and ac- the lowest vacancies and
REQUIREMENTS commodative financial conditions. highest rent growth among
The International
Monetary Fund IN 2017 core markets, while Hyderabad
We expect the year 2017 to end on
(IMF) has a strong note and pave the way for and Bengaluru will boast the
estimated that another period of strengthening highest rent growth and low-
Asia Pacific will 100 occupier demand, strong investor in- est vacancies among emerging
remain a “world million terest, and high transaction volume in markets, respectively.
leader” with 5.5% sf Asia Pacific. In this report, we exam-

economic growth ine the trends that will play a signifi-
during 2017. Overall cross-border in-
cant role in shaping the office market
Growth in BFSI and vestments in the region
through 2019.
technology industries, are set for an impressive
along with other finish, with volume in the first
office-using sectors, 1 Canada, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, five months of 2017 at record
bodes well for the Singapore, Australia, Chile, Peru, New Zealand highs and with conditions for a
region. and Brunei. banner year expected to remain

6 7

Asia Pacific Economy: The region has been laying the in tech-related industries and spur the
groundwork to future-proof its econ- burgeoning creative economy in the

omy, with technology as the center- country.
piece and further supported by greater
Governments and firms across the
cooperation with other regions.
region are also taking steps to integrate
Singapore has been a pioneer in smart markets by investing in infrastructure

and Steady
technology in Asia. In its 2017 budget, and forging agreements that will make it
the Singapore government committed easier to do business in the region. Chi-
to investing SGD2.4 billion (US$1.73 na remains at the forefront through its
billion) over four years to drive the global outreach, as it revives the ancient
country’s smart nation efforts and Silk Road to connect China, Central Asia,
digital transformation.1 Japan has also the Middle East, Africa, and Europe via
in the coming years; however, any
Economic economic upswing is expected to be
been driving automation and increasing
the usage of robotic technology in their
land and sea. This Belt and Road Initia-
tive7 presents immense opportunities
conditions will gradual. Even with a weak first quar-
ter, Australia’s economy stands to get
manufacturing sector to help cushion with more than US$900 billion expected
the impact of an ageing and shrinking to be invested in roads, ports, pipelines,
continue to improve a boost from a promising investment
outlook, supported by the govern-
population.2 Meanwhile, in China, emerg- and other infrastructure as part of the
ing technology sectors such as electric project. Similarly, Japan has launched
throughout Asia ment’s infrastructure program.
vehicles (EV), robotics, and artificial in- the Partnership for Quality Infrastruc-
Pacific, with A resurgence in external demand telligence (AI) are receiving government ture, a US$200 billion five-year project


will buttress regional trade and, in subsidies and other support as part of that enhances east-west connections,
the region’s turn, spur export-oriented econ-
omies in the region. As a result,
the country’s latest five-year economic
plan.3 China’s Pearl River Delta (PRD)4
particularly in Southeast Asia.8 India,
while improving its internal connectivi-
powerhouses stronger growth is now expected in is also transforming itself to be among ty, have also invested in a few strategic
Singapore and Hong Kong; though the world’s most innovative clusters.5 projects beyond its borders.9 All these
continuing to a boom is not in the cards. India’s Moreover, Chinese technology giants initiatives open up significant opportu-
introduction of the long-awaited like Baidu, Tencent, and Didi Chuxing, nities for the region and even the rest of
anchor growth for Goods and Services tax (GST) on as with some Chinese start-ups, have the world, with industries such as power,
the foreseeable July 1, along with other reforms un- even opened AI labs in the United States transportation, water, and infrastructure

der way, are boosting investor con- (US), as it has become one of the tech largely benefitting. The investments into
future. fidence and should allow the coun-
try’s economic activity to rebound.
world’s current obsessions.6 In South
Korea, the newly-installed President
construction and enhanced logistical
connectivity will no doubt lift real estate
Moon’s pledge to focus on the “fourth values in the region, bringing oppor-
In emerging Southeast Asia, the
In China, a steady near-term out- industrial revolution” and establish an tunities for businesses and possibly
Philippine economy will remain
look will persist, with consumption ecosystem of startups as a new growth fostering more trade pacts – a fillip for
among the fastest-growing in Asia
as the main growth driver, aided by engine should further boost investments export-dependent economies.
Pacific. Favorable demographics,
fiscal and monetary support, as well 1 Singapore puts 2017 budget focus on digital transformation, February 20, 2017.
stable business process outsourcing
as some economic reforms that are 2 Robots May Help Defuse Demographic Time Bomb in Japan, Germany, Bloomberg,
(BPO) industry and overseas foreign
likely to be unveiled during the 19th May 30, 2017.
worker (OFW) income, and an in- FORWARD
National Congress scheduled in the 3 China Supports Certain Tech Sectors, Top Venture Capitalist Says, Wall Street Journal,
frastructure boom will be key to the
fall. While Moody’s recently down- June 9, 2017.
positive outlook. Similarly, we expect
graded China’s debt rating, this is 4 The PRD is home to nine mainland cities in the province of Guangdong, notably Shenzhen and
the Vietnamese economy to remain
old news that regulators have been Guangzhou, as well as to China’s special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
a standout performer in the coming
addressing; hence, we do not expect 5 Shenzhen, also known as China’s Silicon Valley, is home to Chinese web giant Tencent, the country’s larg-
years, as its young population, surg-
a financial bust in the next few years. est smartphone maker Huawei, as well as the world’s biggest consumer drone maker Dajiang Innovation.
ing export manufacturing, and ro-
In Japan, the improving external sec- bust construction activities are likely Even American technology giant, Apple, is set to open its research and development facility in Shenzhen
tor, ultra-loose monetary policy, and to underpin solid growth for the next this year. Apple Plans Second R&D Center in China’s Silicon Valley,
strengthening labor market will sup- few years. In Indonesia, Standard & Forbes, October 13, 2016.
port economic activity. Meanwhile, in Poor’s (S&P) has returned the coun- 6 Further, Chinese investors have funded 51 American artificial intelligence companies, contributing to the
South Korea, newly-elected President try’s government debt to investment US$700 million raised over the past six years. Is China Outsmarting America in A.I.?
Moon Jae-In has plans to boost job grade (BBB-) after a tax amnesty May 27, 2017, New York Times.
growth, improve relations with North boosted its coffers, and reforms 7 Formerly known as “One Belt, One Road,” or OBOR
Korea, and address the concentra- spurred a turnaround in the econ- 8 The G7 Ise-Shima Summit “Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure”
tion of power in large conglomerates, omy after growth hit a six-year low 9 Centre approves $1 billion Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Road Connectivity Project,
or chaebols. If successful, all these in 2015. The upgrade should help September 18, 2016.
factors will help support consumption attract foreign capital.

8 9

The Tech Battle:


in the Game
Radical advances in e-commerce
and mobile applications;
breakthroughs in AI, robot-
ics, and automation; just to
name a few, continue to re-
shape office growth drivers
Global banks are once again on a hiring spree in key Asian in the region. Over the last
12 months through May
markets in an attempt to capitalize on growth in the region. 2017, new economy compa-
nies have also been among
the most active tenants—ac-
counting for nearly 20% of sig-
In the 12 months through to May 2017, announced plans of stepping up hir- management companies by fiscal nificant leases (over 50,000 sf) in
the BFSI sector was the main driver of ing for its Asian wealth-management 2020.2 Indeed, these hiring moves the region. Ride-hailing companies Uber
leasing activity. The majority of leases business, especially as private wealth reverse a trend of aggressive job cut- and Grab have been at the forefront of this
over 50,000 square feet (sf) were in Asia has soared, even surpassing Bank of Singapore, backs seen in recent years. Notably, recent tech space leasing explosion, showing
their preference for brand-new buildings in
sealed by financial institutions, which that of North America.1 Bank of Sin- which is now international investment banks cut
India and Southeast Asia. Tech giant Alibaba
grew their footprints by more than gapore, which is now among Asia’s their Asia Pacific headcount by 10-
30% across the Asia Pacific region, top 10 private banks, intends to keep among Asia’s 15% between 2012 and 2015, accord- has also embarked on an aggressive expan-
sion in the region,1 especially as Seattle-based
with significant deals recorded in Sin- hiring more relationship managers to top 10 private ing to industry benchmarking firm
Amazon is orchestrating its foray in Southeast
gapore, India, Hong Kong and Austra- focus on serving affluent customers McLagan. Given this backdrop, we
lia. Such expansions will continue as and to help keep expanding assets
banks, intends continue to expect the BFSI sector to Asia, using Singapore as a springboard, after
banks pursue their quest for growth. under management. In Tokyo, Gover- to keep hiring remain an important driver of leasing entering India and China. The company made
its entry in India by taking a majority stake in
US banks such as Citi, Morgan Stanley, nor Yuriko Koike has announced plans more relationship activity in the region and account for
online marketplace Paytm.
and Goldman Sachs have disclosed to make the Japanese capital a “glob- 25-30% of new leases through 2019.
plans to hire selectively as they ramp al financial city”, using tax cuts and managers. More deals are in the works, and are expected
up their corporate banking business special incentives to lure 40 foreign to further growth in this sector. Inc.,
in the region. Deutsche Bank has also financial technology (fintech) or asset 2 Tokyo plots course to become global finan- Alibaba’s major rival, is in talks with Indone-
1 Source: CapGemini cial hub, Nikkei Asian Review, June 9, 2017. sia’s PT Tokopedia for a major investment that
will give the Chinese ecommerce company a
foothold into Southeast Asia’s largest econo-
my.2 Southeast Asia is evolving into a pivotal
battleground among Chinese companies, not
only due to significant opportunities arising
from deepening mobile penetration and an
MAJOR BFSI TRANSACTIONS (2016-17) emergent middle-class, but also because a
large ethnic Chinese population has been
a huge draw. Indeed, while rapid advances
AOZORA JULIUS in automation and AI have displaced some
BANK BAER workers, we believe that the ongoing tech-
nological changes are profound and will still
generate net new jobs of at least 300,000
across the region, to be led by Bengaluru,
Manila, Hyderabad, and Shenzhen.
1 via its US$1 billion acquisition of Lazada
306,000 285,000 225,000 142,000 100,000 2 China’s Said in Talks to Invest in Indonesia’s
Hyderabad Melbourne Hong Kong Tokyo Singapore Tokopedia, May 2, 2017.

10 11

Hip and Healthy Workplace:

The New
Occupier Priorities
Tech is trendy, works for non-tech ones. Indeed,
the co-working business, which
innovative, edgy, has become the favored host of
tech start-ups, is mushrooming
and cutting edge; in the region. This sector alone
has accounted for 10% of leasing
they are also rich. activity over the last 12 months,
with US-based WeWork as the
most aggressive operator in the
Tech stocks are on a roll, and out region. As competition heats up
of the world’s ten most valuable in the region, most co-working
companies, these tech compa- operators are luring big corpora-
nies often make the list: Apple,
Alphabet, Microsoft, Facebook,
tions in traditional office towers to
try their hip workspaces. There is
and Amazon. So little wonder that
others are keen to emulate their
some success with big names like
Microsoft, HSBC, BNP Parib-
Leased by
success by mimicking
their corporate culture
as, Boeing, and Alibaba. pods, access to gyms, and curated WeWork in India
PACIFIC Nearly 10,000 seats pantries with resident cooks help
– and a good, visi- were leased across
ble place to start spur productivity and win the war
the region by cor- for talent. Hence, certifications
is the tech office. porate occupiers

Unconventional like the WELL Building Standard™
over the last 12 (WELL) are becoming critical as a
furniture, vivid months.
colors, hints of means of attracting and retaining
creativity and Given the gen- tenants, with the US, China, Aus-
Million sf audacity, un- eration shift in tralia, France, Canada, and the UK
the workforce, leading the way. WELL, introduced
afraid of disrupt-
ing the status quo millennials, gen- in 2014, consists of features across
while the emphasis erally seen to be the seven concepts that address
on open spaces im- more likely to pick not only the design and operations seats leased by
up an apple as opposed of buildings, but also how they im-
plies innovation and an
organization that is relevant to a lollipop and commute pact health and wellness: air, water, corporate occupiers
nourishment, light, fitness, comfort,
and current – a subtle way to say
that this company is at the fore-
by bike, have made occupiers
pay more attention to the well- mind and innovation.1 in 12 months
front of their industry, which also ness factor in the office. Sleeping

12 13

Record-Breaking Demand OFFICE

Hong Kong
& Singapore:
& Supply, but More 2017-19 A Vote of
Vacancies on the Way More than 350 msf of new office
supply will deliver between
2017-19. Greater China leads Confidence
office completions followed by
This growth year are already pre-committed. In
Tokyo, new office buildings are being
India and Southeast Asia.
There have been record bids for prime
office land parcels in Singapore and
potential in the BFSI developed using advanced quake-re-
sistant technology, making them more Hong Kong over the last six months,
and technology appealing to tenants. In fact, 70% of setting new price benchmarks in the
region’s competing financial centers.
new office space scheduled for com-
industries, along with pletion this year has been preleased However, both markets have increas-
ingly taken divergent paths over the
due to expansion of domestic compa-
other office-using nies and greater incentives being of-
past five years. Hong Kong has long
been the gateway into and out of
sectors, bodes well fered by owners. However, we expect
space givebacks from relocating users China, but today, mainland companies
are now everywhere in Hong Kong.
for the office sector. to add to office vacancies and inten-
sify competition among second-gen- INDIA Western bank dominance has also Hong Kong’s
eration space, in addition to a large eased, with mainland Chinese finan- Central is the
We estimate that this could translate influx of new supply in 2018. cial institutions, led by Bank of China, most expensive
to a record annual average of over China CITIC Bank, and Industrial and office market in
China’s Tier 1 cities are set to see the Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the world.
100 million sf (msf) of new office
bulk of the region’s new projects, becoming the major players and
space requirements across the region 125 msf
which should be a welcome develop- occupants in Greater Central’s most
through 2019. This comes at an op-
ment for tenants squeezed by high premium office towers.
portune time as development surges;
occupancy costs and a shortage of
2017 will be a record year, with nearly Given this backdrop of strong mainland demand, office
office space. Indeed, the considerable
150 msf of new office projects slated SOUTHEAST ASIA landlords in Greater Central should continue to enjoy
Solid funda- supply pipeline has filtered through
for completion across the 25 ma- rental and price increases over the next three years,
mentals and the markets, with more landlords
jor cities that we track. While there considering the shortage of new supply through 2021.
sustained offering more concessions to secure
is likely to be a surplus of space in Subsequently, we do expect an uptick in high-end space
momentum in or keep tenants. Additionally, many
select markets1, a crucial point that in Greater Central, including the redevelopment of Murray
demand-driving of these new projects are attractively
sectors should
is not often highlighted is the grow-
priced transit-oriented developments 50 msf Road Carpark in 2022. Given the high rents that are being
ing obsolescence of office stock in targeted, these upcoming developments are less likely
support healthy in decentralized locations, providing
gateway cities like Singapore, Hong to appeal to multinational companies, as most are still
leasing activi- options to those who need not be in
Kong, Melbourne, and Tokyo, or even focused on controlling costs. Nonetheless, options out-
ties across the core locations. Even as overall va- NORTH ASIA
in emerging locations like Manila. side Hong Kong’s Greater Central district are expanding
region. cancies are expected to edge up as
Consequently, new projects tend to and will lure some cost-sensitive tenants, while mainland
these projects deliver, demand should
be popular among high-quality ten- companies will continue to backfill the spaces vacated in
remain healthy. Furthermore, positive
ants looking for efficiency and mod- Greater Central and even invest in en-bloc transactions.
economic momentum and supportive
ern facilities, and thus boast strong
government policies will continue to On the other hand, the city-state of Singapore has be-
pre-leasing activity. Notably, nearly
feed into the growth of many tertiary
20 msf come more diversified as it continues to promote growth
half of the projects coming online this
industries. outside the financial sector such as TMT, asset manage-
ment, insurance, shipping, commodities, and legal firms.
1 Markets with office vacancies exceeding 14%: Ahmedabad, Chengdu, Hanoi, Jakarta, Kolkata, Mum-
AUSTRALIA Additionally, the proliferation of modern top-grade space
bai, New Delhi, Adelaide and Perth
has helped maintain its competitiveness as a financial and
regional headquarters hub. While a rent recovery is ex-
pected as vacancy dips below 10% in 2018 all through the
next wave of new supply in 2021, we estimate that prime
rents will remain considerably lower relative to those in
4 msf Greater Central, with rent gap further rising from 195% to
over 200% in 2019.

14 15

RENT GROWTH (2016-19)

Mild Rent Growth, 25% 21% 12% 10% 7%


*Rent growth from Q4 2016 to 2019

Rent growth is expected to moderate On the other hand, prime rates in Sydney is expected to maintain its rate hitting multi-decade lows. This
over the course of 2017 as the current
development pipeline delivers across
Sydney is core markets are likely to pick up
their pace in 2018, except in Tokyo
leading position in the region, with
the highest forecast core market
VICTORIA should continue to drive solid rental
growth through 2019.
the region. Notably, nearly half of the expected to and Seoul, as a high volume of new rental growth. The city’s services
Melbourne should also see above av-
25 major markets that we track are
expected to show flat to declining
maintain space delivers, and the rate of relo-
cations and give-backs intensifies.
sector is expected to continue driv-
ing tenant demand while supply is
erage rental growth this year, but this
rents this year. For emerging markets, its leading The onset of falling rents in Tokyo likely to remain constrained through
is likely to ease in 2018 as new supply
hits the market. This wave of new
this deceleration in rent growth will later this year is noteworthy, as 2019 as the current development
continue through 2019, with more position in the the correction will persist through cycle tails off after the completion of
development will occur with tenant
demand remaining robust on solid
than half expecting vacancies in
excess of 14%. As a result, we expect
region, having 2020 and erode double-digit gains
recorded between 2012 and 2016.
Barangaroo in 2016; not to mention
a wave of infrastructure and residen-
economic growth. Victoria is forecast
conditions to remain increasingly the highest rent Overall, we expect tenant-favor- tial conversion projects including an
Victoria is forecast
to have the second
to have the second strongest growth
of all Australian states and territories
favorable towards tenants, with the
exception of Manila, Bangkok, Benga-
growth on the able conditions in core locations
through 2019, except Sydney, Hong
ongoing rail construction scheme
(Sydney Metro) that will remove
strongest growth of over the next five years. Additionally,
all Australian states
luru, and Hyderabad, where rents in back of high Kong’s Greater Central, and Singa- some stock from the market. As and territories over
Brisbane’s recovery is expected to
gain traction in 2018, allowing for an
some of those markets are even ex- pore, where vacancies are expect- such, limited supply and ongoing
pected to post new high water marks. occupancies ed to tighten. demand should result in the vacancy
the next five years.
uptick in rents.

North Sydney

16 17

Hyderabad: Overall cross-border in value terms was a 132% increase

during this period. It is remarkable that
Move Over Bengaluru investments in the foreign funds have almost doubled
their share in total investments. Their
region are poised for share in commercial office assets grew
The city of Hyderabad is set to outperform the rest by four-fold at the same time. This is
of India, with rents in this market expected to rise a banner year, with largely because of a favorable policy
over 25% through 2019 on the back of robust take- regime and transparent business envi-
up levels. The availability of talent, good infrastruc- volumes in the first ronment led by Real Estate Regulatory
ture, and a stable government are lifting business
sentiment and driving companies to set up offices five months of 2017 Act (RERA), GST, real estate invest-
ment trusts (REIT), and relaxation in
and expand in Hyderabad. Additionally, companies
are drawn to Hyderabad’s affordability compared to
reaching US$31.2 FDI rules which have made the Indian
real estate sector more organized,
Bengaluru and other tech cities. Occupancy costs billion—the highest thereby ensuring the increased partici-
are about 25% lower compared to Bengaluru and pation of foreign capital.
are expected to remain in the range of 20-25%, even ever. While the Fed is proceeding as planned
as rents set new records until
with interest rate normalization, the re-
2020-2021. Indeed, large cli-
While this still puts it slightly off the gion will, for the most part, be staying
ents such as Google, Micro-
annualized pace needed to match the course of accommodative mone-
soft and Amazon are firming
2016’s peak of US$96.3 billion, we re- tary policy. Stimulative fiscal and mon-
up plans to expand campus
main sanguine that activity will accel- etary measures are expected to remain
facilities at Gachibowli in
crucial pillars of the region’s growth,

Hyderabad to tap their engi- erate in the latter part of the year, with
strong land sales and sustained accom- particularly in Australia, Japan, and
neering talent. Large ten-
modative monetary conditions remain- South Korea. China also stood pat in
ants, as well as early movers
ing conducive to momentum. the wake of the latest Fed hike, leaving
into the city such as Qual-
capital controls and foreign exchange
comm, Deloitte, and HSBC, Development opportunities in core interventions to manage depreciation
which have taken up multiple markets have emerged to be the main pressures. Due to the monetary re-

facilities, are also looking driver for cross-border investments gimes in Singapore and Hong Kong,
to consolidate and expand in the region this year, which in the rate rise will be more pronounced,
40% of new supply to meet future needs. Be- last two years were driven by office but robust fundamentals will contin-
in 2017-18 is already sides technology, the city is investments. So far, over 80% of capi- ue to sustain investments in these
preleased. also attracting banking and tal have been ploughed into develop- markets. Moreover, Chinese interest Development
financial services compa- ment sites. Driven by a hunger for land in Hong Kong is unlikely to interest in opportunities
nies (BFSI) that are trying banks, Chinese developers are setting Hong Kong is unlikely to abate as more in core markets
to set up back-offices. DBS Bank and State Street fresh benchmarks in the process; first PRC companies seek to “go global”. A have emerged to
have moved in recently, while others such as Wells in Hong Kong and most recently in weakening RMB remains the overarch- be the main driv-
Fargo, FactSet, and JP Morgan are expanding their Singapore – markets where land values ing concern. er for cross-bor-
facilities. While Bengaluru remains the main hub for are well-supported by limited supply. der investments
BPO and information technology (IT) industries, Since last year, developers have also The region is also on track to remain
in the region
we expect slowing growth brought about by the been observed to shell out record sums the largest source of capital into global
this year.
advent of automation, AI, and cloud computing. In for development land in the region’s real estate investments. Chinese out-
addition, the volume of new supply is set to decline core markets including Shanghai and bound investments have continued
in Bengaluru and thus limit future take-up levels. We Tokyo. This attests to the attractiveness unabated despite capital controls,
expect a total of 31 msf of new office projects to be of build-to-core projects in the region’s which have had little impact seen in
completed between 2018 and 2020, compared to gateway cities, which provide stable deal quantum or volumes. Singapore
approximately 38 msf in Hyderabad. The other ma- investment platforms for investors to remains the second-largest source of
jor cities including Ahmedabad, Chennai, Delhi NCR, move up the yield curve. capital, led by state-linked players and
Kolkata, Mumbai, and Pune are expected to main- developers, while South Korean pen-
In the case of emerging markets, India sion funds will continue to seek oppor-
tain their leasing momentum, with net absorption
has recorded total private equity real tunities in US and Europe.
to largely remain at an annual average of 32-35 msf
estate investment of USD 3.58 billion in
during the forecast period. We expect other sectors On the whole, we see regional invest-
the first half of 2017, up 27% as com-
such as BFSI, Consulting Services, Healthcare, and ment in 2017 to be on track for an
pared to the same period last year.
Manufacturing to step up and replace the decline in impressive finish and expect conditions
Commercial office assets saw their
demand from the IT-BPO sector. to spillover into 2018.
share increase from 20% to 37%, which

18 19


Tenant Favorable

Tenant Favorable
60% THROUGH 2019

Tenant Favorable
Tenant Favorable
Kolkata Neutral
Mumbai THAILAND Hong Kong*

Landlord Favorable
Landlord Favorable
Bangkok TAIWAN
Tenant Favorable QUICKER
Tenant Favorable
Ho Chi Minh City
Neutral Tenant Favorable
Manila Brisbane
INDIA Landlord Favorable

Kuala Lumpur
Landlord Favorable
Tenant Favorable
* GREATER CENTAL - Landlord Favorable; KOWLOON - Tenant Favorable

RISING AVAILABILITIES * Delhi-NCR refers to New Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida

20 21

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Research and Investment Strategy, Asia Pacific Global Occupier Services
+65 6232 0875 Asia Pacific & Greater China +65 6232 0828

Associate Director
Occupier Research and Forecasting, Asia Pacific JAMES QUIGLEY
+91 40 4040 5555 Head of Capital Markets Australia and New Zealand
+61 2 8243 9974

Associate Director
Research & Investment Strategy, Asia Pacific
Managing Director
+65 6232 0864
+65 6232 0878

Assistant Manager
Research & Investment Strategy, Asia Pacific
+65 6232 0863

About Cushman & Wakefield

Cushman & Wakefield is a leading global real estate services firm that helps clients transform the way people work, shop, and
live. Our 45,000 employees in more than 70 countries help occupiers and investors optimize the value of their real estate by
combining our global perspective and deep local knowledge with an impressive platform of real estate solutions. Cushman &
Wakefield is among the largest commercial real estate services firms with revenue of $6 billion across core services of agency
leasing, asset services, capital markets, facility services (C&W Services), global occupier services, investment & asset man-
agement (DTZ Investors), project & development services, tenant representation, and valuation & advisory. 2017 marks the
100-year anniversary of the Cushman & Wakefield brand. 100 years of taking our clients’ ideas and putting them into action.
To learn more, visit, or follow @CushWake on Twitter.

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#09-03 Singapore 049483

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