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Project Title : Retention Pond Dry-out project Doc. No. SP-171300001-FE-0001
Project No. : SP-171300001 Project Type : Affiliate : YANPET Date : 8-Nov-17 Rev 0
No. Drawing Number Sht. Rev. Designer Discipline Title Format Remark
Utility P&ID Unit 10-Ethylene Boiler Feed Water &
1. 10-EA-291 1 26A MWA CH PDF
Desuperheater Water Distribution-Sumps
2. 10-EA-209 1 10A MWA CH Process P&ID Unit 10-Ethylene Bl0wdown Drums PDF
Process P&ID DOX Backwash System Unit 10-
3. 10-EA-298 1 15A MWA CH PDF
Ethylene Plant
Process P&ID Dilution System Generation Unit
4. 10-EA-214 1 38A MWA CH PDF
Process P&ID Methanol Injection System Unit 10-
5. 10-EA-309 1 13A MWA CH PDF
Process P&ID Cracking Heater Firing and Sulfide
6. 10-EA-201 1 18A MWA CH PDF
Injection Unit 10-Ethylene Plant
Process P&ID Acetylene Converters Unit 10-
7. 10-EA-253 1 29A MWA CH PDF
Utility P&ID Condensate Distribution Unit 10-
8. 10-EA-293 1 20A MWA CH PDF
P&ID Ethylene Unit Wash Water Collection
9. 210-DA-352-1 1 4A MWA CH PDF
P&ID Ethylene Unit Low medium & High Pressure
10. 210-DA-348 1 14A MWA CH PDF
cond. Drums
P&ID Ethylene Unit Pump Aux-API Seal/Cooling
11. 210-DA-383-13 1 0A MWA CH PDF
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1201
12. 210-DA-213-1 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1202
13. 210-DA-213-2 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1203
14. 210-DA-213-3 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1204
15. 210-DA-213-4 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed

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EA-DS-F-003 R0 Drawing Control Sheet


Project Title : Retention Pond Dry-out project Doc. No. SP-171300001-FE-0001
Project No. : SP-171300001 Project Type : Affiliate : YANPET Date : 8-Nov-17 Rev 0
No. Drawing Number Sht. Rev. Designer Discipline Title Format Remark
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1205
16. 210-DA-213-5 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1206
17. 210-DA-213-6 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1207
18. 210-DA-213-7 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1208
19. 210-DA-213-8 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1209
20. 210-DA-213-9 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
P&ID Ethylene Unit Heater 2B-1101
21. 210-DA-213-10 1 0A MWA CH PDF
Ethane/Propane Feed
Corrosion Loop Diagram 5th effect Condenser
22. 20-EA-224 1 17A MWA CH PDF
Ejector & Hotwell Unit 20-Ethylene Glycol
Corrosion Loop Diagram Glycol Feed Stripper &
23. 20-EA-218 1 32A MWA CH PDF
Recycle Water Tank Unit 20-Ethylene Glycol
Corrosion Loop Diagram Cycle Water
24. 20-EA-217 1 15A MWA CH PDF
Regeneration Tank Unit 20-Ethylene Glycol
Corrosion Loop Diagram Drying Column
25. 20-EA-226 1 26A MWA CH Condenser, Ejector & Hotwell Unit 20-Ethylene PDF
Corrosion Loop Diagram Potentially Dirty
26. 20-EA-237 1 17A MWA CH Condensate & Blowdown Systems Unit 20- PDF
Ethylene Glycol
Corrosion Loop Diagram Carbonate & Glycol
27. 20-EA-245 1 30A MWA CH PDF
Sumps Unit 20-Ethylene Glycol
Corrosion Loop Diagram H2SO4 Sorage and
28. 20-EA-244 1 17A MWA CH PDF
Neutralization Sump Unit 20-Ethylene Glycol
29. 220-DA-299 1 4A MWA CH P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Waste Water Pump PDF

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EA-DS-F-003 R0 Drawing Control Sheet


Project Title : Retention Pond Dry-out project Doc. No. SP-171300001-FE-0001
Project No. : SP-171300001 Project Type : Affiliate : YANPET Date : 8-Nov-17 Rev 0
No. Drawing Number Sht. Rev. Designer Discipline Title Format Remark
30. 220-DA-299-1 1 1A MWA CH P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Neutralization Unit PDF
31. 220-DA-245 1 7A MWA CH P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Carbonate Sump PDF
32. 220-DA-298 1 5A MWA CH P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Glycol Sump PDF
P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Waste Water Sump
33. 220-DA-378 1 4A MWA CH PDF
Collection Header
34. 220-DA-261 1 7A MWA CH P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Treated Water Tank PDF
35. 220-DA-262 1 10A MWA CH P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Recycle Water Tank PDF
P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Sixth Condenser
36. 220-DA-272 1 6A MWA CH PDF
Ejector / Hotwell
P&ID Ethylene Glycol Unit Drying Column, Ejector
37. 220-DA-282 1 11A MWA CH PDF
& Hotwell
Process P&ID Wash Water Return System Unit
38. 30-EA-363 1 8A MWA CH PDF
P&ID Common Polyethylene Facilities PE Powder
39. 236-DA-386 1 5A MWA CH PDF
Sump and Pump
P&ID Polypropylene Unit PP Oily Water Sump
40. 241-DA-363 1 2A MWA CH PDF
and Pump
Utility P&ID Demineralization Regeneration Unit
41. 61-EA-201 1 17A MWA CH PDF
61-BFW Treating
P&ID BFW & Demineralization Water Unit
42. 261-DA-205 1 7A MWA CH PDF
Polisher Regeneration System (Caustic)
P&ID Steam Generation Unit 2D-6004
43. 260-DA-216 (T) 1 4A MWA CH PDF
Condensate Flash Drum
Process P&ID Utility & Tank Farm Area Sumps
44. 82-EA-208 1 5A MWA CH PDF
Unit 82-Effluent Disposal Facilities
P&ID Fresh Water Cooling System Side Stream
45. 274-DA-219 1 5A MWA CH PDF
Filter and Sump
Process P&ID Aqueous Waste System Unit 82-
46. 82-EA-206 1 13A MWA CH PDF
Effluent Disposal Facilities
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EA-DS-F-003 R0 Drawing Control Sheet


Project Title : Retention Pond Dry-out project Doc. No. SP-171300001-FE-0001
Project No. : SP-171300001 Project Type : Affiliate : YANPET Date : 8-Nov-17 Rev 0
No. Drawing Number Sht. Rev. Designer Discipline Title Format Remark
P&ID Unit 74-Fresh Water Cooling System Fresh
47. 74-EA-200 1 23A MWA CH PDF
Water Pumping System
Process P&ID Hexene-1 Storage & Receiving Unit
48. 72-EA-205 1 22A MWA CH PDF
72-Yard Process Lines & Pumps
49. SP-1171300001-102 6 A MWA CH Tie-In Schedule PDF
50. 10-I-G1314B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for G-1314 B PDF
51. 10-I-G1315B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for G-1315 B PDF
52. 20-I-G2205B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for G-2205 B PDF
53. 20-I-G2703B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for G-2703 B PDF
54. 30-I-G3620B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for G-3630 B PDF
55. 30-I-G3631B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for G-3631 B PDF
56. 210-I-2G1824B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for 2G-1824 B PDF
57. 230-I-2G3623B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for 2G-3623 B PDF
58. 230-I-2G4102B-DS 4 A MWA CH Pump Datasheet for 2G-4102 B PDF
59. 10-EA-130 - 22 BSG ME Plot plan General Arrangement Unit 10 Ethylene PDF
60. E-T 9439-00426E - 10 BSG ME Underground Piping Plan - Unit 10 Ethylene PDF
61. E-T 9439-00426E - 18 BSG ME Underground Piping Plan - Unit 10 Ethylene PDF
62. 00-ES-111 - 15 BSG ME Underground Piping Plan - Unit 10 Ethylene PDF
- 760000 MTA Ethylene Unit 210 Sub Area Key
63. 210-DA-102 8 BSG ME PDF
- General Arrangement Plot Plan-Unit 20 Ethylene
64. 20-EA-101 26 BSG ME PDF
- Underground Piping Plan - Unit 20 Ethylene
65. 20-ES-102 11 BSG ME PDF
66. 220-DA-100 - 13 BSG ME Plot Plan - Ethylene Glycol Unit PDF

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EA-DS-F-003 R0 Drawing Control Sheet


Project Title : Retention Pond Dry-out project Doc. No. SP-171300001-FE-0001
Project No. : SP-171300001 Project Type : Affiliate : YANPET Date : 8-Nov-17 Rev 0
No. Drawing Number Sht. Rev. Designer Discipline Title Format Remark
67. 220-DL-201 SHT 6 - 5 BSG ME U/G Piping - Ethylene Glycol Unit PDF
68. 220-DL-201 SHT 5 - 7 BSG ME U/G Piping - Ethylene Glycol Unit PDF
69. 220-DL-201 SHT 1 - 4 BSG ME U/G Piping - Ethylene Glycol Unit PDF
70. 241-DA-100 - 3 BSG ME Plot Plan Reaction Area PP reaction PDF
- Plot Plan Overall General Arrangement - Unit 30 -
71. 30-EA-119 24 BSG ME PDF
Polymer Plant
- Plot Plan Finishing Area PP Finishing Dry Additive
72. 241-DA-109 2 BSG ME PDF
73. 000-DA-220 - 11 BSG ME Area Plot Plan Unit-260,261 & 277 PDF
74. 00-EA-110 - 17 BSG ME Plot Plan Area A Air Separation and Flares PDF
75. 10-DP-105 1 21A MBI EL Single line diagram 480V. MCC PM-1003A PDF
76. 10-EP-253 - 5 MBI EL Power plan East Sub PSU-1002 PDF
77. 10-EP-317 - 22A MBI EL Power plan 480V and 4160V Substation PDF
78. 10-EP-311 - 21A MBI EL Power plan heater and quench column PDF
79. 10-EP-312 - 19A MBI EL Power plan dilution steam system PDF
80. 10-EP-320 - 7 MBI EL Electrical overall underground layout PDF
81. 10-EP-753 - 13A MBI EL Electrical conduit and cable schedule PDF
82. 10-EP-301 - 19A MBI EL Grounding plan dilution steam system PDF
83. 10-EP-301 15A MBI EL Grounding plan charge gas compressor PDF
84. 10-EP-201 1 21 MBI EL Electrical area classification plan PDF
85. 210-DP-012 1 2A MBI EL One line diagram of 480V MCC 2PM-1021 PDF
Ethylene unit substation 2-PSU-1001 equipment
86. 10-DP-030 2 1 MBI EL PDF
87. 210-DP-193 1 2 MBI EL Cable tray plan substation 2PSU-1001 PDF
88. 210-DP-115 2 4 MBI EL Cable tray plan area 100- East PDF

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EA-DS-F-003 R0 Drawing Control Sheet


Project Title : Retention Pond Dry-out project Doc. No. SP-171300001-FE-0001
Project No. : SP-171300001 Project Type : Affiliate : YANPET Date : 8-Nov-17 Rev 0
No. Drawing Number Sht. Rev. Designer Discipline Title Format Remark
89. 210-DP-125 2 4 MBI EL Cable tray plan area 200- East PDF
90. 210-DP-145 1 3 MBI EL Cable tray plan area 400 PDF
91. 210-DP-165 1 3 MBI EL Cable tray plan area 600 PDF
92. 210-BP-001 16 7A MBI EL Cable schedule for ethylene unit 210 PDF
93. 210-DP-361 1 8A MBI EL Grounding plan area 600 PDF
94. 210-DP-040 1 3 MBI EL Area classification ethylene unit overall plan PDF
95. 20-DP-107 1 15A MBI EL One line diagram of 480V MCC PM-2011-2B PDF
96. 20-EP-307 - 22 MBI EL Electrical plan underground U.E.C. Area D-13 PDF
Electrical plan underground raceway areas D11,
97. 20-EP-312 - 19 MBI EL PDF
Electrical plan underground raceway areas D9,
98. 20-EP-311 - 18 MBI EL PDF
Electrical plan underground raceway areas D1,
99. 20-EP-300 - 11 MBI EL PDF
D2 & D3
100. 20-EP-748 - 7A MBI EL Electrical cable schedule unit 20 ethylene glycol PDF
101. 20-EP-320 - 17A MBI EL Electrical grounding plan unit 20 ethylene glycol PDF
Electrical area classification plan unit 20 ethylene
102. 20-EP-200 1 12 MBI EL PDF
103. 241-DP-042 3 1A MBI EL One line diagram 480V MCC 2PM-4112 PDF
Equipment location plan polypropylene reaction
104. 241-DP-011 1 1 MBI EL PDF
105. 241-DP-261 - 1 MBI EL Cable tray plan substation 2PSU-4101 PDF
106. 241-DP-262 - 1 MBI EL Cable tray plan substation 2PSU PDF
107. 241-DP-231 - 1 MBI EL Cable tray plan reaction area PDF
108. 241-DP-232 - 2 MBI EL Cable tray plan reaction area PDF
109. - 1 A MBI EL Cable schedule for substation 2PSU-4101 PDF

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EA-DS-F-003 R0 Drawing Control Sheet


Project Title : Retention Pond Dry-out project Doc. No. SP-171300001-FE-0001
Project No. : SP-171300001 Project Type : Affiliate : YANPET Date : 8-Nov-17 Rev 0
No. Drawing Number Sht. Rev. Designer Discipline Title Format Remark
110. 241-DP-101 - 3A MBI EL Grounding plan reaction area PDF
111. 236-DP-002 - 2C MBI EL Area classification drawing finishing area PDF
112. 30-DP-126 1 6A MBI EL One line diagram of 480V MCC PM-3012-1C PDF
113. 30-DP-123 1 6A MBI EL One line diagram of 480V MCC PM-3012-1B PDF
114. 30-EP-512 - 10 MBI EL Electrical above grade plan U.E.C. PSU-3002 PDF
115. 30-EA-119 1 24 MBI EL Overall general arrangement unit 30 PDF
116. - 80 A MBI EL Cable schedule unit 30 PDF
Electrical underground and grounding plan Area
117. 30-EP-331 - 16A MBI EL PDF
D13 to D22 unit 30
118. 30-EP-200 1 09 MBI EL Area classification drawing unit 30 PDF
119. 236-DP-043 5 3A MBI EL One line diagram of 480V MCC 2PM-3613 PDF
Equipment location plan finishing area electrical
120. 236-DP-021 1 2 MBI EL PDF
121. 236-DP-173 1 1A MBI EL Aboveground power plan finishing area PDF
122. 236-DP-174 3 1 MBI EL Cable tray fill schedule finishing area PDF
123. - - A MBI EL Cable schedule for finishing area electrical room PDF
124. 241-DP-116 - 3A MBI EL Grounding plan finishing area PDF
Foundation Details of Pumps G-1314B, G-2205,
125. SP-1171300001-301 1 A CT CV PDF
126. SP-171300001-416 1 A KRP IC JB Termination Details for JB 236-NJBSA-9 PDF
127. SP-171300001-417 1 A KRP IC JB Termination Details for JB 10-AJB-113 PDF
128. SP-171300001-418 6 A KRP IC JB Termination Details for JB 241-NJBSA-1 PDF
129. SP-171300001-419 4 A KRP IC JB Termination Details for JB 210-NJBSA-1 PDF
130. SP-171300001-420 1 A KRP IC JB Termination Details for JB 10-A-40 PDF

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EA-DS-F-003 R0 Drawing Control Sheet

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