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Brain Drain is the emigration of highly trained or intelligent people from a

particular country. In last decade, brain drain is happening at an alarming

rate, and the stats will open your eyes more clearly.

Among the Asian countries, India continued its trend of being the top
country of birth for immigrant scientists and engineers, with 9,50,000 out
of Asia’s total 2.96 million.

India’s 2013 figure represented an 85% increase from 2003. India is a

developing country so why are our young engineers, entrepreneurs and
scientists are flying off to foreign countries.

Why are they not working here? Why are they not living here? Why do
they think foreign is better than India?

Here are 5 Reason for India’s Brain Drain –

Unemployment In India
Unemployment in India is a serious social issue. Millions of engineer are graduated every year in
India and among that only 4% gets a good job and rest 60% remain unemployed.

The number of unemployed persons in India decreased to 39963 thousand

in 2009 from 39974 thousand in 2007. Unemployed persons in India and
Kenya averaged 36933 thousand from 1985 until 2009, reaching an all-
time high of 41750 thousand in 2001 and a record low of 24861 thousand in
1985 (Wiki). This is the main reason for brain drain in our nation.
Corruption and Government are destroying most of the finest
talents of our country.

Policies In India
If you are an entrepreneur, then it’s challenging to work here as the economic condition of our
nation is very bad. Obviously, you want to earn a lot of money, but in India, taxes like wealth tax and
inheritance tax change the game. In India, for every profit of Rs 100 you made, you are supposed to
give away 98 INR to govt and keep only Rs 2 for yourself (via). Why would entrepreneurs of our
nation work in such a ridiculous condition? Our talented entrepreneur does not want to leave our
nation, but policies drag them out.
Further Reading: Indian Education System SUCKS; Here’s Why!
No Value Of Talent
Sundar Pichai is the CEO of Google; Satya Nadella is the chief executive
officer of Microsoft, and Indra Nooyi is the chief executive officer of
PepsiCo. All the CEO here has one similarity they all are Indians, and now
one question arises that if they can become CEO in the USA so why can’t
they become CEO in India. Because in India, there is no value of talent; rich
will become richer and poor will become poorer and it’s damn true.

In India, you can get any Job with just a recommendation from a higher
officer that’s it. You don’t get a job by clearing exam and interview because
this is India. Therefore, there is no surprise why our people are more
successful in foreign because they value talent, not money.

The population of our country is 1.2 billion and granting job to the whole of
the youth of this nation is next to impossible. Millions of engineer are
graduating every year in India, so it’s nearly unbearable to give a job to
every engineer graduating. Jobs are not matching the growing population,
and thousands of engineer remain unemployed, and they have no option to
fly to foreign as they welcome them with joy.

Further Reading: 6 Things That Are Going Wrong In Indian Schools

Better Lifestyle And Currency Difference

The lifestyle of foreign is better than the lifestyle of India. In foreign
countries, you have new advancement and new technology, and moreover,
there is no corruption and rape percentage is few as compared to India.

The technology that India is introducing today has already been in action in
other parts of the world. Currency difference between Us Dollar and Indian
Rupee is very high (1 INR = 0.015 US Dollar). So, if you work even as a
Cashier or on petrol pump in USA or Canada, still you going to earn more
than an average engineer in India. Doing these type of work and getting
more money than the average engineer of India what else you want.

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