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HR Case Study 1

HR Case Study

by [Name of Student]

[Name of Instructor]


[Name of Course]

HR Case Study 2


The study examined and evaluated the change management in the Habitus Charity organization

from the perspective of human resource management. A comprehensive literature review added

value to the knowledge base and allowed to make necessary inferences. The two models were

being used to assess the change and provide the solution of the possible problems faced by the

company. The six box model was utilized to diagnose the change and associated problems and a

change model of sense-making was used to facilitate the understanding of change and possible

recommendations. The three key problems identified includes the lack of cohesion between the

social media staff, increased conflict among senior managed managing IT and marketing

department and the absence of SMART goals to conduct a continuous evaluation of the

performance. The last part of the paper covered the recommendation including an orientation

session to communicate the shared vision, use of monitoring program to manage the performance

of new staff and organizing a senior management workshop (Chater & Loewenstein, 2016).


The underlying report is a compressive case study analysis of Habitus charity aimed at protecting

the environment, plants and animals which could be harmed by the rapid changes in the global

ecosystem. the organizational change could be attributed to the management of effects of new

business processes, a change it corporate culture , change in attracting the customers and a

change in change management is a daunting task in today’s organizations as it

requires careful evaluation and interpretation of the trends and impacts. The paper plans to

conduct a literature review in order to support the selection and use of change management

models. Then the paper will examine the Habitus operations and its use of social media with the

help of a diagnostic model and a change model. These models will help to reveal the major
HR Case Study 3

issues faced by Habitus charity in order to assess their significance and possible solutions in the

form of recommendations. At the end of the report a conclusion will be made by analysis the

outcomes of the models and their coherence with the literature review in order to successfully

attain the aim and objective of the study (Belias & Koustelios, 2014).


With the passage of time the business landscapes have become significantly challenging with the

increased competitive pressures and the rapid technological advancements. These changes have

caused a major pressure on the firms to stay in compliance with the continuously changing

business environments. There could be many barriers in effectively implementing the change as

the organization could face serious resistance to change by its employees as well as the lack of

enough skills and capability to respond to the latest trends promoted by the information

technology (Ferreira & Armagan, 2011).

Today the customers are highly demanding and require timely information and 24/7 access to the

information that is one of the most daunting task for the organizations. No matter it is a profit

making firm or the non profit charity, the importance of occupying a desired position in the mind

of audience is significantly important otherwise it cannot attain the goals and objective? Many

authors have shared the importance of social media marketing and company’s ability to stay

responsible. Many have linked the increased loyalty and satisfaction of the audience with the

ongoing social media interactions of the company (Parsons & Broadbridge, 2004).

The social media presence has become one of the primary platform where audience tend to look

for information regarding any organization business of charity firm (Paquette, 2013). They not

only look for the presence on social media, instead they want the firms to stay responsive to their
HR Case Study 4

queries and exhibit an intention to develop public relationships (Koller, 2016). As the underlying

study is discussing the charity organization’s operations and its incorporation of social media

which s causing significant organizational change, it is important to review the existing literature

revealing the importance of social media and possible change driven by it (Ananda, García, &

Lamberti, 2016).

A recent study has examined the change bought to firm by incorporating social media to interact

with customers, it has shown that it is not easy to manage the skills and capability of the

employees as they might possess the inherent abilities to stay responsive while online and it

might require extensive training of the staff when making them the first place of encounter or the

customers (Baghaturia & Johnson, 2014).

Many researchers have proposed different ideas about the incorporation of social media and

bringing change to the organizational marketing practices. One of the important idea is that

social media is a strategic tool that requires expensive support of the corporate governance and

senior management’s collaboration same as in any other change that is to be bought to the

business. A complete acceptance and culture of change is required so that the firm could be

capable of achieving its attended pans of extensive interactions with the customers instead of

using the social media as a passive one way information sharing platform (Madsen, Slåtten, &

Nisar, 2015).


To successfully implemented and manage the change and identify the key problems currently

faced by the organization a diagnostic as well as a change model is to be implemented. The

chosen diagnostic model is the six box model that is to be focused on six key areas within
HR Case Study 5

Habitus charity organization. The six elements include the organizational structure,

organizational strategy, helpful mechanisms, international relationships, and the extent of the

leadership (Hamid, Ali, Reza, Arash, Ali, & Azizollah, 2011). This model also incorporates the

analysis of environmental factors in order to gain a fairly deep understanding of the barriers to

change and the impact of the change. under the case of Habitus charity the organization’s

fundraiser Anna and Tess managing the marketing and IT department have incorporated social

media strategy to communicate with the audience and share the activities of Habitus in order to

increase the funds collected by the people (McLean, 2013).

In relation to the diagnostic model the hosen change model in the sense-making change model.

This model is chosen as it enhances the ability to make sense of the ambiguous situation. The

Habitus charity in an ambiguous situation as a training session is complete and social media is

being used but it has not yet generated the desired results (Kirrane, O’Connor, Dunne, &

Moriarty, 2017).


One of the key finding is that there is a lack of shared vision of change that is caused deviation in

the results despite the execution of social media and training strategies. The social media team

and most dominatingly Liana and Sammy handling the Twitter pages of Habitus charity have

completely different ways of communication and answering the tweets. There is a lack of

coherence between the social media tea members that can reduce the charity’s ability to convey a

common message to its audience (Pettersson, 2014).

The six box model has also helped to reveal problem in leadership. The Anna and Tess

controlling the marketing and IT department initially had conflicts of opinion and that continued
HR Case Study 6

throughout the execution and management of social media platforms. Anna emphasized the

needs of allowing an extensive training program for the social media personnel’s whereas the

Tess disagreed. Such conflict of opinion shows some discrepancies in the managerial decisions

that have altered the ability of Habitus to get the best outcome from its strategies (Voet, 2014).

The management has decided what outcomes it want but has not designed the SMART goals

neither the action plan that is essential to be used by line mangers when managing and

controlling the performance of social media personnel’s.


The three key findings after using the models have been declared to be the lack of shared vision,

conflict of opinions in management and lack of SMART goals to keep track of the performance.

This part of the report aims to analysis the findings in comparison with the existing literature.

There could be seen a lack of coherence in the organization as each social media personnel has

its own way of communicating with the audience that is likely to generate deviation in the

outcomes (Wang L, 2012). It is significantly important to provide message as users does not

know who is responding to their queries instead they develop a positive or negative opinion

about the organization based upon the quality and efficiency of service given by the company’s

social media platforms (Alexiou, 2015). As discussed in the literature there is a need to make the

change acceptable throughout the organization it is also applicable in the access of Habitus

Charity because the senior management is striving to generate positive outcomes by extensively

using the twitter to assess and interact with the customer, but the lack of cohesiveness is

becoming a hurdle in generating the desired outcomes (Bateh, Castaneda, & Farah, 2013).
HR Case Study 7

The second problem is the in capabilities of the top management in resolving the conflict of

opinion and collectively works to attain the intended outcomes. Anna wanted to invest in the

skill building training session that will give a long term advantaged to the firm, on the other

hand, Tessa suggested that they should move to London to get a course at Habitus headquarter in

central park. The senior management including Tessa wanted to extend the efforts and

incorporate the hotdesking and provided a number of hotdesks to encourage the hotdesking by its

staff working at the head office. Later, before completing the execution of the plan of hotdesk the

management introduced the Workhubs to target the working on mobile basis in order to increase

the social media staff’s online presence and efficient response time.

The third problem was the absence of Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals.

There was a need to set the SMART goals in order to enable the senior management to assess the

performance on quarterly basis to facilitate both senior management and the new entrants into

the market (Liu, Eng, & Sekhon, 2014). Instead of executing the strategies there was a need to

first conduct comprehensive planning, execute the planned strategy and continuously evaluate

the outcomes to make necessary changes in timely manner (Battilana & Casciaro, 2012).

One difference between the literature review and the outcomes after the analysis of the case is

that the literature has suggested that social media severs as strategic tool that supports the

corporate governance in attaining its marketing goals (Mantere S, 2012). The literature has

places extensive emphasis in explaining the importance of the social media for the overall

success of the firm (Dike, Odiwe, & Ehujor, 2015). But the outcomes of the change mode have

shown that Habitus charity has not extensively valued the social media and it is being used as a

supporting tool. There is a need to integrate the social media in the overall marketing strategy in

order to have a consistent integration marketing communication plan (Ababneh, 2016).

HR Case Study 8


 One of the primary limitation of the models used it that the six box model has facilitated

in accessing the six areas within the firm but it has ignored the value of considering the

employee’ resistance to change (Jos H. Pieterse, 2012).

 The sense-making model is psychological model that is entirely based on the extent and

level of cognitively abilities possessed by the user. It does not have clear parameters that

could be associated with the accurate results (Maitlis, Vogus, & Lawrence, 2013).

 The study has ignored the usage of social media by the user’s specific to the industry and

nature of the organization. It has ignored the important differences that lie in theatres of

social media usage when searching for a profit and non profit organization.


The study has conducted a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the managerial change in the

Habitus charity organization operating the London. The company’s senior management

controlling the IT and marketing departments planned to increase the use of social media

platforms and train the employees in assessing the audience in order to increase the fundraising

activities. The six box diagnostic model has been used along the sense-making change model

that have shared that the key problems are the lack of cohesiveness in the performance of social

media department, the increased conflict in the decisions of senior management and the lack of

SMART objectives to assess the performance on timely basis (LÜScher & Lewis, 2008).

HR Case Study 9

Based on the above analysis of different problems with the help of associated models the flowing

are the some recommendations that are to be followed by Habitus charity organization for the

purpose of successfully attaining its social media goals and objectives.

Recommendation Who to Execute Steps to Execution Timings for Rollout Intended benefits

Orientation Marketing Held an orientation and A three day long A sense of collaboration

session to executives initiation the discussion training session between the staff and an

communicate the session to promote the aimed at discussing understanding of basic

shared vision sense of collaboration and different aspects of principles to communicate

mutual share the goals of social media program with audience by following

social media strategy each day same code of conduct

Electronic control Senior Develop an action plan to Weekly monitoring A continuous evaluation of

program to management and quarterly monitor the for the first month the performance and

manage the new social social media activities of and provision of identification of areas that

performance of media new trainees feedback per month need further improvements

new staff executives

HR Case Study 10

Senior The executives Share and discuss the Once in a month Reduce the conflict and

management controlling IT concerns regarding social disagreement leading to

workshops and marketing media strategy and reach a mismanaged decision

department mutually agreeable outcomes

HR Case Study 11

Harvard Formatted

Reference List

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