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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Samar
Motiong, Samar

Lesson Plan in Science 7

Forbearance – 1:00 – 2:00 PM (M-F)
Faithfulness – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

August 08, 2018

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. recognize common acids and bases.
b. describe some properties of acid and bases.

a. Topic : Acid & Bases
b. Reference: Learner’s Manual, pp. 55.
c. Materials: Books and Pictures.

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the Past Lesson

B. Review
The teacher will recap students to recap the past lesson.
What is Metals?
What is Non Metals?
What is Metalloids?

C. Motivation
How acidic or Bases are common household materials?

D. Activity
The teacher will divide the class into two groups and each group will identify the following
properties of acid and bases.
1. Bitter
2. Sour
3. Cause red litmus paper to turn blue
4. Cause blue litmus paper to turn red
5. Feel slippery

E. Analysis
The teacher follows up after the activity and asks several questions.
1. How’s the activity?
2. Does your group showed collaboration in answering the activity?
3. How are acid different from bases?
The teacher will discuss the lesson.
What is Acid?
What is Base?
What are the examples of Acid and Base?

The teacher will present the properties of Acid and Base

Property Acid Base
Taste Sour Bitter (baking soda)
Smell Frequently burns nose Usually no smell (except NH3)
Texture Sticky Slippery
Reactivity Frequency react with metals to form H2 React with many oils and fats

F. Application
The teacher will call 2-3 students and let the student give at least 3 example of acid and
bases found at home.

Indicate whether each statement is True of False.

1. The name “acid” comes from the Latin acidus, which means “ sour”.
2. In Base turns litmus paper blue, has a bitter taste and has a soapy feeling.
3. Give at least one examples of Acid.
4. Give at least one properties of Acid.
5. Give at least one properties of Bases.

Write it in a 1/2 sheet of paper.
1. What does PH stands for?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Miami C. Dacuno Robel B. Baldoza

Teacher – I (Science) MT-1

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