Causes of Road Alarming Accident in The Municipality of Hinunangan

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Background of the Study

Roads make a crucial contribution to economic development and growth

and bring important social benefits. It opens up more areas and stimulates

economic and social development. So, road infrastructure is the most important

of all public assets. But since we are involve, every now and then we may

constitute inevitable circumstances, the road accident ("The importance of road

maintenance", n.d.).

According to the latest WHO data published in 2017 Road Traffic

Accidents Deaths in Philippines reached 10,767 or 1.74% of total deaths. The

age adjusted Death Rate is 11.82 per 100,000 of population ranks Philippines

#116 in the world. It was ranked as the 14th leading cause of death of Philippines

("World Life Expectancy", 2017).

In addition, an average of 34 Filipinos died or loss their lives daily in road

accidents, the latest government data showed. The PSA study also showed that

road accidents are the main cause of deaths among Filipino youths aged 15 to

19 (Punay, 2017).

Kiniko Sy (2017) reported that government data show that the number of

deaths due to traffic incidents has been increasing since 2006. In 2006, the

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) recorded 6,869 deaths due to road crashes.

Nine years later, in 2015, that number jumped to 10,012. From 2006 to 2015,

Luzon (excluding the National Capital Region) listed the highest number of

casualties among the 3 major island groups, with nearly 50% of road crash

deaths occurring here. In 2015, 51.6% of road crash deaths nationwide – or

5,167 people died – were recorded in Luzon. Meanwhile, the percentage of

casualties in the National Capital Region (NCR) has been constantly decreasing

since 2011. Road crash deaths in NCR comprised 7.2% of the total deaths

nationwide in 2011, but this dropped to 4.06% in 2015. A possible reason for why

Luzon has the highest number of victims can be attributed to the population

differences among the 3 island groups. More than half – 56.9% – of the

Philippine population is in Luzon, while 19.2% and 23.9% are in the Visayas and

Mindanao, respectively.

SKWP president Jocelyn Yambao-Franco noted that the increase in

deaths on the road is actually a global trend. She bared that an estimated 1.25

million people are killed and over 50 million are injured in road crashes annually.

By 2020, road traffic crashes are also expected to increase by 80 percent in low-

and middle-income countries due to increasing motorization (Punay, 2017).

Meanwhile, in the Municipality of Hinunangan, the Traffic Accident Report

showed that in the year 2012 and 2018 had the most number of road accident

occurred within the Municipality of Hinunangan (Hinunangan Municipal Police

Station, 2019).

In the data stated above, we have observed that there is a need of

research study of road accidents causes particularly in the Municipality of

Hinunangan. So, gathering of more data is important to attain effective solutions

for more accurate security measures to reduce such alarming issue, not just in

Municipality of Hinunangan but for every Filipino.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers have to understand the different factors that cause the

alarming accidents in the municipality because they realized that this alarming

situation needs to be immediately addressed because they strongly believe the

value and sanctity of life.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the causes of alarming road accident in the

Municipality of Hinunangan. From the respondent, the researchers heard and

knew about the possible reasons which came from the selected local government

agency particularly the Philippine National Police (PNP) or Hinunangan Municipal

Police Station. From the data collated, there were selected at least 20 victims as

the respondents.

Significance of the Study

This study benefits the following group of people:

Motorist. This is very important for them as they are the possible victims.

Police. This can be a very big help for them to minimize their duties and will

focus more on the peace and security to their assigned places.

Emergency Response Team. They play a role who manages to give lecture

particularly to the motorists, so this research can help them easily attain the

causes of road accidents which can help them to decide what safety precautions

to be done by motorists.

Students. Every day they are involving to road in going to school in spite of the

fact that almost of them are now using vehicles. They need more awareness to

cause them drive cautiously.

Parents. This can give them an assistance to supervise their children about

driving vehicles in public roads and highways.

Teachers. They likely to discover better ways/teaching strategies upon

enhancing and enriching student's knowledge. This way, they can have more

information on the said issue in which the students need more guidance not just

from their parents but from teachers as well. And we all know that teacher is the

second parent who can give them enough effective counsel for the student's

safety. So it is very important for them to be more aware with the said alarming


Local Government Unit. LGU plays a major role in a community's development,

provide the links between the people and government, address its community's

problems and concerns, enforce policies and hold influence over its communities

(Javier and Elazigue, n.d.). So it means, this study is very significant for them to

put up attention or consider the alarming issue in the locality of Hinunangan. And

will indicate what they need to do in order to address community's problem.

School Administration. This is very useful for every student to know the risks

nowadays. In that way, they can have a clue what ways or practices to be done

for the students. Then, they can invite representatives who would conduct a

symposium or seminar for the students to learn about the rules and safety of

roads early in life.

Community. Everyone needs an awareness of what's going on today. Since the

numbers of vehicles are now increasing, probably the road accidents will have

greater chances to accumulate. So this study can contributes to every person or

group of people in the community to be more careful about avoiding danger or

risk in the roads. And in this ways, they will know what are the preventive

measures to be considered.

Researcher. For other researchers or next researchers, they can get more ideas

and information about this topic. They can use this research paper as a guide

reference while making their research study. This can be useful for the

researchers to make their projects done well.

Definition of Terms

This study employed conceptual and operational definition of the following


Accumulate. To increase gradually in amount as time passes.

Attain. To accomplish or achieve (something): to succeed in getting or doing


Crucial. Extremely important.

Circumstances. An event or situation that you cannot control, a condition or fact

that affects a situation.

Collated. To gather together information from different sources in order to study

it carefully

Fatigue. The state of being very tired: extreme weariness.

Perception. The way you think about or understand someone or something.

Sanctity. The quality or state of being holy, very important, or valuable.

Stimulate. To make (something) more active, to cause or encourage (something)

to happen or develop

Symposium. A formal meeting at which experts discuss a particular topic.



This chapter presents the related literature and studies that were reviewed

in order to gain more insights in relation to the different variables identified as

well as the conduct of the study.

Related Literature

Human error is generally agreed to play some part in a large proportion of

road accidents. Often, however, there is a combination of factors, and accidents

can be greatly reduced by purely external measures-for instance, improvements

to the vehicle and the road environment. The multidisciplinary team, on call 24

hours a day, gathered information, and later studied some vehicles more closely

and if possible interviewed drivers and pedestrians. The area was mainly rural

and therefore had far fewer pedestrian accidents than the national average; but

otherwise the findings are thought to provide a good introductory picture of

accidents in Britain (British Medical Journal, 1978)

In all, the team studied 2130 accidents, in which 1993 people (in 1316

accidents) were injured, 65 fatally. Fifty-nine per cent of drivers and 79% of

pedestrians were primarily or partly at fault. Of the 2211 drivers at fault, 632 had

been impaired in some way-463 by alcohol, 159 by fatigue, 87 by drugs, 33 by

illness, and 26 by emotional distress. Human error was the sole apparent

explanation of no fewer than 650/O of the accidents. An adverse environment

appeared to have contributed to 28% and vehicle defects to 8%. As apparently

sole causes, however, these categories each accounted for only 2% of

accidents-human faults, particularly errors arising from carelessness,

misjudgment, and inexperience, contributing to nearly 95%. Clearly, impairment

by alcohol and other conditions might well tip the balance between success and

failure in coping with difficulties and hazards. Thus, there may be several "layers"

of causation, with complex interactions between contributory factors (British

Medical Journal, 1978).

Related Studies

Avaristo (n.d.) conducted a research which was the findings revealed that

the most common causes of their involvement on road accidents are because

they had improper knowledge about traffic rules and road safety, they don't had a

proper training before driving a motorcycle and lack of discipline. They also

claimed that driving under the influence of alcohol, aggressive driving, slippery

road and carelessness are some of the factors which lead on their road accident.

The information underpins the report of National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration (NHTSA) the different factors that cause Motorcycle Accidents are

the following: (1) Dangerous roadways cause riders to wipe out, (2) Aggressive

driving, (3) Distracted driving, and (4) Drunk driving (Avaristo, n.d.).

Richard Avaristo (n.d.) reported that in the Philippines, Metro Manila

Accident Recording and Analysis System (MMARAS, 2014) shows the top

accident causations: "Human Error" is composed of: alcohol suspected; avoided

path hole; hitting animal; hitting another vehicle; hitting pedestrian; moving

backwards; counter-flow; cut by another vehicle; driver error; inattentive; lost

control; tired/asleep; too close to another vehicle; over speeding. "Others" is

composed of: driver is suffered from heart attack while driving; due to scattered

objects; road condition; slipped; slippery road. "Vehicle Defects" consists of: bike

part broke; lost brakes; mechanical; tire exploded/blown out tire.

Naing et al. (2008) have observed that there are three level of driving

tasks such as human, vehicle and environment. At human level, there are many

factors which are associated withriving task such as loss of consciousness, acute

medical condition, falling asleep, inattention, distraction, cell phone use, emotion,

careless, mood and aggressive driving. The vehicle level includes high frequency

driving tasks such as speed, acute technical failure and tire burst. The

environment level driving tasks includes traffic density, traffic flow, slippery road

conditions, temporary problems and adverse weather conditions. It is found that

64.6 per cent road accidents occur due to lack of vigilance.

Bailly and Chapon (2006) have found that there is significant association

between inattention and driving experience regarding road accidents. It is seen

that inexperienced drivers are more sensitive to occurrence of road accidents.

Sagberg and Bjornskau (2006) have described that there is a significant

difference between novice male drivers and general drivers regarding hazard

perception of driving tasks. Fuller (2005) identified that speed influences the

driving tasks condition and play an important role in driving behaviour. Most of

drivers follow high speed at turning point due to overestimating theirsteering


Hauer (1999) has explained that drivers’ attention decreases in stable

driving situations such as driving on a straight road and going around a bend,

and intersections when drivers change directions or overtake. Barkley (2004) has

described that 72.9 percent distractions occur in stabilized traffic situations. 11.1

percentage road accidents occur while changing direction of vehicle and 6.7 per

cent occur while overtaking the vehicle. Road accidents occur when, simple

driving situations allow driver to get distracted and perform another task at the

same time.

Keskinen et al. (1998) have described that male drivers are more

inattentive in accident situation as compared to female drivers. It is also found

that road travelers are more likely to be involved in road accidents due to

inattention in age group of less than 25 years and between 45 and 64 years.

Road accidents are result of three factors of driving tasks such as human,

vehicle and environment. Available literature on driving tasks is as follows: Deery

and Love (1996) have identified that there is significant difference between

drivers’ age regarding driving style and driving skill. Driving training improves

driving skills but many deficiencies have been found in driving training. Driving

skill is concerned with driving task such as use of steering wheel and time taken

to respond in traffic hazards. Driving style is concerned with decision making

such as over time, driving speed and tailgating. Driving style and driving skill

significantly affect drivers’ safety level.

Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework of the Study

A theory entitled 'Domino Theory' by H.W. Heinrich (Heinrich et al, 1980),

states that the accident sequence was likened to a row of dominoes knocking

each other down in a row. The sequence is: Injury by an accident, due to an

unsafe act and/or mechanical or physical hazard, due to the fault of the person,

caused by their; ancestry and social environment. 88% of all accidents are

caused by unsafe acts of people, 10% by unsafe actions and 2% by acts of God.

Heinrich proposed a-five factor accident sequence‖ in which each factor would

actuate the next step in the manner of toppling dominoes lined up in a row.

The sequence of accident factors is as follows: Ancestry and social

environment: Those conditions that make us take or accept risk. Worker fault or

Undesirable Human Trait: Anger, careless, tiredness, lack of understanding, un-

attention. Unsafe act or condition together with mechanical and physical hazard:

Poor planning, unsafe equipment, hazardous environment. Accident: The

accident occurs when the above events conspire (combine) to cause something

to go wrong. Damage or injury: Injury occurs when the person sustains damage.

As per the Domino’s theory there were a number of aspects that

contribute to an accident. These could be associated to a number of dominoes

standing in a row—if one is knocked down the remaining also fall. Take out one

of these dominoes and the chance of a loss occurring is reduced.

Factors of Road

Theory of the
Road Accidents



Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study


This chapter presents the methods and procedures that are employed in

conducting this study. The research design, the research subjects or

respondents, the instruments used, the data gathering procedure and statistical

treatment are also presented and described in this chapter.

Research Design

This study used Qualitative Approach. Qualitative research is a scientific

method of observation to gather non-numerical data. This type of research

"refers to the meanings, concepts definitions, characteristics, metaphors,

symbols, and description of things" and not to their "counts or measures". This

research answers how and when a certain phenomenon occurs" Wikipedia (n.d.)

The researchers used the grounded theory to generate a theory from the

data which were analyzed and interpreted inductively.

Locale and Respondents of the Study

The research study was conducted within the Municipality of Hinunangan.

Hinunangan is a 3rd class municipality in the province of Southern Leyte,

Philippines. The municipality is politically subdivided into 40 barangays. The

researchers gathered data, first at the Philippine National Police (PNP) in the

Hinunangan Police Station which located in Brgy. Poblacion, Hinunangan,

Southern Leyte. The selected victims/witnesses were interviewed in their houses

or any comfortable place that the respondents choose to. Those selected 20

victims/witnesses supplied the information needed for a detailed process and in a

systematic way without any affiliation of bias answers.

The researchers used the convenience sampling which also called as

accidental or grab sampling because we only select our respondents within our



Figure 2. Town map of Southern Leyte showing the Locale of the Study

Figure 2. Town Map of Hinunangan showing the Locale of the Study

Instruments of the Study

This study crafted its own survey questionnaire and permission letter to

determine the objective of the study.

Before the researchers collected data on their respondents, the

researchers made a letter first for permission. As the victims approved, a survey

questionnaire was conducted. In the introductory part, the victims filled up their

brief personal background according to the questions provided.

The survey questionnaire is divided into four (4) factors that cause road

accident namely Driver's Behavioral Factor, Vehicle Factor, Road Conditional

Factor and Environmental Factor.

Data Gathering Procedure


The researchers went to the police station and sent a permission letter in

order to get the data needed about the of road accidents from 2009 up to present

within the Municipality of Hinunangan showing how alarming it is. Then, the

researchers choose at least 20 victims/witnesses.

The respondents were given survey questionnaires which were analyzed

critically. They filled up the questionnaires by choosing which among the given

options provided by the researchers correspond their point of view. The forms

were collected right after then for the data analysis.

Data Analysis Technique

This study employed narrative analysis technique because it considers the

different experiences of the respondents when the accidents happened. In this

study, the researchers reformulated the data and enhanced the interpretation in

order to fully understand the various factors that cause the alarming accidents of

the Municipality of Hinunangan.




1. What were causes why the accident happened when it comes to driver's

behavioral factor?

Step 1: Open Coding

 I was influenced by alcoholic beverage.

 I was driving recklessly.
 I was driving at over speed.

I was influenced by I was driving recklessly. I was driving

alcoholic beverage. aggressively.

Step 2: Axial Coding

 Almost victims got involved to accident due to influenced by alcoholic

 Other drivers consider their selves as reckless one.
 There were some drivers who drive beyond speed limit.

Step 3: Thematic Coding

Theme: The drivers were influenced by any alcoholic beverages could lead

usually to driving recklessly and they are likely to drive beyond the speed limit.


1. How was the vehicle's condition before the accident?

Step 1. Open Coding

 My vehicle was not in good condition.

 My vehicle doesn't have side mirror.
 It doesn't have horn.
 It doesn't have brake lights.
 It doesn't have head light.

My vehicle was My vehicle doesn't It doesn't have It doesn't have

not in good have side mirror. horn. brake lights.

It doesn't have

head light.

Step 2. Axial Coding

 The vehicles of the victims were usually in bad conditions.

 Almost victims have lacking parts/pieces of their vehicle.

Step 3. Thematic Coding

Theme: The vehicle's conditions played a role for the safety of the driver.

Even some small parts of vehicle were missing could have a greater chances

that accident will happen.


1. How was the condition of the road when the accident occurred?

Step 1. Open Coding

 The road was broken.

 The road was rocky.
 It was slippery

The road was broken. It was slippery.

The road was rocky.

Step 2. Axial Coding

 The slippery road has a huge number of causes why the road accident

 The victims get involved to accident due to broken and rocky conditions of


Step 3. Thematic Coding

Theme: Most likely the drivers get involved to accident due to slippery

road while some reasons of other victims were because of broken and rocky



1. How was the condition of environment when the accident happened?

Step 1. Open Coding

 The weather was in bad conditions while the accident occurred.

 There was a girl crossing the road so we got into accident.
 The lightings (streetlight) were not in good condition.
 There was a dog crossing the road.

The weather was in bad There was girl crossing The lightings (streetlight)

conditions while the the road so we got into were not in good

accident occurred. accident. conditions.

There was a dog

crossing the road.

Step 2. Axial Coding

 The bad condition of weather was one of the reasons of accident.

 Some drivers who get involved to accident were due to wrong timing of

the pedestrian crossing the road while some animals are the causes of

 Other drivers admitted that due to poor lightings of the streetlights why

the accident occurred.

Step 3. Thematic Coding

Theme: The bad environmental conditions can affect traffic flow which can

have a higher possibility of occurrence of road accident such as the bad weather

conditions, unexpected crossing of the animals or pedestrian or even the poor

lightings of the streetlight that could be difficult for driver to see the road

particularly at nighttime.



Conclusion/Theory Generated

The result of the study showed that the leading cause of being involved of

a driver to accident was influenced by alcoholic beverage. Some of them were

due to poor conditions of vehicles that probably might lose some parts of the

vehicle. Another was the conditions of road particularly in the slippery road. And

lastly, the wrong timing of crossing the road of some pedestrian and even

animals were one the causes of road accident.

Theory Implication

Theoretically, the drivers shall be more careful in using vehicles since they

are responsible if ever there's any damages have made to property.

On the other hand, the study also implies that the local government

agencies should be more thoughtful to every individual from the particular

community by conducting seminar/training and it's better to execute it from

barangay-to-barangay. So in that way, they can raise safety precautions, rules

and regulations to every person in driving. It helps to become more

knowledgeable and be educated to risks when using vehicles. It also helps to

become more aware to the penalties for those who will violate. In other words,

this helps to individuals to change their risk perceptions even he/she is less

experienced driver.

In addition, the study also implies that it is important to improve the quality

of the road infrastructure which could last up to decades before it gets defective

because road conditions plays an important role for the safety of every drivers.

Furthermore, the penalty must be heavier for drunken driving such as

imprisonment or an increase of cash penalty because the study showed it is the

leading cause of road accident in the Municipality of Hinunangan.



Zhao, Z, et al, (2016). A Traffic Causation Analysis Method Based on ahp-apriori. Jilin,
China: Elsevier Ltd. 682 pp.

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Online Sources

Punay, E. (2017). 34 Pinoy Die Daily in Road Mishaps. Manila: The Philippine Star

Kimiko, S. (2017). IN NUMBERS: Road Crash Incidents in the Philippines: Rappler

Road Traffic Accidents in Philippines. (2017). World Life Expectancy. Retrieved from

Road Accidents: The Lived Experiences of Motorcycle Users. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Malkoc, G (n.d.) The importance of road maintenance. Retrieved from

Purposive Sampling (n.d.). Retrieved from


Surbhi, S. (n.d). Difference Between Structured and Unstructured Interview (with

Comparison Chart) - Key Differences. Retrieved from

Appendix A

Department of Education

Division of Southern Leyte
District of Hinunangan
Hinunangan National High School
Bangcas A & B, Hinunangan, Southern Leyte


We, the ICT students of the Grade 11 of Hinunangan National High

School, would like to gather data from 2000 to present for our research study

entitled, “Causes of Road Alarming Accidents of the Municipality of Hinunangan”,

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 1.

In connection with this, we humbly request your permission and consent to

be one of the respondents of this research study. Your cooperation and

understanding will be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Respectfully yours,






Noted by:


MEMBER ________________________
Department of Education
Division of Southern Leyte
District of Hinunangan
Hinunangan National High School

Bangcas A & B, Hinunangan, Southern Leyte


We, the ICT students of the Grade 11 of Hinunangan National High

School, would like to conduct an interview to the respondents of our research

study entitled, “Causes of Road Alarming Accidents of the Municipality of

Hinunangan”, in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 1.

In connection with this, we humbly request your permission and consent to

be one of the respondents of this research study. Your cooperation and

understanding will be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Respectfully yours,






Noted by:


MEMBER ________________________

Appendix B

Interview Guide Questions:
Part I. Driver's behavioral factor.

1. What were causes why the accident happened when it comes to driver's

behavioral factor?

Part II. Vehicle factor.

1. How was the vehicle's condition before the accident?

Part III. Road Conditional Factor.

1. How was the condition of the road when the accident occurred?

Part IV. Environmental Factor.

1. How was the condition of environment when the accident happened?


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