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a) Importance of accrediting engineering programmes by EBK:

i) It is an assurance that the programme meets the quality standards set by the board
ii) Helps students, parents and guardians choose Quality University programmes.
iii) Enables employers recruit graduates they know are well prepared.
iv) Accreditation is required for registration as engineers and licensing.
v) Accreditation gives universities a structured mechanism to asses, evaluate and
improve the quality of their programmes.
vi) Accreditation facilitates mutual recognition and cross-border mobility for
vii) Accreditation is a global practice applied in many countries.

b) Skills that an engineer should have (with brief descriptions):

i. Technical skills include:
 Science fundamentals
 Engineering fundamentals and application
 Mathematics, probability and statistics
 Computer science and technology
 Engineering practice
ii. Attitudinal skills
 Competence
 Integrity
 Commitment
 Tolerance
 Flexibility
 Reliability
 Punctuality
 Conscientiousness
 Life-long learning
 Approachability
iii. Intellectual skills
 Logical thinking
 Problem solving skills
 Communication skills
 Design skills
 Organizational skills
 Management skills
 Administrative skills

c) Functions and roles of Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK):

i) Registration of engineers in all categories – graduates, professional,
ii) Issuing of licenses to qualified engineers
iii) Inspecting sites where engineering works are in progress to verify that
professional engineering services and works are rendered by registered
iv) Checks and verifies that engineering standards and professional ethics and
safety and health aspects are observed in engineering works
v) Approve and accredit engineering programmes in public and private
vi) Evaluate local and foreign engineering programmes for recognition by the
vii) Plan, arrange and coordinate continuing professional training and
development for engineers
viii) Facilitate internship for graduate engineers
ix) Determine fees to be charged by professional engineers and firms for
professional engineering services
x) Develop, maintain and enforce code of ethics for engineers in the
engineering profession.

d) Ways that show that an engineer is engage in:

i. Creative thinking
 Generation of many ideas
 Seeks alternative solutions to a problem situation
 Comes up with unusual or innovative responses
 Goes beyond the ordinary and obvious
 Expands or elaborates upon an idea
 Takes conceptual risks and expose themselves to failure or ridicule
 Make connections between things
 Dream, fantasize and visualize mental images
 Are inquisitive
ii. Critical thinking
 Seeks clear statement of the problem or question
 Open mindedness
 Gather, judge and connect relevant information in order to be well
 Withhold judgement when sufficient evidence and reasoning are lacking
 Identifies and challenges assumptions
 Detect bias
 Considers other points of view
 Remain central to the critical point

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