Chemical Reactions Questions

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Chapter 2: Chemical Reactions Questions

1. What are the two types of properties that we can look for in a substance?
2. Explain the term physical properties.
3. Name at least three examples of a physical property.
4. Explain the term chemical properties.
5. Name at least three examples of a chemical property.
6. Give four examples of a physical change.
7. What is a chemical reaction?
8. List the four signs of a chemical reaction.
9. Name the two groups that substances in a chemical reaction can be divided into.
10. Explain what reaction rate means?
11. What are the factors that can affect the reaction rate of a chemical reaction?
12. Write down four wanted chemical reactions.
13. Write four unwanted chemical reactions.
14. How do you test if a gas is hydrogen?
15. Carbon dioxide is an essential gas. What is it used for?
16. Name the chemical process that oxygen gas is needed for. Also write a word equation
for this reaction.
17. Sodium is a metal that reacts with water to produce hydrogen and sodium hydroxide.
How would you write this as a chemical reaction?

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