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Lukman, Yusakhiril. 2014. The Effects of Guided Inquiry Learning with Blended
Learning on Scientific Literacy and Learning Achievement for XI Grade
Students of Senior High School 5 Malang. Sarjana’s Thesis. Department of
Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si, (II) Dr. Endang Suarsini,

Keywords: Guided Inquiry, blended learning, scientific literacy, learning outputs.

Based on the results of observations conducted by researchers at Senior High

School 5 Malang it is found that there was a problem on the students' science
literacy skills were lacking and can be affected to learning achievement. Research
on the effect of learning on students science literacy skills are necessary to fix the
problem learning. One of the method can be used is a guided inquiry with blended
learning. The Learning such as face to face (offline) and online learning. The
study is expected to increase scientific literacy and learning achievement of
students XI grade at Senior High School Negeri 5 Malang.
This study was a quasi-experimental research because the researcher can not
control the external variables affecting dependent variable. This research design
was non-randomized control group pre-test post-test. It means, in this study were
divided into two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. The
study was conducted at Senior High School 5 Malang with experimental class XI
grade 2 and control class XI grade 6. Ability of scientific literacy was measured
using the rubric of literacy while learning achievement measured without using a
rubric. The data were analyzed with the prerequisite test that tested for normality
and homogenity test, followed by a hypothesis test with Anacova using SPSS 16.0
for Windows.
Based on the results revealed that (1) there is an effect guided inquiry
learning with blended learning on science literacy of students on the material of
the immune system. This model learning can increase the score of a higher
experiment class than the control class; (2) there is an effect guided inquiry
learning with blended learning on students learning achievement on the material
of the immune system. This model learning can increase the score of a higher
experiment class than the control class. Based on this research suggested teachers
need to implement a guided inquiry with blended learning as an alternative
learning to improve scientific literacy and learning achievement.


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