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Prevention Preparedness, Response and Recovery Disaster Management Guideline

The aim of the Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Disaster Management Guideline
(the Guideline) is to provide flexible, good practice suggestions and advice to those responsible for
implementing disaster management practices.

Disaster management arrangements about matters relating to:

 the preparation of disaster management plans
 the matters to be included in a disaster management plan
 other matters about the operation of a district group or local group the Chief Executive
considers appropriate having regard to disaster management for the state

A. Comprehensive Approach
The comprehensive approach to disaster management comprises four phases: prevention,
preparedness, response and recovery (PPRR) to ensure a balance between the reduction of risk and the
enhancement of community resilience, while ensuring effective response and recovery capabilities.
The four phases of PPRR are not linear nor are they independent of the others. They overlap and
support each other as shown in Figure 1.2. For example, recovery activities are likely to begin during the
response phase and mitigation strategies may be considered during the recovery phase.

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