Mathematical Excursions: Marco Bitetto

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Book · August 2017


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1 author:

Marco Bitetto
Nuova Universita Di Engegneria E Scienza. (518)703-9171


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By Dr. Marco Bitetto

Copyright © 2017
All Rights Reserved

Lorem ipsum dolor rutur
amet. Integer id dui sed
odio imperd feugiat et nec
ipsum. Ut rutrum massa
non ligula facilisis in
ullamcorper purus dapibus.
Coming Attractions reporting with reflection, science fact
and opionion.
Dr. Marco Bitetto

Here’s where you now have say as to

what I write and what you will eventu-
ally read.

The categories that you can vote upon

are political satire, ironic comedy, fan-
tasy, hard science fiction, news events
This is your only chance this year to ef- FA C E B O O K :
fect the outcome of what I write and
what you will read. dios
So think carefully and vote in a pre- FA C E B O O K :
meditated fashioned.
FA C E B O O K :
Have fun above all else.
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the below listed web-sites:
The Significance of Numbers
TWITTER: @DrBitetto
Dr. Marco Bitetto
FA C E B O O K :
o Like the elemental entities of any hu-
man constructed language, numbers
FA C E B O O K :
have a purpose and significance. Their
purpose and significance is one of sym- bol is for the communication of the nu-
bolic purpose and intent in their usage. merical values direction of transit and
position on the number line.

Number can be used to communicate

such things as the size of objects, the Can you think of any other uses of num-
density of objects, the age of object bers?
and the cost of objects as well. This is
To correspond with this author go to
simple but a few of the uses that num-
the below listed web-sites:
bers can symbolically represent.

TWITTER: @DrBitetto
Another important part of numerical
representation is the use of such non- FA C E B O O K :
terminals as commas and decimal
points. Use of these special purpose o
nonterminal symbols help to convey
FA C E B O O K :
the magnitude of the numbers being
communicated. Anther important sym-
bol that is quite often used with num-
bers is the minus sign. Use of this sym-
FA C E B O O K : This incredibly robust, powerful and flexible artificial intelligence program
dios was originally developed under con-
tract for the United States Department
FA C E B O O K :
of Defense project DARPA (Defense Ad-
vanced Research Projects Agency).
This program was originally created in
Utopia Has Finally Arrived with the the worlds very first artificial intelli-
Availability of MAXYMA gence programming languages called
MacLISP. This language was invented
By Dr. Marco A.V. Bitetto
at MIT’s A.I. Laboratory and was de-
signed to run on a Z80 based CP/M80
personal computer system.

For those that are unfamiliar with the ar- The only functionality that this incredi-
ble free software lacks is the ability to
tificial intelligence program called MA-
perform theorem proving. However,
XYMA, it is a public domain program
this is not an unsourmountable obsta-
that has the ability of doing 90% of the
cle at all. Every science, technology
things that MATHEMATICA can do and
and mathematics student is thourghly
is totally and fully user programmable.

well versed in the art of mathematically cian Analysis, Fourier Analysis, 2D
based theorm proving. plots, 3D plots and best yet Rieman-
nian mappings.
Soon there will even be a version that
c a n r u n o n t h e i PA D P R O a n d All of these capabilities make this a
SAMSUNG GALAXY tablet based mo- most robust, most powerful tool for ap-
bile computer systems that run with plications simulation and analysis in
the iOS 12 and Android based operat- such fields of science and technology
ing systems. as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math-
matics, Computer Science, Control Sys-
In addition to be capable of performing
tems, Game Theory and Robotics.
all the standard scientific calculation in
a command line mode, MAXYM is addi- So, with all this potential computing
tionally capable of performing live alge- power at your finger tips, why aren’t
braic calculations and also has an on you actively and regularly making use
demand equation editor that instantly of MAXYMA?
pops up upon demand.
MAXYMA and its associated PDF oper-
Moreover, the fully customizable pro- ating manuals can be quickly and eas-
grammable user interface allow its us- ily downloaded from the SOURCE-
ers to preform integral, differential, par- FORGE web-page by going to
tial differential, complex variable, Lapla-
MA web-page.
Like the irrational numbers, there are
To contact this author go to the below mathematical functions that also pro-
web-sites: duce infinite expansion series of num-
TWITTER: @DrBitetto
drmarcobitetto The two cases in point come from the
infinite expansion series produced by
the functions of the Taylor and Mc Lo-
ren series of infinite expansions.
Below are two mathematical equations
that represent the Taylor series of infi-
nite expansions.
Dr. Marco Bitetto
Next we see below an example of the To correspond with this author go to
Mc Loren series infinite expansion in the below listed web-sites:

TWITTER: @DrBitetto
The Taylor series of infinite expansions
FA C E B O O K :
are typically used to compute trigomet-
ric functions (i.e. Sin, Cosin, Tan).
FA C E B O O K :
There are also other types of infinite ex-
pansions that are commonly used. LLC
One is the approximating value of Pi
FA C E B O O K :
and the other is an approximating
value of the Lagrange equation.
FA C E B O O K :
Can you work out problems using
these infinite series expansions? ine

FA C E B O O K : Mathematical Aspects of the World
Dr. Marco Bitetto

Some readers may have suspected that

there are underlying patterns of regular-
ity in every phenomena around them
and their precisely correct.

The cases of this regularity that we will later point in time. Whereas, an induc-
be exploring are in the area of passive tor stores current that can be gradu-
electronic devices electrical behavior ally released at a later point in time as
and the mechanical rules that govern well.
gearing operations in all sorts of ma-

Now its time to explore the machanical

The first two cases of regularity pat- rules that govern gear operations in all
terns that we shall examine deal with sorts of machines. The first rule is a
the electrical behavior of capacitors mathematically defined rule that is
and inductors. Capacitors are passive used to determine the optimal number
electronic devices that store electrical of teeth any gear can have. The sec-
charges that can be slowly release at a ond mathematical rule is used to deter-
mine how to match different size gears
to gain machanical advantage.
The read may now commence having
fun with these derived integral equa-
tions and start mixing and matching
various configurations of the items dis-
cussed in this article.

To correspond with this author go to

the below listed web-sites:
Have fun and see how many rules you
can discover.
TWITTER: @DrBitetto

FA C E B O O K : Numbers Everywhere
Dr. Marco Bitetto
FA C E B O O K :
With the ubiquity of computers in our
FA C E B O O K : world, we often take them for granted and don’t fully realize their full benefi-
dios cial effects.
FA C E B O O K :
Moreover, the IOT (Internet Of Things)
makes these computerized devices
ever more necessary for us to use on
an ever increasing amount of time
throughout the day and night. These
marvels of technology never sleep and
are on called whenever we need them.

All these marvelous machines turn the They are even able to remotely meas-
world into a stream of numbers that are ure the size of rooms and objects us-
transmitted, memorized and edited ing either LASER pulses, active SO-
upon demand. NAR, or active RADAR pulses.

Our video inputs to these marvelous de- Given all this, it’s no wonder that in-
vices are turned into a stream of binary creasingly the World Wide Web re-
(series of one’s and zero’s) numbers quires ever increasing amounts of net-
that they routinely memorize. work processing power and data stor-
age ability.

They even memorize the binary

streams that represent our spoken In fact, the demands on these re-
words. sources are growing exponentially on a
month by month basis.

Some even record our very finger

prints and pulse rate as well. Remember these facts when you next
connect to anyone of the Myriad of so-

cial media web sites available on the FA C E B O O K :
World Wide Web.
To correspond with this author go to
the below listed web-sites: By
Dr. Marco Bitetto
TWITTER: @DrBitetto
FA C E B O O K : As we have seen in the past articles that you have read, we know of two
o and three dimensional plottings and
also N-dimensional Reimannian map-
FA C E B O O K :
pings as well.
F A C E B O O K : Now you will learn about Hamiltonians and the mathematical work of Hamilton
dios himself.

Hamiltonians or as they are more com- To correspond with this author go to
monly know as Quaternians are N- the below listed web-sites:
special mappings of points and vectors
that are typically differentiated by color
coding. TWITTER: @DrBitetto
FA C E B O O K :
Like Reimannain point mappings, Qua-
ternians make use of imaginary num-
bers to represent each coordinate of FA C E B O O K :
each point.
FA C E B O O K :
This type of mathematics is ubiquitous
in the field of computer graphics and
computer animation.
Can you imagine such plottings in your

FA C E B O O K : and software based attractor neural net- works all could never exist without the
rsita-di-Engegneria-e-Scienza mathematical ground work that forms
their very rudimentary foundations.

The Mathematical Foundations of Artifi-

cial Intelligence Even the simplest of software based at-
tractor neural networks make use of
both binary operators that compute the
Dr. Marco Bitetto resultant outputs based upon the in-
puts to a matrix of mathematically ab-
stracted simulated neurons in a concur-
Few people realize that the entirety of rent fashioned. Which means that all
the field of Artificial Intelligence owes attractor neural networks that are soft-
its existence and functionality to the ware based must make use of various
foundations of mathematical theories sorts of matrix operations to enable
and abstractions. their concurrent computational proc-
essing of inputs to produce outputs
and also remember the conditional con-
The different specialties of artificial in- nectivity matrix states of the software
telligence such as algorithmic systems
based attractor neural network in ques- I shall start with the abstraction called
tion. recursion. The process of recursion is
simplistically defined as any type of op-
eration that uses its current input to
Furthermore, there are an additional generate an output that is in turn the in-
six different types of mathematical ab- put for the next output and is done on
stractions that form the functional foun- in a repetitive operation.
dation of modern day artificial intelli-
gence as a whole.
The process of recursion can be done
on both an algorithmic and mathemati-
These six areas of abstractions are re- cal basis. An example of the algo-
cursion, quaturnians, set theory, group rithmic variation is the conditionally
theory and ring theory in their entirety. controlled loop programmatic control
structures of any computer program-
ming language. Whereas, three exam-
Let me now briefly describe each and ples of recursive mathematical opera-
every one of these areas of mathemati- tions are the operations that are de-
cal abstraction one at a time. fined by the mathematical functions of
pseudo-random number generation,

sine and cosine trigonometric transen- tic definition of a group are any set of
dental operations. numbers that demonstrate closure and
finiteness by use of the defining mathe-
matical operators or mathematical func-
The abstract concept of a set can very tions. Where, simple examples of
crudely be simplistically defined as any mathematical operators are the proc-
collection of numbers whose member- esses of addition, subtraction, division
ship is defined by a set of mathemati- and multiplication. A common and sim-
cal any collection of numbers that can ple example of a function that demon-
be grouped together. Examples are the strates the ability to produce closure is
set of all positive integers, the univer- the pseudo-random number operation
sal set and the null set. Where the set itself.
of all possible integers is exactly what
its name says. The universal set is an
infinite set of all possible number fami- The next and final mathematical ab-
lies (i.e. Real, imaginary, positive num- straction that we shall look at is that of
bers, negative numbers, etc…). mathematical rings. Mathematical
rings are most crudely and simplisti-
cally defined as any collection of num-
This is in contrast to the definition of a bers that demonstrates the property of
mathematical group. A crude simplis- repetitive sequencing in a cyclic fash-
ioned. Examples of mathematical func- FA C E B O O K :
tions that produce mathematical ring
structures are the transendental func- o
tions of sine, cosine and the function
FA C E B O O K :
of pseudo-random number generation
FA C E B O O K :
All of the forementioned mathematical
abstractions represent the fundamental dios
ground work of all forms of artificial in-
FA C E B O O K :
telligence based technologies in use to-
To correspond with this author go to
the below listed web-sites:

TWITTER: @DrBitetto

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