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Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)

Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC

Course Title : Public Course Code : MAEC-01

Maximum Marks: 30

What do you mean by Returns to scale? Explain the different conditions of returns to scale .

What is Law of Demand? What are the factors that influence Demand.

“The Law of demand is valid only if demand does not change”. Elucidate.

“Rent is payment for specificity” Rent is surplus over opportunity cost.” Reconcile
these two statements and explain MODERN THEORY OF RENT.

What is an income consumption curve? What does its shape indicate about the nature of a

Explain and illustrate the law of Diminishing Return. Why does the law operate?

Distinguish between perfect competition& imperfect Competition and explain the
conditions of equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition.

Critically Evaluate Riccardo Theory.

What is monopoly competition? How is price determined under monopoly

Section – B
Maximum Marks: 12

” ” ”

What is indiference curve?
What are the objective of demand forecasting

What is law of demand?

What do you understand by Consumer’s surplus.

What are the principles of profit.

Explain Income Elasticity of Demand and propersity to consume.

Cross Elasticity

What are the diferent types of Rent.

Discuss working of the law of increasing return.

What is price discrimination.

What are the Principles of interest?

Quasi Rent

What is liquidity Preference theory of Keynes?

What the objectives of firm in long term.


Ricoridian Theory of Rent

Aggregate Demand.

Aggregate Demand.

Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)

Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC

Course Title : Public Economic Course Code : MAEC-02

Maximum Marks: 30
” ” ”
Note : Long Answer Question. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all question.
All questions are compulsory
Section – A
Maximum Marks: 18

Describe the ‘Wagner’ Theory of Public expenditure

Discuss the different canons of taxations.

Discuss in detail the meaning, nature and subject matter of Public Finance.

Discuss the economic activities of Statein different Fiscal Systems.

Clarify the Public Expenditure in Welfare State.

Explain the structure and concept of budget. Also describe its major components.

Critically evaluate the policies of budgetary deficits in India.

Throw Light on the problems of public debt management in developing countries.

Explain the principle of social goods. Describe in detail the price determination of Social Goods.

Section – B
Maximum Marks: 12

” ” ”

Explain the meaning of efficiency of allocation.

Discuss the characteristics of social goods.

Explain the sources of governments revenue.

What is Debt management? .

Explain the concept of Balanced Budget multiplier.

Differentiate between Public and Private Goods.

Describe the Key features of Income Tax.

Write a note on double Taxation.

What do you understand by Public Entreprise?

Public Debt is a burden! How?

Explain the principle of Federal Finance.

What is the objective of using Zero Based Budgeting?

Describe the procedure of preparation of State budget.

What do you understand by Taxable capacity?

What is the importance of Surplus creation in Public Entreprises?

Characteristics of Social goods

Discuss the Fiscal-Reform in India.

Explain the achievements of Mixed Economy model in India.

Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)

Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC

Course Title : Labour Economics Course Code : MAEC-04

Maximum Marks: 30

Note : Long Answer Question. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all question.
All questions are compulsory
Section – A
Maximum Marks: 18

1 Explain the important elements in the evolution of the concept of social security in India.
Critically evaluate any two important screams of social security implemented by the government
of India.

Write in brief on the trade union movement in India in today's Market economy system
what future you find for Trade Union? Explain.

Mention the types and relevance of social security.

2 Why does process of wage determination and status of wages differ between agriculture,
industries and services sector in India? Critically wages whether bargaining theory and methods
of collective bargaining strategies explain this phenomenon

What are minimum wage fair wage and living wage Explain.

Describe the minimum subsistence wage of classicals.

Why does dualism exist in the labor market of developing countries? Does the existence of
technological. Dualism accelerated the process of expansion of improve sector in an economy ?
What do you understand by Man Power Planning \ Explain

Discuss three types of unemployment

Section – B
Maximum Marks: 12

” ” ”
Note : Short Answer Question. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory.

4 What do you mean by labour force participation rate now does LFPR can be measured?

What are main reasons of Industrial Disputes in India? Explain.

Explain the objective of UNDP.

5 Explain the equilibrium of labour demand and supply in a imperfectly competitive market.

What do you understand by Wage diferentials. Explain

Discuss the trend of Labour migration.

6 Whit the increase in population how occupation compositions has changes for the labour force?

Why the supply curve of Labour in backword sloping? Explain

Discuss the importance Human Resource Development.

7 Mention various forms of internal migration of labour in India.

DFiscuss the marginal productivity theory of wages.

Why Labour productivity in higher in private sector?

8 What do you mean by industrial relational/

Discuss the nature and extent of unemployment in India.

Explain Collective Bargaining.

(I.L.O.) 2
Explain the objectives of I.L.O.

Why male wage is higher than female wage normally?

Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)

Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC

Course Title : Research Method of Economics Course Code : MAEC-05

Maximum Marks: 30
” ” ”
Section – A
Maximum Marks: 18

Briefly describe the various stages involved in a research process. Explain the major
steps involved in quantitative research.

” ”

Why hypothesis testing is important for research in Economics? Discuss

various steps involved in hypothesis testing.

Define Probability Sampling. Explain various types of sampling methods.

Explain important tools used in qualitative research methodology.

Explain Regression. Why linear logarithm model is considered superior to simple linear
regression model.

Types of data and methods of data classification.

Section – B
Maximum Marks: 12
” ” ”
Note : Short Answer Question. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory

Types of data and methods of data classify-cation.

Social Science research.

Enquiry in social science research.

Mathematical Expectation.

Mathematical Expectation .

T- Test

Granger Causality Test

Standard Deviation.

Report writing .

Focus Group Discussion versus Semi Structured Interviews.



Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)

Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC
- II
Course Title : Economic Theory -II Course Code : MAEC-06

Maximum Marks: 30
” ” ”
Note : Long Answer Question. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all question. All
questions are compulsory
Section – A
Maximum Marks: 18

Write difficulties or limitations in measurement of National Income of India

Explain the meaning and working of Acceleration : what are its Limitations?.

What do you understand by ‘marginal efficiency of capital’? How does it affect

inducement of invest’?.

Section – B
Maximum Marks: 12

” ” ”
Note : Short Answer Question. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All questions are compulsory

Explain the concept “Inflationary Gap’.

Explain the principal fuction of a Central Bank.

The demand for money is a demand for real balances. Discuss.

Give a critical account of Keynes’s views on trade cycles.

” ” ”

The question of income distribution is logically prior to the question of the ideal output.
(I.M.D. Little) discus.

Write a short note on demonstration effect.

Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)

Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC

Subject Title : International Economic Course Code : MAEC-07

Maximum Marks: 30

Note: Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.
Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.
Section - A

Maximum Marks: 18

1. ”
How does Heckscher Ohlin Theory logically explains International Trade
between contries? Explain the conditions for factor price equalization Theorem.

Explain Haberler's theory of International trade. Does the theory of comparative Costs apply in to days
monopolistic competition market? Elucidate.

Examine the arguments in favour of free trade.

2. ”

Explain the theoretical behind goverrment intervention for Interntional Trade.
Under the ideology of free trade Organization, what is the relevance of
government intervention?

Give arguments for and against the coming of Foreign Capital. Should foreign capital be given access in
detail sector of India? Discuss.

Explain the objectives of European Exonomic Community.


What do you Understand by exchange Rate? How many types of exchange Rate
are these? Explain the role of monetary and Fiscal policies in maintaining the
balance of internal and external sector of an economy through suitable

Discuss Expenditure Reducing and Expenditure switching policies to combat disequilibrium in

Balance of Payments of a country.

What is the genesis of the problem of international liquidity?

Section – B

Maximum Marks: 12

” ” ”
Note: Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory.
Explain Reciprocal Demand Theory through suitable diagrams.

Income Terms of Trade.

Critically examine the role of multinational corporations in India.

5. Why
import substitution and export Promotion is used in the trade policy.

Mill's theory of Reciprocal demand.

The concept of Regional Trade Agreements and European Union.

What are the reasons for inbalance in balance of payment? How does
the adjustment process works in case of balance of payment?

Optimum Tariff.

Comparative cost theory.

7. ” 2
Explain the status of external debit in the Indian context.

World Economic Meltdown of 2007 and European Sovereign Debt crisis.

Terms of Trade of trade giving the method to measure net barter terms
of trade and gross barter terms of trade and gross barter terms of
trade. of a country.

8. 2
Explain the short term and long term international capital transfers.

World Trade Organization.

Foveign Trade policy What are the arguments in favour of protection? What
kind of a foreign trade policy should a developing economy adopt.
9. ” ”
What have been the changes in the foreign trade composition lf India in the last
three decades.

Functions of World Bank.

International Bank for reconstruction and development (I.B.R.D.)

Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)

Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC

Course Title : Development of Course Code : MAEC- 08
Indian Economy

Maximum Marks: 30
” ” ”
Note : Long Answer Question. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all question.
All questions are compulsory
Section – A
Maximum Marks: 18

Explain the effects of population growth and production- level of India.

Critically evaluate the progress achieved during the plan period in Indian economy.

What are the fundamental objectives of planned economic development?

Explain the need and contribution of economic planning for the economic development of India.

What are the reasons of increase in regional implances in India? What steps are being taken by the Government
to remove it.

“The Indian growth strategy is based mainly on unbasanced growth

strategy” Discuss.

Discuss new Strategy of agriculture in India. Evaluate its success.

Describe India's 11th five year plan and critically evaluate it.

Define Poverty and discuss its various Indian measurements.

Section – B
Maximum Marks: 12

” ” ”
Note : Short Answer Question. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory

Why is vicious circle of poverty an obstacle in economic development?

How can we break the vicious circle of rural poverty in India?

Why is capital-output ratio high in Indian manufacturing sector?

Explain the concept of heavy Industry.

Explain the disguised unemployment in Indian economy.

What effects have been there on Indian agriculture due to climate change?

Explain the meaning objectives and benefits of a buffer stock

What are the main causes of income disparity in Indian economy?

Why is public expenditure rising fastly in India?

What is Industrial Complex Analysis?

What do you mean by "Tricktedown effect" of development?

Terms of Trade.

Distinguish between direct tax and indirect tax.

What do you mean by capital output ration?
Why are land reforms slow in India?

What dangers are implied increase in public expenditure?

What do you mean by Incremental capital output ration? Explain with diagramme.

What is import substitution?

vf/kU;kl (Assignment)
ijkLukrd dyk dk;ZØe ¼,e-,-½
Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)
fo"k; vFkZ”kkL= fo’k; dksM % ,Ek-,-bZ-lh-
Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC
dkslZ “kh’kZd % ifjek.kkRed fof/k;k¡ dkslZ dksM % ,e-,-bZ-lh- &03
Course Title : Quantitative methods Course Code : MAEC-03
vf/kdre vad % 30
Maximum Marks: 30
uksV % nh?kZ mRrjh; iz”u A vius iz”uksa ds mRRkj 800 ls 1000 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA
Note : Long Answer Question. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all question.
All questions are compulsory
Section – A vf/kdre vad % 18
[k.M & ^v* Maximum Marks: 18

1 A monopolist who produces 2 goods has two demand function given as Q1=40-2P1+P2 and
Q2=P1-P2+15.there Q1and Q2 denotes quantities of 2 goods and P1 & P2 prices of these goods
respectively of the cost function for the monopolist is given C=Q22+Q1Q2+Q12 then calculate
the profit maximizing quantity and price for both good. Explain how hessian Matrix will be
constructed in this case.
,d ,dkf/kdkjh tks nks oLrqvksa dk mRiknu djrk gS] ds fy;s ekax Qyu Q1=40-2P1+P2 vkSj Q2=P1-P2+15
ds :Ik esa fn;s gq;s gS A ;gk¡ Q1 rFkk Q2 nksuksa oLrqvksa dh ek=k RkFkk P1 ,oa P2 mu oLrqvksa dh dher dks
n’kkZrk gSA ekuk fd ,dkf/kdkjh dk ykxr Qyu C=Q22+Q1Q2+Q12 ds :I esa fn;k gqvk gSA bl fLFkfr esa
ykHk vf/kdre djus okys mRiknu Lrj RkFkk mlds vuq:I dher Lrj dh x.kuk dhft;sA bl lUnHkZ esa
gsfl;u vkR;wg fdl izdkj n’kkZ;k tk; ;g Hkh le>kb;sA
What is production function? Discuss the relationship between Total Product, Average Product &
Marginal product through Law of Variable Propotions?
mRiknu Qyu ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ dqy mRikn] vkSlr mRikn rFkk lhekUr mRikn ds chp
ifjorZu”khy vuqikrksa ds fu;e ds lUnHkZ esa lEcU/k dh O;k[;k dhft,\

2 On the basis of the table given below.

Construct a laspeyre`s index for the year 1995 to 1997 by taking 1995 as base year.
Explain which method is the most suitable method of constructing appropriate index number.
1995 1996 1997
Things Rate Tour Rate Tour Rate Tour
Shoe 52 3.2 56.00 3.8 61.00 3.6
Shirt 33 4.4 37.70 4.7 39.10 5.1
Glass 18 6.1 20.45 6.4 23.50 6.2
Biscuits 4.80 8.7 4.85 8.5 4.70 7.9
1995 dks vk/kkj o”kZ ekurs gq;s fuEu ds vk/kkj ij
¼d½ 1995 ls1997 ds fy;s ySLih;j lwpdkad dh x.kuk dhft;sA
¼[k½ le>kb;s fd leqfpr lwpadkd cukus gsrq dkSu lh fof/k lcls mi;qDr gS\

Porve that ¼fl) djks fd½ %
a b c
a2 b2 c2 = (a-b) (b-c) (c-a) (ab+bc+ca)
bc ac ab

3. Solve the below.

Given linear programming model in X1 and X2
Maximize Y = 45X1 + 55X2
6X1 + 4X2 < 120
180 > 10X2 + 3X1
X1 > 0
X2 > 0
jSf[kd izksxzkeu ekMy dh mi;ksfxrk dks le>krs gq;s fuEufyf[kr jSf[kd izksxzkeu ekMy dks X1 vkSj X2esa
gy dhft;sA

If : x2+3x2y+6xy2+y3 = Calculate dy
;fn x2+3x2y+6xy2+y3 = 1 rks dy Kkr dhft,A

Section – B vf/kdre vad % 12

[k.M & ^c* Maximum Marks: 12

uksV % y?kq mRrjh; iz”u A iz”uksa ds vius mRRkj 200 ls 300 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA
Note : Short Answer Question. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory
α α
4 For a given Cobb Douglas Predication function Q = AL K1- ; α>0, prove that it is
homogeneous of degree1.
;g fl) dhft;s fd dkWo Mxyl mRiknu Qyu Q= ALX K1-X; X>0,dksfV ,d dk le?kkr Qyu gksrk gSA
“Fishers Index is known as ideal index Number

5 Mention the role of initial condition in solving differential equation. How does the second order
differential equation help in examining the stability of equilibrium?
fdlh vodyu lehdj.k dks gy djus esa izkajfHkd ‘krZ dk D;k egRo gksrk gS\ larqyu dh fLFkjrk ds
ijh{k.k gsrq f}rh; dksfV dk vodu lehdj.k fdl izdkj egRoiw.kZ gS\
Cireular Test
pØh; ijh{k.k
6 Briefly explain Eigen value and Eigen Vector.
laf{kIr esa vkbxueku rFkk vkbxu lfn’k dks le>kb;sA

Time reversal Test

le; mRØkE;rk ijh{k.k

7 Differentiate between unconstrained and constrained optimization. Also mention and coefficient
of optimization.
vizfrcfU/kr rFkk izfrcfU/kr vuqdwyrehdj.k dh /kkj.kk esa varj Li”V djrs gq;s bldh ‘krksZa dks le>kb;sA
Factor reversal Test
rRo mRØkE;rk ijh{k.k

8 What are advantages of standard deviation and coefficient of varieties in measurement of

eqnzk iwfrZ esa ifjorZu fdu dkjdksa ;k ijfuHkZj djrk gS] mYys[k dhft;sA
Cobb Douglas Prodnction Function.
dkc Mxyl mRiknu Qyu

9 Mention the cause and components of change in many supply of the economy.
Least Squre Method
U;wure oxZ fof/k
vf/kU;kl (Assignment)
ijkLukrd dyk dk;ZØe ¼,e-,-½
Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)
fo"k; vFkZ”kkL= fo’k; dksM % ,Ek-,-bZ-lh-
Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC
dkslZ “kh’kZd % {ks=h; vkfFkZd fodkl ,oa fu;kstu dkslZ dksM % ,e-,-bZ-lh- &09
Course Title : Regional Economic Development Course Code : MAEC-09
and Planning
vf/kdre vad % 30
Maximum Marks: 30
uksV % nh?kZ mRrjh; iz”u A vius iz”uksa ds mRRkj 800 ls 1000 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA
Note : Long Answer Question. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all question.
All questions are compulsory
Section – A vf/kdre vad % 18
[k.M & ^v* Maximum Marks: 18

1- feMZy dk {ks=h; lao`f) ekMy le>kb;sA 6

Explain the price determination in monopolistic market.
,dkf/kd`r izfr;ksfxrk ds ewY;& mRiknu lkE; dh rqyuk (a) iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk (b) ,dkf/kdkj
izfr;ksfxrk ds lkE; ls dhft,A
Compare price-output equilibrium under monopolistic competition with that
undr (a) perfect competition (b) monopoly.
{ks=h; fo’kerk dh O;k[;k dhft,A {ks=h; fo’kerk dks nwj djus dh uhfr dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the regional disparity. Discuss policy measures to remove regional

2- fodsUnzh;d`r fu;kstu ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ ftys Lrj ij bldh D;k Hkwfedk gS\ 6
What is meant by decentralized planning? What is its role at district level?
c`gn iSekus ij mRiknu ls gkus okyh fofHkUu ferO;;rka, ,oa vferO;;rk,a dk fooj.k nhft,A \ 6
What are different economies and diseconomies at large scale producton?
feMZy ds pØh; dk;Zdkj.k fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A 6
Critically examine the myrdal’s Theory of the cumulative causation.

3- ,dkf/kd`r cktkj esa ewY; fu/kkZj.k le>kb;sA 6

Explain the price determination in monopolistic market.
fodkl ds uhps fjlko izHkko fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft, 6
Critically examine the trickle down theory of development.
Hkkjr ds izeq[k izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dks Li’V dhft, A Hkkjr ds fofHkUu jkT;ksa esa bu lalk/uksa dh
izeq[krk crkb;sA
Explain Principal Natural resources of India. Highlight allocation of these resources
among the State sof India.

Section – B vf/kdre vad % 12

[k.M & ^c* Maximum Marks: 12

uksV % y?kq mRrjh; iz”u A iz”uksa ds vius mRRkj 200 ls 300 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA
Note : Short Answer Question. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory
4- pkyw [kkrs ,oa iw¡th [kkrs esa D;k vUrj gS\ 2
What is the difference between current account and capital account?
{ks=h; fodkl vFkZ”kkL= dh ifjHkk’kk ,oa {ks= ds ckjs esa ppkZ dhft,A 2
Define and discuss scope of regional development economics.
,dkf/kdkj D;k gS\ ,dkf/kdkj esa dher vkSj mRiknu dk fu/kkZj.k fd;k izdkj gksrk gS\ 2
What is Monopoly | How are price and output determined under monopoly?

5- LFkkuh;dj.k dk D;k vFkZ gS \ 2

What is the meaning of Localisation ?
dsUnzh; LFky fl)kUr D;k gS\
What is central place theoream?
Hkkjr esa {ks=kh; vkfFkZd fu;kstu dh O;k[;k dhft,A 2
Define regional development planning in India.

6-z dsUnzh;dj.k dh ferO;f;rk,¡ crkb;sA 2

Explain the economics of centralization.
feMZy ds LizsM ,oa cSdok”k izHkko dh O;k[;k dhft,A ;s fdl izdkj {ks=h; fu;kstu dks izHkkfor
dj ldrs gSaA 2
Explain Myrdal’s spread and backwash effects. How does it can influence regional

Hkkjr esa d`f"k ,oa d`f"k uhfrA 2
Agriculture and Agriculture Policy in India.

7- vkS|ksfxd dkEysDl fo”ys’k.k D;k gS\ 2

What is Industrial Complex Analysis?
^{ks=^ “kCn ls vki D;k le>rs gS\a {ks= ds dk;kZRed oxhZdj.k dh ppkZ dhft,A
What do you mean by term ‘region’ ? Discuss functional classification of regions.
Hkkjr dh ;kstuk,a ,oa vkfFkZd fodkl o lkekftd vU;k; 2
Economic Growth and Social Injustice in Indian Plans.
8- {ks=h; fodkl ds lwpd crykb;sA 2
Explain the indicators of regional development.
mRikn fofo/krk ls vki D;k le>rs gS\a mRikn fofo/krk ,dkf/kdkfjdk izfr;ksfxrk ds ewY; ,oa
mRikn lkE; esa D;k ;ksxnku gSA 2
What is product differentiation? What role does it play in the determining price and output under
monopolistic competition?
g'kZeSu dk fl)kUr 2
Hirschman's Principle.

9- vknku&iznku fo”ys’k.k dk D;k egRo gS\ 2

What is the importance of Input-Output Analysis?
lkE;koLFkk ,oa vlkE;koLFkk fl)kUr D;k gS\ foospuk dhft,A 2
What is equilibrium and dis-equlibrium principle? Explain.
y?kq fyf[k,&
¼v½ LFkkuh;dj.k ¼c½ izknsf”kd fodkl ds fl)kUr 2
Write a short notes on (a) Localistaion (b) theory at regional development.
vf/kU;kl (Assignment)
ijkLukrd dyk dk;ZØe ¼,e-,-½
Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)
fo"k; vFkZ”kkL= fo’k; dksM % ,Ek-,-bZ-lh-
Subject : Economics Subject Code : MAEC
dkslZ “kh’kZd % izcU/kdh; vFkZ'kkL= dkslZ dksM % ,e-,-bZ-lh- &10
Course Title : Management Economics Course Code : MAEC-10
vf/kdre vad % 30
Maximum Marks: 30
uksV % nh?kZ mRrjh; iz”u A vius iz”uksa ds mRRkj 800 ls 1000 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA
Note : Long Answer Question. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all question.
All questions are compulsory
Section – A vf/kdre vad % 18
[k.M & ^v* Maximum Marks: 18

1. Discuss the objectives of Managerial economics. How for the study of managerial economics
in the decision making process?
çcU/kdh; vFkZ’kkL= ds mn~ns”;ksa dh foospuk dhft;sA fu.kZ;u çfØ;k esa ;g dgk¡ rd mi;ksxh gS\
Discuss the nature and scope of Managerial Economics.
izcU/kdh; vFkZ”kkL= dh izd`fr ,oa {ks= dk o.kZu dhft,A

2. Explain the laws of returns with the help of a suitable diagrams?

mi;qDr fp= dh lgk;rk ls çfrQy ds fu;eksa dh O;k[;k dhft,\
Critically examine the different methods of demand fore casting with suitable illustration.
mi;qDr mnkgj.kksa dh lgk;rk ls ek¡x iwokZHkkl ds fofHkUu i)fr;ksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k

3. “demand curve has a downward trend towards right”.

ek¡x iwokZuqeku dh vko’;drk D;ksa iM+rh gS\ O;k[;k dhft;sA
Discuss the cost concepts and its classification. Explain its role in managerial decision.
ykxr ds fl)kUr ,oa oxhZdj.k dks le>kb;sA izcU/kdh; fu.kZ;ksa esa bldh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu

Section- B
[k.M&Ck vf/kdre vad % 12
Maximum Marks: 12
uksV % y?kq mRrjh; iz”u A iz”uksa ds vius mRRkj 200 ls 300 “kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz”u vfuok;Z gSA
Note: Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words each. Answer all questions.
All questions are compulsory.

4. Give the scope of Managerial Economics?

çcU/kdh; vFkZ”kkL= ds {ks= dks crkb,\
How output and price decision are taken in Monopoly?

,dkf/kdkj esa ewY; ,oa mRiknu dk fu.kZ; dSls fy;k tkrk gS\

5. Discuss the different types of Costs?

fofHkUUk çdkj dh ykxr dk foospu dhft,\
Theories of Business cycles .
O;kikj pØ ds fl)kUrA

6. “Profit is the reward for risk taking” Explain?

^^ykHk tksf[ke mBkus dk iwjLdkj gS** o.kzu dhft,\
What is indifferent cureve analysis?
rVLFkrk oØ fo”ys’k.k D;k gS\

7. What is Monopoly? Explain determination of price under monopoly?

,dkf/kdkj D;k gS\,dkf/kdkj ds vUrxZr ewY; fu/kkZj.k dks crkb,\
What is economy and diseconomy of scale?
eki dh ferO;f;rk vkSj vferO;f;rk D;k gS\

8. What is Business Cycle? Explain

O;olk; pØ D;k gS\
Perfect Competition.

9. Now National Income is measured?

jk"Vªh; vk; dSls ekih tkrh gS\
Measurement of National Income.
jk’Vªh; vk; dk ekiu

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