Waste-Water Treatment

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Maintaining the quality of air and soil, Waste-water treatment

providing flood and disease control,

Ecosystems such as wetlands filter
or pollinating crops are some of the
effluents, decompose waste through
‘regulating services' provided by
the biological activity of
ecosystems. They are often invisible
microorganisms, and eliminate
and therefore mostly taken for
harmful pathogens.
granted. When they are damaged,
the resulting losses can be substantial Erosion prevention and maintenance
and difficult to restore. of soil fertility

Local Climate Air Quality Vegetation cover prevents soil

erosion and ensures soil fertility
Ecosystems influence the local
through natural biological processes
climate and air quality. For example,
such as nitrogen fixation. Soil erosion
trees provide shade whilst forests
is a key factor in the process of land
influence rainfall and water
degradation, loss of soil fertility and
availability both locally and
desertification, and contributes to
regionally. Trees or other plants also
decreased productivity of
play an important role in regulating
downstream fisheries.
air quality by removing pollutants
from the atmosphere. Erosion prevention and maintenance
of soil fertility
Carbon sequestration and storage
Vegetation cover prevents soil
Ecosystems regulate the global
erosion and ensures soil fertility
climate by storing greenhouse gases.
through natural biological processes
For example, as trees and plants
such as nitrogen fixation. Soil erosion
grow, they remove carbon dioxide
is a key factor in the process of land
from the atmosphere and effectively
degradation, loss of soil fertility and
lock it away in their tissues.
desertification, and contributes to
Moderation of extreme events decreased productivity of
downstream fisheries.
Ecosystems and living organisms
create buffers against natural Pollination
disasters. They reduce damage from
Insects and wind pollinate plants and
floods, storms, tsunamis, avalanches,
trees which is essential for the
landslides and droughts.
development of fruits, vegetables
and seeds. Animal pollination is an  The principal objective of
ecosystem service mainly provided by ecosystem management is the
insects but also by some birds and efficient maintenance and
bats. In agro-ecosystems, pollinators ethical use of natural
are essential for orchard, resources. It is a multifaceted
horticultural and forage production, and holistic approach which
as well as the production of seed for requires a significant change in
many root and fibre crops. Pollinators how the natural and human
such as bees, birds and bats affect 35 environments are identified
percent of the world’s crop
production, increasing outputs of
around 75% of the leading food crops Several approaches to effective
worldwide. ecosystem management engage
conservation efforts at both a local or
Biological control
landscape level and involves:
The activities of predators and adaptive management, natural
parasites in ecosystems that act to resource management, strategic
control populations of potential pest management, and command and
and disease vector. control management.
Regulation of Water Flow Adaptive management is based on
the concept that predicting future
Water flow regulation is a key service
influences/disturbance to an
provided by land cover and
ecosystem is limited and
configuration, but its dynamics are
unclear.Therefore, the goal of
poorly understood by most policy
adaptive management is to manage
makers and land management
the ecosystem so it maintains the
greatest amount of ecological
Ecosystem management is a process integrity, but also to utilize
that aims to conserve major management practices that have the
ecological services and restore ability to change based on new
natural resources while meeting the experience and insights.
socioeconomic, political and cultural
The term natural resource
needs of current and future
management is frequently used
when dealing with a particular
resource for human use rather than Command and control
managing the whole ecosystem.A management utilizes a linear
main objective of natural resources problem solving approach
management is the sustainability for where a perceived problem is
future generations, which appoints solved through controlling
ecosystem managers to balance devices such as laws, threats,
natural resources exploitation and contracts and/or agreements.
conservation over long-term
OF 2000
Strategic management encourages
 In partnership with
the establishment of goals that will
stakeholders, the law aims to
benefit the ecosystem while keeping adopt a systematic,
socioeconomic and politically comprehensive and
relevant issues in mind. ecological solid waste
management program that
 Strategic management differs shall ensure the protection of
from other types of ecosystem public health and
management because it keeps environment. The law ensures
stakeholders involved and proper segregation,
relies on their input to develop collection, storage, treatment
and disposal of solid waste
the best management strategy
through the formulation and
for an ecosystem. Similarly to adaptation of best eco-waste
other modes of ecosystem products.
management, this method REPUBLIC ACT 9275 PHILIPPINE
places a high level of CLEAN WATER ACT OF 2004
importance on evaluating and  The law aims to protect the
country's water bodies from
reviewing any changes,
pollution from land-based
progress or negative impacts sources (industries and
and prioritizes flexibility in commercial establishments,
adapting management agriculture and
protocols as a result of new community/household
information. activities). It provides for
comprehensive and
integrated strategy to prevent
and minimize pollution through  The Environment Impact
a multi-sectoral and Assessment System was
participatory approach formally established in 1978
involving all the stakeholders. with the enactment of
REPUBLIC ACT 8749 PHILIPPINE Presidential Decree no. 1586 to
CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999 facilitate the attainment and
 The law aims to achieve and maintenance of rational and
maintain clean air that meets orderly balance between
the National Air Quality socio-economic development
guideline values for criteria and environmental protection.
pollutants, throughout the EIA is a planning and
Philippines, while minimizing management tool that will
the possible associated help government, decision
impacts to the economy. makers, the proponents and
REPUBLIC ACT 6969 TOXIC the affected community
SUBSTANCES, HAZARDOUS AND address the negative
NUCLEAR WASTE CONTROL ACT consequences or risks on the
OF 1990 environment. The process
 The law aims to regulate assures implementation of
restrict or prohibit the environment-friendly projects.
importation, manufacture,
processing, sale, distribution,
use and disposal of chemical https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecosystem_mana
substances and mixtures the gement
present unreasonable risk to https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi
human health. It likewise /full/10.1111/1365-2664.12016
prohibits the entry, even in
transit, of hazardous and
nuclear wastes and their http://www.fao.org/ecosystem-services-
disposal into the Philippine biodiversity/background/regulating-
territorial limits for whatever services/en/
purpose; and to provide https://www.becc.lu.se/research/conservation-
advancement and facilitate of-biodiversity-and-maintenance-of-ecosystem-
research and studies on toxic services

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