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A lesson review should include next 2 points.

#1. Lesson record (Topics, textbook pages, any other materials covered in the lesson)
#2. A piece of advice for the student

[Sample reviews]
Lesson Style: Free Talk

It was nice meeting you today, Masahiko. Your level of

English is quite good. You understood most of
my talk and could express your thoughts well.

* Topic: Eiffel Tower

We read the article on "Eiffel Tower" together and talked about it today.
He was able to read without any difficulties.
Remember to include articles with the nouns.

* Vocabulary:
Terrain (noun) = land of a particular kind
- We had to drive over some rough terrain.
- We hiked through a variety of terrains.

* Next lesson:
As discussed, if we have another class, we can read an article to help
your reading and writing.

Hope to see you again!.

Lesson Style: Textbook

*Textbook: 100 Power Topics/ Lesson 58 (Lower Intermediate)

We covered all parts of today's lesson, "Talking on the Phone".

We took turns and read the dialogue together.
He was able to read it without any difficulties, however he had a few
pronunciation problems, so we practiced some words and he adopted it
pretty quickly. We also discussed the customer service over the phone,
and compared the service qualities in Japan and in the US.

* Pronunciation:
- matter [mat-ter]
- department [di-part-ment]
- social [so-shel]

You did an excellent job today Masahiko! I believe you won't have any problems
talking on the phone in English now. Please remember what we discussed today
and keep working on your pronunciation. See you soon!

Lesson Style: On-line free material

*Website: CNN news

*Topic of the day: 11 things that make Wakayama Japan's best-kept secret

Masahiko and I read the article together, and then he explained

to me about Wakayama because he's from there! I've never had ramen before,
so I asked him how it is made and how it tastes.
I noticed that he didn't understand a few words.(see below)

* Vocabulary:
- Appetizer [ap-i-tahy-zer] = a small portion of a food/drink served
before or at the beginning of a meal to stimulate (activate) the desire to eat
- Noteworthy [noht-wur-th-ee] = worthy of notice or attention

Whip up something / whip something up = to quickly prepare something to eat
- Pete got up late, so he whipped up breakfast and left for work.

Well done Masahiko! Have a great weekend!

No show by student

*If your student didn’t show up for the lesson, please write a comment
such as…

“Masahiko was absent today.

I hope to see you next time! “

And select “Not checked” for all of the rating section.

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