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June 21, 2019

Venue: Building B, Room 401

No of Attendees: 30


1. Appreciation/ Gratitude for trust/ Confidence

2. Apologies ( Lack of teachers)
( Inconvenience/ Electricity water)
3. Class Schedule
4. School Policy;
4.1 Punctuality and Attendance
4.2 Discipline
4.3 Safe-School Zone
a. Drug-Free
b. No Bullying
c. No Smoking
d. No Collection Policy
5. Election of PTA Officers

1. The School thanked the Parents and Guardians in entrusting their Childs education in Sinalhan Integrated
High School despite of the Inconvenience and shortcoming s of the school like lacking of teachers, no
electricity and water but the school made sure in doing the way to meet the needs of the students.
2. I being the class adviser of grade 7 Masikap informed the parents/ guardians about the class schedule to
avoid late and cutting of classes.
3. The school Policies as stated in the agenda was also explained to the parents/ guardians that if there is any
cases about Safe-School Zone involving their children, parents should inform the School Principal Ms. Cristina
Pegollo, or Class adviser through texting or calling to the numbers given on the meeting, posting on social
media is strongly discouraged.
4. The following is the agreed new set of Homeroom PTA OFFICERS for the school year 2019-2020.
President: Eddie Guttierez
Vice President: Alma Medenilla
Secretary: Rose Amarante
Treasurer: Amanda Javier
Auditor: Glend Layacan
The body agreed that the PTA Projects for school year 2019-2020 are 2 stand fan and 2 ceiling fan, in order
to realize this, they agreed that each student shall contribute 150.00 and the deadline is on first week of
July. In addition to that the PTA President donated 1 ceiling fan and trash can.

Prepared by:

Nerissa B. De leon

Noted by:

MA. Cristina C. Pegollo

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