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1. Problem Determine the x1 and y1 components of the forces shown below in Fig P-001.
a. 50.33 kN, 29kN b. -35.56 kN, 35.56 kN c. -17.31 kN, -41.54 kN d. 40kN, 0

2. Three ropes are tied to a small metal ring. At the end of each rope three students are pulling, each trying to move the ring in their direction. If we look down from
above, the forces and directions they are applying are shown in Fig. 011. Find the net force on the ring due to the three applied forces.
a. 55.29 kN b. 61.77 kN c. 51.77 kN d. 53.79 kN

Situation 1
The 300-lb force and the 400-lb force shown in Fig. P-315 are to be held in equilibrium by a third force F acting at an unknown angle θ with the horizontal. Determine
the values of F and θ.
3. For F
a. 207.55 kN b. 203.22 kN c. 205.31 kN d. 198.77 kN
4. For θ
a. 99.05˚ b. 101.01˚ c. 103.06˚ d. 105.22˚

Situation 2
A parallel force system acts on the lever shown in Fig. P-236. Determine the magnitude and position of the resultant.
5. For Magnitude
a. 120 lb b. 110 lb c. 90 lb d. 100 lb
6. For d from A
a. 6ft b. 6.5ft c. 7ft d. 5.5ft

Situation 3
The cable and boom shown in Fig. P-308 support a load of 600 lb. Determine the tensile force T in the cable and the compressive for C in the boom.
7. For T
a. 439.23 lb b. 445.01 lb c. 437.65 lb d. 444.55 lb
8. For C
a. 553.33 lb b. 540.20 lb c. 537.94 lb d. 532.66 lb

Situation 4
Determine the values of α and θ so that the forces shown in Fig. P-316 will be in equilibrium.
9. For α
a. 49.77 b. 48.33 c. 44.55 d. 46.57
10. For θ
a. 27.80 b. 28.96 c. 29.87 d. 31.22

Situation 5
The system of knotted cords shown in Fig. P-317 support the indicated weights. Compute the tensile force in each cord.
11. For C
a. 420lb b. 400lb c. 380lb d. 360lb
12. For D
a. 207.06lb b. 204.77lb c. 209.76lb d. 211.97lb
13. For A
a. 841.33lb b. 846.41lb c. 849.55lb d. 851.01lb

Situation 6
Cords are loop around a small spacer separating two cylinders each weighing 400 lb and pass, as shown in Fig. P-319 over a frictionless pulleys to weights of 200 lb
and 400 lb . Determine the angle θ and the normal pressure N between the cylinders and the smooth horizontal surface.
14. For angle
a. 30 b. 50 c. 60 d. 80

15. For N
a. 460.04lb b. 458.44lb c. 445.77lb d. 453.59lb

Situation 7
Two cylinders A and B, weighing 100 lb and 200 lb respectively, are connected by a rigid rod curved parallel to the smooth cylindrical surface shown in Fig. P-329.
Determine the angles α and β that define the position of equilibrium.
16. For α
a. 24.55 b. 31.45 c. 28.99 d. 26.57
17. For β
a. 63.43 b. 65.45 c. 61.01 d. 58.55

Situation 8
18. For the system of pulleys shown in Fig. P-340, determine the ratio of W to P to maintain equilibrium. Neglect axle friction and the weights of the pulleys.
a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10
19. If each pulley shown in Fig. P-340 weighs 36 kg and W = 720 kg, find P to maintain equilibrium.
a. 96kg b. 98kg c. 94kg d. 92kg

Situation 9
The truss shown in Fig. P-349 is supported on roller at A and hinge at B. Solve for the components of the reactions.
20. For Av
a. 700 b. 720 c. 740 d. 760
21. For Bh
a. 220 b. 240 c. 260 d. 280
22. For Bv
a. 220 b. 240 c. 260 d. 280

23. A 4-m bar of negligible weight rests in a horizontal position on the smooth planes shown in Fig. P-359. Compute the distance x at which load T = 10 kN should be
placed from point B to keep the bar horizontal.
a. 1.61m b. 1.48m c. 1.55m d. 1.67m

Situation 10
From the truss in Fig. T-01, determine the force in members BC, CE, and EF.
24. For BC
a. 4.45 kN b. 71.11 kN c. 5.55 kN d. 65.33 kN
25. For CE
a. 4.45 kN b. 71.11 kN c. 5.55 kN d. 65.33 kN
26. For EF
a. 4.45 kN b. 71.11 kN c. 5.55 kN d. 65.33 kN

27. The 200-lb block shown in Fig. P-508 has impending motion up the plane caused by the horizontal force of 400 lb. Determine the coefficient of static friction
between the contact surfaces.
a. 0.88 b. 0.45 c. 0.58 d. 0.66

28. What weight W is necessary to start the system of blocks shown in Fig. P-510 moving to the right? The coefficient of friction is 0.10 and the pulleys are assumed to
be frictionless.
a. 12.22 kN b. 44.26 kN c. 32.46 kN d. 29.46 kN

29. Block A in Fig. P-515 weighs 120lb, block B weighs 200lb, and the cord is parallel to the incline. If the coefficient of friction for all surfaces in contact is 0.25,
determine the angle ϴ of the incline of which motion of B impends.
a. 32.22° b. 28.81° c. 23.44° d. 35.12°

30. In Fig. P-519, two blocks are connected by a solid strut attached to each block with frictionless pins. If the coefficient of friction under each block is 0.25 and B
weighs 2700N, find the minimum weight of A to prevent motion.
a. 5984.20 N b. 6212.20 N c. 7192.20 N d. 4522.10 N

31. A uniform ladder 4.8ft long and weighing W lb is placed with one end on the ground and the other against a vertical wall. The angle of friction at all contact
surfaces is 20°. Find the minimum value of the angle ϴ at which the ladder can be inclined with the horizontal before slipping occurs.
a. 40° b. 50° c. 45° d. 55°

32. A uniform bar AB, weighing 424N, is fastened by a frictionless pin to a block weighing 200N as shown in Fig. P-533. At the vertical wall, u = 0.268 while under the
block, u = 0.20, Determine the force P needed to start the motion to the right.
a. 510.11 N b. 446.22 N c. 377.82 N d. 429.94 N

33. In Fig. P-536, determine the minimum weight of block B that will keep it at rest while a force P starts blocks A up the incline surface of B. The weight of A is 100 lb,
and the angle of friction of all surfaces in contact is 15°.
a. 300.22 lb b. 320.11 lb c. 152.22 lb d. 273.20 lb

34. In Fig. P-537, determine the value of P just sufficient to start the 10° wedge under the 40kN block. The angle of friction is 20° for all contact surfaces.
a. 46.221 kN b. 41.231 kN c. 34.174 kN d. 37.222 kN

35. Determine the force P required to start the wedge shown in Fig. P-541. The angle of friction for all surfaces in contact is 15°.
a. 94.34 kN b. 97.22 kN c. 102.22 kN d. 84.22 kN

Situation 11
A force of 400 lb is applied to the pulley shown in Fig. P-523. The pulley is prevented from rotating by a force P applied to the end of the brake lever. If the coefficient
of friction at the brake surface is 0.20, determine the values of:
36. f
a. 200lb b. 1000lb c. 300lb d. 500lb
37. N
a. 200lb b. 1000lb c. 300lb d. 500lb
38. P
a. 200lb b. 1000lb c. 300lb d. 500lb

Situation 12
Determine the coordinates of the centroid of the area shown in Fig. P-715 with respect to the given axes.
39. X
a. 2.34 in b. 3.34 in c. 1.34 in d. 0.34 in
40. Y
a. 6.47 in b. 7.47 in c. 5.47 in d. 4.47 in

Situation 13
A slender homogeneous wire of uniform cross section is bent into the shape shown in Fig. P-716. Determine the coordinates of the centroid.
41. X
a. 3.34 in b. 2.34 in c. 0.34 in d. 1.34 in
42. Y
a. 2.48 in b. 1.48 in c. 3.48 in d. 0.48 in
Situation 14
Locate the centroid of the shaded area in Fig. P-723.
43. X
a. 34.71 mm b. 37.71 mm c. 42.71 mm d. 39.71 mm
44. Y
a. 24.39 mm b. 26.39 mm c. 28.39 mm d. 30.39 mm

Determine the moment of inertia of the T-section shown in Fig. P-819 with respect to its centroidal Xo axis.
45. Moment of Inertia
a. 290.67 in4 b. 245.67 in4 c. 270.67 in4 d. 320.67 in4

Situation 15
Determine the moment of inertia of the area shown in Fig. P-819 with respect to its centroidal axes.
46. Centroid Y
a. 4.7 in b. 5.7 in c. 6.7 in d. 7.7 in
47. Ix
a. 805.3 in4 b. 855.3 in4 c. 900.3 in4 d. 955.3 in4
48. Iy
a. 193 in4 b. 103 in4 c. 133 in4 d. 163 in4

Situation 16
Determine the magnitude of the resultant, its pointing, and its direction cosines for the following system of non-coplanar, concurrent forces. 300lb (+3, -4, +6); 400lb
(-2, +4, -5); 200lb (-4, +5, -3).
49. Resultant
a. 296.984 lb b. 322.221 lb c. 344.111 lb d. 401.254 lb
50. cosϴz
a. -0.394 b. 0.762 c. -0.514 d. 0.478
51. ϴx
a. -0.394 b. 0.762 c. -0.514 d. 0.478
52. ϴy
a. -0.394 b. 0.762 c. -0.514 d. 0.478

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