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University of business studies

Faculty of information technology and design

Graphic design

Elements of Design

Milena Mićić, ma Simona Jovanović (V-540/17)

Banja Luka, Januar 2019.
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................... 3
LINE ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
SCALE............................................................................................................................................................. 5
COLOR ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
REPETITION ................................................................................................................................................... 7
NEGATIVE SPACE ........................................................................................................................................... 8
SYMMETRY .................................................................................................................................................... 9
TRANSPARENCY........................................................................................................................................... 10
CONSTRAST ................................................................................................................................................. 11
TYPOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................................................. 12
RANDOMNESS ............................................................................................................................................. 13
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................... 14


In this paper I will talk about elements and principles of a graphic design. Before all, it is very
important to mention what graphic design really is. Graphic design is the process of visual
communication and problem solving through the use of typography,photography and
illustration. Graphic design is also called visual communication and communication design. For
over centuries graphic design is present in various number of shapes,but in 20th and 21st
centry it gets a real and modern shape. Graphic design is all over us and nowadays it is
unbelievable to imagine world without visual communication. Great success and funcionality of
graphic design is based on well-established elements and principles. There are ten main
elements and principles. I will pay attention on each one of them.


Line is one of the most important elements when it comes to the visual communication. Using
various shapes of lines helps to show all kinds of expressions and ideas. For example straight
lines can evoke order and neatness,wavy can create movement and zig-zagged lines on the
other side can imply tension or exictement. There are also “leading lines” that are commonly
used in photography and posters making ,and how its name say, they lead the eye. Strong use
of lines is a very important way to improve and stylise your illustrating skills. It is also very
important to experiment with lines and on that way you can make great design with using just
this simple, yet teriffic element.


Scale is the deliberate sizing of individual elements. It helps to make sense of design and
images. Scale is used to emphasize some elements and on that way it helps viewers to easily
understand your drawing. Scale can be based on realism when you draw elements that are
naturally bigger than the other ones,but you can size elements dramatically large or small to
create effects and to accent which part of your design is important and which are less.


Color as an element of design and visual communication is there from the very beginning and it
is very important. Color is used to create specific moods,atmospheres,channels emotions and
each shade has certain specific connotations associated with it. Color can improve your design
very easily,but on the other hand unparticular choice of colors can send the wrong message
that does not follow your main idea.Color is very important element in creating identity for a
certain brand and design product. Color isn’t a principle simply limited to branding elements
though, color expands into everything, even photographs.


Main functon of repetition is to tie individual elements together. This is a crucial element when
it comes to branding design,both in terms of keeping your branding design,both in terms of
keeping your branding consistent and in terms of tying items together. It is very important
element in creating patterns and textures. Repetition is the use of similar or connected pictorial
elements: similar shapes,color or lines that are used more than once. It can be regular or
irregular or uneven. It can be in form og radation,where the repeated elements spreads out
from a central point and in the form of gradation where the repeated elements slowly smaller
or larger.


This element is simply a space in between. It is an area between or around other elements. If
you use nagative space strategically and cleverly it can help to create truly stunning and clever
designs. Not onlu doest it define the limits of objects but also creates the necessary bonds
between them according to Gestalt principles and builds up effective visual performance. Due
to that white space is a rightful design element that has a big impact on positive user
experience. Negative space in graphic design is often seen in logos,on illustration,posters and
creative lettering where it becomes and active part of the visual presentation making key
objects even more expressive.


Symmetry creates balance and balance in design creates harmony,order and aesthetic. This is
the one of the fundimental principles. Symmetry in design can also be boring and static,so it is
very important to know how to use it. It has to be used effectively due to make things more
interesting. There are three types of symmetry in design: rotational (radial),reflection(bilateral)
and translational symmetry. Each can be used in design to create strong points of interest and
visual stability. On the other side there is asymmetry which is basically the lack of symmetry. It
can also represent an object that breaks predefined pattern of symmetry,or an imbalance of
design elements. Symmetry is great for patterns,background,general layout,content…
Asymmetry is effective in drawing attention and breaking monotony.


This element is also known as opacity. It refers to how "see-through" an element is. The lower
your opacity,the lighter and less noticeable your element is, and the higher it is the more solid
the element is.
The adjusting and playing with transparency effects can allow you to emphasise your layers and
shapes in a unique way.
It is also a great tehnique for generating a sense of movement in static images.


Contrast as an element of design is basically the degree of difference between two elements of
your design. Constrast occurs when two elements on a page are different. For example,it could
be different colors between the text and the background color. It could be a heading set in a
big,bold,grungy font combined with thin,small font for the body text. It also can be a difference
between a large graphic and a small graphic or it could be a rough texture combined with a
smooth texture.
The important thing about contrast is that the elements should be completely different.
One of the most important reasons to use contrast in your designs,wheter for print or web is to
grab attention. Also contrast aids organization of information. It creates a focus on important
things. This is one of the most effective elements of design and its use is very welcome in
creating visual communication.


Typography is the style of appereance of text. It can also refer to the art of working with text.
Typography is everywhere we look. It is in the books we read,on the websites we visit,even in
everyday life in our whole enviroment.
Typography is one of the biggest foundations of design. Type says a lot and the way you choose
to execute your type,wheter a heading or some body copy says even more.
Typography considers o many types of fonts.Some of commonly used types of fonts: serif fonts,
sans serif fonts,monospace,display fonts,handwritting,etc.
Typography is very interesting and well developed graphic element,very powerful,especially in
making posters,books design,etc.


Randomness plays a large part in design. It promotes more organic,rough and random design.
It is called “design randomness”. It has a purpose and execution. With this element you can
improve your work with dynamic and interesting disorder od elements.
Nowadays this principle is very popular and it gives opportunity to play with elements and
express more creativity. Randomness is very good and welcome if you use it wisely,just like all
the other graphic elements.
Every element in your work can be randomly positioned,but in that randomness also has to be
some order,so the work can have some kind of coherency.


Graphic design and design in general ,in my opinion,is very important nowadays,because today
and also through the history,visual communication is the main part of everyday life.
Design is all over us and it makes this world joyfull and interesting.
My intention, when I was writing this paper, was to point out importance of these
elements,which I find very helpful and interesting in my education,speaking as future graphic
Following these elements and principles you can only improve your work and make it better
and more communicative.


• Alex W.White (2017): The Elements of Graphic Design, New York, United States
• Timothy Samara (2007): Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual,China
• Grozdanić, Mile. (2007): Put do knjige, Beograd: Publikum


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