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Batasan Hills, Quezon City



Student Portfolio
Submitted to the Senior High School Department
Batasan Hills National High School
IBP Road, Batasan Hills Quezon City
S.Y 2018-2019

In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Work Immersion, Academic Track
Humanities and Social Science Strand

Submitted by:
Prudenciado, Kristanelle Joy T.
12-HUMSS 1

Submitted to:
Mrs. Rutchin Nolasco

APRIL 2019

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

Letter to the Readers

This Work Immersion of my mine has been a whole new experience for a student

like me. It is not a usual day where I go to school, listening, cooperating and studying, then

go home. The President Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School it is a public school that

focuses on academics and discipline. It is a multidisciplinary school since it implements

various educational programs such as regular pupils and those with special needs.

This portfolio consists of my experiences while assisting, observing and teaching

in President Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School under the supervision of Mrs.Editha

Sagun Grade 2 adviser and Ms. Daisyrel Mallari Grade 1 adviser. From the information

about my training area up to my training experiences. You can read my journal which talks

about how I spent my 80 hours at work, how I accomplish my tasks given by my

supervisor. Also, my observations and insights on my working environment. This will

served as the overlook of my Work Immersion.

Working under new environment may be unfamiliar for me but I enjoyed it and I

learned a lot. This is a memorable experience being a first time student trainee.


Batasan Hills, Quezon City


The completion of this Work Immersion could not have been possible without the

help and guidance of the people around me. Their guidance and presence are sincerely

appreciated and I’m grateful wholeheartedly. I would like to express my deep appreciation

to the following people:

Mrs. Editha Sagun and Ms. Daisyrel Mallari; my supervisors for assisting and

guiding me throughout my time as student trainee. I’ve learned a lot of things from them

that will help in the future. I am really glad to meet them their heart is so warm in teaching


Mrs. Rutchin Nolasco; my class adviser who processed our papers and secured our

place in Work Immersion. I deeply appreciate their effort and time for us to make it at

President Corazon C. Aquino.

To my co-student trainees, classmates, family and friends who showed their love

and support. To my mama that cooked me every morning for my breakfast and lunch that

gives me energy to move forward to my productive day. It’s a big help for me to function

well, physically and mentally.

Above all, to the Great Creator, my source of strength and passion,

I’m really grateful..


Batasan Hills, Quezon City

Table of Contents


TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………… ......1

LETTER TO THE READERS………………………………………………… ...2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………… ...3

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………… .4

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………… ....5

Objectives of the Work Immersion………………………………………………. 5

Duration and Place of Training…………………………………………………....5

THE TRAINING AREA………………………………………………………… ..6

History of the Training Area………………………………………………………7

Organizational Structure…………………………………………………………..9

THE TRAINING EXPERIENCE……………………………………………… ..10

Observation and Insights…………………………………………………………18
Overall Reflection and Self-Appraisal…………………………………………...19

APPENDIXES…………………………………………………………………… .20

Daily Time Record……………………………………………………………….22
Evaluation Sheet…………………………………………………………….23-24

Batasan Hills, Quezon City


Objectives of the Work Immersion

The Work Immersion focuses the individual student in their own self

responsibilities and by giving an absolutely understanding of their interests,strengths and

weaknesses in the work imerssion. Work Immersion will guide students in their choosen

career by telling what they interest and pursuing in the future, on this they will test our

personality and attitude towards interacting other people . Moreover, this work immersion

will make the student firm in handling their choosen career they will be ready to face the

reality world on doing this.

Duration and Place of Training

The work immersion takes place on President Corazon C. Aquino Elementary

School in SB Building 1st floor on the Grade 2 classes observing, assisting and teaching all

the subjects. The duration of immersion is 7 hours from . I came to school by 5:30 am and

start in6:00 to 12:00 pm from Monday to Thursday and 6:00 am to 5:00 pm on Fridays.

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

The Training Area


Beside the House of Representatives and Batasan Complex, lies the site of PRES.

CORAZON C. AQUINO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. It currently has (1) SB Building and

(1) HB Building.

Pres. Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School started as Batasan Hills Elementary

School, an annex of Commonwealth Elementary School. It was February 14, 1981 that the

school started operating with an initial offering Grades I and II. The school population

back then numbered only 286 pupils taught by four teachers. They were led by Dr. Lorenzo

Rufin, the first principal to serve. The school was called Commonwealth Elementary

School, IBP Annex.

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

In 1982 the population increased and another two grades were added. After Dr.

Rufin, came a batch of committed teachers that contributed to the growth of the chool

namely; Ms. Angelina Mendoza, Ms. Helen Delos Santos, and Mrs. Florentina Santos.

The year 1988 marked a couple of important changes to the school. The Chinese

Chamber of Commerce donated a Chinese-Filipino Building and another wave of teachers

came as well. Led by Mrs. Nimfa Tolentiono, who unfortunately a brief stay, the grades V

and VI classes were Mrs. Luzviminda Cachuela and Mrs. Florencia C. Entice ended a

school tear with a milestone as they had their First Graduation with 56 pupils. Mrs.

Marivic D. Panganiban was the nest Principal.

In 1999, Dr. Rosario T. Honjeras arrive and during the stay, the school experienced

another growth as another 4 storey-8 classroom. Dr. Teresita L. Oriane, Mrs. Aurora L.

Caberos, Mrs. Emily M. Pelobello and Mr. Efren R. Garvida had their part in the

development of the school. The succession of principals that took place made the school

very much improved. The huge contribution of Mr, Rodolfo B. Modelo in the

improvement of the school greatly helped the school to be awarded as 2 nd Placer In APPES,

followed by the school oriented Dr. Elvira D.V. Dumlao, another building was inaugurated

at the right side of the National Congress with 29 classroom school programs and projects

were continued, the school achieve high grade level and improved very well in the NAT.

Winning a lot of Regional and Division Competitions. Followed by Dr. Milagros Luang,

then Mr. Paulino Medrano, and in 2013, Dr. Elvira D.V. Dumlao came back, she focused

on Academics and Discipline, with big accomplishments on NAT and physical

improvement, she is the principal at present.

On March 8, 2010, the Quezon City council approved the City Ordinance No. 2005

s. 2010 renaming Batasan Hills Elemntary School as Pres. Corazon C. Aquino Elementary

School in honor of an end tribute to former Pres. Corazon C. Aquino, a great leader and a

noble person.

Batasan Hills, Quezon City


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to qualify, equitable, culture-
based, and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner

Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen

Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility
for developing lifelong learners


We dream of Filipinos

Who passionately love their country

And whose competencies and values

Enable them to realize their full potential

And contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

We are learner –centered public institution,

the department of education

continuously improves itself

to better serve its stakeholders.

Batasan Hills, Quezon City


School Year Name of Principal Number of Teachers

1981-1983 Dr. Lorenzo M. Ruffin 5
1983 Helen Santos 11
1983-1987 Florentina Santos 12
1987-1988 Nimfa Tolentino 13
1988-1994 Luzviminda Cachuela 30
1994-1999 Marivic D. Panganiban 68
1999-2003 Rosario Honrejas 82
2003-2004 Teresita L. Oriane 86
2004 Aurora Caberos 86
2005 Emily M. Pelobello 86
2005-2006 Efren R. Garvida 96
2006-2008 Rodolfo B. Modelo 105
2009 Elvira DV. Dumlao 105
2010-2011 Milagros O. Luang 111
2011-2013 Paulino M. Medrano Jr. 149
2013-2015 Elvira DV. Dumlao 186
2015-2016 -do- 203
School Heads in Succession

The Training Experience

DAY O1- November 13,2018
Figure 1:

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

“ I Can do all things through

Christ who give me strength”
Philippians 4:13. Before I go to the school that we are assigned to do our work immersion I
started to pray to God to give me courage and I pray that the one who will handled me or
my adviser on that immersion will be nice and kind. On this day I assigned on the 1 st floor
building of Grade 2 students section Lansones. Those students are so cute and active.
Because on my first day I am just able to observed the students I must say that beside of
being cute of them they are really noisy will I still can handle them. I am so thankful that
on my first day I assigned to an adviser that is so kind and nice. On that day I make myself
very approachable,friendly and responsible. Also, I already know some information about
my critic adviser and we have some talks about lives that we have.

On that day I already have a given task that will do for the next days in my
immersion. In my eagerness to make it and beimg responsible . While we don’t have class I
am able to do it all and already past it the next day. I am so glad that my critic adviser ios
so happy that I make it so fast by that I gain her trust to handle more works. Thanks be to
God. Figure 2: The Medial
DAY 02- November14,2018

PATIENCE! Figure 3:
On my 2nd day at my immersion, I did my
best to go to school as much as early. I
am already time in by 5:30am and able
to be much early than to my critic
adviser. This day I just extend my help
to critic adviser. Posting manila papers
in the black board the one will be written
of the students. Collecting their
assignments and check it one by one. On
this day also, I go to the student one by
one, to stop them in doing anything so
that they can much focus on the things
that need to pass by their teacher and
assist them what to do. And I am so
touch that when there class dismissal is
already they are saying goodbye to me , hugging me and doing ‘pagmamano’ to me that I
find cute and sweet to the Grade 2 students. I am the one that will bring them to the gate
and wait their parents to fetch them. Then , I still go back to the classroom and help Ma ’am
Sagun to clean the room while she’s asking hows my day.
DAY 03-November 15,2018

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

Figure 4:
Third day, It’s
like an habit to
me now to
wake up early
and went to
school at
5:30am again.
On this day, the
students first
dance their
routine dance
before to have a
lesson. After that
while Ma’am Sagun is having a lesson. The Grade 2 Head Teacher and Ma’am Sagun give
me a task to do all the package test papers of grade 2. I need to count every of it into 40
pieces all the subject. It was really tasky because that was so many but I still give my best
to do that. Thank God I finished the task. Next, I deliver it to every classroom just in Grade
2 only. I am so blessed right after that delivery of exams my critic adviser give me a food
to eat that was so sweet. I give also a test to the section that I observes the Grade2-
Lansones. I watched them while they are taking the exam
DAY O4-November 16,2018
Figure 5:

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

It is already Friday and it’s my day 04 in my immersion. Today is PE day of my

students seeing them so cute in their dress and shirts that they prepared to wear is so cute.
This day I give them an exams to answer. I am assisting them on their exams, whatever
they ask I go to them and explained it well. I am so proud of them because they answer it
without hesitation. After that I promise that they will be having a coloring session after the
exam. After they color the drawing I check it as fast so that they will keep it . On this day, I
am able to attend also an afternoon class which Ma’am Dasiy is my critic adviser in the
grade 1 every Friday. On the afternoon I am just assigned to observed and I help Ma’am
Daisy to check the assignment and activities of my students. Looks like I am very lucky in
having a critic adviser because Ma’am Daisy is so kind and very talkative that click us
together. She able to share her dreams to her students and in her life. I will say that grade 1
students is much clingy because they still like a baby but smart and wise.

It is my first Friday that will observe in the afternoon class. They are all cute and
very active in class. Ma’am Daisyrel Mallari is one of the example of the teacher that has a
big passion in teaching. She is really focus on her students to learn well..

DAY 05- November 19,2018

Figure 6:

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

A blessed Monday morning, still I able to go as much early as I can. I started my

student duty to check the assignments of the students. I teach them how to read half of
them in class. My supervisor also give me a task to give the students an exam and check it
after. My supervisor also task me to buyu foods for the Grade 2 teachers in the Jollibee
what a great experience and I enjoy delivering the foods to the teachers one by one.

Day 06- November 20,2018

Figure 7:

this day I
assigned into other section because the adviser of that section will not be around. Well it is
okay for me to substitute for me to have other experience too. My experience on that day I
would say that slowly I already losing my voice because on the students that is so naughty
and being noisy. I feel so exhausted that day but what can I do that was little children all
they want is to play.

Day 07- November 21,2018

Figure 8:

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

This day I already here in my original assigned room. It is their exam day to all of
their subject I am watching them while answering and helping them to understand the
question. After that I am the one who is checking and recording it. I am happy that my
supervisor praise me for being responsible.
Day 08- November 22,2018
Figure 9:

It is just a normal day, but I make it more energetic and productive. I volunteer to
teach and assist the students because I already feel that Mrs. Sagun is not feeling well. I
discuss the topic that ma’am gave me. Also, to have fun before and after the lesson I think a
games to them. I make sure that they are not noisy. And I feel grateful for that experience
and that day.

Day 09-November 23,2018

Figure 10:

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

Its Friday already, and this day is their artwork and dance day. Before the class start
the class dance some children dance and sing. After that I discuss some topic to them and
they are all listening . I ask them to bring out their artr materials and make a fraction by
that. Also in the afternoon that was my last day in the afternoon I observe and assist Ms.
Mallri in checking notebooks after that we take the last picture with students. I will gonna
miss the grade 1 babies.

Day 10- November 26,2018

Figure 11:

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

It is my second to the last day in my immersion. I am assigned again in the other

section to substitute because their teacher is not around. I teach them to read and ask them
to write what is in the manila paper. All in all they are not so naughty and noisy student
maybe because they are few. But I am thankful to meet them and had fun on our different

Day 11-November 27,2018

Figure 12:

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

This is my last day in PCCAES and I am sad but it doesn’t affect my day with
Ma’am and students. I started my day with tremendous approach like I never did before.
Again, I assigned to other section of grade 2 I just teach them all of their subject and ask
them to write whatever in the manila paper. They also had an oral reading outside the
corridor with the other section. After that, before the class dismiss I go back to my original
assigned room and we take some picture to treasure and also with my supervisor Mrs.
Editha Sagun.

Observation and Insights

For the whole time I stayed at President Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School as a

student trainee, I observed few things. As a student trainee under Grade 1and 2 department,

I spent most of my time by assisting my supervisor in her things in lessons and teaching

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

when she get tired ofcourse I am willing to help, and if some teachers is not around on that


First thing I noticed, every teachers and workers of President Corazon C. Aquino

are warm and friendly. They don’t make us uncomfortable for our whole stay, especially it’s

our first time being a student trainee. You can be friendly with anyone. Personally, I am

able to show my politeness and approachable look while staying here and I got close with

some of the teachers and students, regardless of age gap.

Second, when it’s your passion no one will be get tired, as by observing on my

supervisor I saw how persistent she is in teaching those students. Taking time to teach them

to read one by one. I saw how tired ma’am is but she never say to quit. That is why my

heart was gladly lend a hand to help ma’am since I start my duty.

Third, the way they value their co-teachers , workers ,staff and student trainees..

Every teachers there is treated us equally. I believe no matter what status you have or

position in anything you have. Everyone should be dealt properly and give the best they

can offer wholeheartedly. It was just few of the things I’ve noticed, but there’s a lot of good

points in PCCAES.

At first, I’m really nervous and oblivious of the things around me and what will

happen to me. On the other hand I am so excited for the new experience that I will be

treasure forever. I learned that whatever you may do if it is your passion to do those

tiredness in your eyes is just nothing. Because the passion in everyone’s heart burn brighter

that their fears and tiredness.

Overall Reflection and Self-Appraisal

Batasan Hills, Quezon City

For overall reflection, there is one thing I’ve learned while working as student

trainee at President Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School that I will bring when I reach

my real life age. I learned how does a person should act like a professional , At first I am so

scared on what will happen but if the work is calling, you have no choice but to face it. At

first, it’s hard, given the fact that you’re still adjusting at the place and meeting new people,

but before you knew it, you already used and comfortable of everything around you. Face

your fears. It’s something that I will remember in the future whenever I hear Work


I am still a student who has a lot things to learn and to consider, and my time in

President Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School is one of the times where I actually

learned a lot of things. Some of it are lessons from my supervisors, mostly are about my

tasks, and some of it are from my own learnings, on how should I do this or finish that. I

did a lot of things that are unfamiliar with it, and I’m proud of myself that I able to do it

and get used with it. Those things may help me, maybe on unexpected times, or I may

unconsciously do it. As a student who is still unsure of what to do after high school or after

college, my time as student trainee helps me in considering things regarding to that matter.

I enjoyed a lot and learned a lot things in PCCAES, and I hope for the best of

President Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School and for all the lovely teachers, staff and

workers of that school. Godbless!

Batasan Hills, Quezon City



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